SEE definitely needs a buff!


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    Shiryu wrote: »
    Starl0rd wrote: »
    Yes and Trump is claiming election fraud. If he had a squad he would post it.

    My apologies, I work 60+ hours and have a family / ranch to take care of. Also, many have switched to using other GL's, but they do that. We currently have about 4 SEE's in my arena shard in top 10. Below is one of our top members..

    EDIT* ...wanted to add that I don't use SEE in arena, if I gave that impression...I get my po and move on with my day. There's another very good comp that holds well, and very well modded...I'll post a **** of when he changes it up. ...and another FYI, not trying to be nasty with anyone, just giving my opinion here and there. I'm not too interested in SEE other than having him for defense in GAC/TW, and late phase DSTB

    That's just a vader counter at the end of the day. only there to shove AB on Rey.

    I've tried that team, with proper modding, and it doesn't hold for crap against people that actually know how to play and not hit auto.

    Have you found any team that holds best on defense yet?

    I've tried a lot of combos, but it's tough to reach a determination. Sometimes I seem to hold fairly well, but it could just be that people aren't online and attacking me at those hours.

    Other times, I drop like a brick.
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    LordDunbar wrote: »
    Shiryu wrote: »
    Starl0rd wrote: »
    Yes and Trump is claiming election fraud. If he had a squad he would post it.

    My apologies, I work 60+ hours and have a family / ranch to take care of. Also, many have switched to using other GL's, but they do that. We currently have about 4 SEE's in my arena shard in top 10. Below is one of our top members..

    EDIT* ...wanted to add that I don't use SEE in arena, if I gave that impression...I get my po and move on with my day. There's another very good comp that holds well, and very well modded...I'll post a **** of when he changes it up. ...and another FYI, not trying to be nasty with anyone, just giving my opinion here and there. I'm not too interested in SEE other than having him for defense in GAC/TW, and late phase DSTB

    That's just a vader counter at the end of the day. only there to shove AB on Rey.

    I've tried that team, with proper modding, and it doesn't hold for crap against people that actually know how to play and not hit auto.

    Have you found any team that holds best on defense yet?

    I've tried a lot of combos, but it's tough to reach a determination. Sometimes I seem to hold fairly well, but it could just be that people aren't online and attacking me at those hours.

    Other times, I drop like a brick.

    Nope. Nothing with SEE in it holds well at all. Only way you do is if your on the "lucky" path of 11 7 3 or randomly 10 6 2.
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    I doubt we will hear anything for awhile. They’re focused on the anniversary right now. Not being negative, I just genuinely wouldn’t expect to hear something until maybe December sometime.
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    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno you mentioned before CG would prefer to do any buffs once if any and leave it there. That's not how games balance toons. You make minor tweaks see how those stand. Determine if the one tweak was enough or not and if it broke other toons.

    in a beta situation i would agree, this is not exactly that. they also need to internally test any changes before putting them out.

    there is also no strict guideline about how to do this, so yes i agree this is one way to do it. and taking a slower approach doesn't mean they will not make multiple passes if needed. they will absolutely wait and gather information and look at what's happening to avoid making changes too early, or making a change that doesn't address some "other issue" that may come up.
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Kyno you mentioned before CG would prefer to do any buffs once if any and leave it there. That's not how games balance toons. You make minor tweaks see how those stand. Determine if the one tweak was enough or not and if it broke other toons.

    At this point SEE is not on a similar level to the other GLs except for the cost to obtain. If SEE was a devastating attacker per his kit notes on offense he wrecked all other squads, performed excellent DS GEO, and did massive damage in HSTR (potentially solo it like SLKR), but on defense he was as bad as he is now.

    The claims of GL power balance would be solid. We would have an attacking GL that couldn't hold on defense but was fantastic for offense.

    The testing on SEE if done at all was extremely limited. He certainly was not testing against the top meta teams. He was not tested in HSTR, he was not testing in assault battles nor in DS GEO phase 4 battles. Not one person could have who would have tested those things could have said SEE was on an equivalent power level to GLRey or SLKR.

    It is time to start tweaking SEE, you have enough evidence to see his shortcomings in Arena, GAC, Raids, etc. Its not that people have him poorly modded, its not that people haven't figured out the optimal squads, its not that people don't have his ultimate. SEE is bad, his damage is bad, his synergy is bad, his kit is bad.

    We have to start with acknowledging this. The data is in, its time to come out and definitively make a statement. If they come out and say "See is working as intended with the intednded power level" then we will know and good luck getting anyone to go all in on a GL without first seeing how it performs in the future. I know I will never do it again unless they acknowledge that something needs to be changed.

    I understand you may feel this way, but placing arbitrary deadlines on things doesn't help the situation. I hope you can understand that.

    @Starl0rd seems to be suggesting there is a comp that is doing well in arena. wonder if anyone else has seen this.

    Regarding arbitrary deadlines, I disagree. I am a paying customer that bought a product that is not meeting my expectations. I and the rest of us that bought this product can continue to demand a definitive answer on the company's intention to right this wrong with as much urgency as we want. I say I want an answer immediately. The company can decide to ignore that but there will be consequences as their always is to unscrupulous and misleading business practices. That is on CG, not me.

    We have seen @Starl0rd's claim and I can guarentee you that I have tried it. He hasn't come out and said what that magic comp is so I will assume it has something to do with some part Sith Triumverate, Thrawn, SET or Malak (if you are fast). I can beat Rey, JML semi consistently and even Kylo in some instances. That isn't really the issue, the issue is that I am not satisfied with the relative strength of my product. I am not happy that I crit Rey for 27K with with my basic under ultimate when she doesn't have deceived. I am not happy that I crit Kylo for 27K when he isn't damage immune at the end of the fight. I am not happy that Kylo can one shot a full health well modded DN, Traya, or thrawn with his basic his second turn of the fight. See should do a better job protecting his team. The whole thing is frustrating and annoying and I just wish that CG would acknowlege that instead of telling you to come here and "temper expecations". We just want them come in and say he is not going to change because they are happy with his strength or he is going to change becuase they are not happy with his strength (like all SEE owners are not happy with their purchase). Is that too much?

    This. 100% this. If ANY higher up tech company, or even current day game company that's NOT EA/CG, tried to pull what CG did with the SEE release not only would they get backlash but maybe a lawsuit or two. At the vary least horrible publicity on the situation that would lead to issues with future business if some sort of "statement" was not promptly released with great detail on A.) What they did wrong. B.) Plans to fix it or at least acknowledge work and current steps that will be introduced in the NEAR future. C.) An apology for either the misinformation and/or bad product.

    I know I dropped some money just to finish off Piet's farm cause his shards most definitely did NOT have a "33%" drop chance from his node. So I bought him out of the shard store. So.. should I ask for a refund due to a faulty product that was misinformed on how strong/useful he was suppose to be?

    Look at other devs that actively engage with their consumers and have weekly chats, live streams, ect to show what their working on, take feedback, and just have fun with their community.
    One BIG example is GGG, or grinding gear games, creators of Path of Exile. Free to play game, micro transactions for ONLY cosmetics... yet they make TONS of money cause people don't mind giving those devs their cash to keep content coming.
    Or another game called Warframe. Great game, small bits of pay to win in being able to buy weapons and frames you can just grind for.... but their devs just shower attention to their customers.
    One more example... old cult classic game called planetside 2. over 7 years old and still running. Devs, while sometimes questionable with their decisions, honestly care about the game and their players and have been doing massive updates recently.
    How about the SW Squadrons devs? They have been talking and engaging with their community and been shoving out patch after patch when problems come up. They go "hey, we're working on this fix, give us a week." and the players don't freak out. (some do but let's be real... that's everywhere)
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    At least you can auto JKL and GAS teams with him
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    RAYRAY wrote: »
    I am one of those that finishes top 10 in Arena. The only reason he is in the top 10 is because I climb with him when I see Rey and JML (which is harder than it was a few days ago for SOME reason) ....

    Exactly what I said the other day. Something happened and a lot of people have noticed.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Make SEE also strong against Resistance whereever he has abilities that are strong vs. Jedi tags.

    I mean where we first and last saw SEE afterall was in Episode 9, where the resistance (inc. Rey) was trying to defeat him. She got rekt by him until Kylo saved her neck (and Kylo is paper if SEE is rock, in game).

    So it makes sense SEE would have good strength vs. Resistance tags. You can argue Rey was a Jedi by episode 9 and not really 'Resistance' but I'm pretty sure she's tagged as Resistance in the game and not Jedi.

    Maybe this will give him a little bit more utility against Rey without making him too OP.

    From what I understand in the rock paper scissors meta that CG desires:

    Kylo -> SEE
    SEE -> JML
    JML -> Rey
    Rey -> Kylo.


    So if SEE and Rey are not direct counters to each other and should be on equal footing then SEE needs to be brought up to Rey's level. Lately I can't win a match v Rey at all I don't know what it is. Maybe this is the way

  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    @LordDunbar this quote from Dev insights @CG_SBCrumb :
    As the Emperor of the Sith Eternal and the Final Order, we wanted to make sure the character represented the history of the Sith as well as the machinations he orchestrated to take over the galaxy on more than one occasion.
    He deceived basically everyone, LS and DS, from prequel trilogy onwards.
    Post edited by dgree on
  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    At the moment, it's not in CG's interest to to announce a SEE rehaul that isn't ready yet--in that time period, other people going for the top 3 GLs may hold off and see what happens instead of spend. But that does mean that if there's only like 1 update, it'll need to be strong.

    BTW, I do think many of the issues are observable in the kit (other than damage multipliers and mastery) but one issue that's come out through testing--that maybe wasn't so obvious from the kit--is the anti-synergy between SEE and the "strongest" sith squad (Sith Empire, which under SEE loses a lot of offensive power). Not only do the fears prevent enemies from using abilities, but they also prevent the spread of Deceived among non-LS enemies. This can easily result in a post-Ultimate SEE having no Deceived enemies and being unable to apply it. So SEE may need to set up Linked optimally for the 8-year-cd special, and on top of that SEE basically loses a bunch of the functionality of many of his zetas (he loses his first special, the zeta upgrade of the 2nd special, and in this case Sow Discord's zeta upgrade as well).

    To quote the guy who first beat SLKR with an SEE squad:
    At least our squad gets turbo buffed from our sion dying and reviving constan...
    What? You mean they cut out revives so Sion is not only gutted from enemy GL’s but his own GL?
    Okay well scratch that... but at least we have direct synergy with our GL and our newest and shinest sith with fear and his ult... what’s that? Fear has a direct anti-synergy with his ult charge?
    Okay... well how about protection regen of 50% thats only a zeta upgrade and it’ll be really useful for tanks after he uses his ultim... oh, the zeta’s useless after he uses his ult and one of the tanks doesn’t have protection?
    Well how about the basic zeta that extends the duration? Useless after he ults?
    What about the zeta on his link I’m sure that’ll...all of the tanks literally die before he ults? Well how about those two abilities after he ults! Ones on a 20 year cooldown and the other is literally a feather duster on DS units?

  • Eweff
    400 posts Member
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    At least you can auto JKL and GAS teams with him

    This isn’t true afaik.
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    This is a looong post so i could not read every single entry. Here is my contribution to the post if it was not shared before. Meta report between galactic legends from (squad members report)

    REY: 38%
    SLKR: 32%
    JML: 19%
    SEE: 2%

    Now leader report

    SLKR: 31%
    REY: 28%
    JML: 8%
    SEE: 2%

    If this isn't enough to make it obvious that he needs some sort of buff i don't know what is.

    It feels like SEE should have been the JKL of dark side (with easier requirements of course). Then an ancient sith comes as galactic legend and leads all the sith in the battle which make them as strong as light side teams
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    LordDirt wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    I am one of those that finishes top 10 in Arena. The only reason he is in the top 10 is because I climb with him when I see Rey and JML (which is harder than it was a few days ago for SOME reason) ....

    Exactly what I said the other day. Something happened and a lot of people have noticed.

    Have you seen any examples of what is different?

    I have not seen a video of anything showing any changes.

    Some have said SEE will not survive attacks he would before, but I have not seen this in any videos.

    From the change there may be characters gaining bonus protection that may not have before (after SEE removes all of their protection), but I'm not sure how much that would change things.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    This is the problem with what we have been fed.
    All this talk of Rock Paper Scissors is cute but that’s not what we have here.
    First off we have 4 GLs so that idea isn’t valid.
    Rey vs slkr was made with those 2 fighting against each other.
    Nobody else existed.
    Now SEE vs JML was made for them to fight each other.
    So, convenience comes if the new GLs can beat the old GLs.
    Then they would have worth. They don’t.
    The old ones definitely have way more worth then the new ones.
    Now looking forward what is the state of GLs in the future.
    Now we seem to have set the bar and slkr/rey are the light/dark champs. All other GLs will be compared to them and will collect dust if they fail to meet those comparisons.
    We are seeing that play out now with SEE.
    2761 posts Member
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This is the problem with what we have been fed.
    All this talk of Rock Paper Scissors is cute but that’s not what we have here.
    First off we have 4 GLs so that idea isn’t valid.
    Rey vs slkr was made with those 2 fighting against each other.
    Nobody else existed.
    Now SEE vs JML was made for them to fight each other.
    So, convenience comes if the new GLs can beat the old GLs.
    Then they would have worth. They don’t.
    The old ones definitely have way more worth then the new ones.
    Now looking forward what is the state of GLs in the future.
    Now we seem to have set the bar and slkr/rey are the light/dark champs. All other GLs will be compared to them and will collect dust if they fail to meet those comparisons.
    We are seeing that play out now with SEE.

    Makes me wonder if this power level is determined by disney. In other words, CG doesn’t really have a say in the relative power of SEE and JML? There has to be a reason for CG to release SEE as gimped as he is.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    This is the problem with what we have been fed.
    All this talk of Rock Paper Scissors is cute but that’s not what we have here.
    First off we have 4 GLs so that idea isn’t valid.
    Rey vs slkr was made with those 2 fighting against each other.
    Nobody else existed.
    Now SEE vs JML was made for them to fight each other.
    So, convenience comes if the new GLs can beat the old GLs.
    Then they would have worth. They don’t.
    The old ones definitely have way more worth then the new ones.
    Now looking forward what is the state of GLs in the future.
    Now we seem to have set the bar and slkr/rey are the light/dark champs. All other GLs will be compared to them and will collect dust if they fail to meet those comparisons.
    We are seeing that play out now with SEE.

    Makes me wonder if this power level is determined by disney. In other words, CG doesn’t really have a say in the relative power of SEE and JML? There has to be a reason for CG to release SEE as gimped as he is.

    Interesting idea, but no that's not really the way the relationship works.
  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    TIL that while SEE Sith allies have defense ignore vs Jedi (even though basically the only good Sith attacker already has defense ignore on all attacks, and the "only vs Jedi" shtick doesn't make much sense lore-wise), SEE has 182 resistance penetration. SLKR has 338 armor pen.

    (CC is also a decent chunk lower, not that it matters when most of SEE's enemies, particularly SLKR, have a strong tendency to be immune to crits).

    From top to bottom it looks like a lot of things were either overlooked or not taken to GL levels out of fear that SEE would do too much damage.

    If some of the "against Jedi" stuff needs to be pared down a bit to be safe, sure, why not, but it really looks like SEE started out majorly nerfed right out of the box.
  • Options
    Eweff wrote: »
    LordDunbar wrote: »
    At least you can auto JKL and GAS teams with him

    This isn’t true afaik.

    I am not talking about SEE soloing JKL and GAS, and, no other GLs present. I have no problem hitting auto and winning

  • Eweff
    400 posts Member
    SEE. More like SAW. As in, I SAW SEE near the bottom on my way up the arena ladder.
  • Options
    Eweff wrote: »
    SEE. More like SAW. As in, I SAW SEE near the bottom on my way up the arena ladder.

    Wish i could get into the top 20 where all the JMLs are but i just can't beat the slkr and rey wall in the 20-40s
  • Options
    dgree wrote: »
    TIL that while SEE Sith allies have defense ignore vs Jedi (even though basically the only good Sith attacker already has defense ignore on all attacks, and the "only vs Jedi" shtick doesn't make much sense lore-wise), SEE has 182 resistance penetration. SLKR has 338 armor pen.

    (CC is also a decent chunk lower, not that it matters when most of SEE's enemies, particularly SLKR, have a strong tendency to be immune to crits).

    From top to bottom it looks like a lot of things were either overlooked or not taken to GL levels out of fear that SEE would do too much damage.

    If some of the "against Jedi" stuff needs to be pared down a bit to be safe, sure, why not, but it really looks like SEE started out majorly nerfed right out of the box.

    Yeah that is an interesting thought that hadn't occurred to me. There is a chance that, in the same vein of thought as JKR Savior interacting weirdly with stuff with Rey, they anticipated many unintended interactions with SEE.

    The difference here, if that is the case, is that they addressed these interactions preemptively and in doing so, potentially crippled a GL character down to the level of a legendary, maaaybe and hero's journey character.
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    This Jericho JML video is nice. The devastating attacker-tank JML deals the damage that the devastating attacker-attacker SEE should deal.
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    Apologies if this posts twice. For some reason it acts like it did post but I can't find it, so I'm posting again

    OK well I'm returning to the feed now that I've unlocked the ultimate ability for Palps. I'm told at every opportunity that the ultimate ability 100% makes the team do what it needs to do. I was ready. I wanted to be blown away by the awe-inspiring abilities of "an Attacker that focuses on dealing tons of damage at the expense of whoever is in his way." I wanted to weild the power of "Sith Eternal Emperor, when in his Ultimate form (Restored), can almost take on an entire squad by himself."

    So after all this farming and blowing crystals on dark side nodes just to get the ultimate, I fired it up, and watched it be... kinda fine? After spending 4 minutes of a fight delaying the ult so I could build as much mastery as I could, then using the ultimate I transformed into the super strong attacker I was meant to be! Except I was doing maybe 90k on a hit? Oh and I had no other utility. It was just basic ability and wait 20 turns to hopefully be able to use my big attack again. The ultimate ability fits the description I've been using for SEE all along: underwhelming.

    All poetics aside, I'm tired and I'm terribly disappointed. This is my first GL. I've seen what Kylo can do to people. I've lost plenty of GAC rounds because my despite doing everything I could right with my counter squad, Kylo is one of the strongest toons in the game and sometimes he just powers his way through things. I've seen a Rey squad put up dozens of defenses in TW, I've fought them and lost because the damage immunity trick is a phenomenal one and really changes up the strategy. I've seen what a Galactic Legend is capable of, and I wanted to have that power on my team.

    But Sith Eternal Emperor isn't remotely close to comparable to them.

    This thread is full of the problems with the team and his kit and it all boils down to him not doing enough damage, not controlling the fight as well as we could have reasonably expected, and being a general disappointment to anyone who unlocked him.

    I spent money to get here (and yeah I can hear Kyno and everyone else now huffing and puffing "that's your fault! You took that risk and you're an **** because of it!) and sure, I get that CG never outright said he would be on par with the other GLs. They have that famous phrase "a similar power level" which basically amounts to nonsense because there are 1000 different ways of interpreting that statement. But no matter what I spent some cash because I wanted to be a part of the next wave of awesome characters. Instead I have gained next to nothing when it comes to the team he will be using.

    Others said it first, the Triumvirate and Sith Empire don't really gain anything by adding SEE as a member. The teams SEE can beat were largely already being beaten as they were with these factions. It was a lateral move, or at best a slight boost to what I had. Honestly the addition of Piett is going to have a much more significant change on my roster than having an r7 Ultimate ability Sith Eternal Emperor.

    I was excited to unlock him and expected to be really psyched to use him, but here we are and I just don't care. I'm almost numb about it. Shouldn't I be super pumped to use him at every opportunity? We'll I'm not. In my squad arena I went from getting top 50 every night with GAS to getting top 50 every night with Sith Eternal Emperor. 35 of the top 50 are Kylo in my shard, so SEE is absolutely useless against him. I could run the counters and work my **** off every night for a top 20, maybe top 10 finish but I could have done that long before I started working on SEE. Unlocking him has had zero bearing on my daily fights.

    I won't go into all the way he could be fixed because plenty have done so already, but they have to do something. Because as it stands right now I just pumped cash, tons of effort, and plenty of hours into working on this character and once unlocking him I'm just numb about it. I didn't get better. I don't have what feels like a galactic legend.

    Edit: Final note- He is absolutely terrible for GAC. We know he's bad on defense, so let's save him for offence. Except his whole thing is letting his team die so that he can use the ultimate and kill everyone. So by that metric he's actively hurting you because of the low banner count from all your characters dying. CG has claimed several times before that they want to shift focus to GAC and I bought into it. So here I am ready to compete with my GL but now I'm at a severe disadvantage to every single person with a GL not named SEE.
  • Options
    Apologies if this posts twice. For some reason it acts like it did post but I can't find it, so I'm posting again

    OK well I'm returning to the feed now that I've unlocked the ultimate ability for Palps. I'm told at every opportunity that the ultimate ability 100% makes the team do what it needs to do. I was ready. I wanted to be blown away by the awe-inspiring abilities of "an Attacker that focuses on dealing tons of damage at the expense of whoever is in his way." I wanted to weild the power of "Sith Eternal Emperor, when in his Ultimate form (Restored), can almost take on an entire squad by himself."

    So after all this farming and blowing crystals on dark side nodes just to get the ultimate, I fired it up, and watched it be... kinda fine? After spending 4 minutes of a fight delaying the ult so I could build as much mastery as I could, then using the ultimate I transformed into the super strong attacker I was meant to be! Except I was doing maybe 90k on a hit? Oh and I had no other utility. It was just basic ability and wait 20 turns to hopefully be able to use my big attack again. The ultimate ability fits the description I've been using for SEE all along: underwhelming.

    All poetics aside, I'm tired and I'm terribly disappointed. This is my first GL. I've seen what Kylo can do to people. I've lost plenty of GAC rounds because my despite doing everything I could right with my counter squad, Kylo is one of the strongest toons in the game and sometimes he just powers his way through things. I've seen a Rey squad put up dozens of defenses in TW, I've fought them and lost because the damage immunity trick is a phenomenal one and really changes up the strategy. I've seen what a Galactic Legend is capable of, and I wanted to have that power on my team.

    But Sith Eternal Emperor isn't remotely close to comparable to them.

    This thread is full of the problems with the team and his kit and it all boils down to him not doing enough damage, not controlling the fight as well as we could have reasonably expected, and being a general disappointment to anyone who unlocked him.

    I spent money to get here (and yeah I can hear Kyno and everyone else now huffing and puffing "that's your fault! You took that risk and you're an **** because of it!) and sure, I get that CG never outright said he would be on par with the other GLs. They have that famous phrase "a similar power level" which basically amounts to nonsense because there are 1000 different ways of interpreting that statement. But no matter what I spent some cash because I wanted to be a part of the next wave of awesome characters. Instead I have gained next to nothing when it comes to the team he will be using.

    Others said it first, the Triumvirate and Sith Empire don't really gain anything by adding SEE as a member. The teams SEE can beat were largely already being beaten as they were with these factions. It was a lateral move, or at best a slight boost to what I had. Honestly the addition of Piett is going to have a much more significant change on my roster than having an r7 Ultimate ability Sith Eternal Emperor.

    I was excited to unlock him and expected to be really psyched to use him, but here we are and I just don't care. I'm almost numb about it. Shouldn't I be super pumped to use him at every opportunity? We'll I'm not. In my squad arena I went from getting top 50 every night with GAS to getting top 50 every night with Sith Eternal Emperor. 35 of the top 50 are Kylo in my shard, so SEE is absolutely useless against him. I could run the counters and work my **** off every night for a top 20, maybe top 10 finish but I could have done that long before I started working on SEE. Unlocking him has had zero bearing on my daily fights.

    I won't go into all the way he could be fixed because plenty have done so already, but they have to do something. Because as it stands right now I just pumped cash, tons of effort, and plenty of hours into working on this character and once unlocking him I'm just numb about it. I didn't get better. I don't have what feels like a galactic legend.

    Edit: Final note- He is absolutely terrible for GAC. We know he's bad on defense, so let's save him for offence. Except his whole thing is letting his team die so that he can use the ultimate and kill everyone. So by that metric he's actively hurting you because of the low banner count from all your characters dying. CG has claimed several times before that they want to shift focus to GAC and I bought into it. So here I am ready to compete with my GL but now I'm at a severe disadvantage to every single person with a GL not named SEE.

    Yep. This is how we all feel. This is what we've all experienced. This right here is a long post that is worth the read. It's worth every like.

    SEE doesn't help your roster. (except Piet whos better then our "GL") He requires some of the worst toons in the game who CG, dispite not saying directly, will never charge or at least make viable. Half the sith faction is from years ago and beyond outdated and their total stats PALE in comparison to current toons.

    And you shouldn't be blamed or criticized for spending. It's your choice and your cash. And CG released a product that doesn't meet expectations thus they deserve every criticism they get.

    There is many many many of us with ideas, the rosters, and time to help out and would jump at the chance to work with the devs to make this game, and SEE, great and worth the effort time and money.
  • Options
    Apologies if this posts twice. For some reason it acts like it did post but I can't find it, so I'm posting again

    OK well I'm returning to the feed now that I've unlocked the ultimate ability for Palps. I'm told at every opportunity that the ultimate ability 100% makes the team do what it needs to do. I was ready. I wanted to be blown away by the awe-inspiring abilities of "an Attacker that focuses on dealing tons of damage at the expense of whoever is in his way." I wanted to weild the power of "Sith Eternal Emperor, when in his Ultimate form (Restored), can almost take on an entire squad by himself."

    So after all this farming and blowing crystals on dark side nodes just to get the ultimate, I fired it up, and watched it be... kinda fine? After spending 4 minutes of a fight delaying the ult so I could build as much mastery as I could, then using the ultimate I transformed into the super strong attacker I was meant to be! Except I was doing maybe 90k on a hit? Oh and I had no other utility. It was just basic ability and wait 20 turns to hopefully be able to use my big attack again. The ultimate ability fits the description I've been using for SEE all along: underwhelming.

    All poetics aside, I'm tired and I'm terribly disappointed. This is my first GL. I've seen what Kylo can do to people. I've lost plenty of GAC rounds because my despite doing everything I could right with my counter squad, Kylo is one of the strongest toons in the game and sometimes he just powers his way through things. I've seen a Rey squad put up dozens of defenses in TW, I've fought them and lost because the damage immunity trick is a phenomenal one and really changes up the strategy. I've seen what a Galactic Legend is capable of, and I wanted to have that power on my team.

    But Sith Eternal Emperor isn't remotely close to comparable to them.

    This thread is full of the problems with the team and his kit and it all boils down to him not doing enough damage, not controlling the fight as well as we could have reasonably expected, and being a general disappointment to anyone who unlocked him.

    I spent money to get here (and yeah I can hear Kyno and everyone else now huffing and puffing "that's your fault! You took that risk and you're an **** because of it!) and sure, I get that CG never outright said he would be on par with the other GLs. They have that famous phrase "a similar power level" which basically amounts to nonsense because there are 1000 different ways of interpreting that statement. But no matter what I spent some cash because I wanted to be a part of the next wave of awesome characters. Instead I have gained next to nothing when it comes to the team he will be using.

    Others said it first, the Triumvirate and Sith Empire don't really gain anything by adding SEE as a member. The teams SEE can beat were largely already being beaten as they were with these factions. It was a lateral move, or at best a slight boost to what I had. Honestly the addition of Piett is going to have a much more significant change on my roster than having an r7 Ultimate ability Sith Eternal Emperor.

    I was excited to unlock him and expected to be really psyched to use him, but here we are and I just don't care. I'm almost numb about it. Shouldn't I be super pumped to use him at every opportunity? We'll I'm not. In my squad arena I went from getting top 50 every night with GAS to getting top 50 every night with Sith Eternal Emperor. 35 of the top 50 are Kylo in my shard, so SEE is absolutely useless against him. I could run the counters and work my **** off every night for a top 20, maybe top 10 finish but I could have done that long before I started working on SEE. Unlocking him has had zero bearing on my daily fights.

    I won't go into all the way he could be fixed because plenty have done so already, but they have to do something. Because as it stands right now I just pumped cash, tons of effort, and plenty of hours into working on this character and once unlocking him I'm just numb about it. I didn't get better. I don't have what feels like a galactic legend.

    Edit: Final note- He is absolutely terrible for GAC. We know he's bad on defense, so let's save him for offence. Except his whole thing is letting his team die so that he can use the ultimate and kill everyone. So by that metric he's actively hurting you because of the low banner count from all your characters dying. CG has claimed several times before that they want to shift focus to GAC and I bought into it. So here I am ready to compete with my GL but now I'm at a severe disadvantage to every single person with a GL not named SEE.

    100% true. One of the biggest disappointments I've ever had in this game by a huge margin. I sit behind a wall of Kylos in my shard not able to move even 1 spot. I was hoping his Ult might change that. Sounds like it won't so I guess I'll just take my time farming dark side nodes now. No reason to throw away anymore time or effort on this dud.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    JML and Rey have vitalized light side characters. If they are not leader then Revan,GAS,JKL are. I’ve seen so many great team comps come out for light side.
    Nothing around SEE at all other then him as leader.
    I won’t bother talking about slkr because he made his faction fantastic without breaking any other team comps.
    JML takes key jedi yes but once people have mundi I feel like barriss and qui gon will be able to be made relevant and free up a few key jedi back in to other teams.
    SEE would have had more worth if he was able to not be in the leader slot but still acted as one from behind the scenes. So you could use another sith as leader and then do something to amplify that leader abilities or add some other abilities. Something like that.
    Him as leader doesn’t add anything better unless you face jedi and until JML I didn’t struggle against them anyway. So I guess all I can say is I’m lucky I still won’t
    Feels like a heavy price for an occasional battle.
  • Options
    Apologies if this posts twice. For some reason it acts like it did post but I can't find it, so I'm posting again

    OK well I'm returning to the feed now that I've unlocked the ultimate ability for Palps. I'm told at every opportunity that the ultimate ability 100% makes the team do what it needs to do. I was ready. I wanted to be blown away by the awe-inspiring abilities of "an Attacker that focuses on dealing tons of damage at the expense of whoever is in his way." I wanted to weild the power of "Sith Eternal Emperor, when in his Ultimate form (Restored), can almost take on an entire squad by himself."

    So after all this farming and blowing crystals on dark side nodes just to get the ultimate, I fired it up, and watched it be... kinda fine? After spending 4 minutes of a fight delaying the ult so I could build as much mastery as I could, then using the ultimate I transformed into the super strong attacker I was meant to be! Except I was doing maybe 90k on a hit? Oh and I had no other utility. It was just basic ability and wait 20 turns to hopefully be able to use my big attack again. The ultimate ability fits the description I've been using for SEE all along: underwhelming.

    All poetics aside, I'm tired and I'm terribly disappointed. This is my first GL. I've seen what Kylo can do to people. I've lost plenty of GAC rounds because my despite doing everything I could right with my counter squad, Kylo is one of the strongest toons in the game and sometimes he just powers his way through things. I've seen a Rey squad put up dozens of defenses in TW, I've fought them and lost because the damage immunity trick is a phenomenal one and really changes up the strategy. I've seen what a Galactic Legend is capable of, and I wanted to have that power on my team.

    But Sith Eternal Emperor isn't remotely close to comparable to them.

    This thread is full of the problems with the team and his kit and it all boils down to him not doing enough damage, not controlling the fight as well as we could have reasonably expected, and being a general disappointment to anyone who unlocked him.

    I spent money to get here (and yeah I can hear Kyno and everyone else now huffing and puffing "that's your fault! You took that risk and you're an **** because of it!) and sure, I get that CG never outright said he would be on par with the other GLs. They have that famous phrase "a similar power level" which basically amounts to nonsense because there are 1000 different ways of interpreting that statement. But no matter what I spent some cash because I wanted to be a part of the next wave of awesome characters. Instead I have gained next to nothing when it comes to the team he will be using.

    Others said it first, the Triumvirate and Sith Empire don't really gain anything by adding SEE as a member. The teams SEE can beat were largely already being beaten as they were with these factions. It was a lateral move, or at best a slight boost to what I had. Honestly the addition of Piett is going to have a much more significant change on my roster than having an r7 Ultimate ability Sith Eternal Emperor.

    I was excited to unlock him and expected to be really psyched to use him, but here we are and I just don't care. I'm almost numb about it. Shouldn't I be super pumped to use him at every opportunity? We'll I'm not. In my squad arena I went from getting top 50 every night with GAS to getting top 50 every night with Sith Eternal Emperor. 35 of the top 50 are Kylo in my shard, so SEE is absolutely useless against him. I could run the counters and work my **** off every night for a top 20, maybe top 10 finish but I could have done that long before I started working on SEE. Unlocking him has had zero bearing on my daily fights.

    I won't go into all the way he could be fixed because plenty have done so already, but they have to do something. Because as it stands right now I just pumped cash, tons of effort, and plenty of hours into working on this character and once unlocking him I'm just numb about it. I didn't get better. I don't have what feels like a galactic legend.

    Edit: Final note- He is absolutely terrible for GAC. We know he's bad on defense, so let's save him for offence. Except his whole thing is letting his team die so that he can use the ultimate and kill everyone. So by that metric he's actively hurting you because of the low banner count from all your characters dying. CG has claimed several times before that they want to shift focus to GAC and I bought into it. So here I am ready to compete with my GL but now I'm at a severe disadvantage to every single person with a GL not named SEE.

    In before Kyno comes behind and says something along the lines of "Are you sure you did things the right way? Maybe there is a better comp you can use? They're looking into it ".

    I mean there are an overwhelming amount of responses saying how terrible he is. And I would like to say - Shame on anyone that makes comments about "maybe you should have seen how he performed before you invested ". He was a GL and per statements we expect him to act like a GL. As someone getting my last 150 shards I have a pit in my stomach that I literally just burned money. While it's not the end of the world, here is the fear players like myself have: If new GL's come out and there is a massive shift and SEE get's ignored we will then have to dump a ton of resources/money to stay with the meta.

    I ran into the first SEE in my shard today. I fought him with SLKR/DR/Malak/BastF/SiT. The fight was the easiest thing I've done in my shard in awhile.
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    Now even Ahnald has come up with a video that SLKR solos SEE.

    He is the guy who earlier said he is God Tier in Dark Side Geo TB and 3 vs 3 GAC (as if it matters or is a big deal)!

    Update - Still only 1 SEE in top 50 in my 4 year plus shard. He is running SEE, Red Sith Trooper, DN, Sion and Traya.
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    Watch at moment 1h58min in Ahnaldt ‘s video about “SEE is god tier...”. He sends Phasma, FOX, FOO against SEE. And as he loses, he says “that guy is a beast”
  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    That's hilarious. I noticed Ahnald was calling SEE "GOD TIER" again but didn't realize it was so much worse than the overrated TB performance. Captain Plasma lead against SEE. My god. If this is the best "SITH ETERNAL GOD TIER" content from someone desperate to applaud the newest GLs in order to get a special test account, how bad is SEE?
    Post edited by dgree on
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