Galactic challenges rewards [MERGE]


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    The biggest difference in this mode from other modes are the modifiers. The event including the feats should revolve around this.

    Give us the ability to toggle the modifiers.

    1. this will allow us to better use other teams and make this the pseudo sandbox mode mentioned in the state of the galaxy.

    2. you could then tune and make feats that cater to the modifier. Example:

    Tier 1 feat: Win while environment modifier is turned on.
    Tier 2 feat: Win while environment and enemy modifiers are turned on
    Tier 3 feat: Win while environment and enemy modifiers are turned on and player modifier is off.

    Like most others have stated, the mode needs a better rewards structure and better rewards overall. I could probably play and pass T6, but its not worth it since i am missing one R3 character. Using the structure above would at least give me incentive to keep trying throughout the 7 days since nothing would be gated behind the relics.

    If there is a necessity to have a pay mechanic in the mode than perhaps include a subset of bonus rewards per feat that is given out if completed using characters of a particular R level. As it stands there is no incentive to keep trying the mode if you don't meet the requirements.

    Finally, seven days is much too long to wait for these with the mode structured as is. As i stated above, I am already done with the event because i don't meet requirements. I now have to wait 7 days to see what the next challenge brings. If no changes are coming to the mode would recommend 2 to 3 days between challenges at most. We need more to do everyday not just one a week.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I understand about the rewards but lets also keep in mind we are working through a test run and there is a possibility that these event s could be running as frequently as every 2 days.

    I havent thrown all the reward together yet to look at it from that perspective, but it's a thought.

    No. This is hot garbage.

    If there is some frequency where it resets and gives more rewards tomorrow or different ones, that is something the in game messages should be telling us. Its something the devs should have come in here and stated.

    This is a drop in game mode that has trash rewards. If its going to be better later, perhaps level set what my expectation should be.

    The only thing i cant do is the middle feat of not losing a character in the last 3 tier difficulties. The reward to beef my r5 to r7 is laughable.

    The rewards do not refreah day to day, but they do refresh for each run of the event.

    And they stated they are testing the length of the event.

    Then its hot garbage.

    I dont need 7 days to do this. If i did it would be for say gearing a faction up....

    But the rewards are not worth gearing up characters to get.

    Lets take me for example... my rebels suck as in they arent reliced. So when the rebel one comes i wont be getting the rewards for relic 3 or relic 5.

    The rewards from doing the gear 12 rewards is not gonna get me to relic 3 or relic 5. Giving me 7 days isnt going to make me whale. (Commenting on 0 tolerance cheating negotiation will make that happen).

    So again hot garbage. They know we need stun guns and stun cuffs badly... so we get none of those and a small amount of kyro.

    Shame. Drop way more and better rewards

    Correct we dont need 7 days, which is why this is an exhibition.

    We dont need it for that either. 2 days kyno. 2 days is all you need to figure this out and give a valid opinion on it.

    Rewards suck, dont lock the "best" rewards behind gear/relic level, 15 minute timer is not needed (just dont put a timer), challenge is a bit unbalanced in that sniper droid shouldnt be one shot sniping a r7 with requirments being r5, and this is not something id want to play multiple times a day for fun.

    Give me sandbox mode with these rewards and id be fine.... in fact id praise that

    That's good feedback, that's why they did it this way.

    Please remember this game mode is for everyone, so there are players out there that may need different amounts of time.

    Perhaps, but id be curious why they would bother with the rewards nor helping progress their rosters
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    Some people see a dumpster fire and try to stop it.
    Some people stand back and watch it burn.
    CG sees a dumpster fire and throws in more trash.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Krashxxxx wrote: »
    Some people see a dumpster fire and try to stop it.
    Some people stand back and watch it burn.
    CG sees a dumpster fire and throws in more trash.
    ...and tells you to jump in because it will be fun, require strategy and provide meaningful rewards.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    Not wowed in any way by galactic challenges, but for maybe 10 min of auto play the rewards aren't bad. Can always use more kyros, carbs, crystals and omegas
  • Gabe9876543210
    278 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    The Combat aspect of the event was perfectly fine. At my level, I was able to auto 3* up to tier V, including all feats. Tiers VI-VII, I was only able to 2* and do the undersized feat. Result - A few shards for the shard shop, and pretty much no useful gear at all, that I don't have thousands of already.

    I do understand that for lower players, getting those character shards probably should be enough, and for the whales who have all relevant toons at R5+, they get a few crystals, but what about those of us who are in between that?

    Some of the R5 rewards need to move down to be available to GL12 players, or perhaps add some bottleneck gear, like Carbantis, Stun Guns or BioTech Implants that we all need all the time to get us closer to R5. Don't just reward the players who are already there.

    Thank you.
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    The challenge itself was fine. It didn't feel overturned.

    The rewards for the On Target feat should be the initial clear rewards. Players need rewards like that for moving forward and building their teams. The feat rewards should be little bonus on top for the extra challenge. Without tier 6 and tier 7 on target clears there isn't much incentive.

    6 days is way too long unless some aspect of the rewards refresh every day.

    GCs need their own unique place in the cantina, not just hidden in the events.

    Since the title update the game lags bad. Some onscreen buttons weren't working in TB.
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    The rewards for such a long event are very bad. The rewards should also reflect what tier your are fighting. On relic level it should be relic mats, g12 mats on g12 etc.
    I am not against receiving some gray gear which I am short... But I also need stun guns, cuffs, eye balls etc.

    Also gating the main rewards behind a minimum relic requirement is really bad and frustrating. I managed to do it with 4 chars (which is harder...).
    The only requirement should be do it with a pure sith team. The rest should be tuned over event difficulty.

  • Monel
    2788 posts Member
    This is a crazy idea and please be patient as I am typing from my phone. But here are some real rewarding ideas I have for Galactic Challenges.

    1. Move the currently "best" rewards into just completing the mission.
    2. The feat that has best rewards, double them.
    3. Make the 2nd hardest feat reward a zeta, nothing else.
    4. Make the easiest feat worth 3 omega pieces, nothing else.
    5. For however many planets that currently exist, I think there are 7, create 7 new characters that can be earned in tiers 3-7. Tier 3 gets 1 shard, tier 4 gets 2 shards, 5 gets 3, 6 gets 4 and 7 gets 5. This is a total of 15 shards for each time the mission comes around. This will take end game players 22 weeks to fully star these characters if the planets are all one day events, which they should be.
    6. Creat a new store currency and reward the currency for completing each level. Store will offer G12+, G13, and mod stuff. It should be expensive, equivalent to gear in GAC store.
    7. At the end of the 22 weeks the characters come out of rotation and put into the store to be able to be purchased with the new store currency.
    8. 22 weeks allows for 7 fresh characters to be created over approximately months and placed into the planet rotation. Gives CG plenty of time and keeps things fresh for the player base.

    This sounds great to me and would keep me interested in logging and playing. And with better rewards and ways to earn a new currency to purchase new characters and even more gear it entices me to spend to do the best that I can.

    Also, this method of character creation does not change anything with other methods of they way they currently introduce other characters.
  • Thyth38
    2 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    Positive: I did use multiple different teams to complete the feats. That’s cool. Tier 7 is HARD, but that’s good.
    Negative: the rewards are crap. Even the good rewards are puny.

    Why? The studio knows that people are on edge, and we have been waiting for MONTHS for new content. I understand that this is a test run, but rather it’s testing our patience. Seems baffling to me, like CG knowingly is shooting their own feet.

    Also, where are the cut scenes? And the backgrounds seem the same. Seems a bit lazy to me. I’m just confounded.
  • Debuff
    224 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    Adding to the OP, its really tough to relic characters that fall outside of the "must farm requirement toons"

    i just started farming slkr shards 50/330, my crystals, shard currency, credits, relic mats, have been depleted just doing the first order faction. once i R7 slkr ill have to make a decision to farm jedi luke, GL rey, or hoard for the next GL that will be released at a later time.

    leads me to my next point, the rewards for the GC are a big disappointment
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    finally now i can progress
  • vincentlondon
    4527 posts Member
    edited August 2020

    All cleared
    I got all the junk rewards. Now i am able to gear my ugnaught to gear 5
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member

    All cleared
    I got all the junk rewards. Now i am able to gear my ugnaught to gear 5

    A wise choice.

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    Also, where are the cut scenes? And the backgrounds seem the same.

    So earlier I said that you should break up the 175 crystal reward into 50/40/30/30/30 (total 180) for completing the highest tier with different factions.

    Why? They said that they want you to use the "breadth" of your roster. But there's no reward for using under geared characters and there's no reward for using characters other than the favored faction. So people are just going to use that one mighty Sith team (DR, but adding in Traya instead of HK, if they have her relic'd) on every single level. The early levels aren't interesting and the highest level is over in one shot. No depth or breadth of roster used.

    So I was already criticizing CG because the event doesn't do what they say they want it to do. I didn't make up the goal of using lots of teams have having different puzzles to figure out. That was CG.

    But now you come along and remind me of other things that they said they were going to do that I have forgotten.

    You are absolutely correct: they clearly said that they were doing all this design work to make it easy to drop in video that would make events more compelling and more emotionally resonant. To make challenges connect with the players more and be meaningful, rather than be chores.

    Was there a cut scene? I didn't look, but I'm pretty darn sure that there wasn't.

    Sep droids and Sith aren't natural enemies, but there could have been something good here: a film of Sidius/Palp angry at Grievous for some failure or other and telling them they would be punished.

    Other things would still need to be fixed, but gee whiz, that kind of emotional, cinematic framing certainly could have made things more interesting.

    Nice catch, Thyth38.
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    @CG_SBCrumb @CG_TopHat

    Ok so it’s been a day. Many players have come on here and voiced their feedback. Many content creators on YouTube have given their feedback and in turn their viewers have weighed in as well. The bottom line? The rewards are awful. Like beyond bad. So since this is a exhibition allow me to give some detailed feedback based on what your players are saying.

    The rewards pool is atrocious. The gear you give for completion of the missions, as well as the feats for the undersized squads and not losing a unit are all currently minimal ship credits, excess gear like mk11 blast tech, mk6 syringes and level one gear pieces. Not only is the quality bad but the quantity is laughable. Two mk1 stun guns??? One Mk 5 blast tech mods? Why? And those are rewards for the last tier of the event! That’s got to be made far better. Players need real relief from the gear crunch. Include gear like mk5 guns, mk3 carbs, Mk5 droid callers, Mk3 cuffs, gold gear like datapads, medpac and bio components, as well as kyro’s, G12+ pieces and the finishers. Include some relic material that is scarce like zimbiddle cards too. Let this be rewarding content. And when you do add that gear, that brings me to my next point....

    Gear gating the rewards...
    Why? You’re requiring players to R5 or R3 five characters of a faction (several factions given the nature of the GC’s) to get meaningful rewards. You guys keep saying it’s a resource management game but are forcing the relicing of dozens of toons overall for minimal rewards. No. Stop it. We are tired of the relic gating tactics. This is going to far. Now you’re going to make R5 a requirement for a few kyro’s and finishers? It’s been said In this thread it would take YEARS to get a positive ROI on the gear/relic sink to unlock these rewards. The requirements are getting bigger while the ROI is getting smaller. That’s bad business.

    So fix the reward pool. Include actual crunch gear, and enough of it to make this worthwhile and give the player base meaningful gear crunch relief. Stop gating the rewards behind hard relic requirements. That takes away not only any interest of rewards but also takes away the usage of your roster by locking rewards behind relicing out a specific faction.
    Cmon guys, do better. I know this is an exhibition, and all of us need to know that. However you need to communicate with us that you’re seeing the feed back, what feedback you are seeing and ensure us that you are not just hearing us, but listening.
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    If this same old biz event is gonna cough up piles of worthless mods, can we please get a sell button in the inbox. Please... 90% of the mods these event drop are throwaways. I just want the option to sell them instead of cycling them through my account. Thank you for your consideration.
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    A week is for sure too long, every 2 days for this would be okay, but better rewards still needed.
  • FellowEpicGamer
    1 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    I hope nobody minds me posing a somewhat tangential (though, hopefully, still somewhat relevant) question, and I apologize if anyone has raised this question before. As seen in the image below (which CG provided in their State of the Galaxy post) the “On Target” feat rewards for tier two of the Death Star Galactic Challenge provide mk5 power cells in addition to Zam shards and credits (I apologize for the image quality, I had to take a snapshot the gif, which wasn’t particularly high quality to begin with).


    Meanwhile, the “On Target” feat rewards for tier two of the currently running Tatooine Galactic Challenge provide only mk3 power cells (in addition to shards and credits), while the feat for tier four gives the mk5 power cells.



    Granted, none of this gear is worth anything anyways, but it’s worth acknowledging that gear which was shown to be in tier two in the State of the Galaxy is only attainable in tier four of the live event.

    This suggests to me one or more of multiple things, including but not limited to:

    1. CG is limiting the rewards during the exhibition period, and will increase them after receiving more feedback on cadence/difficulty. They did mention that they would be limiting feats and modifiers for this trial run, so it is not entirely impossible that rewards for said feats may have been limited as well. If so, they should have better communicated this, but what do you expect tbh. This does not address the fact, however, that the majority of rewards seem to be dumped into one feat which barricades characters below a certain gear level.

    2. CG felt that the gear rewards were too high (lol) and decided to decrease them before going live with the event. If so, there’s little chance that they’ll increase rewards or remove gear requirements for feats.

    3. These challenges may simply provide varying rewards for different planets (beyond different character shards, which was a given) and it remains to be seen whether all the rewards for all tiers of all planets are as staggeringly underwhelming as those in the current event.

    I want to be clear that I don’t intend any of this to sway anybody’s opinion one way or another, but I do hope this adds to the discourse in some way.
  • Jan1torEarl
    5 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    Been focusing on my Sith team since I started playing the game. My years of dedication have led to these "rewards". So glad I've only spent a few dollars on this game. Definitely won't be spending any more to support development seeing as this is the mega "content" we've been waiting for!

    EDIT: I do look forward to what else they'll as with this new platform. Just won't be opening my wallet if it's more of the same for nothing in return.
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    I like it. I wish the feat rewards that don't involve the primary faction were better, though.

    As to length, I'm ambivalent so long as it runs at least Friday through Sunday. The prime determinant for me is that it be available over the weekend when I've got the most time. If the rewards--or at least some aspect of the rewards--refreshed daily it would matter more. But since it's all one-and-done (maybe a second try to pick up the extra feat) it doesn't matter how long it runs so long as it's over a weekend. I also think it'll be like TB in that halving the duration of the event isn't going to increase the number of events run, so in that case you may as well keep it at 7 days--as I said, I'll just play it on the weekend, but some other folks might have different schedules and their prime days may differ, so I'm not going to inconvenience them for my own gain. A week-long event is fine.

    Also..... Okay. And this is maybe just me. But can we do these with less-popular factions? I want a reason to use jawas or ewoks or scoundrels or whatever. Sith are super popular so lots of people have those, rebels and jedi will be the same. But reward folks who have made their own choices instead of simply chasing metas.

    Anyway. Yeah, I like it. Haven't been able to complete all of this, but that's fine. Something to build towards is always appreciated.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    If this same old biz event is gonna cough up piles of worthless mods, can we please get a sell button in the inbox. Please... 90% of the mods these event drop are throwaways. I just want the option to sell them instead of cycling them through my account.


    So many worthless mods that I'd rather sell than what I already have, even the scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel part of my collection is better than so many of the new mods that come in. Why should I have to sell better mods just for the chance to sell the new mods that I never wanted?
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    NicWester wrote: »
    I like it. I wish the feat rewards that don't involve the primary faction were better, though.

    As to length, I'm ambivalent so long as it runs at least Friday through Sunday. The prime determinant for me is that it be available over the weekend when I've got the most time. If the rewards--or at least some aspect of the rewards--refreshed daily it would matter more. But since it's all one-and-done (maybe a second try to pick up the extra feat) it doesn't matter how long it runs so long as it's over a weekend. I also think it'll be like TB in that halving the duration of the event isn't going to increase the number of events run, so in that case you may as well keep it at 7 days--as I said, I'll just play it on the weekend, but some other folks might have different schedules and their prime days may differ, so I'm not going to inconvenience them for my own gain. A week-long event is fine.

    Also..... Okay. And this is maybe just me. But can we do these with less-popular factions? I want a reason to use jawas or ewoks or scoundrels or whatever. Sith are super popular so lots of people have those, rebels and jedi will be the same. But reward folks who have made their own choices instead of simply chasing metas.

    Anyway. Yeah, I like it. Haven't been able to complete all of this, but that's fine. Something to build towards is always appreciated.

    Good luck to anyone trying to sell you on new content being only playable if you relic your jawas.
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    Good luck to anyone trying to sell you on new content being only playable if you relic your jawas.

    This is why I'm saying the current 175 crystal reward should be broken up and given to folks who complete the highest tier using multiple factions (each time you use a new faction to win, you get another portion of the reward, 5 different teams gets you the whole reward).

    Then we would actually be encouraged to use teams like Jawas, if we have them geared, but no one would be required to do so.

    That set up would do a much better job of encouraging a diverse play experience and "using the whole roster" than the current strategy of simply requiring one and only one squad, then gating the rewards behind a relic requirement.
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    So my 5 cents, the event is cool, some kind of sandbox mode, where we actually can try some teams against a GG, therefore well done it's fun, as you don't have to waste energy or other to perform this fight.
    But dear devs, why on earth you put feats on tier 7 with rewards that might interest a just started lvl 20 player?
    Rewardswise there are only 2 that are interesting for me (those with the crystals), and one of them i cannot complete as i miss 1 sith on rel 5, so from reward side, it's not really exiting, as the interesting ones are gated behind absurd requirements.
    Please work on that, otherwise it's a good start, but needs some finetuning.
    Swiss Garde Officer, drop me a message if you're interested joining
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    So the feats or any rewards for that matter will not refresh for the duration of the event,now i really don't get why we got just 5 slavage on the last lvl and 3 salvage on lvl 6,i was 100% that they will refresh daily,ehy do we have an event running for 7 days that was supposed to give us something to do daily? Why thus should be longer then 1 day,on AB we get 1 day and T2 take double the time then all tier in CG so why have 7 days of an event that has no rewards past first completion,no changes to modifiers and no new team?
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    (w)hy do we have an event running for 7 days that was supposed to give us something to do daily?

    It's not supposed to give us something to do daily. Almost everything else we do has a time limit of 36 hours (Geo Territory Battles), 24 hours (lots of things) or less (bonus energy, + raids and arena realistically have to be done within 1-2 hour windows, for many guilds raids give you even less time).

    We desperately need something that isn't a chore, something that we don't have to do on CG's schedule. If you want more to do on SWGOH, you probably don't actually want more to do every day, because lots of us have work and kids and whatever. It's easy to do a certain amount of game play on public transportation or for a few minutes during lunch hour, but then we all also have days of the week that are more relaxed than others. Days when some extra gaming would be good and fun. (Though I wish it took longer to complete so there would be more to do on those days with extra time for gaming.)

    If you have a project like Galactic Challenges that gives you a 7-day window, then you don't have to make it a chore. You can do it when you have time to enjoy it.

    Giving us something to do when we want to do it, rather than an everyday chore, was part of the concept from the beginning. They're never going to make it a single-day thing. That would defeat the purpose.

    So, no. It was never supposed to give us something to do daily. We've got lots of daily things already.
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    Assault battles t1 is probably the most well received difficulty to rewards that exists in the game. It challenges you but with the right combo of mods, toons, and maybe a little RNG, you can get it with g12 maybe relic toons, maybe even some g11 (my BH for example have g12 bossk and the rest are g11)... An acceptable amount of kyros, finishers, and zeta Mats.

    T2 shows how much more cg places value on the relic materials but still, for challenges that require mostly relic toons (the sith one can use g11 nihilus for example) it gives you a fairly appropriate number of slicing materials that can actually help make the teams used better.

    You take those rewards and spread them out over tier 6 and tier 7 of this, throw in some g12+ gear, and people should be happy with rewards.

    The bonus feat should not be gear gated as many said. It should be just the 5 of the highlighted faction, if you can do a tier with it, it shouldn't matter the gear gate. That the honest fact, everyone else has said it, and would make people much much happier.

    Each tier should be unique and not just turn up the difficulties. Different feats for each tier that would get me to want to compete the lower tiers. Lower tier feats could be use these two characters (maybe the ones you award shards for). Upper tiers can stay the undersized and not losing a toon, etc. Be creative and actually change it up.

    Honestly, though, I was hoping more puzzles along the lines of the Malak event or the GG mission of the General Skywalker event, or something like Vader battles in the Jedi Knight Luke event. Or even the Acklay, Reek, or Nexu battles. You have a boss like character that you have to figure out how to get to beat their special mechanic. Something that people will spend hours and hours to complete (both because it's fun and because the rewards are worth it). Those battles remain some of the best content and having a new one every week sounded amazing. These battles have potential but in general are falling flat and not engendering the same excitement/wonder/theorycrafting.
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    (w)hy do we have an event running for 7 days that was supposed to give us something to do daily?

    It's not supposed to give us something to do daily. Almost everything else we do has a time limit of 36 hours (Geo Territory Battles), 24 hours (lots of things) or less (bonus energy, + raids and arena realistically have to be done within 1-2 hour windows, for many guilds raids give you even less time).

    We desperately need something that isn't a chore, something that we don't have to do on CG's schedule. If you want more to do on SWGOH, you probably don't actually want more to do every day, because lots of us have work and kids and whatever. It's easy to do a certain amount of game play on public transportation or for a few minutes during lunch hour, but then we all also have days of the week that are more relaxed than others. Days when some extra gaming would be good and fun. (Though I wish it took longer to complete so there would be more to do on those days with extra time for gaming.)

    If you have a project like Galactic Challenges that gives you a 7-day window, then you don't have to make it a chore. You can do it when you have time to enjoy it.

    Giving us something to do when we want to do it, rather than an everyday chore, was part of the concept from the beginning. They're never going to make it a single-day thing. That would defeat the purpose.

    So, no. It was never supposed to give us something to do daily. We've got lots of daily things already.

    I think you might be wrong considering this direct quote from the road ahead.

    Our main goal for this feature is to provide more activities for players each day. We hear players asking for more ways to use their growing roster of units and want more than just new events that you can master quickly or sim.
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