GAC “Make good” lol


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    dont forget we still didnt get compensation for qgj nerf xD
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    this is a joke
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Kluge wrote: »
    They have no way of knowing how we would have performed vs the opponents we would have faced, vs who we ended up battling this time around. Myself personally, in the round that was cancelled, there was nobody >9mil GP, matchmaking was very balanced. But once it got rescheduled, I had 3x >9mil GP. My results will definitely be different. the proper thing to have done was to give crystals for two wins, round rewards for 2 wins (plus whatever you did in match 1) AND THEN the make good. But no, another big, fat dirty sanchez from CG.

    One guy just beat a 6 GL owner with 3 GLs

    I am sure the 6 GL owner was on this forum complaining that he would've won his next round given he was the only 6 GL owner and everyone else had a 3 GL

    but that's not how it works at all, it might seem like you have an advantage or disadvantage but when the battle starts, skill and strategy might surprise you at times

    Im a 1 gl owner soon to be a 2 gl owner and f2p and Ive taken down someone with 5 gl's its all about team composition and playing right
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    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    We wouldn’t be so frustrated if they didn’t make GAC our main source of crystals instead of arena.

    We were told there would be minimal disruption to our income due to this switch from Squad Arena to GAC, but as this “make good” shows, they are misleading everyone.

    Did you forget about this statement, CG? The minimal change in crystal income you said we’d experience due to the change to GAC?

    For those of us in K1 who used to take 1st in arena every day, that’s turned out to be a crock of ****. This “make good” only reiterates that.

    If you are in K1 you are earning more crystals than you used to just by winning half the time

    That’s true, except for the week in question where we didn’t get any rewards.

    Don’t you guys see that if the next GAC is delayed a week, we’ll still be missing a week of rewards?

    Rewards shifted and rewards missing are two different things. we would be missing a week of rewards if they cancelled the final week

    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    Would you think the same if your boss tells you that your salary gets paid a month delayed? And all following salaries will follow the usual monthly cadence? Would you still say you didn't lose a month's worth of money, it is just delayed but eventually it will get paid? Only difference is, GAC was delayed by a week, not a month

    is my boss giving me a bonus to make up for the delay?

    Actually he is. But as you are paid for effort, you feel like he is paying you less than you would have gained for a regular working month.

    so "feel like" then

    is it actually less or it just feels that way

    good question. What do you think?
    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    what do you think?
    I think this comment on Reddit is the best take I've seen on the compensation:

    tl;dr - For a 0.500 K1 player, the loss of crystals after the make good is about 400-500 in total.

    I'd like to add, as others have pointed out, that the delay in the compensation did negatively affect some folks grinding for Executor. Also, when CG messes up hard like this, why are they so calculated in their response? Okay, it's probably EA shenanigans. But just throw some crystals out there on top of the calculated compensation to garner some good will, if EA will let you.

    I think the calculation in the reddit post is reasonable and the make good is quite ok. But I can't see the extra stuff for inconvenience.
    So I would like to see how CG calculated how much the delay has cost us.

    Why would they calculate anything? The delay cost us nothing.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Kluge wrote: »
    They have no way of knowing how we would have performed vs the opponents we would have faced, vs who we ended up battling this time around. Myself personally, in the round that was cancelled, there was nobody >9mil GP, matchmaking was very balanced. But once it got rescheduled, I had 3x >9mil GP. My results will definitely be different. the proper thing to have done was to give crystals for two wins, round rewards for 2 wins (plus whatever you did in match 1) AND THEN the make good. But no, another big, fat dirty sanchez from CG.

    One guy just beat a 6 GL owner with 3 GLs

    I am sure the 6 GL owner was on this forum complaining that he would've won his next round given he was the only 6 GL owner and everyone else had a 3 GL

    but that's not how it works at all, it might seem like you have an advantage or disadvantage but when the battle starts, skill and strategy might surprise you at times


    If this is the same Kluge, he lost to a 7.8mil gp account so :shrug:
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    StewartH wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    We wouldn’t be so frustrated if they didn’t make GAC our main source of crystals instead of arena.

    We were told there would be minimal disruption to our income due to this switch from Squad Arena to GAC, but as this “make good” shows, they are misleading everyone.

    Did you forget about this statement, CG? The minimal change in crystal income you said we’d experience due to the change to GAC?

    For those of us in K1 who used to take 1st in arena every day, that’s turned out to be a crock of ****. This “make good” only reiterates that.

    If you are in K1 you are earning more crystals than you used to just by winning half the time

    That’s true, except for the week in question where we didn’t get any rewards.

    Don’t you guys see that if the next GAC is delayed a week, we’ll still be missing a week of rewards?

    Rewards shifted and rewards missing are two different things. we would be missing a week of rewards if they cancelled the final week

    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    Would you think the same if your boss tells you that your salary gets paid a month delayed? And all following salaries will follow the usual monthly cadence? Would you still say you didn't lose a month's worth of money, it is just delayed but eventually it will get paid? Only difference is, GAC was delayed by a week, not a month

    is my boss giving me a bonus to make up for the delay?

    Actually he is. But as you are paid for effort, you feel like he is paying you less than you would have gained for a regular working month.

    so "feel like" then

    is it actually less or it just feels that way

    The point that keeps getting missed: you "invest" your crystals in your characters and that investment allows you to clear more content, open new content and earn better rewards. Any delay there can never be made back.

    if it can never be made back then how woiuld cg properly compensate everyone
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    zatho wrote: »
    Well actually we did not miss any reward from cancelled GAC as the restarted the missing two events. In fact we got additional reward from round 1 of the cancelled event. There just is a delay in WHEN we get our reward. So people who would be promoted had some days with fewer daily crystals whereas people close to demotion benefitted from still getting more crystals.

    The only damage is for those who would have needed these crystals for executor event, who now have to wait another month.

    No you're missing the point, the whole idea behind moving crystals from squad arena to gac was to ensure that by AVERAGE you should get a similar amount of crystals. Meaning that if you take match conclusion, end of week, and end of event rewards add them together and divide by 35 (there's nothing on the week between seasons so the crystal average includes that 7 day dead period) that is the important number. Because squad arena pay out was daily whereas gac crystals are not.

    So the problem is, we've added an extra week but we aren't getting enough crystals to average where we should at the higher levels
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    Ok, so k1 players are maybe 500 crystals short from this make good?

    That's 2% of players. 2%. How about a calculation for the 2% at the other end?

    Cry me a river, players who get massively more rewards than everyone else all of the time. More than half of those other players can never ever make it to k1, unless all of kyber league retires.

    One instance where the make good is not based on the very top possible rewards, and everyone got the biggest ever compensation in the history of the game. Wahhh waaah waaaaaaaaah, slap in my fase!!!!

    For reference, both of my accounts are k2, and I feel happy with the make good.
  • Drathuk916
    650 posts Member
    edited February 2022
    So the make good was close to what I expected honestly a little better as I was expecting 750 crystals plus gac currency plus other mats.

    People keep talking past each other so I’ll try one last time to explain why the make good is insufficient even though better than expected.

    Ignore gac entirely and think of what happened as a disruption to the old squad arena. For six weeks you got 1st every night, for five weeks you got 500 crystals as expected. During that sixth week though half of all players got 350 and the other half got 260 for first plus a promise that a make good was coming that would be better than it should be to make up for the inconvenience.

    They finally release the make good and continue to sell they are being overly generous but the make good is 130 crystals per day. It’s easy to see this doesn’t cover the lost income for anyone. I’ll admit for lower leagues the make good is probably enough but it’s not enough for the entire kyber league.

    Now people have suggested they could cut back subsequent review periods to get us back to the original schedule. I agree this would improve the quality of the make good. I just don’t see it happening. Ultimately, Cg gave more than I expected so I’m moving on but I don’t think it was fair and nowhere near being overly generous as they’ve suggested.
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    JKDude01 wrote: »
    Too bad my post was closed. It would have been beneficial for CG to see two posts going crazy over the lackluster “make good.” I still find it to be a complete snub to end-game players in Kyber 1 that average a lot more than what’s being awarded to us. I rarely ever comment on forums but this move really struck me and many others as a slap in the face.

    It's been proven that the community managers don't care. It wouldn't matter if there were 40 threads. I
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    If CG ever gives us a GAC with no off-week ahead of it, putting us back on the original schedule, we can all agree we'd be ahead by 1,000 Crystals.
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    Ok, so k1 players are maybe 500 crystals short from this make good?

    That's 2% of players. 2%. How about a calculation for the 2% at the other end?

    Cry me a river, players who get massively more rewards than everyone else all of the time. More than half of those other players can never ever make it to k1, unless all of kyber league retires.

    One instance where the make good is not based on the very top possible rewards, and everyone got the biggest ever compensation in the history of the game. Wahhh waaah waaaaaaaaah, slap in my fase!!!!

    For reference, both of my accounts are k2, and I feel happy with the make good.

    No one is short from this. We all are profiting from this
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    I was annoyed by the delay. I wish compensation came whilst GAC was offline. However, the make good we are eventually getting is good. We actually get an extra round payout before the bug. As it has restarted with 3 rounds. For those claiming to win most rounds, you get an extra win! Should the next 3 rounds start on time this already makes up some Crystal loss. And we still get win payout and end of tournament payout.

    A big portion of income continued with daily rewards. Some players were actually saved from demotion, should they have lost, and continued to earn higher. Unfortunately like myself some didn’t get promoted if they had ‘anticipated’ to win. It is impossible to know exactly where the missed two rounds would have left everyone. But in my 3rd repeat round, I was actually matched up with the player which I was matched up on the cancelled round. So should be fairly similar matchmaking.

    The only crystals I estimate we actually loss was “if we had been promoted” the extra daily payout for your rank. The composition covers this over the week delay.
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    So the time off we usually have between gac is the issue.
    People think that if they move the next gac up we are ahead.
    Would love to be your boss.
    Hey you want to get ahead work weekends. No time off. You will get ahead.
    You usually work 20 days a month. Well now work 27 days. Say hi to your family for me. Now get back to work (whipping sound!)
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    Screerider wrote: »
    If CG ever gives us a GAC with no off-week ahead of it, putting us back on the original schedule, we can all agree we'd be ahead by 1,000 Crystals.

    lol i'd like to see this agreement
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    thedrjojo wrote: »
    Ok, so k1 players are maybe 500 crystals short from this make good?

    That's 2% of players. 2%. How about a calculation for the 2% at the other end?

    Cry me a river, players who get massively more rewards than everyone else all of the time. More than half of those other players can never ever make it to k1, unless all of kyber league retires.

    One instance where the make good is not based on the very top possible rewards, and everyone got the biggest ever compensation in the history of the game. Wahhh waaah waaaaaaaaah, slap in my fase!!!!

    For reference, both of my accounts are k2, and I feel happy with the make good.

    No one is short from this. We all are profiting from this

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    StarSon wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    We wouldn’t be so frustrated if they didn’t make GAC our main source of crystals instead of arena.

    We were told there would be minimal disruption to our income due to this switch from Squad Arena to GAC, but as this “make good” shows, they are misleading everyone.

    Did you forget about this statement, CG? The minimal change in crystal income you said we’d experience due to the change to GAC?

    For those of us in K1 who used to take 1st in arena every day, that’s turned out to be a crock of ****. This “make good” only reiterates that.

    If you are in K1 you are earning more crystals than you used to just by winning half the time

    That’s true, except for the week in question where we didn’t get any rewards.

    Don’t you guys see that if the next GAC is delayed a week, we’ll still be missing a week of rewards?

    Rewards shifted and rewards missing are two different things. we would be missing a week of rewards if they cancelled the final week

    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    Would you think the same if your boss tells you that your salary gets paid a month delayed? And all following salaries will follow the usual monthly cadence? Would you still say you didn't lose a month's worth of money, it is just delayed but eventually it will get paid? Only difference is, GAC was delayed by a week, not a month

    is my boss giving me a bonus to make up for the delay?

    Actually he is. But as you are paid for effort, you feel like he is paying you less than you would have gained for a regular working month.

    so "feel like" then

    is it actually less or it just feels that way

    good question. What do you think?
    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    what do you think?
    I think this comment on Reddit is the best take I've seen on the compensation:

    tl;dr - For a 0.500 K1 player, the loss of crystals after the make good is about 400-500 in total.

    I'd like to add, as others have pointed out, that the delay in the compensation did negatively affect some folks grinding for Executor. Also, when CG messes up hard like this, why are they so calculated in their response? Okay, it's probably EA shenanigans. But just throw some crystals out there on top of the calculated compensation to garner some good will, if EA will let you.

    I think the calculation in the reddit post is reasonable and the make good is quite ok. But I can't see the extra stuff for inconvenience.
    So I would like to see how CG calculated how much the delay has cost us.

    Why would they calculate anything? The delay cost us nothing.

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    StarSon wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    We wouldn’t be so frustrated if they didn’t make GAC our main source of crystals instead of arena.

    We were told there would be minimal disruption to our income due to this switch from Squad Arena to GAC, but as this “make good” shows, they are misleading everyone.

    Did you forget about this statement, CG? The minimal change in crystal income you said we’d experience due to the change to GAC?

    For those of us in K1 who used to take 1st in arena every day, that’s turned out to be a crock of ****. This “make good” only reiterates that.

    If you are in K1 you are earning more crystals than you used to just by winning half the time

    That’s true, except for the week in question where we didn’t get any rewards.

    Don’t you guys see that if the next GAC is delayed a week, we’ll still be missing a week of rewards?

    Rewards shifted and rewards missing are two different things. we would be missing a week of rewards if they cancelled the final week

    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    Would you think the same if your boss tells you that your salary gets paid a month delayed? And all following salaries will follow the usual monthly cadence? Would you still say you didn't lose a month's worth of money, it is just delayed but eventually it will get paid? Only difference is, GAC was delayed by a week, not a month

    is my boss giving me a bonus to make up for the delay?

    Actually he is. But as you are paid for effort, you feel like he is paying you less than you would have gained for a regular working month.

    so "feel like" then

    is it actually less or it just feels that way

    good question. What do you think?
    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    what do you think?
    I think this comment on Reddit is the best take I've seen on the compensation:

    tl;dr - For a 0.500 K1 player, the loss of crystals after the make good is about 400-500 in total.

    I'd like to add, as others have pointed out, that the delay in the compensation did negatively affect some folks grinding for Executor. Also, when CG messes up hard like this, why are they so calculated in their response? Okay, it's probably EA shenanigans. But just throw some crystals out there on top of the calculated compensation to garner some good will, if EA will let you.

    I think the calculation in the reddit post is reasonable and the make good is quite ok. But I can't see the extra stuff for inconvenience.
    So I would like to see how CG calculated how much the delay has cost us.

    Why would they calculate anything? The delay cost us nothing.


    Idk about you, but I'll get the same amount of crystals I would have without the delay, and whenever they send it I'll get an extra 1k.
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    We wouldn’t be so frustrated if they didn’t make GAC our main source of crystals instead of arena.

    We were told there would be minimal disruption to our income due to this switch from Squad Arena to GAC, but as this “make good” shows, they are misleading everyone.

    Did you forget about this statement, CG? The minimal change in crystal income you said we’d experience due to the change to GAC?

    For those of us in K1 who used to take 1st in arena every day, that’s turned out to be a crock of ****. This “make good” only reiterates that.

    If you are in K1 you are earning more crystals than you used to just by winning half the time

    That’s true, except for the week in question where we didn’t get any rewards.

    Don’t you guys see that if the next GAC is delayed a week, we’ll still be missing a week of rewards?

    Rewards shifted and rewards missing are two different things. we would be missing a week of rewards if they cancelled the final week

    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    Would you think the same if your boss tells you that your salary gets paid a month delayed? And all following salaries will follow the usual monthly cadence? Would you still say you didn't lose a month's worth of money, it is just delayed but eventually it will get paid? Only difference is, GAC was delayed by a week, not a month

    is my boss giving me a bonus to make up for the delay?

    Actually he is. But as you are paid for effort, you feel like he is paying you less than you would have gained for a regular working month.

    so "feel like" then

    is it actually less or it just feels that way

    good question. What do you think?
    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    what do you think?
    I think this comment on Reddit is the best take I've seen on the compensation:

    tl;dr - For a 0.500 K1 player, the loss of crystals after the make good is about 400-500 in total.

    I'd like to add, as others have pointed out, that the delay in the compensation did negatively affect some folks grinding for Executor. Also, when CG messes up hard like this, why are they so calculated in their response? Okay, it's probably EA shenanigans. But just throw some crystals out there on top of the calculated compensation to garner some good will, if EA will let you.

    I think the calculation in the reddit post is reasonable and the make good is quite ok. But I can't see the extra stuff for inconvenience.
    So I would like to see how CG calculated how much the delay has cost us.

    Why would they calculate anything? The delay cost us nothing.


    Idk about you, but I'll get the same amount of crystals I would have without the delay, and whenever they send it I'll get an extra 1k.

    Sounds like this guy collects 2nd place after every match…
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    If time isn’t a factor I’d like to get my crystal payouts for every GAC from now until infinity as a lump payment today. And then you don’t need to send me any more crystals.
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    IronCross wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    We wouldn’t be so frustrated if they didn’t make GAC our main source of crystals instead of arena.

    We were told there would be minimal disruption to our income due to this switch from Squad Arena to GAC, but as this “make good” shows, they are misleading everyone.

    Did you forget about this statement, CG? The minimal change in crystal income you said we’d experience due to the change to GAC?

    For those of us in K1 who used to take 1st in arena every day, that’s turned out to be a crock of ****. This “make good” only reiterates that.

    If you are in K1 you are earning more crystals than you used to just by winning half the time

    That’s true, except for the week in question where we didn’t get any rewards.

    Don’t you guys see that if the next GAC is delayed a week, we’ll still be missing a week of rewards?

    Rewards shifted and rewards missing are two different things. we would be missing a week of rewards if they cancelled the final week

    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    Would you think the same if your boss tells you that your salary gets paid a month delayed? And all following salaries will follow the usual monthly cadence? Would you still say you didn't lose a month's worth of money, it is just delayed but eventually it will get paid? Only difference is, GAC was delayed by a week, not a month

    is my boss giving me a bonus to make up for the delay?

    Actually he is. But as you are paid for effort, you feel like he is paying you less than you would have gained for a regular working month.

    so "feel like" then

    is it actually less or it just feels that way

    good question. What do you think?
    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    what do you think?
    I think this comment on Reddit is the best take I've seen on the compensation:

    tl;dr - For a 0.500 K1 player, the loss of crystals after the make good is about 400-500 in total.

    I'd like to add, as others have pointed out, that the delay in the compensation did negatively affect some folks grinding for Executor. Also, when CG messes up hard like this, why are they so calculated in their response? Okay, it's probably EA shenanigans. But just throw some crystals out there on top of the calculated compensation to garner some good will, if EA will let you.

    I think the calculation in the reddit post is reasonable and the make good is quite ok. But I can't see the extra stuff for inconvenience.
    So I would like to see how CG calculated how much the delay has cost us.

    Why would they calculate anything? The delay cost us nothing.


    Idk about you, but I'll get the same amount of crystals I would have without the delay, and whenever they send it I'll get an extra 1k.

    Sounds like this guy collects 2nd place after every match…

    Well only 1/8 scores higher than 2nd so statistically speaking its impossible for everyone to be wining every match 😉 and I doubt anyone wins every match.

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    So CG still owes me two round rewards (2x900 crystal), the end of the week rewards (750 crystal) and however deep we were into that season's share of the 2405 crystal. So anything between 3755 and 4950 crystal.

    It was your mistake - don't be the pie counters and live up to what you promised: Compensation!
  • Options
    So CG still owes me two round rewards (2x900 crystal), the end of the week rewards (750 crystal) and however deep we were into that season's share of the 2405 crystal. So anything between 3755 and 4950 crystal.

    It was your mistake - don't be the pie counters and live up to what you promised: Compensation!

    Everything you are asking for is wrong. You just played those 2 battles, plus an extra one. Today you got the end of event rewards. At the end of next week you will get another end of event and the end of season.

    Everything you ask for is as if every player won everything, which is impossible. Half of all players lose every round.

    The only thing missing was a week delay, making it so that these GAC rewards are overall spread over 6 weeks instead of 5 weeks.

    That is what the make good is for. For the majority of players it will be more than they would have gotten.
  • Options
    So CG still owes me two round rewards (2x900 crystal), the end of the week rewards (750 crystal) and however deep we were into that season's share of the 2405 crystal. So anything between 3755 and 4950 crystal.

    It was your mistake - don't be the pie counters and live up to what you promised: Compensation!

    Everything you are asking for is wrong. You just played those 2 battles, plus an extra one. Today you got the end of event rewards. At the end of next week you will get another end of event and the end of season.

    Everything you ask for is as if every player won everything, which is impossible. Half of all players lose every round.

    The only thing missing was a week delay, making it so that these GAC rewards are overall spread over 6 weeks instead of 5 weeks.

    That is what the make good is for. For the majority of players it will be more than they would have gotten.

    Seems the new CGDF leader is stepping up to take over for TVF. lol

    If there's an issue that disrupts gameplay, there should be some kind of compensation, regardless. CG is improving in that regard, but are still behind other companies when something out of the player's control happens. I figured it would be about 1000 crystals, so the other currencies are a plus. Waiting until after the executor event was a bit painful since some people count on crystals to burn so they can get it 7* faster.

    We don't know who would've won each match, so 50% of the competitors would've won and you can't divy out crystals based on who you "think" would've won. As far as the "majority" of players, I think your math is a little off there since it's a 50/50 kind of thing?
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    Wait you guys got crystals? I won the first round before it went to hell. Tonight I get a message saying I didn’t participate enough to earn those said crystals.
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    Did they send the ”make good” already? I haventgot anything yet. Even no crystals from last match. The new GAC and update came up already.
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    Where are the crystals?
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    Lol I got a message that said I never signed up
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    They haven’t sent out the compensation yet
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    StewartH wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    zatho wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    We wouldn’t be so frustrated if they didn’t make GAC our main source of crystals instead of arena.

    We were told there would be minimal disruption to our income due to this switch from Squad Arena to GAC, but as this “make good” shows, they are misleading everyone.

    Did you forget about this statement, CG? The minimal change in crystal income you said we’d experience due to the change to GAC?

    For those of us in K1 who used to take 1st in arena every day, that’s turned out to be a crock of ****. This “make good” only reiterates that.

    If you are in K1 you are earning more crystals than you used to just by winning half the time

    That’s true, except for the week in question where we didn’t get any rewards.

    Don’t you guys see that if the next GAC is delayed a week, we’ll still be missing a week of rewards?

    Rewards shifted and rewards missing are two different things. we would be missing a week of rewards if they cancelled the final week

    im not saying if 1k + 1k is too high or too low, i dont have the brain space to calculate it - but rewards arent missing

    Would you think the same if your boss tells you that your salary gets paid a month delayed? And all following salaries will follow the usual monthly cadence? Would you still say you didn't lose a month's worth of money, it is just delayed but eventually it will get paid? Only difference is, GAC was delayed by a week, not a month

    is my boss giving me a bonus to make up for the delay?

    Actually he is. But as you are paid for effort, you feel like he is paying you less than you would have gained for a regular working month.

    so "feel like" then

    is it actually less or it just feels that way

    The point that keeps getting missed: you "invest" your crystals in your characters and that investment allows you to clear more content, open new content and earn better rewards. Any delay there can never be made back.

    if it can never be made back then how woiuld cg properly compensate everyone

    That's exactly my point and why anyone suggesting compensation isn't necessary is missing that key point.
    The difference from one tier to another could be a handful of kyros and zetas that you can't get back. CG gave us 1000 store currency to make that up as best they could. I'm not commenting on the amount of compensation, I'm saying anyone suggesting delayed rewards is irrelevant is mistaken.
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