GAC “Make good” lol


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    Ultra wrote: »
    Kluge wrote: »
    They have no way of knowing how we would have performed vs the opponents we would have faced, vs who we ended up battling this time around. Myself personally, in the round that was cancelled, there was nobody >9mil GP, matchmaking was very balanced. But once it got rescheduled, I had 3x >9mil GP. My results will definitely be different. the proper thing to have done was to give crystals for two wins, round rewards for 2 wins (plus whatever you did in match 1) AND THEN the make good. But no, another big, fat dirty sanchez from CG.

    One guy just beat a 6 GL owner with 3 GLs

    I am sure the 6 GL owner was on this forum complaining that he would've won his next round given he was the only 6 GL owner and everyone else had a 3 GL

    but that's not how it works at all, it might seem like you have an advantage or disadvantage but when the battle starts, skill and strategy might surprise you at times

    This is kind of irrelevant. There are always anomalies. There are always exceptions to the rule. There always that really poor player, with whom no amount of GP would garner them a win.

    It is not, however, the average story. The common experience.

    Throwing out that “one time” answer creates a false narrative.
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    Some people would have won both matches which should equal to 1800 crystals. This is not a make good. In fact even if it was 1800 crystals it still would not have been a make good. Make good means more than expected. This was CGs fault as to why this even was canceled. The real issue is how many times CG messes up on their updates and when it’s time for them to tell us “sorry we will do better next time” it’s more of a slap in the face. Squad arena didn’t have any issues and was a more reliable way to earn crystals. Now we never know if we are going to get crystals every week or not. They need to test their updates before releasing them. Lots of other companies do very well with updates having very very minor bugs.
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    Time in the game always has equated to an offset of cost. You either spend to speed up time or don’t. Any delays or cancellation in a game mode has a cost.
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    Whaleathon wrote: »
    Some people would have won both matches which should equal to 1800 crystals. This is not a make good. In fact even if it was 1800 crystals it still would not have been a make good. Make good means more than expected. This was CGs fault as to why this even was canceled. The real issue is how many times CG messes up on their updates and when it’s time for them to tell us “sorry we will do better next time” it’s more of a slap in the face. Squad arena didn’t have any issues and was a more reliable way to earn crystals. Now we never know if we are going to get crystals every week or not. They need to test their updates before releasing them. Lots of other companies do very well with updates having very very minor bugs.

    So you potentially lost 2 rounds of victory, in exchange you get 3 new rounds with new opponents. Let's assume you lose all three of them, giving you 3*200 = 600 crystals. Plus 1000 for compensation make 1600 crystals. On the other hand without cancellin gthe previous event, you would have had two victories, rewarding 2*825 = 1650 crystals.

    So yea, the make good gives those players, who would have won and now lose everything, deny 50 crystals, all other players will get more than they missed out. But in addition you get a lot of GAC currency.
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    Whaleathon wrote: »
    Lots of other companies do very well with updates having very very minor bugs.
    Can i have some examples? All games i (or my friends) play the specific forums always say they are the worst in support, compensation, updates, etc...curious on what good examples you are referring to... (BTW...from the ones i know PERSONALLY, SWOGH is actually one of the "less bad"...not to say "best" as it seems to be against the "rules")

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    I will give you good example:
    This is how this game is slowly falling down
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    What a greed decision.
    People from kyber 1 (for example) were possible to get 2x900 + 500 = 2300 (minimum) plus materials for mods and gear.
    But no one wants to count the difference between divisions.
    Only 1000 for all.
    No words.
  • WookieWookie
    1460 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    I'm a veteran player from 2016, and this is literally the most generous make-good CG has ever given out so long as I've been playing. Anyone who says otherwise is either using a strawman argument or is openly gaslighting. (you're getting the event again in addition to the next GAC, and have a chance to earn 3 rounds of wins and the end of season reward. For all of those saying you could have won both the next rounds, you can win all three rounds now. This is additive, IE more rewards than if the last GAC had finished normally and didn't have this makeup round running now.

    My only disappointment is what's missing from the make-good...

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    My two cents: this is a pretty reasonable make-good. Important to remember that nothing was cancelled, it was delayed. This delay was impactful for some players and irrelevant for others. Since CG can’t know how it impacted each specific player, 1000 crystals and 1000 GAC bucks seems reasonable. I understand that the timing impacted some players wrt the Executor event. But worth considering Exec shards can be purchased with the extra crystals.
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    Gorgus wrote: »
    My two cents: this is a pretty reasonable make-good. Important to remember that nothing was cancelled, it was delayed. This delay was impactful for some players and irrelevant for others. Since CG can’t know how it impacted each specific player, 1000 crystals and 1000 GAC bucks seems reasonable. I understand that the timing impacted some players wrt the Executor event. But worth considering Exec shards can be purchased with the extra crystals.

    They did cancel an Event after round 1 and added a new event of 3 full rounds. So they did cancel something but in the end three minus two still makes plus one and the make-good on top
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    Very interesting how many people seem to forget that CG is a for profit company and that the players are not owed anything. So... thank you CG for the crystals. I also appreciate you fixing the bug in the event and allowing us to restart it.
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    joelgs23 wrote: »
    Very interesting how many people seem to forget that CG is a for profit company and that the players are not owed anything. So... thank you CG for the crystals. I also appreciate you fixing the bug in the event and allowing us to restart it.

    Lol, oh man. And we wonder why the world is like it is today.
  • ROMG4
    19 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    joelgs23 wrote: »
    Very interesting how many people seem to forget that CG is a for profit company and that the players are not owed anything. So... thank you CG for the crystals. I also appreciate you fixing the bug in the event and allowing us to restart it.
    CG creates a mode that requires you to heavily invest time and resources into the game (encourages spending to be more competitive), said event took the crystals from a previously accessible mode for all players thus forcing people to play GAC to get the most of the game, and a bug that they didn't catch resulted in people losing time in the recent GAC, which many were close to victory and would have gotten quite a lot of rewards if not for the bug. This make good has taken a rather LONG time to arrive which has disrupted the plans of a great deal of the playerbase

    Expecting people not to be frustrated and annoyed with the company taking so long to send out a redressing for an error they created, especially with how much monetization the game has is a bit of a stretch

    They make enough money, they don't need you defending them and being for profit isn't an excuse for bad conduct
    Post edited by ROMG4 on
    OOM-9 For Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!
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    Dreapool wrote: »
    joelgs23 wrote: »
    Very interesting how many people seem to forget that CG is a for profit company and that the players are not owed anything. So... thank you CG for the crystals. I also appreciate you fixing the bug in the event and allowing us to restart it.

    Lol, oh man. And we wonder why the world is like it is today.

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    joelgs23 wrote: »
    Very interesting how many people seem to forget that CG is a for profit company and that the players are not owed anything. So... thank you CG for the crystals. I also appreciate you fixing the bug in the event and allowing us to restart it.

    "Stop attacking the multi millionaire company!"
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    Dreapool wrote: »
    joelgs23 wrote: »
    Very interesting how many people seem to forget that CG is a for profit company and that the players are not owed anything. So... thank you CG for the crystals. I also appreciate you fixing the bug in the event and allowing us to restart it.

    Lol, oh man. And we wonder why the world is like it is today.


    Yes sir, thank you sir. I'm so grateful sir. Lol
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    CG, you can be kidding with your player base.
    Only 1000 crystals and 1000 GAC tokens.
    You does not respect your player base, this can be a joke, right?
    GAC now is the primary source of crystals. because of the inconvenient, you should at least give to all players the amont of at least 2 victories and the event victory
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Dreapool wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Also does not address end of round rewards for someone who won first round in the cancelation and then moved up skill and lost all 3 next round. End of round rewards will for sure be worse in that case.

    Now you will get an easier 4th week

    instead of 0-3 4th week

    What about the full week lost? We would have had a full week of GAC done by the 28th.


    Real what? Or avoiding question what?

    Next season was supposed to start Feb 21st. So by the time Feb 28th rolled around we would have a full week of rewards. Now.. we just will be starting.

    I think it's a very clear question.

    Feb 21st is Review week, not new season week

    It is NOW. Review week was going to be 2/14. This is a 6 week GAC not normal 5. You can admit you're wrong anytime.
    Asked around and you are right

    So End of Season rewards would’ve been this week in time for executor - which makes a big difference

    + an extra week worth of crystals etc
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    zatho wrote: »
    Gorgus wrote: »
    My two cents: this is a pretty reasonable make-good. Important to remember that nothing was cancelled, it was delayed. This delay was impactful for some players and irrelevant for others. Since CG can’t know how it impacted each specific player, 1000 crystals and 1000 GAC bucks seems reasonable. I understand that the timing impacted some players wrt the Executor event. But worth considering Exec shards can be purchased with the extra crystals.

    They did cancel an Event after round 1 and added a new event of 3 full rounds. So they did cancel something but in the end three minus two still makes plus one and the make-good on top

    what about three times one minus one
  • Mockingbirdking
    3 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    (My bad; missed original dev post from Doja. Saw it now.)
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    CG, you can be kidding with your player base.
    Only 1000 crystals and 1000 GAC tokens.
    You does not respect your player base, this can be a joke, right?
    GAC now is the primary source of crystals. because of the inconvenient, you should at least give to all players the amont of at least 2 victories and the event victory

    bold to assume every player should have won each round
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    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.
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    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Are you forgetting the 5th week is the down time? There's only ever been 4 weeks of battles (12 battles total). We are getting the same number of battles/rounds as we always do.
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    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Maybe you are right, maybe not. It depends on how long the gaps between the next seasons will be. Usually they had always some free days before the next season started. If they don't compensate the lost week by running the next seasons back to back, then you got a point.
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    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Maybe you are right, maybe not. It depends on how long the gaps between the next seasons will be. Usually they had always some free days before the next season started. If they don't compensate the lost week by running the next seasons back to back, then you got a point.

    they already said the next season will start the monday after the current one ends on a wednesday

    after that i don't see why they wouldn't keep on the monday schedule
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    UdalCuain wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Are you forgetting the 5th week is the down time? There's only ever been 4 weeks of battles (12 battles total). We are getting the same number of battles/rounds as we always do.

    it is delayed one week

    weather that means we miss a week of rewards or not seems to be a matter of opinion or semantics
  • Options
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Maybe you are right, maybe not. It depends on how long the gaps between the next seasons will be. Usually they had always some free days before the next season started. If they don't compensate the lost week by running the next seasons back to back, then you got a point.

    they already said the next season will start the monday after the current one ends on a wednesday

    after that i don't see why they wouldn't keep on the monday schedule

    We will see how long the next season will run. If it is four week long, that would compensate the delay. If it is five weeks long, then you are absolutely right and CG again deceived us.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dreapool wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Also does not address end of round rewards for someone who won first round in the cancelation and then moved up skill and lost all 3 next round. End of round rewards will for sure be worse in that case.

    Now you will get an easier 4th week

    instead of 0-3 4th week

    What about the full week lost? We would have had a full week of GAC done by the 28th.


    Real what? Or avoiding question what?

    Next season was supposed to start Feb 21st. So by the time Feb 28th rolled around we would have a full week of rewards. Now.. we just will be starting.

    I think it's a very clear question.

    Feb 21st is Review week, not new season week

    It is NOW. Review week was going to be 2/14. This is a 6 week GAC not normal 5. You can admit you're wrong anytime.
    Asked around and you are right

    So End of Season rewards would’ve been this week in time for executor - which makes a big difference

    + an extra week worth of crystals etc

    Ultra, thank you for acknowledging this. I really appreciate that.
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    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    The inability to count the number of weeks in February from so many posters is rather concerning. GAC is not on some made up time schedule of CG's. It is 5 calendar weeks. We've lost an entire week of GAC. It's not being replaced. We're not getting "more". There is an abandoned week now in GAC. It's not being "made up" in the next one.

    But hey, you think you're getting more bc CG has sold it that way so you don't know what you lost and now you can come here and defend them and praise them for giving you "extra" rewards when they've actually taken over 1k crystals from you that you're never going to get. They vanished an entire week of rewards. From now on all GACs going forward are delayed by a week that we will never be able to make up and get the rewards from.

    Maybe you are right, maybe not. It depends on how long the gaps between the next seasons will be. Usually they had always some free days before the next season started. If they don't compensate the lost week by running the next seasons back to back, then you got a point.

    they already said the next season will start the monday after the current one ends on a wednesday

    after that i don't see why they wouldn't keep on the monday schedule

    We will see how long the next season will run. If it is four week long, that would compensate the delay. If it is five weeks long, then you are absolutely right and CG again deceived us.

    No way it will be four weeks.
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