Beskar Mandalorian feats [MERGE]


  • zatho
    747 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    This means I'm in the same situation as you, zatho, even though my best FO squad is only an r4, 2x g12 and 2x g11. We both get the same reward create, and your FO must be so much more powerful than mine.

    Well, I am still working on my FO-toons ;-)jyqpo6dxa59y.png

    Edit: I think T7 could be manageable for me with a good bit of luck and right mods. I didn't complain about difficulty but about the reward system. If I can beat T7, I get it all, if I can't, there is no use in trying T5 and T6
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    But the last GC wasn’t the only one that used Resistance as a faction, was it?

    I’m struggling to follow this. If players expect to be able to earn full rewards from every GC, what’s the point in running the event at all? Couldn’t we just get sent the rewards every 3 days?

    Not everyone will have completed all tiers of the recent Empire GC. Was that a problem too?

    I am not expecting to get all feats on all GCs, but when it comes to the faction I invested (Resistance) I expect to. The Resistance CG was behind a paywall, the FO one is behind a SLKR-wall. In both situations I am out of max rewards while my foes are favoured.
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    @ zatho:

    don't count on it.

    My FO is way more developed than yours and I can't do t7. Sith Trooper can't scratch the BH toons. It's ridiculous.

    It's def. an SLKR-gate.
  • zatho
    747 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    @ zatho:

    don't count on it.

    My FO is way more developed than yours and I can't do t7. Sith Trooper can't scratch the BH toons. It's ridiculous.

    It's def. an SLKR-gate.

    With KRU, Hux, FOO and KR it is possible to perma-Stun them. But I failed to remove enough event-Debuffs and got roasted before the Bounty hunters died. I already got Greef Karga and Mando defeated.
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    That's the thing: that squad can't do enough damage. You have to have SLKR or it doesn't work.
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    So let me get this straight...for Resistance GC, they throw in a feat requiring Beskar Mando. For FO GC, they don’t. So once again, Rey owners who are unable to get full rewards get the shaft relative to SLKR owners who can.
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    That's the thing: that squad can't do enough damage. You have to have SLKR or it doesn't work.

    Yeah. Maybe it works by waiting for the event-debuff to get them killed. Try to keep them stunned and remove your debuffs with event-special to stay alive.
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    I think the 10 debuff instakill is the way to win without the mighty Slacker.
    Wait until BitDynasty drops his guide on YouTube and you’ll see how to beat it without GL.
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    I beat the thing without SLKR, finally.


    Keys: never damage dengar. Keep dengar, Greef & Bossk stun locked, in that order if more than one is currently not stunned.

    Kill Boba or Mando quickly (Boba is easier because the counters against his initial AoE reduces his special event-defense.) You might like to kill the other quickly as well, but you can't let Bossk get his taunt off... or if he does, you have to kill him **really** quickly so you can target KRU's stuns where they're needed.

    Actively manage your event debuff ("thermoregulate") as much as possible after the initial moves (i.e. once you have dengar & greef stun locked & Boba dead).

    Stun lock helps a lot and is probably necessary, but you have to have good damage as well to get in that early kill on Boba/Mando or they'll kill KRU, FOST or both.

    Whomever you use for the supplementary stun, you may need to boost their potency.
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    But the last GC wasn’t the only one that used Resistance as a faction, was it?

    I’m struggling to follow this. If players expect to be able to earn full rewards from every GC, what’s the point in running the event at all? Couldn’t we just get sent the rewards every 3 days?

    Not everyone will have completed all tiers of the recent Empire GC. Was that a problem too?

    Lol, these are not similar things, not even remotely.
  • Charlie6659
    2 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    So frustrating that the mando beskar armour is not needed for the first order galactic challenge this round. Hardly seems fair that it was needed for the resistance galactic challenge and gear was missed out on those who have Gotten Rey but not SLKR. I would’ve easily gotten gt-t7 with my resistance team with better rewards if no mando beskar armour was needed. SO FRUSTRATING !!
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    Definitely possible without SLKR, just did it with KRU, Hux, FOO, Kylo, FOX (all relic'd as I got SLKR). Not sure on what the minimum gear requirement might be, at least the damage dealer(s) of your team should be on relics. Good management of stuns and removing overheat is required.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
  • Deany123
    88 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    There is zero wrong with the rewards structure of this event, in fact I would say it's perfect. Slkr has been out for best part of a year now... if you have not got him then it's on you. The event is still beatable without him as long as you have great mods, skills and effort so please stop complaining about this gc feats structure. It detracts from the real issue of what they did for the previous GC event.
    For the record my FO are all g12 and I managed to get the 2nd best box... that's fine... it's on me for not taking the time over the last 10 months to gear them up.
  • Charlie6659
    2 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Hats off to all those who have SLKR and if you’ve taken the time and money to get him you definitely deserve the rewards . That’s not my point here. I just think all challenges should have the same structure that’s all. For the record I also have the second best box, it’s the last galactic challenge that I would’ve gotten the best box rewards with the time and money I spent on Rey only to have to have Mando beskar armour.
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    There might be more gcs with mando feat coming, infact the first one was that was datamined to be as such was on 26th iirc. Hopefully they will just cut out the cord though seeing the reaction and all.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Deany123 wrote: »
    There is zero wrong with the rewards structure of this event, in fact I would say it's perfect. Slkr has been out for best part of a year now... if you have not got him then it's on you. The event is still beatable without him as long as you have great mods, skills and effort so please stop complaining about this gc feats structure. It detracts from the real issue of what they did for the previous GC event.
    For the record my FO are all g12 and I managed to get the 2nd best box... that's fine... it's on me for not taking the time over the last 10 months to gear them up.

    This 100%. I’m in the same boat with only 2 g12 FO and I got the 2nd best box. I can’t be mad about it as I choose not to gear them up. Removing Bando was a least CG listened to that.
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Deany123 wrote: »
    There is zero wrong with the rewards structure of this event, in fact I would say it's perfect. Slkr has been out for best part of a year now... if you have not got him then it's on you. The event is still beatable without him as long as you have great mods, skills and effort so please stop complaining about this gc feats structure. It detracts from the real issue of what they did for the previous GC event.
    For the record my FO are all g12 and I managed to get the 2nd best box... that's fine... it's on me for not taking the time over the last 10 months to gear them up.

    This 100%. I’m in the same boat with only 2 g12 FO and I got the 2nd best box. I can’t be mad about it as I choose not to gear them up. Removing Bando was a least CG listened to that.

    Yes, the feats are fine here. The issue is with the last GC feats using Beskar Mando resulting in loss for resistance (Rey) owners.

    I think most find it ironic that for FO the feat was removed while for Resistance it existed. There are a few cases of Resistance (Rey) being neglected, while FO (Kylo) gets all the fun. Kylo was buffed (solos HSTR) while Rey was just left alone. FO have an assault battle where Resistance do not. Now with the further advantage for investing in Kylo over Rey in the alteration to GC feats, Rey owners definitely have a valid complaint.
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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Deany123 wrote: »
    There is zero wrong with the rewards structure of this event, in fact I would say it's perfect. Slkr has been out for best part of a year now... if you have not got him then it's on you. The event is still beatable without him as long as you have great mods, skills and effort so please stop complaining about this gc feats structure. It detracts from the real issue of what they did for the previous GC event.
    For the record my FO are all g12 and I managed to get the 2nd best box... that's fine... it's on me for not taking the time over the last 10 months to gear them up.

    This 100%. I’m in the same boat with only 2 g12 FO and I got the 2nd best box. I can’t be mad about it as I choose not to gear them up. Removing Bando was a least CG listened to that.

    Did they? Datamining said the next GC with a Beskar Mando feat was on Kamino with scoundrels, not first order. Don't give them credit for screwing Resistance owners 2x simply by not screwing over SLKR owners this time.
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    Leodemiurg wrote: »
    At least it's not locked behind weekly premium toon...

    Kamino: Scoundrels was teh next one with beskar feat according to the datamine. So we'll see.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    But the last GC wasn’t the only one that used Resistance as a faction, was it?

    I’m struggling to follow this. If players expect to be able to earn full rewards from every GC, what’s the point in running the event at all? Couldn’t we just get sent the rewards every 3 days?

    Not everyone will have completed all tiers of the recent Empire GC. Was that a problem too?

    Strawman arguement here.

    Noone is suggesting they should automatically get the rewards.

    The issue is the event was resistance themed and the feat of win with beskar mando in your party had nothing to do with the faction listed.

    Its a requirement that was thrown in to encourage spending on beskar mando and had no ties to resistance.

    As an example, today is a first order themed event. You only need to have first order to get all the feats done.

    Beskar Mando should only appear in a scoundrel event as thats what he is.... thats the problem.

    The goal posts were slid
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    Konju wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Deany123 wrote: »
    There is zero wrong with the rewards structure of this event, in fact I would say it's perfect. Slkr has been out for best part of a year now... if you have not got him then it's on you. The event is still beatable without him as long as you have great mods, skills and effort so please stop complaining about this gc feats structure. It detracts from the real issue of what they did for the previous GC event.
    For the record my FO are all g12 and I managed to get the 2nd best box... that's fine... it's on me for not taking the time over the last 10 months to gear them up.

    This 100%. I’m in the same boat with only 2 g12 FO and I got the 2nd best box. I can’t be mad about it as I choose not to gear them up. Removing Bando was a least CG listened to that.

    Yes, the feats are fine here. The issue is with the last GC feats using Beskar Mando resulting in loss for resistance (Rey) owners.

    I think most find it ironic that for FO the feat was removed while for Resistance it existed. There are a few cases of Resistance (Rey) being neglected, while FO (Kylo) gets all the fun. Kylo was buffed (solos HSTR) while Rey was just left alone. FO have an assault battle where Resistance do not. Now with the further advantage for investing in Kylo over Rey in the alteration to GC feats, Rey owners definitely have a valid complaint.

    As a Rey owner and SLKR non owner, I agree, however, the issue was that Bando was needed for the highest box. That is not the case anymore, it’s a normal GC now. This issues mentioned above are irrelevant to this thread, even though they are valid complaints.
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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Deany123 wrote: »
    There is zero wrong with the rewards structure of this event, in fact I would say it's perfect. Slkr has been out for best part of a year now... if you have not got him then it's on you. The event is still beatable without him as long as you have great mods, skills and effort so please stop complaining about this gc feats structure. It detracts from the real issue of what they did for the previous GC event.
    For the record my FO are all g12 and I managed to get the 2nd best box... that's fine... it's on me for not taking the time over the last 10 months to gear them up.

    This 100%. I’m in the same boat with only 2 g12 FO and I got the 2nd best box. I can’t be mad about it as I choose not to gear them up. Removing Bando was a least CG listened to that.

    Did they? Datamining said the next GC with a Beskar Mando feat was on Kamino with scoundrels, not first order. Don't give them credit for screwing Resistance owners 2x simply by not screwing over SLKR owners this time.

    Oh, well then, we shall see then, didn’t know it was the next one. At this point, it’s 50/50 if they remove it and I’m betting they won’t.
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    Deany123 wrote: »
    There is zero wrong with the rewards structure of this event, in fact I would say it's perfect. Slkr has been out for best part of a year now... if you have not got him then it's on you.

    I would just like to point out that many people don't have Kylo Ren because they went for Rey instead, and are justifiably annoyed that the reward structure arbitrarily screwed them twice, essentially.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    The lowest level of the new slicing mats were given out at a rate of max 20 per week via one GC.

    Now there is a max of 40 per week via two GCs.

    If there's one Beskalorian GC per week you're still maxing out at 35 per week. Worst case (two Beska per week) you're still doing better than before, 30 per week.

    Whales get a bonus until f2p catches up, as always.

    What's the problem again?
    I need a new message here.
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    As a rey owner without a kylo, I think this sub thread is a bit irrelevant compared to mando feats and possible future such needs which is the main thing that needs to permanently be scratched.
  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Konju wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Deany123 wrote: »
    There is zero wrong with the rewards structure of this event, in fact I would say it's perfect. Slkr has been out for best part of a year now... if you have not got him then it's on you. The event is still beatable without him as long as you have great mods, skills and effort so please stop complaining about this gc feats structure. It detracts from the real issue of what they did for the previous GC event.
    For the record my FO are all g12 and I managed to get the 2nd best box... that's fine... it's on me for not taking the time over the last 10 months to gear them up.

    This 100%. I’m in the same boat with only 2 g12 FO and I got the 2nd best box. I can’t be mad about it as I choose not to gear them up. Removing Bando was a least CG listened to that.

    Yes, the feats are fine here. The issue is with the last GC feats using Beskar Mando resulting in loss for resistance (Rey) owners.

    I think most find it ironic that for FO the feat was removed while for Resistance it existed. There are a few cases of Resistance (Rey) being neglected, while FO (Kylo) gets all the fun. Kylo was buffed (solos HSTR) while Rey was just left alone. FO have an assault battle where Resistance do not. Now with the further advantage for investing in Kylo over Rey in the alteration to GC feats, Rey owners definitely have a valid complaint.

    As a Rey owner and SLKR non owner, I agree, however, the issue was that Bando was needed for the highest box. That is not the case anymore, it’s a normal GC now. This issues mentioned above are irrelevant to this thread, even though they are valid complaints.

    I don’t understand. You basically said what I did. The issues I mentioned form precedence for Rey owners being treated unfairly to Kylo owners. The Beskar feat was the newest iteration of said treatment. The precedence of the other events explains some of the vitriol expressed due to FO not needing the same gate. I’m glad it’s gone, but (as has been pointed out) FO GC was never going to suffer the Beskar Feat treatment. The data mine says the 26th will have the feat again. At least it is in scoundrels this time.

    If you are referring to other posts about off topic subjects (reward crate vs individual rewards), sure I am in agreement. A good way to handle those is to type “wrong thread.”
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    TVF wrote: »
    The lowest level of the new slicing mats were given out at a rate of max 20 per week via one GC.

    Now there is a max of 40 per week via two GCs.

    If there's one Beskalorian GC per week you're still maxing out at 35 per week. Worst case (two Beska per week) you're still doing better than before, 30 per week.

    Whales get a bonus until f2p catches up, as always.

    What's the problem again?

    And the highest mats which are also in high demand has a %50 cut hanging on a single feat.
  • InyakSolomon88
    1247 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    No full box for Empire: Fine. I don't care. I dislike that faction anyway.

    No full box for Resistance bc of Mando feat: This is unacceptable, disgusting cash gouging and a massive pay to win play by CG (even by the low standards I hold EA companies to). You've punished me because I didn't buy Beskar Mando who has zero involvement in the Resistance. You have bait and switched the players. All good will you've built up? Gone. Just gone.

    No full box for FO: Normally, this wouldn't annoy me at all. FO is one of the least useful factions in the game excluding their GL and I don't enjoy playing them so my choice not to gear them is mine and I'm fine with that. HOWEVER. Now we live in a post-Beskar feat world and this just adds insult to injury. Why did it have to be Resistance? Why couldn't you for once punish SLKR owners instead of Rey owners?

    I've never enjoyed GCs. This non-faction toon feat and the loot box system are the worst things you could have done to them. Truly. You've made the worst mode in the game even worse. And sure you've locked relic modifiers in with them, but with your toon feat nonsense severely damaging player trust there's not any impetus to try and get more relic modifiers because the next faction I gear up will probably have some other ridiculous paywall in the GC to prevent the full rewards. So I'm still at the same point. Why bother?
This discussion has been closed.