BH bonus shards [Event has not started yet]


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    I fail to see how you “lost” anything. You spent your crystals and received what the prizes were supposed to be for winning regardless of an event or not an event.

    The offer to sell was that of a chance to receive Bounty Hunter shards. I purchased their offer to sell, and the seller did not provide on the completion of the transaction. Thus voiding the fraudulent transaction, or what would have been void if this was a real transaction. But undoublty, they have a clause in their contract protecting themselves from such liability, making this really just a bad customer service experience. So has anyone had any success getting crystals back? Or will I set the standard when I call and raise ****?
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    Did you try closing the app and restarting it?
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    kshark wrote: »
    JohnAran wrote: »
    Whatever you do, do not read any of the threads on those forums ! Silly me, you surely knew that already...

    I did, and none of them talk about dealing with lost crystals.

    Then you clearly didn't read them.

    I did read them all. You’re not the God you think you are.
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    Yes but no chance to get bonus drops
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    It's due to DST. It activated in our guild for people who started the game with DST at Midnight. Others probably will get it with their daily reset at 1am...
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    We are all Germans with the same time zone. Germany has midnight now
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    BucMan55 wrote: »
    On another note, I'm going to try and post a picture of what a bonus table looks like for the next event so hopefully people will not be caught off guard.

    That’s noble of you, but if today has taught us anything it’s that many players are not so hot at checking things out in advance.
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    Did you not think after you'd gone full energy and then spent 50 crystals on a refresh and got nothing again that clearly there was as issue with the event? Should have used some common sense rather than spending even more crystals
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    It should start at your daily refresh time. That is midnight for most players, but it can vary.
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    Yes, but your clocks are currently forward an hour due to DST (and go back next month, don't forget), and the game never takes DST into account. So it will be 1am your time.

    Just like come the 28th October your arena payout will be an hour earlier. Same in the UK.
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    JohnLove11 wrote: »
    Did you not think after you'd gone full energy and then spent 50 crystals on a refresh and got nothing again that clearly there was as issue with the event? Should have used some common sense rather than spending even more crystals

    If they’ve promised to deliver, it’s not my problem - Legally nor Ethically. And this is the game where you can spend 140 Cantina energy get nothing, spend another 140 Cantina energy and get 7 Shards.
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    Sry but it‘s just again an inaccurate info given out. They just could have said with your daily reset on 9/22/2018... never getting tired of cg false info!
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    I play the game and rely on in game messages. I don’t mess with this other stuff unless there is a problem. Msg hit my box says “I may be awarded” that doesn’t sound like a usual bonus event to me, so I didn’t think to look for any other signs. The msg said it, why should I question it? I am sure if the issue were the opposite and I missed the event because I was waiting for gold icons, I’d be told I should have read the msg. Can’t win.

    CG you messed up, you admitted you messed up. Show some love to those you messed up with the error. Saying your sorry doesn’t cut it, you profited from me with your mistake. Fix it.
    Dred Zeppelin aka DrZeppersTTV Come visit DrZeppers on twitch
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    Oh an it is not like they „corrected“ their announcement 😂
    Communication in this company needs a rework aswell lol
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    kshark wrote: »
    JohnLove11 wrote: »
    Did you not think after you'd gone full energy and then spent 50 crystals on a refresh and got nothing again that clearly there was as issue with the event? Should have used some common sense rather than spending even more crystals

    If they’ve promised to deliver, it’s not my problem - Legally nor Ethically. And this is the game where you can spend 140 Cantina energy get nothing, spend another 140 Cantina energy and get 7 Shards.

    Considering they did a similar thing recently offering bonus things on nodes which had the bonus thing glowing, and had a symbol on the right side of the home screen, and that wasn't present, combined with the fact that you weren't getting anything and the millions of posts on here it doesn't take a genius to realise that it clearly hasn't started yet. I don't get how people can't see this, just seems like people want to get a whole bunch of crystals for free and this seems like the perfect opportunity
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited September 2018

    'Just to be doubly clear about TopHat’s message mentioning “through” the 26th, Bounty Hunter Bonus Drops will go live on 9/22 at midnight Player Local Time and stop at the end of the day of the 9/25.'

    We have 9/22 Midnight and still no Bonus Drop.
    Please change your announcement to UTC. There is a reason for UTC.
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    Have you changed timezones since you started playing? Or live somewhere with strange, or non existent daylight savings time?
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    I assumed this was the start of a gangster rap song and am soooo disappointed right now.
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    How about everyone stop making a new thread for each individual?
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    No and never, but we have daylight saving time and Game refresh is at 01:00 am. Without dst Game refresh is at 0:00.
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    It'll be 1am. Game never takes DST into account. Just like your arena payout will be an hour "earlier" when the clocks go back
  • five2zero
    512 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Thats the reason why communication is important and thats the reason why there is UTC.

    So 1:00 am and bonus drop is online. So PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE CG learn your lesson and use UTC
  • NerfHerderSW
    62 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    Early days for me, but out of 11 Sims, only 1 BH shard was thrown in.
    8 sims were in tier 9 where I got the shard, the other 3 were on tier 8.
    If it's a 50% drop rate, RNG really hates me.
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    Pretty much everything you’ve said has 0% relativity. First of all I completed this transaction at about 12:05 AM, when they weren’t any posts. Second of all, not only had they posted it would be starting today, when I logged in I had gotten a message that it had started today. And to the contrary of what you’ve written, the last time they did one of these events, it actually worked. And finally, this is as plain as day, an offer to sell, a sale, and failure to deliver upon sale: which is Fraud. But as I’ve written earlier, EA is most likely protected from Fraud in their user agreement, and this is just really really bad customer service.
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    1am and bonus drops are there
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    Just wait until the nodes are highlighted in glowing yellow, just like all double drop nodes that have ever been
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    Just wait until the nodes are highlighted in glowing yellow, just like all double drop nodes that have ever been

    This, and you can search the rewards to see they weren't there.
  • JuliusSkywalker
    509 posts Member
    edited September 2018
    In Asia and Australia timezone they released it midnight. This drop will be released midnight in Europe and after for America and Africa.

    We have a maximum of 4 days (96 hours) and my highest rate to get these Bounty Hunters was the chance:
    - 3 Embo Bonus toons on map Dark Side 8-C Hard out of 8 turns.

    So my chance to get these Bounty Hunters are "3/8" or lower per map.
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    It wasn't midnight in Europe. It was 1:00 am in CEST.
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    @CG_TopHat you may want to look up definitions of "through" vs "until", and "midnight"...
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