GAC Resolution [MEGA]


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    Since the mega thread is closed….

    I was doing really well in GAC and reached impossible whale country (I have No problem with whales). I just wanted my 0-1 wins and be moved back down quickly again and earn crystals. Now I Will be stuck with impossible opponents for three more matches. Unless we get a fair compensation My crystal income Will be minimal during this period. Just worried is all.

    This latest aborted run was not a complete waste. The two wales I faced were some of the nicest opponents I have ever chatted with. I shall remember that. Amazing cummunity!
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    Looooki wrote: »
    If everyone gets the same compensation it doesn’t really matter how many xtals we do or don’t get.

    True compensation would be cancelling conquest forever, or making it like the first one again.

    Cancelling conquest ? How is this linked ?
    Wow if ever CG listens to you, u would be No.2 most hated for suggesting such a stupid idea.

    They are not related at all but to me fair compensation would be cancelling the most boring mind numbing game mode CG could possibly come up with for ruining the best game mode.
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    At the end of the day, its a game. Yeah, I'd like to get crystals for the round win, but half the players weren't going to win so its kind of silly for everyone to get top rewards as if we all won. Most of all I want GAC running so I can see if I can outsmart my opponents - that and some CWC shards.
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    Max reward for everyone, everything less is a no go.
    Cystals, credits, tokens, gears, zetas, relic materials, everything for weekly and round rewards, as well the End of season rewards. Even credits for the remaining full clears.
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    Just when GAC matchmaking seemed to be getting better…
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    GAC has too many problems with scoring (e.g. first attack points sometimes not being credited or credited twice; missing teams not credited properly). Even with today's bug, I didn't actually get what I'm supposed to get (about 200+ points missing somewhere).

    There's no point rushing a restart if it's going to be bugged and taken down again.
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    Avec tout l’argent que EA et CG se font avec les packs, ils ne sont même pas capables d’assurer un jeu stable sans bugs. C’est tout simplement inadmissible, et de la pure incompétence !
    A++ SWGOH
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    SerWulfgar wrote: »
    About the compensation:

    You can make all kinds of math, but it's complicated nonetheless.

    Possible promotions could have yielded higher daily income, and better end of season rewards.

    I understand the math behind 2550 but you all assume that they are restarting in 3 days or so. 2 of them being a weekend, when they skipped whole January. I am not so optimist. We are 3 days before our favourite gamemmode, many are timing their GL unlock, and now losing tempo, etc. I will take whatever they give but I dont expect a fair solution for everyone.

    On the other hand this is the rare occasion when I cannot come up with one either.

    When a company makes mistakes effecting their customers normally you give some good will compensation as a patch on the wound and a way to say sorry for our mistake.

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    I don’t know what you’re all bellyaching about. I thought the 1 credit end of event reward was very generous
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    Two wins, end of round rewards, and end of season rewards, should be a decent chunk o’ change. Looking forward to it.
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    Please tell me that just because I lost my first match that it didn’t push me this far down… these are the rewards I have received
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    This game sucks
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    I’m still ranked right next to the person I was facing in round 2. Surely this means we’re likely to be in the same bracket when we restart, even though we’ve just seen each other’s defence. Not the end of the world, but is it likely to be addressed?
  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    Looooki wrote: »
    dgree wrote: »
    What's going to happen to defense set in the round? Will it reset, or be replaced with autodeploy or something? Will we have the same opponents again after they saw our defense (and we woke up after GA got cancelled and didn't get to see theirs at all)?

    After all, matchmaking is based on meaningless proximity in the rank boards, which probably will stay the same, right?

    Dude ... U don't read ? The whole season is cancelled. What do u think !!??

    Yeah, I see whole season is gone. Aside from all the resources and promotions lost and/or delayed, it looks like my guess was right that we'd get matched with the same opponents. Matchmaking within skill rating is based on proximity in leaderboards rather than any other matchmaking mechanism, and it look looking at the leaderboard it looks like I'm going to get a rematch when the season starts.
  • dgree
    522 posts Member
    Looooki wrote: »
    If everyone gets the same compensation it doesn’t really matter how many xtals we do or don’t get.

    True compensation would be cancelling conquest forever, or making it like the first one again.

    Cancelling conquest ? How is this linked ?
    Wow if ever CG listens to you, u would be No.2 most hated for suggesting such a stupid idea.

    honestly if CG listened to him he'd be a hero. It's an amazing idea. Conquest is designed to waste time and crystals, and fixing conquest from how much it's been broken would be a great way of telling players "look, we see a lot of your time and effort is going into GA, and we want to help you do that by fixing conquest"
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    Acctually crystals are nice and important, but what about content? There is NOTHING on right now, launch 3 gc and 2 assault battles while ga is out or whatever; move up conquest… give us CONTENT COMPENSATION
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    Coran_Horn wrote: »
    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI so you can relay, nothing personal!

    Amateurism at its peak ! You wait to change the entire game economy where we depend casi solely on GAC crystal prizes to mess up the game mode for the first time in years ? Come on, be serious, we give you suficient amount of money to be skilled developers and testers, that’s a lack of respect for us. I am not going to list every other issue we had since a year with lousy conquests but you reach a new high…

    Now for the “give good” I do hope you considering max prizes for everyone. Anything less would be absurd, anything more, ehh cautiously appreciated.

    I can’t believed you made me invest my time in gac like never before just to mess it up. So harsh :)

    Totally agree.

    We have to play this hard to get crystals and we have to to deal with opponents and with CG because of bugs.
    I am still waiting a compensation for last GAC due to immortal RazorCrest in GAC BUG, no answer after a MONTH WAITING. Of course, it was expected....
    We play against bugs more than people and we have to be quiet and see how we lose rewards due to programming fails. Excelent!!
    What else can we do to annoy people?
    Let's do some amazing matchmakings.Some people dealing with other ones with more than 2M GP difference.
    What about if we challenge developers to a boxing combat? But we can take an axe with us, good luck for you.
    Is what you are doing with users.

    Well done CG, you are destroying the game.
    This game sucks
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    Again I would say this ...

    How much CG gives is not dependent on how much we rant here. This has happened before and CG has chosen not to reply here.

    If u still think that making as much noise here can get their attention ... Good luck. History will just repeat themselves.
  • Piewalker
    200 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Nick_74 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    mariogsh wrote: »
    I hope the "goods" are at least the +2000 crystals I will lose this week :smile:

    At most you will lose out on 750 (3-0) for this week

    End of Season rewards though, are another topic

    Please understand that the thing we will lose the most is the will to play this game.
    It’s not a job that you get paid for it is entertainment that we do for fun.

    When this happens just after you nerfed an omicron without giving the resources back, many like me thinks this game isn’t fun anymore.
    Ultimately we WILL leave this game and this will kill the game in the end.

  • Saneth
    13 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    What was so critical to hotfix to justify cancellation of GAC ?
    If you cancel GAC every time there are bugs, we are never gonna finish a season anymore.
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    Saneth wrote: »
    What was so critical to hotfix to justify cancellation of GAC ?
    If you cancel GAC every time there are bugs, we are never gonna finish a season anymore.

    Some players started out with over 200 banners, making a win for the opponent impossible if both fully clear.
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    Makegood should be:
    - 2 wins for everybody.
    - 1st place rewards for those who won the first match, 2nd place rewards for those who lost it.
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    Yeah make good better be equivalent of 2 round wins and 1st place for week for everyone based on their league division.

    I was on a super win steak 7-1 in aurodium 2 after I would have won this 2nd match (neither me nor opponent impacted by bug and I cleared he didn’t), so cost me 500 this round, guaranteed 500 for a 2-4 finish, with possible 750 more (win plus 1st) if I won 3rd leg, which was likely.

    Then also cost me a promotion to aurodium 1 and likely kyber after the season.
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    i don't want crystals or gear for a make good. and i gave up hope for being refunded for the omicon fraud with qgj.

    i want things like saving fleet teams.
    good mod management (like save all current equipped mods and reapply all saved mods).
    a real sandbox mode.
    i want cg to do something for us customers and to improve the game.
    that would be a good compensation if you started working on that.
  • Gawejn
    1133 posts Member
    Yeah make good better be equivalent of 2 round wins and 1st place for week for everyone based on their league division.

    I was on a super win steak 7-1 in aurodium 2 after I would have won this 2nd match (neither me nor opponent impacted by bug and I cleared he didn’t), so cost me 500 this round, guaranteed 500 for a 2-4 finish, with possible 750 more (win plus 1st) if I won 3rd leg, which was likely.

    Then also cost me a promotion to aurodium 1 and likely kyber after the season.

    It is very chep compensation.

    I think what would be fair compensation is
    2 rounds win prizes, 1st prize of being first in the round (whole this garbage including Gear.)
    Prize for whole season.
    2 full kyrotechs (each Type) full stun gun, 2 milion credit, full piece for g 13 right side, 50 shards of gas
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    Gawejn wrote: »

    It is very chep compensation.

    I think what would be fair compensation is
    2 rounds win prizes, 1st prize of being first in the round (whole this garbage including Gear.)
    Prize for whole season.
    2 full kyrotechs (each Type) full stun gun, 2 milion credit, full piece for g 13 right side, 50 shards of gas

    Well should prob be crystals equivalent to 2 weeks first place and end of week rewards. Plus full end of season rewards. And all the gear that comes with it
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    What about skill rating? I lost the first match due to a massive difference in gls but I'd have gone up a division had i gone 2-1 in the event. Now if they launch another event I'll have to go 3-0 otherwise i won't go up, this is ****.
This discussion has been closed.