Yoda: Comments & Questions (Merged Threads)


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    BentWookie wrote: »
    VikingSith wrote: »
    Nice.... curious to see how anyone beats this lineup. First move in one shotted my QGJ power 5629....
    Running QGJ, Lumi, Kit, Aayla and JC all level 70 all 7 star all max or near max gear and I never got Yoda to yellow health.

    I ran that team and beat the challenge in about 30:00, you can do it! :)
    Good luck!

    Did you focus on Yoda, or his helpers first?
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    If I unlock him at 5* will I have to pay to promote him to 6*? I won't be able to fight the 6* battle for a couple of days. Will I be better off to not activate him?
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    This would be a great thing, the extra $$ and shards would be awesome.. :)

    My question is, "Why do people get so hung up on "possible' negative things?" :/
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    Just got my 6* yoda and it was very easy.

    Bariss 6* (lead), lumi 7*, JC 6*, QGJ 6*, koth 6*
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    As I feared, five minutes and I'm done with the challenge.

    Well time to work on Bariss to 7* and wait another month

    Good luck all
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    Seriocly i just found out hat you need 5 jedes i only habe 2 rip off
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    Got my 6* Yoda too! First try. Now I'm bored again though.
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    Sadly this is one part of the game that isn't bugged. I just started the event from where I left off last time so no bonus energy or credits. :(
  • Trevor
    102 posts Member
    I got my 6* yoda but 7* is going to be only after month or more when i get barris from 5* to 7*
  • KamikazeRhombus
    1412 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Seriocly i just found out hat you need 5 jedes i only habe 2 rip off

    This was known when the event was first announced like 6 weeks ago.
  • Kepi
    6 posts Member
    Really disappointed actually. Put in plenty of time and a few $ to get enough 5* jedi to get yoda. Not going to be possible. I may actually delete this game over this. Best of luck to you all. I don't play games to be frustrated. I play them to have fun.
  • SmokeyJoe320
    931 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Why not unlock him at 5 stars, then just do the 6 and 7 levels when you have enough jedi's ready? That's what I am going to do. You can only get more shards for him at the moment in the challenge so if you can't get level 6 or 7 this time, get them next time the challenge is available.
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    You win enough credits to promote him each time.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Yay 5 minutes of actual playing and now 4 more weeks of grinding.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    I finally got my toons to 7* and I can't even come close to beating him on stage 6 he dodges every attack and has foresight every other attack its nutts
  • morcsea
    164 posts Member
    Just got 5* Yoda :-) (Lumi, QGJ, JC, Plo & Ahsoka) Seems like I going to need Barris for 6 & 7 Yoda.
    Until next month master Yoda!
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    When you finally unlock yoda level 5 and realize man I don't want to use all my training Droids to get him to lvl 70 because the cap is about to go up to 80....
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    I just unlocked my 5* yoda! He's level 70, GL 6, and most abilities are lvl 5. Woohoo!
  • Tromedlov13
    1559 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Kepi wrote: »
    Really disappointed actually. Put in plenty of time and a few $ to get enough 5* jedi to get yoda. Not going to be possible. I may actually delete this game over this. Best of luck to you all. I don't play games to be frustrated. I play them to have fun.


    Give it a couple more tries. The RNG can be frustrating, but you should be able to get to 5* Yoda (unless you just started as I'm guessing a minimum of level 60ish is needed). 6 and 7 battles really need mid 60's or higher and the right team. I had a pretty bad team, but got him to 5 last time after about ten tries (Lumi, JC, JKG, Ahsoka, Mace last time). This time Bariss, QGJ, Lumi, JC and Ahsoka worked just fine for 6*

    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
  • vangoh
    127 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    What I would do is add an 8th, 9th and 10th level to this, unlocked only when completing earlier levels as always. These would be progressively difficult. You would be allowed to use any 5 7* Jedi, including Yoda.
    Give it small rewards, because it's mainly for fun. Win-win: easy to do (the code is all basically there, just tweak some numbers) and you convert a one-time event into a repeatable one for those who have already gotten 7* Yoda.

  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Beat the event with:


    Beat on first try against Bariss, Yoda, and Aayla
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    I just unlocked my 5* yoda! He's level 70, GL 6, and most abilities are lvl 5. Woohoo!

    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    Obviously a lot of you guys will be going for seven star yoda... I just wanted to state in my opinion the best team is Barriss (L), qgj,Jc,Ashoka,lumi. Ashoka lands everything... Mvp. Just got 6 star now on to testing Eeth on 7 star... Thanks for the help though Ashoka... She is only 6 star... So it has to be Eeth...
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    And here I am losing to 5* Yoda... :neutral:
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    Just completed stage 7 with a team of Lumi (L) | Barriss | JC | Fisto | Aayla, all gear 8 lvl 70. After retreating a few times to try and get an opposing Barriss, I decided to roll with it vs Yoda/Eeth/Obiwan, ignoring the adds and focusing on Yoda first. Got lucky with Lumi's evasion boost a few times, and Fisto was proc'ing most times on multi-attack and counters. I only lost JC.

    Fisto was MVP for me.
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    It would be super awesome if, once we've beaten Stage 7, we could repeat all of the stages each time the event came around. It offers a fantastic amount of credits and the extra shards would go a long ways in the shard shop.

    That would be assuming they want you to benefit from playing this game. It doesn't help them get your money in any way, so it won't be done.
  • JoshG
    908 posts Member
    Got my 6* Yoda on the first attempt. Another month till 7* for me....I wonder if this game will still be around then.....
  • UnckyBadTouch
    264 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    What is the point of even giving Yoda a turn bar if he is just going to have double turns and then go whenever he wants out of turn regardless. He gets two turns off before I can move. My QGJ goes, my Mace then goes. Yoda goes again, Eeth goes, Lumi goes, then Yoda goes twice again...any time I heal he automatically goes twice regardless of his turn bar...I honestly haven't the slightest how people do 6 and 7.

    I still haven't actually landed a hit on him with QGJ. He has either deflected or dodged every attack from him. Blowing my mind.

    After 4 matches of switching my leader to Lumi with maxed leader skill I never had 1 Jedi dodge the entire time in any match.

    Is 6/7 something you have to have Barriss for?

    I'm running QGJ 7*, Lumi 7*, JC 7*, Eeth 7*, Mace 6*. All of them are maxed in level, gear, and skill. Can't kill Yoda when focusing him on 6*.
    Post edited by UnckyBadTouch on
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    It is actually hard to get 7* Yoda.

    Maybe my team is weak though, QGJ led Ahsoka, Koth, Lumi and JC.
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