Star Forge Showdown Continued Issues [MEGA]


  • Oliv
    15 posts Member
    The most simple would have been something like to let the first bug and give the amount of guild event currency for the extra shards after upping malak to 7*
    Just count the time (that would have been better used on something else) and so the dollars it cost for this situation. And the angry against CG is here for a while, for all players that could take part to the event
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    Alright so I've removed more posts from in here which I've already had to do with a staggering amount of posts yesterday. Leave out the moderation discussion and keep your posts appropriate. You're welcome to give whatever feedback you like, whether negative or positive but keep it appropriate. Stick to the forum rules, if you have an issue with moderation or want something clarified you can DM me.

    Keep it on topic and within the rules in here please.

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    EA_Rtas wrote: »
    Alright so I've removed more posts from in here which I've already had to do with a staggering amount of posts yesterday. Leave out the moderation discussion and keep your posts appropriate. You're welcome to give whatever feedback you like, whether negative or positive but keep it appropriate. Stick to the forum rules, if you have an issue with moderation or want something clarified you can DM me.

    Keep it on topic and within the rules in here please.

    Then give us an update on what is going on with the Star Forge event. You put Malak shards back in the store which is nice but people need to know if there is going to be a rollback before they start purchasing those shards.
  • thecooldue1996
    266 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    EA_Rtas wrote: »
    Alright so I've removed more posts from in here which I've already had to do with a staggering amount of posts yesterday. Leave out the moderation discussion and keep your posts appropriate. You're welcome to give whatever feedback you like, whether negative or positive but keep it appropriate. Stick to the forum rules, if you have an issue with moderation or want something clarified you can DM me.

    Keep it on topic and within the rules in here please.

    Then give us an update on what is going on with the Star Forge event. You put Malak shards back in the store which is nice but people need to know if there is going to be a rollback before they start purchasing those shards.

    His a mod his a nobody at ea probably works from home. Probably knows nothing aswell
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    Will there be an update on Malak soon? The last update said we would hear something 2 days ago.
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    As someone who spent money to get my characters ready for the event the first time, I’m a little **** off. Needless to say, I will not make that mistake again.
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    Star forge needs to happen by this weekend or I’m done
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    I don’t understand why we get 0 news at all. Even an update saying hey everyone, we hear you and are still working on it everyday would be nice. I had to hoard resources for months and spend gems to get fully ready for this event and I feel completely shafted by the company bc of the lack of communication. Makes me question why I’m still playing
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    I couldn't agree more on their complete lack of communication and their overall disrespect to the community. O.k hes back in the store that's awesome but it doesn't help the ones that haven't unlocked him. As far as I'm concerned all they have to say at this point is "shut up already we hear you and hes coming (insert date here). But no we get updates, ship release dates, etc but nothing on Malak. This sh$$ is getting seriously old
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    I hope somedays these programmers will change their job and give a way to someone who won't fuckup every release.

    How about to change employer, guys? How about nuclear plant, NASA or military projects. PLEASE, give us to chance to enjoy this game for a while.
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    Silly bugs that should have been caught the first time are not caught.

    Even after a whole week focusing on those small silly bugs that should have been caught the first time they manage to release an event again with the same silly bug that should have been caught the first time.

    This is like getting onion rings when you ask for fries, then the supervisor brings you a new order of onion rings which you again say you didnt order and again ask for fries. Finally just when you finish your burger the manager comes running out and gives you a basket of onion rings while apologizing for his employee and manager messing up your order earlier.

    When the burger stand has no more customers they all sit around and wonder how can this be? We made the best onion rings in the county.

    OK, let's be real... the onion rings haven't been all that good lately either!
  • MolIza
    51 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    FilthyJawa wrote: »
    Silly bugs that should have been caught the first time are not caught.

    Even after a whole week focusing on those small silly bugs that should have been caught the first time they manage to release an event again with the same silly bug that should have been caught the first time.

    This is like getting onion rings when you ask for fries, then the supervisor brings you a new order of onion rings which you again say you didnt order and again ask for fries. Finally just when you finish your burger the manager comes running out and gives you a basket of onion rings while apologizing for his employee and manager messing up your order earlier.

    When the burger stand has no more customers they all sit around and wonder how can this be? We made the best onion rings in the county.

    OK, let's be real... the onion rings haven't been all that good lately either!

    ROTFLMAO love the onion ring analogy guys. What I still can’t figure out is, they successfully served not one but two orders of the best fries ever before I ordered mine. No issues, no onion rings and certainly NO bugs in those two orders of fries. But, then my order and the order behind me gets served up onion rings instead of fries?! It makes NO SENSE AT ALL!! 😂

    To add insult to injury, while sitting there trying to eat the subpar hamburger (because I really only came for the fries anyway) I’m waiting eternally for an update to when the F will my FRIES BE READY?!?! In addition, they’ve managed to invent seasoned curly fries, tater tots and potato pancakes since screwing up my order of fries twice!!!

    So @CG_SBCrumb can you PRETTY PLEASE let me know when my FRIES (not to be confused with ONION RINGS) will be ready?! I’d really be satisfied with that rather than just being ignored because I’m an end game player and clearly your new incoming player base and krakens/whales are spending more money on fillet minion and lobster?

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    Seems they spend enough time on here to censor all our posts but can’t give an update at the same time

    From your post to the Devs’ (and Yoda’s) ears!

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    Jeffrome wrote: »
    The thing that frustrates me most about this is that they’re hurting the player base who also received Malak legitimately. I unlocked Malak and have hoarded gear for him to take him straight to relic 5. But he’s stuck at gear 11 right now with 95/100 shards because they’ve removed him from shop. The only people that are actually being helped with this “fix” are the people who got the extra shards and exploited the bug. The people being hurt are the ones who have saved GEC and hoarded gear. Just put Malak back in the store already!


    Well my friend, I’m sincerely glad that at least players in your position got to finish gearing and adding relics to your Malaks yesterday. At least that’s some progress.

    But, those of us that were playing the event for the first time are unfortunately still stuck in limbo AND didn’t receive free GET1 tokens either. They hurt the ones that didn’t even exploit the issue in anyway because we were just trying to unlock him and/or did unlock him the most really. It seems that the ppl that already had him at 7 stars and/or unlocked got rewarded for exploiting and the rest of us that did NOT exploit the issue got punished for CG’s mistake tbh.

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    F2P only from now on for me. Was a steady spender until this ****. Isn’t the fact that things got messed up, it’s the way they’ve handled this, the complete disrespect to the player base. Are used to love this game I look forward to playing every day, they’ve killed my enjoyment to the point where I just don’t care. I only keep up so I can support my guild mates otherwise I would not play at all. Congratulations CG, you’ve lost a steady customer! Advice to you all, jump ship now and play a game like strike force, dragon champions, or raid: shadow legends. It isn’t worth getting invested in a game that is only about sucking your wallet dry, not enjoying it.
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    Tcetter wrote: »
    F2P only from now on for me. Was a steady spender until this ****. Isn’t the fact that things got messed up, it’s the way they’ve handled this, the complete disrespect to the player base. Are used to love this game I look forward to playing every day, they’ve killed my enjoyment to the point where I just don’t care. I only keep up so I can support my guild mates otherwise I would not play at all. Congratulations CG, you’ve lost a steady customer! Advice to you all, jump ship now and play a game like strike force, dragon champions, or raid: shadow legends. It isn’t worth getting invested in a game that is only about sucking your wallet dry, not enjoying it.

    Complete disrespect to the player base.
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    Lovely update about chewie getting too many extra attacks though instead of a Malak update. Let's fix a non meta character instead of the Malak event.
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    11:07AM in Dev Announcements and News
    Hi folks,

    We are aware of this issue where Chewbacca's Unique Loyal Friend and is assisting too many times. The team is currently investigating the bug and we will let you know more when we have identified the fix.

    Chewbacca’s loyal friend!...Really?

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    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Lovely update about chewie getting too many extra attacks though instead of a Malak update. Let's fix a non meta character instead of the Malak event.

    Wait what?! Now they’re making up some dumb excuse to nerf Chewy already?!?! That’s it! I quit!! CG I’ll be requesting a refund on all purchase made since the beginning of October 2019 due to being promised a specific in-game benefit (aka being able to get Malak) and turn that in-game purchase being useless as the event was either A. Cancelled AND the benefit/Malak being rolled back or B. The event simply wasn’t made available!

    I’ve spent 10s of Thousands of dollars on this game over the last almost 4 yrs!! If there’s anyway possible to get Apple to refund for ALL of my purchases, I will certainly do that. Furthermore, I’ll be sure to post in the App Store review of the game for new players to beware that, while small spending is made to entice them into thinking the game is like Candy Crush in that it’ll remain the same cost throughout. When in fact, the small spending in the beginning turns into HUGE spending to be successful in game at all.

    Finally, if anyone would be interested in the possibility of a class action law suit against CG, EA, Lucas Films and Disney, please message me ASAP as I’m sure this post will be removed soon!

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    Unless they've figured out what the issue is with the malek event that caused this whole mess to begin with, not to mention what they intend to do about the additional shards rewarded to those after having successfully completing malek event 3.2 and other pertinent lingering problems. I just don't see them opening the event, not having everything resolved, and risk having to shut it down for a 3rd time in 3 weeks and not have everyone affected simply quit!! Could you imagine the absolute nuclear lvl explosion of rage if that were to happen!!smhlol

    Lol there’s ALREADY that level of rage. If they’d just have said SOMETHING/ANYTHING about the Malak event AT ALL since last Friday (a week ago tomorrow), I don’t think ppl would be THIS upset.
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    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    EA_Rtas wrote: »
    Alright so I've removed more posts from in here which I've already had to do with a staggering amount of posts yesterday. Leave out the moderation discussion and keep your posts appropriate. You're welcome to give whatever feedback you like, whether negative or positive but keep it appropriate. Stick to the forum rules, if you have an issue with moderation or want something clarified you can DM me.

    Keep it on topic and within the rules in here please.

    Then give us an update on what is going on with the Star Forge event. You put Malak shards back in the store which is nice but people need to know if there is going to be a rollback before they start purchasing those shards.

    His a mod his a nobody at ea probably works from home. Probably knows nothing aswell

    Lol according to his profile, he’s not even a moderator 4kwpesuqtpo8.png

    Kinda hard to DM someone that is just a member btw!

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    MolIza wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    EA_Rtas wrote: »
    Alright so I've removed more posts from in here which I've already had to do with a staggering amount of posts yesterday. Leave out the moderation discussion and keep your posts appropriate. You're welcome to give whatever feedback you like, whether negative or positive but keep it appropriate. Stick to the forum rules, if you have an issue with moderation or want something clarified you can DM me.

    Keep it on topic and within the rules in here please.

    Then give us an update on what is going on with the Star Forge event. You put Malak shards back in the store which is nice but people need to know if there is going to be a rollback before they start purchasing those shards.

    His a mod his a nobody at ea probably works from home. Probably knows nothing aswell

    Lol according to his profile, he’s not even a moderator 4kwpesuqtpo8.png

    Kinda hard to DM someone that is just a member btw!

    And here we are again with the moderation talk.

    You can DM anyone on the forums, regardless of what their role is listed as. Wind the snark in.
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    Malak event: *is a total disaster and rips the already quite bad reputation of EA/CG down to shreds.
    EA/CG: *shrugs off the pathetic failure without even giving a compensation for the second fiasco "here's the two new ships with which we plan to milk your wallet, hope you enjoy!"
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    Here's how this should be handled:

    Monday: We're looking into the problem, will post as soon as we sort things out.
    Tue: More complicated than we initially thought, still sorting things out.
    Wed: Sorry everyone, we're still looking at our options for fixing this. Malak shards have returned to the store ib the meantime.
    Thur: Thanks for your patience everyone, we are still working on the fix, may take a few days still.
    Etc, etc.

    Why is that so difficult? Just communicate. Very basic customer service. You guys are shooting yourselves in the foot without reason.
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    Here's how this should be handled:

    Monday: We're looking into the problem, will post as soon as we sort things out.
    Tue: More complicated than we initially thought, still sorting things out.
    Wed: Sorry everyone, we're still looking at our options for fixing this. Malak shards have returned to the store ib the meantime.
    Thur: Thanks for your patience everyone, we are still working on the fix, may take a few days still.
    Etc, etc.

    Why is that so difficult? Just communicate. Very basic customer service. You guys are shooting yourselves in the foot without reason.

    Nailed it. They will never get another cent from me bc of how this is being handled. Things happen, I get that. What shouldn’t happen though is silence. Customer retention is hard when no effort is made to communicate
This discussion has been closed.