GAC Resolution [MEGA]


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    Untrue my skill rating dropped from it.
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    Why is the grand arena playing me in it when I don't/can't play in it. Plus it never gives me any rewards, it says I don't participate. What's up with that.
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    Did it? What’s your profile link?

    Nobody lost the second or third rounds, so I doubt this is true. If you lost round 1 your skill rating will have dropped.
  • Gouj4
    416 posts Member
    Untrue my skill rating dropped from it.

    I can almost guarantee you it didn’t. You’re the only one claiming it did and there’s a whole mega thread about this. Your SR is the same as it was after match 1, as is everyone else’s. The season was cancelled so any ‘loss’ you received in match 2 or 3 isn’t a loss and your record isn’t affected
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    Rubberb0y wrote: »
    I don’t care about the credits… I have over a billion of them.

    Buying mods is a wise use of your credits.

  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    I’m soooo happy my crystals are tied to gac now!! Yay!!
    I really really hope I’m getting max crystals like I would have won and not some blanket 500 for everyone compensation.
    I don’t care if they bring everyone up to my level of rewards but don’t bring me down to others levels.
    The buffoonery with these people who clearly don’t know what they are doing is getting to a class action lawsuit level of antics.
    I think one or some of your employees may work for MSF and may be sabotaging your game from the inside.
    In no way could people be that incompetent at a job and still keep set job.
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    Sorry shouldn't be the hardest word to say for any company.

    Everyone makes mistakes and every game will have mistakes/bugs in the coding. It is part of the budget for any project. It's the fact that CG has dug in and taken a combative stance with its clients is very telling of the direction of its top Executives and Board members..

    The fact that CG had struggled with their PR is telling of internal issues that I am sure that @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI deal with and wish they could change.

    But admitting mistakes is the the 1ST step. The compensation for such mistakes needs to be above the minimum amount required. It needs to be fair and reasonable for the loss of crystals that are depended on for so many players.

    CG, you need to get ahead of this fiasco and show us players that holding on to this IP that EA and Disney has licensed to you is in trustworthy hands.

    The compensation for the Cancelation of the GAC Season must be swift and worthy of our loss of the 1000s of crystals we may have earned.
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    In no way could people be that incompetent at a job and still keep set job.
    You clearly aren’t trying to hire anyone right now.
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    Makegood should be:
    - 2 wins for everybody.
    - 1st place rewards for those who won the first match, 2nd place rewards for those who lost it. figure anywhere between 0-500 cc per CG math. Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.
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    I buy mods every refresh but just can’t get rid of the credits quick enough. Lol
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    Figure the conquest update is what borked GAC. So if history is any indication they’ll have to figure out what code screwed this up and probably break conquest while they are at it.

    Very popcorn worthy!
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    Ok, so yes this is frustrating but I haven’t seen a post (maybe I missed one) highlighting the fact that the season will restart next week. So nothing is lost, just delayed, if the “make good” does indeed make good the prizes that would have been earned then we could in fact be better off as we will basically have had an extra round of gac.
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    Ok, so yes this is frustrating but I haven’t seen a post (maybe I missed one) highlighting the fact that the season will restart next week. So nothing is lost, just delayed, if the “make good” does indeed make good the prizes that would have been earned then we could in fact be better off as we will basically have had an extra round of gac.

    actually Crumb said "as soon as possible likely sometime next week." Not a guaranteed next week. that's a BIG if on whether the make good will actually be a make good and not just a couple hundred crystals (well short of what ppl would have earned) and some CWC shards. CG's not got a great history with make goods at this point.

    Where are you getting that there's an extra round of GAC? we're in event 3, Crumb is actually talking about restarting the season but no indication on whether they're restarting the entire season or just this event. Whether we'll end up facing the same opponents whose defense we've now seen. There's frankly alot of questions and concerns and the posts they've made haven't answered any of them bc they're not even sticking to the verbage they went out of their way to start using.
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    Looooki wrote: »
    Seriously, sloppy and ridiculous. GAC is NOT NEW. How to mess this up so badly !!!!

    First CG nerfed QGJ with no compensation
    Now QGJ is still kinda trash with the new fleshy Omni.

    GAC was fine till the update and now need to reroll the WHOLE GAC for this week!!

    New Toon for conquest is underwhelming.

    What is this ? Sloppy start for 2022 ??

    Just so messed up.

    It is beyond me how the heck they messed up GAC after the new content update. They were adding a new ship and bug fixing things. HOW DOES THAT MESS UP GAC??!! Sometimes I wonder if CG sabotages the game so we get no enjoyment XD
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    Grand Arena Championships will be canceled with a hotfix later today (currently scheduled for approximately 6:15pm PT/02:15 UTC). We will be rescheduling this season as soon as possible likely sometime next week. There will be a make good for the resources you missed out on during this time after we have restarted the event. We will share more details on that as soon as we can. Note: Daily Crystals will continue to payout based on your current ranking.

    This is what they wrote very vague. But it seems clear that they will scrap the whole season and that in best case we get a new season next week and our make good sometime after the restart. They also write the resources we lost during this time, to me that sound like reward for the round so if someone had a good season well to bad for him.
    It really sucks that they not only have all of these bugs and reworks because things don’t work as expected, the nerfs. They also cannot communicate in a clear manner so we at least know what will happen and on top of that don’t compensate the players in an fair way.
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    Still so exciting to see NO RESPONSE from CG.
    Guess no one is home.
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    DarthGrff wrote: »
    Looooki wrote: »
    Seriously, sloppy and ridiculous. GAC is NOT NEW. How to mess this up so badly !!!!

    First CG nerfed QGJ with no compensation
    Now QGJ is still kinda trash with the new fleshy Omni.

    GAC was fine till the update and now need to reroll the WHOLE GAC for this week!!

    New Toon for conquest is underwhelming.

    What is this ? Sloppy start for 2022 ??

    Just so messed up.

    It is beyond me how the heck they messed up GAC after the new content update. They were adding a new ship and bug fixing things. HOW DOES THAT MESS UP GAC??!! Sometimes I wonder if CG sabotages the game so we get no enjoyment XD

    There’s always the possibility that they are meaning to kill the game. Milk the whales as long as possible but in the same time making sure the player base is shrinking so that when they turn of the gameservers there will not be so much fuzz about it.
    Some companies do this by selling the game to a new company that kills the game one or two years later
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    GC should compensate their coding failure and incompetence.
    There is another thing about GAC: matchmaking is broken. Based only on "Skill Rating" is bad. Count at least GL in rooster and throw to same basket players with same quantity of GLs. Player without GL have no chances to win with another having 2 GLs and over 1M more GP.
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    Looooki wrote: »
    Still so exciting to see NO RESPONSE from CG.
    Guess no one is home.

    They put that they will look into it and itll restart this week and we will get compensation. I expect compensation to be 2-3k crystals. But also most importantly 3 clone wars chewie shards.
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    I don't see more than 500 crystals as compensation. They aren't going to give out 1000+ no matter what you had the potential to get from rewards. I will be very shocked if they go higher than 500.
  • Kenny_Katarn
    13 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Post edited by Kenny_Katarn on
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    Please no rewards okay...then let's boycott gac
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    I get a big error about connecting after it tries to download an update, error code is 106.0
    I’ve tried on WiFi and data
    Now I have deleted the app, but it won’t redownload from the App Store
    Anyone else having this

    It also wouldn’t let me save a screen shot of the error for some reason
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    So i go 2-1 no rewards and now you want us to do this **** again...

    This game is for Wales and at last check players make your game

    Most ppl are going to boycott seeing most missed being promoted and more

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    Where are you getting that there's an extra round of GAC? we're in event 3, Crumb is actually talking about restarting the season but no indication on whether they're restarting the entire season or just this event. Whether we'll end up facing the same opponents whose defense we've now seen. There's frankly alot of questions and concerns and the posts they've made haven't answered any of them bc they're not even sticking to the verbage they went out of their way to start using.

    I just mean that we’ve already had the first battle of GAC with which rewards have been paid. So for example I won my first battle and got 500 crystals. So if we restart I’ll get to go again from the beginning. [/quote]

    Why would want to go thru all that ****..
    Me they restarts and my bracket i was top in everything like i want to be in a bracket that q
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    Nick_74 wrote: »
    DarthGrff wrote: »
    Looooki wrote: »
    Seriously, sloppy and ridiculous. GAC is NOT NEW. How to mess this up so badly !!!!

    First CG nerfed QGJ with no compensation
    Now QGJ is still kinda trash with the new fleshy Omni.

    GAC was fine till the update and now need to reroll the WHOLE GAC for this week!!

    New Toon for conquest is underwhelming.

    What is this ? Sloppy start for 2022 ??

    Just so messed up.

    It is beyond me how the heck they messed up GAC after the new content update. They were adding a new ship and bug fixing things. HOW DOES THAT MESS UP GAC??!! Sometimes I wonder if CG sabotages the game so we get no enjoyment XD

    There’s always the possibility that they are meaning to kill the game. Milk the whales as long as possible but in the same time making sure the player base is shrinking so that when they turn of the gameservers there will not be so much fuzz about it.
    Some companies do this by selling the game to a new company that kills the game one or two years later

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