GAC “Make good” lol

We missed 2 rounds attacking with the glitch.

I’m kyber 2. So 2 wins would amount to…. 850+850 = 1000.
That’s some grade A gov’ment math there CG.


  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    edited February 2022
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
    We missed 2 rounds attacking with the glitch.

    I’m kyber 2. So 2 wins would amount to…. 850+850 = 1000.
    That’s some grade A gov’ment math there CG.

    Speaking of being bad at math……
  • Intrapido
    68 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    Yeah and you miss those crystals weirdly enough straight in line with the exec event and when the most annoying uselessness in conquest runs. I understand your point of overtime income not changing, but for those who because of that miss out on a red crate(instant delay of a month on the new ship) or miss out on 2 refresh worth of exec events but want to be competitive its annoying as all hell.

    Not to mention by the way the lack of communication on top of that basically crates a dumpster fire, would it have been so hard to delay the exec event for example or to give everyone in an ingame mail 720 conquest energy (6 refresh worth)?

  • Options
    Plus we got 1 credit.. so we are all ahead..
  • Options
    I will take the 1000, abything you can get from stingy CG is a plus
  • Options
    You’re asking for too much now, with ultra on this one
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
    Intrapido wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    Yeah and you miss those crystals weirdly enough straight in line with the exec event and when the most annoying uselessness in conquest runs. I understand your point of overtime income not changing, but for those who because of that miss out on a red crate(instant delay of a month on the new ship) or miss out on 2 refresh worth of exec events but want to be competitive its annoying as all hell.

    Should manage resources better than.
  • Options
    It's honestly more then I was expecting personally, so it's a win in my book.
  • Options
    You guys are really taking those 1000 crystals as a good reward?

    No wonder why CG does what it does, anyway, they can give you the least amount possible and you'll be fine with that lol
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Intrapido wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    Yeah and you miss those crystals weirdly enough straight in line with the exec event and when the most annoying uselessness in conquest runs. I understand your point of overtime income not changing, but for those who because of that miss out on a red crate(instant delay of a month on the new ship) or miss out on 2 refresh worth of exec events but want to be competitive its annoying as all hell.

    Not to mention by the way the lack of communication on top of that basically crates a dumpster fire, would it have been so hard to delay the exec event for example or to give everyone in an ingame mail 720 conquest energy (6 refresh worth)?

    If you hadn't missed that week you still wouldn't get enough crystals to 7* Executor
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Kluge wrote: »
    They have no way of knowing how we would have performed vs the opponents we would have faced, vs who we ended up battling this time around. Myself personally, in the round that was cancelled, there was nobody >9mil GP, matchmaking was very balanced. But once it got rescheduled, I had 3x >9mil GP. My results will definitely be different. the proper thing to have done was to give crystals for two wins, round rewards for 2 wins (plus whatever you did in match 1) AND THEN the make good. But no, another big, fat dirty sanchez from CG.

    One guy just beat a 6 GL owner with 3 GLs

    I am sure the 6 GL owner was on this forum complaining that he would've won his next round given he was the only 6 GL owner and everyone else had a 3 GL

    but that's not how it works at all, it might seem like you have an advantage or disadvantage but when the battle starts, skill and strategy might surprise you at times
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Intrapido wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    Yeah and you miss those crystals weirdly enough straight in line with the exec event and when the most annoying uselessness in conquest runs. I understand your point of overtime income not changing, but for those who because of that miss out on a red crate(instant delay of a month on the new ship) or miss out on 2 refresh worth of exec events but want to be competitive its annoying as all hell.

    Not to mention by the way the lack of communication on top of that basically crates a dumpster fire, would it have been so hard to delay the exec event for example or to give everyone in an ingame mail 720 conquest energy (6 refresh worth)?

    If you hadn't missed that week you still wouldn't get enough crystals to 7* Executor

    so you tell me that there is no such thing as beeing 2 refresh short? come on now i understand you have to protect cg by nature and have to say that every single thing is a user error and cg is the greatest company on planet earth at everything they do but dont be kyno please...
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    Dont even try to sell that snake oil. It is a lost week. Start the next season on time, and we can talk.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    You are wrong on so many levels, and have absolutely no room for argument. This has to be the biggest slap in the face since I have been playing. I just won 1800 crystals in two matches. Last week I would have likely won that in addition to the missed crystals for the final reward.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Intrapido wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Intrapido wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    Yeah and you miss those crystals weirdly enough straight in line with the exec event and when the most annoying uselessness in conquest runs. I understand your point of overtime income not changing, but for those who because of that miss out on a red crate(instant delay of a month on the new ship) or miss out on 2 refresh worth of exec events but want to be competitive its annoying as all hell.

    Not to mention by the way the lack of communication on top of that basically crates a dumpster fire, would it have been so hard to delay the exec event for example or to give everyone in an ingame mail 720 conquest energy (6 refresh worth)?

    If you hadn't missed that week you still wouldn't get enough crystals to 7* Executor

    so you tell me that there is no such thing as beeing 2 refresh short? come on now i understand you have to protect cg by nature and have to say that every single thing is a user error and cg is the greatest company on planet earth at everything they do but dont be kyno please...

    Post your in-game home menu
  • CrispyFett
    1017 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    1000 crystals is less than what I think we should have received but more than I thought they would give, so what are ya gonna do...
    Post edited by CrispyFett on
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member


    I will take the 1000, abything you can get from stingy CG is a plus

  • Options
    Also does not address end of round rewards for someone who won first round in the cancelation and then moved up skill and lost all 3 next round. End of round rewards will for sure be worse in that case.
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
    The amount of people throwing a hissy fit absolutely staggering.
  • Options
    RTS wrote: »
    The amount of people throwing a hissy fit absolutely staggering.

    The amount of people who havent a clue is staggering
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
    Dreapool wrote: »
    RTS wrote: »
    The amount of people throwing a hissy fit absolutely staggering.

    The amount of people who havent a clue is staggering

    I have a clue - manage your resources better.
  • Options
    I wanted a pony.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    edited February 2022
    Intrapido wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Intrapido wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Intrapido wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    You missed 2 rounds and you ended up getting the entire week again (3 rounds)

    So you are earning more this season (13 round season) than any other

    Yeah and you miss those crystals weirdly enough straight in line with the exec event and when the most annoying uselessness in conquest runs. I understand your point of overtime income not changing, but for those who because of that miss out on a red crate(instant delay of a month on the new ship) or miss out on 2 refresh worth of exec events but want to be competitive its annoying as all hell.

    Not to mention by the way the lack of communication on top of that basically crates a dumpster fire, would it have been so hard to delay the exec event for example or to give everyone in an ingame mail 720 conquest energy (6 refresh worth)?

    If you hadn't missed that week you still wouldn't get enough crystals to 7* Executor

    so you tell me that there is no such thing as beeing 2 refresh short? come on now i understand you have to protect cg by nature and have to say that every single thing is a user error and cg is the greatest company on planet earth at everything they do but dont be kyno please...

    Post your in-game home menu

    Thats a really amateur attempt at saying "you have crystals". By the way i have 1.7k since <> is running and gac got cancelled i was forced to buy crystals and due to the lackluster at best compensation will have to buy more since the gac matchmaking isnt exactly working properly.

    Personally i went from a group with 5 out 7 winnable matchups to beeing a punching bag and no slim possiblity of winning any matchup but ohh well we just have to suck it up i suppose nothing will change until they have such mouth pieces.

    So you are telling me,

    You are complaining about missing out on 2 refresh worth of Executor events when those 2 refreshes doesn't even let you promote your executor to another *, meaning even if GAC wasn't cancelled, you wouldn't have gotten it this month

    Post edited by EA_Mako on
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Also does not address end of round rewards for someone who won first round in the cancelation and then moved up skill and lost all 3 next round. End of round rewards will for sure be worse in that case.

    Now you will get an easier 4th week

    instead of 0-3 4th week
  • Options
    Consider yourself lucky, CG can’t even gdistribute make good correctly. Restarted app 3 times to make sure. But I got nada, no make good inbox :/
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Decicrim wrote: »
    Consider yourself lucky, CG can’t even gdistribute make good correctly. Restarted app 3 times to make sure. But I got nada, no make good inbox :/
    To quote Doja:

    "This week we expect to send out an inbox related to the Grand Arenas issue that resulted in a reschedule."
  • Options
    Reading is hard
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