The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Yes because in the past we've been so happy with cg when they've been silent. Cmon you guys just keep moving the goalposts here.

    Posts that don't answer anything or are off topic are effectively silience.

    No, they aren't. You have a short memory if you've forgotten what it was like before doja began to interact with us.

    Does that mean I don't want communication on important issues? Of course not. I'd love to get an answer.

    But to complain about the communication we DO get, is simply foolish, short sighted, and displays a severe lack of memory

    The only real difference now, is we get a "you are being heard" post now followed by a month of silence rather than just the month of silent and some occasional banter back and forth off topic because either the dev's won't tell doja what they are doing or they won't let him tell us.

    I don't mind the lighthearted posts. But they don't add anything meaningful. There are plenty of off topic conversations to read through when I'm bored and a dev commenting their personal opinion on those (while as valid as anyone's opinion) does not count as meaningful communication from the dev's.

    My main point is that the lighthearted posts don't count as meaningful communication.

    But communication doesn't always have to be "meaningful" in the sense you mean. It can also help build a "relationship" of sorts (in this case). And I'm good with that. Obviously if Doja was just posting fluff on the forums with no substance ever (almost like a clown juggling pink pom poms for amusement I have that in my head) - that would be one thing. But that's not what he does. Thank the maker.

    I'm not against the fluff posts. They have their place. But the argument I made was that they are not better (or worse) than silence on an issue.

    I don't blame Doja. He can only post what he is allowed to. But to say that the information we are getting from the dev's is that much better than before just isn't true in my opinion.

    We still don't know their intentions for this raid.

    We still don't know what is up with see.

    Seriously we've increased the frequency of state of the galaxy and road ahead, we've gotten posts about bugs, about whether cg is listening (lots of justifiably complaints regarding this before doja started), about characters working as intended.

    The communication has clearly increased in all forms

    I agree they are doing marginally better. They have gotten the low hanging fruit of getting the calendar out on time.

    But there is still much room for improvement when characters that people pay thousands of dollars to get early are not working as described (see being not equal to other gls) and we are two months into them looking into it and we have heard no meaningful information one way or the other.

    SEE not being "as good" will be changed eventually, I'm sure. But as Fingolfin said, that eventually it will be fixed, that it takes time to make things good, and work with everything else. They are also working on a whole lot of other stuff for future things that are more important to the whole community and not just to the select few that have unlocked see.

    We don't know whether they plan on fixing see or not. They haven't said one way or the other. That's the problem.

    And paying customers dropping a ton to get a GL that isn't working as advertised (not me, I'm 100% ftp) is fairly big issue in my opinion and deserves more than a "were looking into it"

    But at least they have communicated far enough to at least tell us that they are looking into it. Its better than nothing. Give them time.

    We have. It's been two months. I was all for patience when people were saying he was trash a week after he came out. But two months later, even my patience is a bit thin.

    As I've said before, we don't know if they've seen that it's a problem, and if they have, it has to have been a lot less than 2 months ago, so they wouldn't have had time to fix it, and they probably have a good reason for waiting to fix if they have indeed seen that its a problem

    They said the were looking into it 2 months ago and we've heard nothing of substance. That is a communication problem. Of course you are free to disagree.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    The thread is just rambling at this point.

    Someone stated that we've said all we can on the subject of this raid. I respectfully disagree.

    We have made our opinions known all right but it's going to take more than that to change the dev team's minds.

    The devs want data. So if you want to influence their thinking, give them (or at least our conduit to them, Doja) some data:
    Guild name
    Guild GP
    # successes / failures
    The problems your guild is experiencing with the current setup

    The more the better. The higher GP the better.

    With the raid running once a week, there isn't much data on our end. Not nearly as much as the dev's have access to.
  • Options
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    The thread is just rambling at this point.

    Someone stated that we've said all we can on the subject of this raid. I respectfully disagree.

    We have made our opinions known all right but it's going to take more than that to change the dev team's minds.

    The devs want data. So if you want to influence their thinking, give them (or at least our conduit to them, Doja) some data:
    Guild name
    Guild GP
    # successes / failures
    The problems your guild is experiencing with the current setup

    The more the better. The higher GP the better.

    With the raid running once a week, there isn't much data on our end. Not nearly as much as the dev's have access to.
    True but the only data they do have direct access to is statistical. They also need data on the player experience and we collectively can give that.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    The thread is just rambling at this point.

    Someone stated that we've said all we can on the subject of this raid. I respectfully disagree.

    We have made our opinions known all right but it's going to take more than that to change the dev team's minds.

    The devs want data. So if you want to influence their thinking, give them (or at least our conduit to them, Doja) some data:
    Guild name
    Guild GP
    # successes / failures
    The problems your guild is experiencing with the current setup

    The more the better. The higher GP the better.

    With the raid running once a week, there isn't much data on our end. Not nearly as much as the dev's have access to.
    True but the only data they do have direct access to is statistical. They also need data on the player experience and we collectively can give that.

    I don't believe that for a second. They can have 50 test accounts (or more) and launch the raid at any time to get as much data as they need.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    The thread is just rambling at this point.

    Someone stated that we've said all we can on the subject of this raid. I respectfully disagree.

    We have made our opinions known all right but it's going to take more than that to change the dev team's minds.

    The devs want data. So if you want to influence their thinking, give them (or at least our conduit to them, Doja) some data:
    Guild name
    Guild GP
    # successes / failures
    The problems your guild is experiencing with the current setup

    The more the better. The higher GP the better.

    With the raid running once a week, there isn't much data on our end. Not nearly as much as the dev's have access to.
    True but the only data they do have direct access to is statistical. They also need data on the player experience and we collectively can give that.

    And we have adequately expressed our collective opinions on this particular mechanic in my opinion. There isn't a lot more to be said. The mechanic is terrible.

    The real question is Does CG care?
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    The real question is Does CG care?

    No, no they do not. They knew how we felt about it before they buffed it.
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    We face a Problem with the reward structure.

    In p1 a rey does about 10-20%. We needed 8 reys this time to clear p1. 8 of our 20 reys were lucky and could get this nice 7 mio dmg for a good ranking. The other reys can do like 4% in p4 and is like 1 mio dmg? Its the same Team but they just randomly got chosen not to dmg in the good Phase this time and cant compete with the p1 dmg Crew. Inguild competition does not work cause we waste the important Teams if everybody takes the good dmg for the inguild competition. Thats why the reward structure should rly get changed.
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    Our guild completed the raid twice, before this new thing. Even before this buff to the Rancor, the rewards on my opinion are not good vs the amount of effort need it to complete it. Even if you get 10 of the R8 materials being top 5, you still need 284 G12 salvage, plus the Cantina Relic materials for just 1 character to get from R7 to R8. You need 40 or 50 to complete it now, those forced to be online to contribute and get just 1 piece, they are not going to be happy.
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Yes because in the past we've been so happy with cg when they've been silent. Cmon you guys just keep moving the goalposts here.

    Posts that don't answer anything or are off topic are effectively silience.

    No, they aren't. You have a short memory if you've forgotten what it was like before doja began to interact with us.

    Does that mean I don't want communication on important issues? Of course not. I'd love to get an answer.

    But to complain about the communication we DO get, is simply foolish, short sighted, and displays a severe lack of memory

    The only real difference now, is we get a "you are being heard" post now followed by a month of silence rather than just the month of silent and some occasional banter back and forth off topic because either the dev's won't tell doja what they are doing or they won't let him tell us.

    I don't mind the lighthearted posts. But they don't add anything meaningful. There are plenty of off topic conversations to read through when I'm bored and a dev commenting their personal opinion on those (while as valid as anyone's opinion) does not count as meaningful communication from the dev's.

    My main point is that the lighthearted posts don't count as meaningful communication.

    But communication doesn't always have to be "meaningful" in the sense you mean. It can also help build a "relationship" of sorts (in this case). And I'm good with that. Obviously if Doja was just posting fluff on the forums with no substance ever (almost like a clown juggling pink pom poms for amusement I have that in my head) - that would be one thing. But that's not what he does. Thank the maker.

    I'm not against the fluff posts. They have their place. But the argument I made was that they are not better (or worse) than silence on an issue.

    I don't blame Doja. He can only post what he is allowed to. But to say that the information we are getting from the dev's is that much better than before just isn't true in my opinion.

    We still don't know their intentions for this raid.

    We still don't know what is up with see.

    Seriously we've increased the frequency of state of the galaxy and road ahead, we've gotten posts about bugs, about whether cg is listening (lots of justifiably complaints regarding this before doja started), about characters working as intended.

    The communication has clearly increased in all forms

    I agree they are doing marginally better. They have gotten the low hanging fruit of getting the calendar out on time.

    But there is still much room for improvement when characters that people pay thousands of dollars to get early are not working as described (see being not equal to other gls) and we are two months into them looking into it and we have heard no meaningful information one way or the other.

    SEE not being "as good" will be changed eventually, I'm sure. But as Fingolfin said, that eventually it will be fixed, that it takes time to make things good, and work with everything else. They are also working on a whole lot of other stuff for future things that are more important to the whole community and not just to the select few that have unlocked see.

    We don't know whether they plan on fixing see or not. They haven't said one way or the other. That's the problem.

    And paying customers dropping a ton to get a GL that isn't working as advertised (not me, I'm 100% ftp) is fairly big issue in my opinion and deserves more than a "were looking into it"

    But at least they have communicated far enough to at least tell us that they are looking into it. Its better than nothing. Give them time.

    We have. It's been two months. I was all for patience when people were saying he was trash a week after he came out. But two months later, even my patience is a bit thin.

    As I've said before, we don't know if they've seen that it's a problem, and if they have, it has to have been a lot less than 2 months ago, so they wouldn't have had time to fix it, and they probably have a good reason for waiting to fix if they have indeed seen that its a problem

    They said the were looking into it 2 months ago and we've heard nothing of substance. That is a communication problem. Of course you are free to disagree.

    Ah, ok. I did not know they said they were looking into it. I understand your frustration, sorry if I seemed hostile in any way. I believe there must be some reason as to why however. But if you don't agree, that's your opinion. Im not trying to be hostile or purposefully start arguments.
    “But you know what I always say: Speak softly and drive a big tank.”
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    Also about the raid, I believe that they should keep it how it is now, but just increase the rewards similar to the heroic sith but a little better.
    “But you know what I always say: Speak softly and drive a big tank.”
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    Also about the raid, I believe that they should keep it how it is now...

    Do you have any experience with the raid to say that?

  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    Asylumwar8 wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Yes because in the past we've been so happy with cg when they've been silent. Cmon you guys just keep moving the goalposts here.

    Posts that don't answer anything or are off topic are effectively silience.
    No. Grow up.

    Better to have someone communicating even if you don't always like what they have to say. Unless of course you are a toddler throwing a temper tantrum and can't accept anything other than what you want to hear.

    Please explain to me what he communicated? We all understand he is an intermediary. We know he can only answer in detail what he is allowed, but at the same time in circumstances where there is friction and frustration within the community it tends to show that he isn't the solution when he answers in such poor context.

    The "solution"? I never claimed to have that type of authority. But, that's not going to stop me from replying to comments and trying to bring some levity if I so choose. Not everyone is going to like it. But, there are going to be times that no matter what I say some people won't like it (unless it's leaking a major character a few days early. I'm guessing not many people outside the studio took issue with that XD).

    It doesn't mean I'm ignoring the issue. It means I've likely done my job and there's not much else of substance to report for now. I chose this gig because I want to interact with the community and that doesn't mean just reporting facts or being here when the job is easy.

    Hope this helps. And y'all can feel free to call me out if you think I could be doing better. If it's valid criticism, I'll try to use it to learn and grow. If it's not, then I'll just assume you're having a bad day, as we all do from time-to-time. No biggie.


    I think many in here appreciate you. I know I do. You’ve got a good understanding of the “passion” that some (including myself at times) use in their communications. You’ve been a great addition to the team IMO. No “but.” That is all.
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Yes because in the past we've been so happy with cg when they've been silent. Cmon you guys just keep moving the goalposts here.

    Posts that don't answer anything or are off topic are effectively silience.

    No, they aren't. You have a short memory if you've forgotten what it was like before doja began to interact with us.

    Does that mean I don't want communication on important issues? Of course not. I'd love to get an answer.

    But to complain about the communication we DO get, is simply foolish, short sighted, and displays a severe lack of memory

    The only real difference now, is we get a "you are being heard" post now followed by a month of silence rather than just the month of silent and some occasional banter back and forth off topic because either the dev's won't tell doja what they are doing or they won't let him tell us.

    I don't mind the lighthearted posts. But they don't add anything meaningful. There are plenty of off topic conversations to read through when I'm bored and a dev commenting their personal opinion on those (while as valid as anyone's opinion) does not count as meaningful communication from the dev's.

    My main point is that the lighthearted posts don't count as meaningful communication.

    But communication doesn't always have to be "meaningful" in the sense you mean. It can also help build a "relationship" of sorts (in this case). And I'm good with that. Obviously if Doja was just posting fluff on the forums with no substance ever (almost like a clown juggling pink pom poms for amusement I have that in my head) - that would be one thing. But that's not what he does. Thank the maker.

    I'm not against the fluff posts. They have their place. But the argument I made was that they are not better (or worse) than silence on an issue.

    I don't blame Doja. He can only post what he is allowed to. But to say that the information we are getting from the dev's is that much better than before just isn't true in my opinion.

    We still don't know their intentions for this raid.

    We still don't know what is up with see.

    This is a “new” raid, or rather new mechanics. I am frustrated by them as well. It is definitely an issue for my international guild; we can’t quite get the right players in at the right time yet. That said, these mechanics can be overcome, evidenced by a significant number of completions from various guild sizes. I think the raid “deserves” some patience from the community and is likely WAI.

    Could they change it? I bet they could, but I think we currently know the intentions of the devs for this raid. It was just released and the feedback is fairly clear. It’s not a bug, that’s for sure. Do I hope adjustments are made? Yes. I don’t expect communication on something WAI in about a week, especially from CG.

    SEE is a different story and I completely agree with you there. It’s also not a bug, but communication from the devs was given. It was communicated that it is being looked into and a significant amount of time has passed without an answer.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.

    its not an exploit, trying to make that argument is moot.

    the mechanic is what is adding to the difficulty, if the difficulty is not an issue, then this mechanic shouldn't be an issue. There is "nothing to address", they are aware of this design, and they intended for it to be there. The raid is doable without doing anything extra to avoid this mechanic (its a choice that can be made to make it easier), so while you can go to extra lengths to minimize its effects, they didn't fully intend for a guild to organize every player to jump in the raid at the start of each phase. this was a plan of attack formed by the player base.

    That was figured out in about 5 minutes. Certainly you're not suggesting that the development team didn't see this coming? Or that such a strategy wasn't addressed in the "testing"?


    As I said they were aware of this, and left it in place, because it was intended for coordination, but not that "the only way to do it would eb to have 50 people all log in at each phase".

    Again its doable without this.

    I never said they didnt see this coming, did I?

    Well, this tirade didn’t age well. Do you still mistakenly think the raid doesn’t require this level of coordination and damage holding @Kyno ?
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.

    its not an exploit, trying to make that argument is moot.

    the mechanic is what is adding to the difficulty, if the difficulty is not an issue, then this mechanic shouldn't be an issue. There is "nothing to address", they are aware of this design, and they intended for it to be there. The raid is doable without doing anything extra to avoid this mechanic (its a choice that can be made to make it easier), so while you can go to extra lengths to minimize its effects, they didn't fully intend for a guild to organize every player to jump in the raid at the start of each phase. this was a plan of attack formed by the player base.

    That was figured out in about 5 minutes. Certainly you're not suggesting that the development team didn't see this coming? Or that such a strategy wasn't addressed in the "testing"?


    As I said they were aware of this, and left it in place, because it was intended for coordination, but not that "the only way to do it would eb to have 50 people all log in at each phase".

    Again its doable without this.

    I never said they didnt see this coming, did I?

    Well, this tirade didn’t age well. Do you still mistakenly think the raid doesn’t require this level of coordination and damage holding @Kyno ?

    I’ve seen vids from whale guilds that didn’t need to coordinate. It is possible to beat the raid without coordination, just not for many guilds atm.
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    I wonder how many code programmers there are on the GC team. it's unbelievable. There are no fixes for obvious and already known bugs, including those of the KAM battle and the crash when the game is revived or another unit is called (Rocket droid in Geonosis TB. And if the bug has a reproduction there is a fix.

    The tests done by the CG before the launch of the raids are low and usually done on accounts where all the characters are maximized.

    1) Feedback was very bad, the CG should be announcing that it is deleting this raid from the game and making a new one, with a difficulty that becomes a challenge, without blocking the R5.
    2) Take the R8 reward and dilute it globally until you tie something that pays

    Stop wanting to double the bet. Carrie is sorely missed, she was focused on the company wanting people to spend the money on the game, but she had something that this team lacks, a sense of proportion and humility.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    camper288 wrote: »
    I wonder how many code programmers there are on the GC team. it's unbelievable. There are no fixes for obvious and already known bugs, including those of the KAM battle and the crash when the game is revived or another unit is called (Rocket droid in Geonosis TB. And if the bug has a reproduction there is a fix.

    The tests done by the CG before the launch of the raids are low and usually done on accounts where all the characters are maximized.

    1) Feedback was very bad, the CG should be announcing that it is deleting this raid from the game and making a new one, with a difficulty that becomes a challenge, without blocking the R5.
    2) Take the R8 reward and dilute it globally until you tie something that pays

    Stop wanting to double the bet. Carrie is sorely missed, she was focused on the company wanting people to spend the money on the game, but she had something that this team lacks, a sense of proportion and humility.

    We see how the prioritize bugs. Mando portrait first, then nothing else to see here lol.
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    camper288 wrote: »
    I wonder how many code programmers there are on the GC team.
    Not nearly as many as there are backset pseudo-coders on the forums who think they know how simple it all is. :D
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    Konju wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.

    its not an exploit, trying to make that argument is moot.

    the mechanic is what is adding to the difficulty, if the difficulty is not an issue, then this mechanic shouldn't be an issue. There is "nothing to address", they are aware of this design, and they intended for it to be there. The raid is doable without doing anything extra to avoid this mechanic (its a choice that can be made to make it easier), so while you can go to extra lengths to minimize its effects, they didn't fully intend for a guild to organize every player to jump in the raid at the start of each phase. this was a plan of attack formed by the player base.

    That was figured out in about 5 minutes. Certainly you're not suggesting that the development team didn't see this coming? Or that such a strategy wasn't addressed in the "testing"?


    As I said they were aware of this, and left it in place, because it was intended for coordination, but not that "the only way to do it would eb to have 50 people all log in at each phase".

    Again its doable without this.

    I never said they didnt see this coming, did I?

    Well, this tirade didn’t age well. Do you still mistakenly think the raid doesn’t require this level of coordination and damage holding @Kyno ?

    I’ve seen vids from whale guilds that didn’t need to coordinate. It is possible to beat the raid without coordination, just not for many guilds atm.

    What guild is beating the raid without coordinating damage after the buff?
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    Quick question. I think I understand the raid feature that the captain and the rancor gain offense and speed every time they loses 20% health. I think I understand that only a few guilds can power through that increase without coordination (but it is possible). I just want to be sure I understand this next question though: how do you tell what health percentage the captain and the rancor are during the challenge?
    This bar:
    gu4qn65rka4f.jpg ?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Guild name - TNR Uprising
    Guild GP - 285 million
    Haven't even made it to phase 3 either time. We have members in 8+ time zones and several different countries with differing work schedules. Both times we have struggled to get more than 12 people who can hit the raid at the same time. Most other comments our guild has about the structure wouldn't pass the language filter.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Iy4oy4s
    2947 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Guild name - TNR Uprising
    Guild GP - 285 million
    Haven't even made it to phase 3 either time. We have members in 8+ time zones and several different countries with differing work schedules. Both times we have struggled to get more than 12 people who can hit the raid at the same time. Most other comments our guild has about the structure wouldn't pass the language filter.

    300 million
    1 fail/free for all
    1 currently in p4

    We have members all over the place as well and it is extremely difficult to coordinate. Our math didn't add up in P3 and got it to 2.5% and it was the roughest 2.5% ever. The mechanic is stupid in its current state....I can't wait to beat my head over this raid for the next year because you know they are not going to change it...just like LSGTB /sarcasm.
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    Stryde wrote: »
    Quick question. I think I understand the raid feature that the captain and the rancor gain offense and speed every time they loses 20% health. I think I understand that only a few guilds can power through that increase without coordination (but it is possible). I just want to be sure I understand this next question though: how do you tell what health percentage the captain and the rancor are during the challenge?
    This bar:
    gu4qn65rka4f.jpg ?

    The only way to know for sure is to start a run.
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    Stryde wrote: »
    Quick question. I think I understand the raid feature that the captain and the rancor gain offense and speed every time they loses 20% health. I think I understand that only a few guilds can power through that increase without coordination (but it is possible). I just want to be sure I understand this next question though: how do you tell what health percentage the captain and the rancor are during the challenge?
    This bar:
    gu4qn65rka4f.jpg ?

    The only way to know for sure is to start a run.

    Got it. pu2c5e9ddazm.jpg

  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.

    its not an exploit, trying to make that argument is moot.

    the mechanic is what is adding to the difficulty, if the difficulty is not an issue, then this mechanic shouldn't be an issue. There is "nothing to address", they are aware of this design, and they intended for it to be there. The raid is doable without doing anything extra to avoid this mechanic (its a choice that can be made to make it easier), so while you can go to extra lengths to minimize its effects, they didn't fully intend for a guild to organize every player to jump in the raid at the start of each phase. this was a plan of attack formed by the player base.

    That was figured out in about 5 minutes. Certainly you're not suggesting that the development team didn't see this coming? Or that such a strategy wasn't addressed in the "testing"?


    As I said they were aware of this, and left it in place, because it was intended for coordination, but not that "the only way to do it would eb to have 50 people all log in at each phase".

    Again its doable without this.

    I never said they didnt see this coming, did I?

    Well, this tirade didn’t age well. Do you still mistakenly think the raid doesn’t require this level of coordination and damage holding @Kyno ?

    I’ve seen vids from whale guilds that didn’t need to coordinate. It is possible to beat the raid without coordination, just not for many guilds atm.

    What guild is beating the raid without coordinating damage after the buff?

    Not mine, haha. I would have to find the video to show the guy just throwing his roster at it with reckless abandon. I will look for it.
  • StarSon
    7538 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Konju wrote: »

    There is no choice but to zerg p4. This video showed them coordinating damage in p1-3 though.

    I don’t believe there is a guild in this game that can just ignore the coordination and YOLO the first 3 phases and still have enough left for p4.
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    His first battles were at 50% health in P1.
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