The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


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    Rancor update is a joke. It will be years before most guild have a slight chance to beat it. Boo
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Sewpot wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    I just want to reiterate how terrible and unfun this 20% stacking is. Only takes one person to forget how airplane mode works to ruin the entire raid for 49 other people.

    Yeah, even if you get all 50 players available at the same time, we've had a few who are bad at not posting until its time to post damage

    Airplane mode is a must. Then you can go to discord and turn it back on to post your damage and add it up. Just don’t go back in the game without turning airplane mode back on until ready lol
    We have people slip up but not enough to mess the raid up. 1-3 slip ups is tolerable lol
    We have a 10 minute timer per phase

    I backed out to get a higher % (got 8% in P1 in 6 minutes) and someone accidentally did 15% and another did 5%

    we cleared the raid but my second run of P1 with Rey clones ended up being 2%

    So its not like the threshold thing prevented us from clearing the raid, its just pointless if you can manage co-ordination and punishes latecomers
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    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    edited December 2020
    The difficulty of the raid is fine.

    The people have issues with the reward structure (gear is flattened but the drops are pretty bad) and the co-ordination

    Why not have one threshold at 20% health where the rancor does +300% offense and speed (all 4 thresholds in one)? If your goal is to prevent raid solos

    Its a lot difficult to get 50 people to be online at the same time every week for a few hours

    I like the challenge and difficulty of the raid
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    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    You’ve missed the point entirely. It’s not “difficult” content. It’s difficult because you’ve forced us into MMO level commitment. Based on this thread, Reddit, and Discord, I can say unequivocally the majority of your players hate that.

    When the tank and STR came out they were challenging and fun. They didn’t require us to use voice chats and teach grown folks how to use airplane mode. What you have created is awful, annoying, and unrewarding. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
  • Options
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

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    Sewpot wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    I just want to reiterate how terrible and unfun this 20% stacking is. Only takes one person to forget how airplane mode works to ruin the entire raid for 49 other people.

    Yeah, even if you get all 50 players available at the same time, we've had a few who are bad at not posting until its time to post damage

    Airplane mode is a must. Then you can go to discord and turn it back on to post your damage and add it up. Just don’t go back in the game without turning airplane mode back on until ready lol
    We have people slip up but not enough to mess the raid up. 1-3 slip ups is tolerable lol

    Problem with that is not everyone has 2 devices available at all times
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    The rewards are trash. A new raid that’s more involved then the sith raid should have scaled up like all raids have.
    I hope the rewards are something that will be looked at and brought up to difficulty level expectations.
    Just because a new gear piece (and only half the new gear gate for that matter) is locked in this raid doesn’t mean much for the relic level and time and co ordination involved
    4 teams with 5 r5 characters and the best you can get is 11 Aeromagnifier.
    So 2 raids needed and you still need 20 impulse detectors that require a massive amount of diverted resources.
    Never have I seen any easing of our gear problem but instead more mountains to climb instead.
  • Options
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation.
    The key difference here is that both of those raids, like every other aspect of this game, allowed players to participate whenever they were available (or indeed awake) over at least a 24 hour period (and in the case of the heroic raids, over the whole 48 hours).

    This boss mob ability in this new raid which ramps up the boss's damage with each 20% health lost and applies that to every participant in the raid effectively requires guilds to coordinate multiple players to be online and attacking at the same time.

    That is what people are taking issue with. Well that and the supposedly flattened rewards with an 11:1 ratio between first and last place for the key loot item.

    Difficult events we can deal with but let us do it in our own time, don't try to force large numbers of geographically dispersed, sem-casual players to be online at the exact same time in order to have a snowball's chance in Hell of succeeding and then tell them they have to do that 19 more times to get the loot they really want.
  • Dawnsinger
    147 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    I’m in a guild that beat the new raid on our second attempt last night. As a player the difficulty of this raid honestly doesn’t feel too bad compared to HAAT and HSTR. It’s a little easier to get big scores compared to those raids when they first released, and there seem to be more options for teams that can get those scores.

    Unfortunately it seems like what the stacking raid damage buff is doing is shifting the difficulty of completing the raid from the players making attempts onto the officers managing the raid. Because of how critical it is to post damage at the same time with large number of players, the organization of the raid is an order of magnitude more difficult than previous raids (particularly for international guilds)

    Perhaps you could pass this specific concern back up the chain. I think a raid design where the challenge was in individual players getting high scores as opposed to officers organizing one big hit at a time would be much more satisfying to most people, and much less punishing to the poor officers herding the cats.
  • Options
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    Is this answer for real? You guys don't see the difference? At no point ever in the past was there ever a requirement to have x amount of players on at the same time coordinating a specific task exactly at the same time. NEVER. What a complete joke of a response....
  • Options
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    Tone deaf answer that completely missed the mark.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    Wanted to put current level of completion to figures

    77 guilds have finished it twice: 3850 accounts
    185 once+: 9250 accounts

    According to the study here, active accounts hover around 400k

    %0.96 have completed it after the -fix-
    %2.3 have completed it ever.

    This is under the unsustainable burnout regime of the raid.
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    On this 2nd run, I've got a full drop for the first time! Happy camper...or not. Goes to show what that reward pool can cause.

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    MaruMaru wrote: »
    On this 2nd run, I've got a full drop for the first time! Happy camper...or not. Goes to show what that reward pool can cause.


    OOF. We spent 5 hours on p3 and 4 today. Soooo not worth a mk3 holoprojector.
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    When the tank and STR came out they were challenging and fun. They didn’t require us to use voice chats and teach grown folks how to use airplane mode.

    Oh, they definitely did require us to teach people how to use airplane mode. Running multiple times for good RNG was definitely a thing. I'm baffled at how many people still can't figure it out.

    But the point of the post is still correct. It's ridiculous that we have to coordinate like this.
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    I see this encouraging smaller guilds to cheat. And yeah the reward drops are terrible..

    And buff see
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    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Now that the stacking speed/damage mechanic has been "fixed", I am curious, was it working on the test server? In other words, what was CG expecting our experience to be: the first run or the most recent one?

    If the first, I think the difficulty is somewhat defensible (albeit a horrible mechanic). If it's what we're seeing now, blah.

    Exactly what I asked two pages back. And there was no reaction whatsoever by the devs or Kyno.
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »

    Because you all know the answer:
    They did all their play testing with the scaling mechanic broken. And thought the difficult was "right". Now they are correcting it, and exponentially increasing the difficulty *in production* without retesting. That's just incompetent.
  • Options
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    This reply just shows that CG isn't even listening to the actual complaints. No one has complained about difficulty. It's the need for 20-25% of the guild to all be on at a very specific time for each phase because of the ill-conceived ramping-up mechanic.

    But, again, the corporate-approved "answer", just shows they're not even listening. Why do we bother giving feedback?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Wanted to put current level of completion to figures

    77 guilds have finished it twice: 3850 accounts
    185 once+: 9250 accounts

    According to the study here, active accounts hover around 400k

    %0.96 have completed it after the -fix-
    %2.3 have completed it ever.

    This is under the unsustainable burnout regime of the raid.

    CG does love 1-2% this month. :D
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    When the tank and STR came out they were challenging and fun. They didn’t require us to use voice chats and teach grown folks how to use airplane mode.

    Oh, they definitely did require us to teach people how to use airplane mode. Running multiple times for good RNG was definitely a thing. I'm baffled at how many people still can't figure it out.

    But the point of the post is still correct. It's ridiculous that we have to coordinate like this.

    The difference is, if you posted on accident in STR it was pretty unlikely to cause your guild to fail the raid because that post didn’t magically make the raid harder for everyone else.
  • vincentlondon
    4527 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    This raid which requires coordination between guild member makes no sense.
    It’s just a mobile game. CG wants players to feel like at work and guild members to schedule a zoom meeting to coordinate their attacks in a raid ?

    What’s next? We ll have to create JIRAs to report issues and follow up
  • Options
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    Ok it requite coordination but reward could reflect this coordination... Why all guild player don't have the same reward?
  • Options
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    What? No one is complaining about the difficulty... the difficulty is fine as it is. What the majority of the player base seem to have an issue with is the threshold mechanics and the need to have a large amount of players all hitting and posting scores at the same time. Ofc if you are in a 350+ gp guild with 200 GL you can brute force your way through it but for most guilds this is not possible.
    This threshold mechanic means that officers are having to spend hours organizing people from all over the world on non swgoh platforms to stand a chance of beating it! Seriously it's so lazy on your part its laughable. Then throw in the fact that for such a huge guild effort required we have totally skewed rewards going to the lucky few who's runs are selected for the easiest high damage runs!! How can you not see the problems this will cause? The mood in my own guild is not good due to this new raid. There are disagreements all over the place ranging from the start times, hit times and as to who gets to bank their scores in each round....if a couple of members mess up and the raid goes south they get left feeling like they have let the whole guild down. Is this what you was aiming for with these mechanics and reward structures? I would truly like to know if this was the desired outcome
  • Options
    Deany123 wrote: »
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    What? No one is complaining about the difficulty... the difficulty is fine as it is. What the majority of the player base seem to have an issue with is the threshold mechanics and the need to have a large amount of players all hitting and posting scores at the same time. Ofc if you are in a 350+ gp guild with 200 GL you can brute force your way through it but for most guilds this is not possible.
    This threshold mechanic means that officers are having to spend hours organizing people from all over the world on non swgoh platforms to stand a chance of beating it! Seriously it's so lazy on your part its laughable. Then throw in the fact that for such a huge guild effort required we have totally skewed rewards going to the lucky few who's runs are selected for the easiest high damage runs!! How can you not see the problems this will cause? The mood in my own guild is not good due to this new raid. There are disagreements all over the place ranging from the start times, hit times and as to who gets to bank their scores in each round....if a couple of members mess up and the raid goes south they get left feeling like they have let the whole guild down. Is this what you was aiming for with these mechanics and reward structures? I would truly like to know if this was the desired outcome

    I'm at such a guild. We don't think it can be bruteforced at all and do it the same way as everyone on all phases. The bruteforcing would only work for certain percentage of a phase if need be on less than %100 coordinated damage drop.

    This is why tactics such as -all hans, all jangos- exist to squezze small amount of damage if need be.

    Regardless of gp of a guild, I think only way to do it is the common way (without anything from the future). I would love to be proven otherwise though...especially after the fix after the first run.
  • Options
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    The HAAT and HSTR did not require everyone to do damage at the exact same time to complete a phase.
    Telling everyone to wait for power creep isn't valid either, considering the raid is designed to weaken whatever squad you may own every turn. The point on player availability will still apply.
    I held issue with GL punishment, but it seems 3 of them remain effective, regardless of your attempts to make them useless. I'd be upset if I through all my eggs into the SEE basket, however.
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