Conquest 10 [MERGE]


  • Eyak
    40 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    They can shove this conquest up their sarlac pits. I feel 0 incentive to play it, as a 7m player with 4 legends.
  • Coeus
    6 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    I'd like a refund please... Plus pass disk in game shows 4% TM removal, the post below shows 7%.


    I don't get it, how can the testing and quality control be so bad right now? Even a simple list of the available data disks, which is too small to read on the forum post anyway, be wrong?

    So many people are confused by the hard path, not everyone reads forums, reddit and Discord.

  • Drathuk916
    642 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    LynxVJ wrote: »
    How many max conquest coins we got last time? Was it 2150 or so?
    Just did a quick calculation. It seems we can get max around 2700 or so. Can someone confirm?

    2950 versus 2150 previously. Though I feel this was a mistake that they didn’t catch as the increase is due entirely to the increase in nodes. Hopefully it stays as it is now in 11 and beyond.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Also, anyone noticed we have not run into a broken disc yet???

    its a joke, please calm down. We are all here to have fun, let's try and remember that.

    Maybe people found some and didn't report them because they fear CG would listen to their feedback and fix it.

    Sorry you point to where they didnt address a broken disc?

    Also, there is a difference between feedback and issues.
    Aren't you ashamed of yourself for defending Capital Games 24/7? Where are the community managers? Are they embarrassed because they lied off their **** off in interviews with content creator?

    Aren't you ashamed of bashing a moderator? No moderator, no forum. Even if I agree with all the remarks on the conquest, I do not see how a moderator could work without being on the side of his "employer". The job of a moderator is to... moderate. And that’s really what he does, be nice guys!
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    Coeus wrote: »
    I'd like a refund please... Plus pass disk in game shows 4% TM removal, the post below shows 7%.


    I don't get it, how can the testing and quality control be so bad right now? Even a simple list of the available data disks, which is too small to read on the forum post anyway, be wrong?

    So many people are confused by the hard path, not everyone reads forums, reddit and Discord.

    The list of disks is incomplete...

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    I'll ask again maybe someone will bother to answer(beside a moderator who knows nothing) : why easy mode is 20 energy, same as hard when the difference in rewards is huge?
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    Madao5412 wrote: »
    I'll ask again maybe someone will bother to answer(beside a moderator who knows nothing) : why easy mode is 20 energy, same as hard when the difference in rewards is huge?

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    Spharynx01 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Also, anyone noticed we have not run into a broken disc yet???

    its a joke, please calm down. We are all here to have fun, let's try and remember that.

    Maybe people found some and didn't report them because they fear CG would listen to their feedback and fix it.

    Sorry you point to where they didnt address a broken disc?

    Also, there is a difference between feedback and issues.
    Aren't you ashamed of yourself for defending Capital Games 24/7? Where are the community managers? Are they embarrassed because they lied off their **** off in interviews with content creator?

    Aren't you ashamed of bashing a moderator? No moderator, no forum. Even if I agree with all the remarks on the conquest, I do not see how a moderator could work without being on the side of his "employer". The job of a moderator is to... moderate. And that’s really what he does, be nice guys!

    "The job of a moderator is to... moderate. And that's really what he does, be nice guys!"

    What are you talking about? Being a moderator means making sure that everyone follows the forum rules. What Kyno does by commenting (most of the time) is definitely not moderating.
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    If I would communicate to our customers at work like CG communicate to their customers, I would have been fired long ago. And I couldn’t complain about it the slightest bit.

    At this time everything is guesswork. Hard path? Had to be datamined. Better rewards on that path? Find out yourself. It would be funny, if it wasnt so sad. Customers wishes and sorrows are completely ignored, even though said otherwise.

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    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Madao5412 wrote: »
    More, more. Give me MORE !!!

    So he highlighted only 3 problems out of everything posted here. Everything else working as intended? 20 energy cost and hard path for easy/normal?

    There is more, and they are aware. That was all he got in time for the post.

    From my understanding the 20 energy for all is correct, as is the hard path for all.

    So what you are saying is CG doesn't understand the hard path in this game mode and we have to rely on datamined information and player trial and error. Pathetic.

    There was a miscommunication in the announcement regarding the map layout for all tiers.

    Was there also a miscommunication regarding the supposed better rewards for this “difficult” path?

    There is better stuff, and in a way yes there was, but I cannot go into details on that at the moment.

    What better stuff? The completion of the nodes offers the same exact amount of conquest currency. The data disks and scavenger on those paths offer no guarantee of better data disks or consumables. Those nodes are still left up to RNG on what’s inside. So what exactly is the better rewards along the difficult path?

    I have seen some players posting images that would suggest the discs are better, but I have no direct confirmation of this.

    “Some players”

    Which means there’s no guarantee that the hard path offers even better disks or consumables. It’s still up to RNG on what disks or quality of disks you get. So again, I ask what is the better rewards for taking the hard path?

    There is none.
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Maybe Kyno would be more willing to hold a polite conversation if you all stopped insulting him.

    I find it disappointing that so many of you take a “don’t shoot the messenger” attitude with Doja and Crumb but seem to forget Kyno’s even more just a messenger than they are.

    This is a mobile game.

    I’m not insulting him. I’m asking what better rewards are we getting for taking the hard path. There are none. I’m asking why we were lied to about so much in this conquest regarding our feedback. We are owed an explanation from the devs. Yes it’s a mobile game, a very expensive one

    I only say some, because not everyone is posting pics of the difference. Without dev confirmation, I will leave this as seem to be better discs.

    Yes, the scrapped/pushed out path had better rewards on each node, but that was removed, but the access to more choices of discs and possible better discs, is still present. As I said in part this was a miscommunication.

    There is no access to more choices Kyno. In the last 9 conquests we always had a choice of two caches of data disks. Now they only give one unless you take the hard path giving access to those same 2 choices we used to have. So they took something away and said “oh look, we are giving you more!”


    This wasn’t simple miscommunication Kyno. To make a statement about better rewards as you said was the plan, but to scrap it and give us what they took away and disguise it as “more” is disingenuous and just downright dirty.

    They didn’t listen to any of our feedback, made feats just as grindy and repetitive as before, if not more so. They are forcing a choice between data disks and Boba shards now where before you could have both. I didn’t think it possible but Conquest 10 is by far worse than the last 3 conquests. Why? Why do they refuse to listen to what their players want? I really hope nobody buys their conquest pass and forces CG to actually do right by the players and stop lying to us for once.

    They’re wrong on this Kyno. No matter how you want to try and spin this. They’ve ruined conquest with their over monetization, refusal to listen to player feedback, endless bugs, broken UI and lies (sorry “miscommunication”)
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    Madao5412 wrote: »
    I'll ask again maybe someone will bother to answer(beside a moderator who knows nothing) : why easy mode is 20 energy, same as hard when the difference in rewards is huge?

    Bro, this is the same as asking why is the sky blue. U really wanna know the answer ?

    Just take it and move on .... They screwed up bad ... Don't expect them to admit or fix it
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    Lol these disk choices are terrible. It went from needing good RNG to get decent disks to almost being guaranteed trash. The newer stuff that was fun to use is gone, and of course the oldest bad disks are still around. Meanwhile, enemies keep their **** powers (damage reflection on GAS, which CG knows everyone hates, rebel infinite crit loop, etc etc) and conquest feats/paths just keep getting crappier.

    Of course, none of this is super surprising. When CG stated conquest was changed because it was being finished too early (when players were finishing sectors early so they could get disks and have time to do feats, in accordance with CG pressuring people into panic completion!), it was obvious what was going on and that there would be an infinite stream of misdirection of intentionally making the game mode like vat of acid while saying that it's all just for fun and what the players want.
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    Hello CG!

    Congrats for this really beautiful Conquest! ^^

    So much fun, with all the diffrent teams what we have.^^
    And if I remember this right, that was the idea behind the conquest. Use your complete squad. Maybe next time...

    But, what I complaining about is, that players from my guild and others not see, how much afford you invest. They easily quit the game, because they don't have fun with this!

    So, what could be the problem. Maybe you didn't listen to the players.

    But let me say this: You could milk the cow only, if she is alive! ;)

    And now, bring this conquest to an end and try to make it better. Maybe with testing, before you release the new version then.
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    Also, a PSA for anyone using the Perseverance data disk, don’t use it with GL Rey. It’s bugged out and makes her ultimate do zero damage and may soft lock you as well in battle.

    Pics below are the start of her ultimate and how the UI goes weird, the second show how it did zero damage.



    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI
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    At least they fixed the issue of swapping data discs so they don't cost energy.

    I mean, when the disc choices are such garbage that I won't even equip one for "free" when I first get it, I will never have to worry about swapping it.

    So far thru S1 normal my options of discs have been "Power", "Power" or more "Power"
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Madao5412 wrote: »
    More, more. Give me MORE !!!

    So he highlighted only 3 problems out of everything posted here. Everything else working as intended? 20 energy cost and hard path for easy/normal?

    There is more, and they are aware. That was all he got in time for the post.

    From my understanding the 20 energy for all is correct, as is the hard path for all.

    So what you are saying is CG doesn't understand the hard path in this game mode and we have to rely on datamined information and player trial and error. Pathetic.

    There was a miscommunication in the announcement regarding the map layout for all tiers.

    Was there also a miscommunication regarding the supposed better rewards for this “difficult” path?

    There is better stuff, and in a way yes there was, but I cannot go into details on that at the moment.

    What better stuff? The completion of the nodes offers the same exact amount of conquest currency. The data disks and scavenger on those paths offer no guarantee of better data disks or consumables. Those nodes are still left up to RNG on what’s inside. So what exactly is the better rewards along the difficult path?

    I have seen some players posting images that would suggest the discs are better, but I have no direct confirmation of this.

    I don't have the screenshot
    I chose the Hard path and what delirious..
    The disc I chose (Bleu disk) was also available in the easy path ...
    Which Mean I went for the hard path, making the feats more difficult for nothing..
    But I couldn't know before ..
    There's no better reward, just keeping the right to have a choice if you compare with previous conquest...
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    At least they fixed the issue of swapping data discs so they don't cost energy.

    I mean, when the disc choices are such garbage that I won't even equip one for "free" when I first get it, I will never have to worry about swapping it.

    So far thru S1 normal my options of discs have been "Power", "Power" or more "Power"

    And one might even bash pretty hard on power as its usefulness diminishes pretty quicky as you progress through the sectors. (I kinda had some similar issue with the leader's resolve)
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    Any word on whether the new "Honed Skills" Potency disks are WAI?

    According to the post by Kyno listing all the possible data disks:

    Green should be +40%
    Silver should be +60%
    Blue should be +80%

    Yet I've seen both Green and Silver on the same node and both are +40%.

  • Konju
    1181 posts Member
    I LOVED Conquest early on and even understood SOME of the changes we got in Conquest 7-9, but Conquest 10 is the worst so far. Unfortunately, I am losing interest in SWGoH by the day.
  • Beeblebrox
    424 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    You can tell when CG have (yet again!) done something that they know is at best crappy, and at worst a deliberate attempt to ruin the fun of the 'game' (yes games are supposed to be fun CG!) and simply maximize their income, how can you tell I hear you ask? Well just look for a "MERGE" forum thread, it's their way of trying to hide all the complaints and bad feeling in one ever expanding (never ever dealt with) thread even when many of the items 'merged' into it are on specifically disparate subjects/areas/concerns!
    MERGE = We're not going to do a d*mn thing about anything you say!
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    Beeblebrox wrote: »
    You can tell when CG have (yet again!) done something that they know is at best crappy, and at worst a deliberate attempt to ruin the fun of the 'game' (yes games are supposed to be fun CG!) and simply maximize their income, how can you tell I hear you ask? Well just look for a "MERGE" forum thread, it's their way of trying to hide all the complaints and bad feeling in one ever expanding (never ever dealt with) thread even when many of the items 'merged' into it are on specifically disparate subjects/areas/concerns!
    MERGE = We're not going to do a d*mn thing about anything you say!

    Not to mention all of the posts that were deleted... Hey Kyno. Wondering if you think this conquest is more or less of a grind than the last one. Or that none of the disks are broken?
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    Thank God I just did 5 extra hard battle nodes on the super secret hard path!


    *with all the changes to every conquest HOW in the love of midriff padme have the devs not ran a SIMPLE Boolean OR when the discs are populated. That absolutely should not be a very large request by the community that is unheard of and can’t be entertained. @kyno @doja-fett can you ask the devs if this is being looked into for conq 11? It’s especially tough with the added hard path now and really a kick to the jewels.


  • Options
    Thank God I just did 5 extra hard battle nodes on the super secret hard path!


    *with all the changes to every conquest HOW in the love of midriff padme have the devs not ran a SIMPLE Boolean OR when the discs are populated. That absolutely should not be a very large request by the community that is unheard of and can’t be entertained. @kyno @doja-fett can you ask the devs if this is being looked into for conq 11? It’s especially tough with the added hard path now and really a kick to the jewels.


    Hey now, we’ve been told that are great data disks! So it must be true!
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    This new Conquest is so disappointing. CG, why do you keep making this game mode worse than before? I really liked this game mode when it first came out, but every change made since then has been a negative one for the players. The flaws in this game mode have already been covered by so many posters here so I won't bother. I rarely post here but felt compelled because this game mode is just such a let down after what felt like positive vibes from the Road Ahead post. Please, do better.
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    I’ve been a daily player for 5 1/2 years. Have spent hundreds of dollars (maybe more). And several hours of every day playing this game. I’ve spent countless hours watching videos to try to gain advantages and pick up tips. There have been many times when I’ve wanted to quit, simply to have more time in my day for other things. But I’ve kept playing because I enjoyed parts of the game, but more so because of the friends I’ve made in my guild. But this …. this mess… this disaster and slimy money grab of a conquest is too much. It’s taken any enjoyment I had out of the game. For years I have eagerly awaited energy refreshes and event starting times. But the past few days I haven’t even wanted to open the game. CG’s constant greed and lies have ruined this game. I wish me quitting made any difference to them. But they’ve made their billion+ and there will always be people willing to spend. So it doesn’t matter if thousands of people quit over this. They’ll just put the squeeze on those that stay to make up the difference. Good luck to those that do stay. You’re not going to enjoy what’s coming. Peace out everyone. It’s been fun.
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    I do hope this (mostly) negative sentiment is reaching CG. Each conquest is making us miss the previous one.
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    I still don't understand the "fixed" harder path- has anyone encountered it yet? Does it give you a choice before doing it, i.e., do you really want to go on this path? Is it only in one sector, or all of them? Does it give you a prompt if you try to leave it before doing so? Even CG's recent post on this didn't clear it up for me.
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    Zumwan wrote: »
    I do hope this (mostly) negative sentiment is reaching CG. Each conquest is making us miss the previous one.

    Yup as much as the feedback to C1 through 9.
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    Remember when we were repeatedly told that the reason they dragged their heels on the gear economy changes for nearly a month was so that all the good will from the gear changes wouldn't just be immediately washed out by the bad vibes from relic 9?

    Welp, now the good will from the gear changes has just been immediately washed out by the bad vibes from conquest 10.

    One step forward, three steps back.
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