The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


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    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    When your 7 year old comes to you and says he needs a few dollars to buy his 5 year old sister a Christmas present, this answer is akin to "Wait a few years until you are old enough to have a job. Then the issue of having disposable income won't be as difficult". That's not the question that is being asked, nor is the answer even relevant. Thank you for the "communication" - even though it actually says nothing and doesn't answer the actual concerns being raised, nor does it actually address any of the issues.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    @CG_SBCrumb @CG_Doja_Fett

    I have been a player, every day without fail for over 3 years now. I love playing this game, I don't think I ever have or ever will like a game that much to play it every single day for 1000+ days.

    That being said, last night was the first real time I have considered uninstalling the game. As an officer in my guild, I was organising our 2nd attempt on the CT Pit raid. We knew what we were going in for after trying it last week.

    I spent roughly 10 hours going through rosters, checking teams, coming up with a plan to allow us to hit the raid most efficiently. We're a 290m international guild, and had around 25 members sign up to attack the raid. We started at 7pm, and at close to midnight, I was close to pulling my hair out. We had several members sat on a score waiting to post it whilst waiting for more damage to come in from people that signed up and then didn't attend.

    The level of coordination required from this raid is unhealthy. This is a mobile game, by definition, something that is meant to be 'pick up and play'. I don't ever again intend sitting for 10 hours doing admin and then 5 hours of watching Discord in order to get a raid done.

    Please, please, please listen to the fan base on this one. I have seen screenshots from you guys saying its 'WAI'. Well, if that's the case, your intentions are going to drive players away. Already, we have lost 2 long standing members of our guild who are disillusioned at the way the game is headed.

    The raid should be hard, nobody has any problem with thay. LSTB was insane when it was first released, and now its starting to get better due to the characters released since. I cannot see any new characters helping in this raid due to the stacking 20% mechanic. Once you get below 20% health in P4, as an example, your team has to soak up around 2.5m damage before they even get a turn. This is just an insane expectation. Power Creep will not fix this issue.

    Please, listen to your community, and make changes. It is unreasonable to expect such ridiculous coordination every single week to take this down. Your justification that high end guilds have done it doesn't sit well. They've done it because they're hardcore and a fraction of the player base. Why alienate the other 99% of players?

    A very simple change - Make the 20% damage buff individual, and make it reset every attempt. There, no solo runs. Heck, put the initial difficulty up if needed to ensure its still a 'hard' raid.

    Thank you.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    When your 7 year old comes to you and says he needs a few dollars to buy his 5 year old sister a Christmas present, this answer is akin to "Wait a few years until you are old enough to have a job. Then the issue of having disposable income won't be as difficult". That's not the question that is being asked, nor is the answer even relevant. Thank you for the "communication" - even though it actually says nothing and doesn't answer the actual concerns being raised, nor does it actually address any of the issues.

    The problem is doja fett isn't a community manager. For reference go look at the last blog post in msf. It is well thoughout well written and executed by a professional. When this gentlemen met his first tough stretch he resorted to the same exact thing this community experienced before except he probably doesn't even have the background to refute what was handed him to post. Would be amazing to have a decent community manager. Seems the competition has 2.

    I honestly don't think it would matter how in depth or articulated the response is. We'll still be left frustrated with the answer.
    CG thinks this is WAI because only the elite can complete the raid.
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Yup, organising 50 people across multiple time zones is ridiculous for a mobile game. I think the developers have lost sight of what this game is, and what the appeal is. It’s something to play on the toilet, not an eSport, and not a lifestyle choice.
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    Completely agree with this, and as leader of a 292M international guild I think we’re in the same place OP.

    I mean, the level of coordination that’s required to take this raid down makes me wonder why they don’t just shorten TB phases to 3 hours as well and be done with it.
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    Let's assume this; the state of the raid before the -fix-; rancy damage/speed ramps up only once at %50 in each phase. Maybe that's the acceptable form of this mechanic lies. It would be pretty managable and still coordinatedly doable when you get close to %50 with half the amount of people. And this would enable guilds too much over the doability threshold to simply go ffa throughout.
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    ZaishiMai wrote: »
    Please, listen to your community, and make changes. It is unreasonable to expect such ridiculous coordination every single week to take this down. Your justification that high end guilds have done it doesn't sit well. They've done it because they're hardcore and a fraction of the player base. Why alienate the other 99% of players?

    Just weighing in as an officer in one of those “high end” guilds.

    Yes, we’ve completed the raid. But we also all agree that the amount of coordination required is ridiculous.
    It can’t continue like this. Our “hard core” players are putting up with it for now as it’s new and we recognize that there will be a learning curve. But if there is no end in sight to this level of administrative effort, I honestly don’t know what will happen long term.

    In the long term, I believe that this content is just as alienating to us as well.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    When your 7 year old comes to you and says he needs a few dollars to buy his 5 year old sister a Christmas present, this answer is akin to "Wait a few years until you are old enough to have a job. Then the issue of having disposable income won't be as difficult". That's not the question that is being asked, nor is the answer even relevant. Thank you for the "communication" - even though it actually says nothing and doesn't answer the actual concerns being raised, nor does it actually address any of the issues.

    The problem is doja fett isn't a community manager. For reference go look at the last blog post in msf. It is well thoughout well written and executed by a professional. When this gentlemen met his first tough stretch he resorted to the same exact thing this community experienced before except he probably doesn't even have the background to refute what was handed him to post. Would be amazing to have a decent community manager. Seems the competition has 2.

    I honestly don't think it would matter how in depth or articulated the response is. We'll still be left frustrated with the answer.
    CG thinks this is WAI because only the elite can complete the raid.

    The problem is the bolded isn't true. In fact it has nothing to do with it. There are lower GP guilds completing it, while higher GP guilds are not - and it only comes down to time zones and coordination. Most players with a GL or two can do 8-10% damage in at least 1 phase of the ReRancor...if they start at the beginning of the phase. Many 250million GP guilds have the rosters, they just might have issues getting 10-12 players on at the same exact time to take down each phase. And all it takes is one mistake - a person posting early, 1 or 2 people missing getting in or game crash, and the entire raid can be made almost impossible to beat. All because of coordination and timing - not strength of rosters. That's the entire complaint. Every other guild aspect of the game comes down to strength of roster and players being able to play when they are able to contribute - usually within 24 hour windows. This one comes down to being forced to play in windows that are minutes wide - not hours.

    I find it odd that CG has repeatedly said they don't want guild officers/leaders to infringe on their players ability to control their own rosters and play how/when they want....then designs a raid that forces them to do precisely that.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    The Challenge Tier Rancor Raid, like all raids with a high degree of difficulty at release, is intended to be a difficult challenge, requiring very close guild coordination. We’ve had guilds complete the raid, so we know it’s possible for those high-end guilds to do so.

    When the Heroic versions of the Sith Triumvirate and AAT Raids premiered, they were also extremely difficult, requiring a high degree of guild participation. Over time those raids have become bantha fodder for most guilds, as strategies emerge and rosters become more powerful. Like those raids, the CT Rancor is similarly positioned to be very difficult for a long period of time, and will be there waiting for you when your guild is ready, and eventually you’ll be able to best the beast.

    Well...there's the biggest middle finger answer from CG to date. :D Thanks for the lulz
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    So much this. And the fact that Doja's reply was basically "Yep, it's supposed to be hard." shows that, not only does CG not actually listen/understand the complaint - or at least won't answer it in any way, but that they don't actually play their own game - and none of them is actually a guild officer.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    @Nikoms565 My personal view on the elite are those that have the dispensable time and resources to throw at the raid, not necessarily just the highest GP guilds that come hand in hand with the above.
    I should have worded it better, but my argument and contempt towards this raid remains in line with the mass.
  • MorganFreeman
    196 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Deleted. Thread merge
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    I am waiting the tank raid tier Challenge. Rancor already faded lol
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    Before the raid went live, a dev stated this raid would not be solo-able “at launch”.

    Having now played the raid a couple times...when will it ever be solo-able? Level 100, R20, 7 dot mods. Like a few more years down the road
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member

    People want end game content but when it arrives it turns out like this all the time.
    Yes I’m in a guild that has beaten it twice and the first go was a learning curve.
    Now we beat it in just under an hour and I find that it’s on par to the sith raid when it was still new and before slkr.
    It has a different mechanic that requires people to battle-hold for about 20 min until enough damage is collected then release that damage. Yes math is involved.
    Rinse and repeat.
    If people don’t all have 4 teams at r5 then they should sit out the first P1-3 and save for p4. Most guilds should have members that have at least 3 full teams. If not then you are not ready for this raid.
    We had a member make a bot on discord that we post our damage and it calculates it for us to help free up the officers.
    You go in in airplane mode from 100%, you have 20 min to try and get your best score, go to discord and post it, bot keeps track, after 20 min the go ahead is given and we all dump our damage.
    It doesn’t take 50 at all to beat this raid by a long shot.
    We even post pictures of team comps we find that have good damage.
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    On the back of @ZaishiMai point about time consumption of officer's, I have spent a similar amount of time trying to coordinate and run this raid. I have missed 2 rounds of GAC and just remembered GC still needs doing.

    On content heavy days swgoh was busy enough (for me). The time this raid demands from officer's on top of what is existing is unwelcome.
  • MorganFreeman
    196 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Delete. Unintended message
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    Sewpot wrote: »

    People want end game content but when it arrives it turns out like this all the time.
    Yes I’m in a guild that has beaten it twice and the first go was a learning curve.
    Now we beat it in just under an hour and I find that it’s on par to the sith raid when it was still new and before slkr.
    It has a different mechanic that requires people to battle-hold for about 20 min until enough damage is collected then release that damage. Yes math is involved.
    Rinse and repeat.
    If people don’t all have 4 teams at r5 then they should sit out the first P1-3 and save for p4. Most guilds should have members that have at least 3 full teams. If not then you are not ready for this raid.
    We had a member make a bot on discord that we post our damage and it calculates it for us to help free up the officers.
    You go in in airplane mode from 100%, you have 20 min to try and get your best score, go to discord and post it, bot keeps track, after 20 min the go ahead is given and we all dump our damage.
    It doesn’t take 50 at all to beat this raid by a long shot.
    We even post pictures of team comps we find that have good damage.

    I'd assume during that one hour (you think is similar to hstr at launch) you are able to bunch up majority of the guild online, so majority of your guild is in close timezone? Isn't 32 pages of critique exactly about this rathen than if the raid is doable...
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member

    I'd assume during that one hour (you think is similar to hstr at launch) you are able to bunch up majority of the guild online, so majority of your guild is in close timezone? Isn't 32 pages of critique exactly about this rathen than if the raid is doable...[/quote]

    Nope we have people from around the world in our guild.
    It’s probably at minimum 17 max 25 members required to beat the raid. But we have great players so only you know what your members are like.
    We are a single guild, (300mil) no sister guilds. And we have a very high TW success rate so we have great strategist and officers and players.
    Not many “casual” players.
    We don’t believe in being harsh to anyone because we realize it’s just a game and people have RL so we are laid back players that love to win lol
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    After his "communication" last night, I'm left thinking either:
    Doja is completely incompetent and missed the main criticism of the raid despite dozens of pages of testimonials.
    He is so hamstrung by CG with regards to what he is allowed to say, that he is completely irrelevant.

    In either case, I fail to see what value he has provided to the community. Last night's post was worse than saying nothing.

    There are specific questions that have been asked that have not been addressed. For example, was the stacking mechanic broken when they tested this? Why did they choose this mechanic to add difficulty? What was their goal? Why are rewards not remotely "flatttened" as was stated?

    Sure would be nice if got some actual communication. That is, CG responding to our questions and concerns, not posting canned messages that fail to address anything.
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    I'd assume during that one hour (you think is similar to hstr at launch) you are able to bunch up majority of the guild online, so majority of your guild is in close timezone? Isn't 32 pages of critique exactly about this rathen than if the raid is doable...

    Nope we have people from around the world in our guild.
    It’s probably at minimum 17 max 25 members required to beat the raid. But we have great players so only you know what your members are like.
    We are a single guild, (300mil) no sister guilds. And we have a very high TW success rate so we have great strategist and officers and players.
    Not many “casual” players.
    We don’t believe in being harsh to anyone because we realize it’s just a game and people have RL so we are laid back players that love to win lol

    I'm glad this works for your guild. But, try to be a human and empathize with others for whom this mechanic is extremely debilitating. They could make a rule that only people named "James" can submit damage and their toons can't die. That would not be a problem for my account. But I'm capable of empathy and would realize that is a terrible idea.
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    The thing is, the gating mechanic sucks the fun out of it completely. It's nothing comparable to launch state of the previous raids. Of course we are soldiering on as one of the lucky few that complete it. Regardless of future releases/gear the nature of the mechanic will stay the same and keep causing the the same result. If the raid is kept as is, it will shorten the lifetime of the game for many people as ennui quickly sets in. It's a mindless chore.
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    Sorry for spamming. Lots of thoughts to unload.

    My guild did our P1 push last night. I run 2 accounts. One was assigned Rey+Rex and the other Padme for filler.

    I got my runs ready to submit and started helping others in discord that were having issues. Then, one of my kids started screaming in bed. I forgot to put her diaper on before bed and she was covered in pee. So I left the game to tend to her. I get back 15 to 20 minutes later, and we are in crisis. A dozen people are wondering where I went (I left in a hurry because my CHILD was screaming). And one of our Rey+Rex guys said his app crashed and he didn't have time to run it again. Luckily, both of my accounts have Rey+Rex, so I was able to ditch the Padme run, get a good Rey run, and we cleared P1 after all.

    But, due to this mechanic, we almost lost P1 and thus the whole raid because I forgot to put my 2-year-old in a diaper before bed.

    Difficulty mechanics should create difficulty IN game, not out of game. That's why so many of us hate this.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    Sounds like your daughter did P1 all on her own ☺️ Lol
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    Sounds like your daughter did P1 all on her own ☺️ Lol

    SoiledSoild joke there. CG daughter nerf incoming.

    Based on CG's response thus far, I think we are talking to the wall. CG loves bad press.
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    After his "communication" last night, I'm left thinking either:
    Doja is completely incompetent and missed the main criticism of the raid despite dozens of pages of testimonials.
    He is so hamstrung by CG with regards to what he is allowed to say, that he is completely irrelevant.

    In either case, I fail to see what value he has provided to the community. Last night's post was worse than saying nothing.

    There are specific questions that have been asked that have not been addressed. For example, was the stacking mechanic broken when they tested this? Why did they choose this mechanic to add difficulty? What was their goal? Why are rewards not remotely "flatttened" as was stated?

    Sure would be nice if got some actual communication. That is, CG responding to our questions and concerns, not posting canned messages that fail to address anything.

    Careful responses like that will draw attacks from the "the communication is great" crowd.

    But you are at least mostly correct. The response really adds little.
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    @CG_Doja_Fett thanks for chiming in with the politically correct canned response ;)

    Honestly I see nobody here who have a real issue with the fundamental difficulty of the raid, which is designed for end game.
    Only point of contention is need for coordination.

    You post out that multiple guilds completing this raid show that it is fine.
    Could I trouble you to enlighten us a bit further?
    Of the guilds who have completed this raid after the fix, what % of damage was then posted within a timeframe indicating coordination of this and avoidance of the scaling boss mechanic?
    I’m looking for data indicating that
    1) the scaling mechanic impact actual difficulty of hitting raid
    2) the raid is possible for most true end game guilds if they encourage participation (similar to all end game content, it’s fair that the whole guild have to pitch in) but doesn’t require mass coordination of this participation.

    If your data indicate that most guilds actually do coordinate most of the damage to avoid the terrible new mechanic, I’d be interested to hear how this align with overall stated goal from CG of reducing time requirement from the game.

    How about you make the scaling boss damage individual and to retain true end game status buff the health pool?
    This way you would make the raid even more end game, but not force mass coordination and frustration. Fair compromise?
  • nottenst
    725 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    It looks like our guild will probably wasting our time with this raid once a week without the hope of completing for an undetermined number of months. Or it could be that we will just give up on the raid until everyone in the guild has a couple of GLs.

    There was some excitement when it premiered, but we got probably about half as many members to attack this time than the first time.

    Today one of our members solo'd the HSTR raid for the first time. It would have been nice to have a new raid that was still possible for our guild to do that was harder than the HSTR raid currently is, but not impossible for our guild like the this new Pit Challenge. Maybe a fleet raid which would eliminate the GL "problem."
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    If their intent was to prevent the raid to be solo-able, i believe they could have found other ways than to require mass guild coordination with the guild
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