GAC Resolution [MEGA]


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    As all the posts illustrate, everyone is affected differently. There’s too many variables to make any outcome of a cancellation fair. The only fair response would be to have gone through all the matches to identify the wrongly awarded banners. I’m assuming that this would take more time and effort than a hard stop (although arguably not so much as if the errors seem to have a fairly identifiable set of values - 276, 414 etc). Since CG have opted for the easier and cheaper response, despite it being the greatest disadvantage to the players the only good response from them now should be ‘Sorry - and here’s a bunch of stuff. We know it doesn’t make up for everything but we will try harder.’ Unfortunately sorry does seem to be the hardest word for CG, who ‘are aware’ of all sorts of defects and ****-ups but don’t seem to have to instincts to take responsibility for them like adults.
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    Ryconnan wrote: »
    mariogsh wrote: »
    You guys should really read before posting any new threads

    “Everyone else should know something the moment I learn of it.”
    Just another day on the SWGOH forums

    If there is a problem I think it is reasonable that someone would check on the forum to see if an announcement had been made, particularly if the person is a forum user and heading there to post about it.

    If there was no announcement then it would seem reasonable to make a post.

    For all their faults and there have been many of late in this case CG actually communicated very well, much to my surprise and even mentioned a make good which is most welcome.

    CG communicated very well?
    How about a freaking in game message?

    I've seen hundreds of threads and questions on all forums, discord, in game, as none of them knew about what was going on.
    That's hardly 'communicating very well'.

    If your here though why wouldn’t you do 1 click and check before posting?

    I agree an in game message would be better, but they did communicate via the forum very quickly this time to be fair which is way better than the silence we have often had of late…
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    You know what would be a nice make good? Change Conquest back to when it used to be fun. And change your outdated pricing model that encourages high profile community members to gamble $1000s on new releases. This behaviour encourages others, particularly children and gambling addicts, to put themselves in a big mountain of debt. Sure, it would be nice having impulse control, but some people aren't able to do that. Especially young people connected to their parents account. It's a shameful practice, really.
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    Where do they post those announcements?
    Anyone got a link?
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    I was expecting to climb to arodium 2 or 1 this round, already got to 3 with the first match (which was still working as intended) hoping I atleast get arodium 3 rewards instead of 4
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    Where do they post those announcements?
    Anyone got a link?

    They post it in news category on this forum.
    But they just dropped the bomb and left for the weekend so expect nothing until next week.
    Compensation also tend to drag out so I don’t expect anything until two to four weeks from now.

    At least the shop is open so feel free to give CG your money.
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    It’s fairly obvious the make good will be giving everyone the win rewards for the canceled matches. Then if they want to add some goodwill compensation on top of that, that would be appreciated but not really necessary.
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    3 clone wars chewie shards should be a sufficient make good.
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    I hope they make up for that in a Spetacular way.
    I ve been saving, planning, to have the ammount of crystals for getting my Executor to 7* on the next event.
    To be penalized by their mistake will be a major let down.

    I understand glitches happen. OK, CG did right to call it off. But the compensation should be beyond the "what you'd get anyway" reward. It should be in a level that would make us, players, understand that they respect us, our efforts and love for the game.
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    telboy007 wrote: »
    3 clone wars chewie shards should be a sufficient make good.

    You've heard it, cg. Don't give this guy anything. You can give his compensation to me instead.
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    Hey CG, there’s a game in your bugs.
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    So mine just said I get no rewards due to lack of participation. I was participating though, just hadn't attacked yet this round. I take it we all got that message?
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    KyloRayn wrote: »
    So mine just said I get no rewards due to lack of participation. I was participating though, just hadn't attacked yet this round. I take it we all got that message?
    Read the announcements. Nobody got any rewards. GAC is cancelled.
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    KyloRayn wrote: »
    So mine just said I get no rewards due to lack of participation. I was participating though, just hadn't attacked yet this round. I take it we all got that message?
    Read the announcements. Nobody got any rewards. GAC is cancelled.

    I know that. I was just wondering if you had the same "lack of participation" message.
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    Hi zusammen,
    ich bin mitten in der zweiten Runde der großen Arena aus der aktuellen
    Ligagruppe geflogen. Nach der Einstellung der Defensive habe ich die Gilde gewechselt und dann
    wurde mir kein laufender Wettbewerb mehr angezeigt. Bisschen ärgerlich nach Aussenseitersieg in der ersten Runde, aber ist jetzt so. Kann das mit dem Gildenwechsel zu tun haben? Will das für die Zukunft ausschließen, falls es durch irgendetwas anderes ausgelöst wurde…
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    I hope they move quickly on payment. The executor is next week, and the guaranteed crystals even through 3/3 losses was needed and planned for.
  • DK_Raid_Violator
    244 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    I just passed my PO. There was no daily income...

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    Wurde wegen Bugs von CG vorzeitig beendet. Also nur die übliche Unfähigkeit von CG :D
  • JediMasterVader
    50 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    So I started a grand arena and as soon as it opened, it gave my opponent a win and me a loss while simultaneously then switching my opponent to someone new and counting it as my third battle all in the same time frame. Has this happened for anyone else?

    Looked for help threw EA and surprise they said ask the community what a joke.
  • Jedi_Rework
    27 posts Member
    edited February 2022

    1 credit is the make good for this? ****!!!!!!!

    I am missing out on about 3000 - 4000 crystals and you want to give me 1 credit for your bad??????

    F you guys
  • JediMasterVader
    50 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Grouj4. So the auto loss they stuck me with is just fine then giving my opponent the win?

    Because that does affect my Record. Do they plan to do anything for that?
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    They don’t need to because the loss wasn’t actually a loss. Your skill rating will be the same as it was after the first match none of that was affected in any way
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    1 credit is the make good for this? ****!!!!!!!

    I am missing out on about 3000 - 4000 crystals and you want to give me 1 credit for your bad??????

    F you guys

    That’s not the make good.
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    KyloRayn wrote: »
    So mine just said I get no rewards due to lack of participation. I was participating though, just hadn't attacked yet this round. I take it we all got that message?
    Nobody got any rewards.

    I got credits.

    "Credits"? Plural?
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    Grouj4. So the auto loss they stuck me with is just fine then giving my opponent the win?

    Because that does affect my Record. Do they plan to do anything for that?
    Read the link he posted.
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    My son and I are f2p, so this has a different meaning of loss, and we have no recourse. Whatever we get in the end is just bonus, regardless of what we actually may, or may not have been able to achieve otherwise. Our development will be ****, but probably on an imperceptible curve.
    For higher-level players the make-good will likely be insufficient, the actual reward tiers are beyond anything CG has ever gifted before. So at that point, have the whales actually suffered an economic loss that would violate CG's terms of service? If you can tie-out a recent purchase to your ability to perform in GAC, having now been denied that chance, you can dispute said purchase as "services/goods paid for, but not rendered by the merchant".

    "Its the economy stupid," let CG know how you feel with your wallet; they can ignore forum posts, but they can't legally ignore VISA/MC/AMEX.
This discussion has been closed.