Leviathan isn’t pushing the meta…


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    We're getting off topic here. The thread is not called "Reva is/isn't pushing the meta...."
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    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    GL Reva


    GAC insight seems to understand what I mean. Not sure why you're so staunch a defender of her being not that good. CG loves inquisitors and Reva. You should be celebrating her extremeness?
    When using the GAC Insight feature, and you click “exclude galactic legends”, does Reva still show up?

    Like I said to the other CGDF member, he is technically correct. But, she's still a GL level character, which means I shall consider her GL Reva.
  • Devian
    678 posts Member
    edited August 2023
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    Devian wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    It’s times like these I remember the old “SEE Definitely Needs a Buff” thread.
    He still needs it. Though I would prefer making a proper Dark Lord Sidius as GL, and demoting See into epic fail, I mean epic character with ult

    At least we have GL Reva in his place as a DS powerhouse. She can even be put on a team with another GL, that's how powerful she is!
    I don't like Inquisitorius(they even remind me of Monty Python Spanish Inquisition), even less - 'immortal wild parkour predator' Reeva(who runs nearly on all fours when hunting Kenobi). But We have GAS next to Kenobi - so I guess LV and Kenobi are even, despite the overall underwhelming release of LV that supposed to be Kenobi's 'equal' few years ago.
    But, thnx to the example of LV realease - we can guess when Leviathat will be meta defining ship compared to profundity. In mere 2 years, cheers =D
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    zatchy wrote: »

    All in all, CG lied/over sold this fleet. If anyone is considering buying it over say profundity, don’t.

    And CG, be better. Stop lying to your paying customers.

    Kinda wish I knew about this before I spent a years worth of high mats for not 1, but 2 R9 characters. Not sad I have r9 Malak and Revan, but if Profitability is still ruling the meta with all of it's million buffs, I might have gone that way. Now I am left trying to get to the next event release for a bugged ship. Hope the fixes keep coming. We were promised crushing wins.
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    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    GL Reva


    GAC insight seems to understand what I mean. Not sure why you're so staunch a defender of her being not that good. CG loves inquisitors and Reva. You should be celebrating her extremeness?
    When using the GAC Insight feature, and you click “exclude galactic legends”, does Reva still show up?

    Like I said to the other CGDF member, he is technically correct. But, she's still a GL level character, which means I shall wrongly consider her GL Reva.

    Fixed that for you.
  • StarSon
    7529 posts Member
    That what guy being wrong aside, isn't it weird that CG would make a post about NS vs Jabba (which isn't even that weird, all things considered) but nothing about Prof with 2 ships winning with full banners against a 7* Levi?
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    This is ridiculous. Where is the response????
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    I hope this thread doesn't get closed like SEE thread - without any fix or buff to Levi.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    That what guy being wrong aside, isn't it weird that CG would make a post about NS vs Jabba (which isn't even that weird, all things considered) but nothing about Prof with 2 ships winning with full banners against a 7* Levi?

    Merrin was released in April. Its August now.
    Maybe in another 4 month CG will figure out there is something wrong with Leviathan too...
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    What? No defense CG?
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    Leviathan fix and then "Red 5 standing by."
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    That what guy being wrong aside, isn't it weird that CG would make a post about NS vs Jabba (which isn't even that weird, all things considered) but nothing about Prof with 2 ships winning with full banners against a 7* Levi?

    The problem isn't NS vs Jabba.... Th eproblem is low gear NS vs Jabba.....
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    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement
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    What is going on now? I have 7-star Levi, now running bomber, fury and fighter up front. When my mk6 arrives with 50 stacks it does not kill on the basic. Then their reinforcement arrives and is not destroyed after I destroyed the hanger? About to stop playing. This is the worse release, the worse communication on progress to fix and the worse synergy in ships.
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    So if Im halfway through the farm should I stop?? it sucks to see everywhere how the fleet is not the top of the meta when the cost is so high
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    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

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    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

    Are you serious? do you have the ship? have you read this thread? it's self evident. the ship does not surpass Exec and Profun
  • Dawnsinger
    147 posts Member
    edited August 2023
    It absolutely surpasses Exec and Prof now. Exec can’t beat it reliably at all, and it’s got a single reliable counter (Prof) compared to the three reliable counters Prof has. It’s got the best hold rate in GAC by a good margin.

    It was definitely underperforming when it was bugged, but now it’s the best ship by a decent margin. I get people wanted it to be more of an I win button, and have absolutely no counters, but it’s clearly the top of the food chain currently and is doing what CG said it would. You want to complain it’s not a big enough leap for its cost, that’s fine. But why would CG need an official comment on it?
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

    Are you serious? do you have the ship? have you read this thread? it's self evident. the ship does not surpass Exec and Profun

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    Troll alert? How do we know all the bugs were fixed? We got a list of ones they acknowledged with a note that they were looking at other unspecific things. Then we got a list of fixes that did not match the list of bugs noted.
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    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    It absolutely surpasses Exec and Prof now. Exec can’t beat it reliably at all, and it’s got a single reliable counter (Prof) compared to the three reliable counters Prof has. It’s got the best hold rate in GAC by a good margin.

    It was definitely underperforming when it was bugged, but now it’s the best ship by a decent margin. I get people wanted it to be more of an I win button, and have absolutely no counters, but it’s clearly the top of the food chain currently and is doing what CG said it would. You want to complain it’s not a big enough leap for its cost, that’s fine. But why would CG need an official comment on it?
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

    Are you serious? do you have the ship? have you read this thread? it's self evident. the ship does not surpass Exec and Profun

    I don't agree that it absolutely surpasses Exec and Profun, and I would think many others agree with me based on this thread. I don't think 1 GAC provides enough of a data pool to make that determination. it's being countered by Chimera, and destroyed by Profun with no reinforcements. that does not equal "surpassing" to me. it should not be easily countered by Profun if it is supposed to surpass profun
  • Dawnsinger
    147 posts Member
    edited August 2023
    I’ve definitely seen that lots of people agree it should be stronger, I think anything less than an I win button would be disappointing to a bunch of folks, especially given how expensive it is. I just don’t see why you think this warrants and official response, it’s clearly the best ship based on the data so far as evidenced by its limited counters and GAC performance thus far. That seems to be what their goal was. It doesn’t need to be unbeatable to surpass the current meta.

    Having said that, you are right it’s still early, but if you really think one GAC round isn’t enough time to assess it (which seems perfectly reasonable to me) then why would you want an official response when there is insufficient data to accurately assess it? If the performance changes for the worse over time, then an official “we’re looking into it” response seem a lot more called for .
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    It absolutely surpasses Exec and Prof now. Exec can’t beat it reliably at all, and it’s got a single reliable counter (Prof) compared to the three reliable counters Prof has. It’s got the best hold rate in GAC by a good margin.

    It was definitely underperforming when it was bugged, but now it’s the best ship by a decent margin. I get people wanted it to be more of an I win button, and have absolutely no counters, but it’s clearly the top of the food chain currently and is doing what CG said it would. You want to complain it’s not a big enough leap for its cost, that’s fine. But why would CG need an official comment on it?
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

    Are you serious? do you have the ship? have you read this thread? it's self evident. the ship does not surpass Exec and Profun

    I don't agree that it absolutely surpasses Exec and Profun, and I would think many others agree with me based on this thread. I don't think 1 GAC provides enough of a data pool to make that determination. it's being countered by Chimera, and destroyed by Profun with no reinforcements. that does not equal "surpassing" to me. it should not be easily countered by Profun if it is supposed to surpass profun

  • Options
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    I just don’t see why you think this warrants and official response, it’s clearly the best ship based on the data so far as evidenced by its limited counters and GAC performance thus far. That seems to be what their goal was. It doesn’t need to be unbeatable to surpass the current meta.

    There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lie and statistics (c)
    Espesially when this "statistics" doesn't even have numbers. What is "best ship based by data"? Being +0,01% better can also be called "be the best".
    This ship has higher requirements then previous one. Plus its brand new and shiny.
    Does it bestiness exceeds its cost and shininess over old ships or is that "spend +40% more and get +2% better toy"?
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    And about Leviathan being the best ship: people say Profundity can beat Leviathan with 0 reinforcements. Can Leviathan beat Profundity with 0 reinforcements in return too?
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    Playing devils advocate, because personally I don’t feel like Levi has lived up to the hype (although hype is by its nature often misleading), Levithan has, in fact altered the fleet meta.

    Previously the meta was Exe-Prof. Each capable of beating themselves and each other. Now the meta is Levi-Prof, as Exe is unable to beat Levi. Levi has therefore replaced Exe in the two-ship Meta, and is thus meta-defining.

    I’m not happy about this. I too was expecting an Exe style increase in power, whereby Exe had no real counters other than a mirror. Is this arguably a slightly more open version of fleet arena whereby we don’t just have Levi sitting on the top spots all day long, maybe. Does it feel like what was promised, no. At the end though those feelings mean sod all. This is the reality and seems like it’s what CG are going to stick with.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921. Swgoh.gg
  • Dawnsinger
    147 posts Member
    edited August 2023
    I’m basing it off swgoh.gg data, because that’s the data CG provides, and thus the data I’d assume they’d use if they were to investigate the issue.

    Prof and Exec both hold about 25% of the time, Levi holds about 35% of the time. Prof has two hard counters (80% or more win rate) and one soft counter (60% or more). Levi has one hard counter and one soft counter.

    I think if CG looked at the performance as it is today, they’d probably say Levi is now performing to their expectations. Maybe not, maybe they really didn’t want it to have any hard counters and it’s over performing to their expectations, but as usual they’ve left plenty of wiggle room for what their goals are.
    Ratinira wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    I just don’t see why you think this warrants and official response, it’s clearly the best ship based on the data so far as evidenced by its limited counters and GAC performance thus far. That seems to be what their goal was. It doesn’t need to be unbeatable to surpass the current meta.

    There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lie and statistics (c)
    Espesially when this "statistics" doesn't even have numbers. What is "best ship based by data"? Being +0,01% better can also be called "be the best".
    This ship has higher requirements then previous one. Plus its brand new and shiny.
    Does it bestiness exceeds its cost and shininess over old ships or is that "spend +40% more and get +2% better toy"?

  • StarSon
    7529 posts Member
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    It absolutely surpasses Exec and Prof now. Exec can’t beat it reliably at all, and it’s got a single reliable counter (Prof) compared to the three reliable counters Prof has. It’s got the best hold rate in GAC by a good margin.

    It was definitely underperforming when it was bugged, but now it’s the best ship by a decent margin. I get people wanted it to be more of an I win button, and have absolutely no counters, but it’s clearly the top of the food chain currently and is doing what CG said it would. You want to complain it’s not a big enough leap for its cost, that’s fine. But why would CG need an official comment on it?
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

    Are you serious? do you have the ship? have you read this thread? it's self evident. the ship does not surpass Exec and Profun

    If NS beating Jabba is not desired, how is Prof beating Levi desired? It's the same concept, since you specifically don't want to call RI or use certain abilities.
  • Options
    I suspect it’s because NS aren’t the same category of team as Jabba, marquee vs GL, and work without relics or stars. If Levi was still losing to Raddus, that’d probably be a more similar comparison. Maybe if it was losing to low star Raddus.
    StarSon wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    It absolutely surpasses Exec and Prof now. Exec can’t beat it reliably at all, and it’s got a single reliable counter (Prof) compared to the three reliable counters Prof has. It’s got the best hold rate in GAC by a good margin.

    It was definitely underperforming when it was bugged, but now it’s the best ship by a decent margin. I get people wanted it to be more of an I win button, and have absolutely no counters, but it’s clearly the top of the food chain currently and is doing what CG said it would. You want to complain it’s not a big enough leap for its cost, that’s fine. But why would CG need an official comment on it?
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

    Are you serious? do you have the ship? have you read this thread? it's self evident. the ship does not surpass Exec and Profun

    If NS beating Jabba is not desired, how is Prof beating Levi desired? It's the same concept, since you specifically don't want to call RI or use certain abilities.

  • StarSon
    7529 posts Member
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    I suspect it’s because NS aren’t the same category of team as Jabba, marquee vs GL, and work without relics or stars. If Levi was still losing to Raddus, that’d probably be a more similar comparison. Maybe if it was losing to low star Raddus.
    StarSon wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    It absolutely surpasses Exec and Prof now. Exec can’t beat it reliably at all, and it’s got a single reliable counter (Prof) compared to the three reliable counters Prof has. It’s got the best hold rate in GAC by a good margin.

    It was definitely underperforming when it was bugged, but now it’s the best ship by a decent margin. I get people wanted it to be more of an I win button, and have absolutely no counters, but it’s clearly the top of the food chain currently and is doing what CG said it would. You want to complain it’s not a big enough leap for its cost, that’s fine. But why would CG need an official comment on it?
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

    Are you serious? do you have the ship? have you read this thread? it's self evident. the ship does not surpass Exec and Profun

    If NS beating Jabba is not desired, how is Prof beating Levi desired? It's the same concept, since you specifically don't want to call RI or use certain abilities.

    BH aren't in the same category as LV, IT aren't in the same category as DR, Reva and Wampa aren't in the same category as SEE. No problems there, though. I should think even less problem with NS vs Jabba since it requires an omicron.
  • Options
    All of which requires relics. I don’t see why you think the NS not requiring gear shouldn’t factor into this, other than just not wanting to admit you’re making false comparisons.
    StarSon wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    I suspect it’s because NS aren’t the same category of team as Jabba, marquee vs GL, and work without relics or stars. If Levi was still losing to Raddus, that’d probably be a more similar comparison. Maybe if it was losing to low star Raddus.
    StarSon wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    It absolutely surpasses Exec and Prof now. Exec can’t beat it reliably at all, and it’s got a single reliable counter (Prof) compared to the three reliable counters Prof has. It’s got the best hold rate in GAC by a good margin.

    It was definitely underperforming when it was bugged, but now it’s the best ship by a decent margin. I get people wanted it to be more of an I win button, and have absolutely no counters, but it’s clearly the top of the food chain currently and is doing what CG said it would. You want to complain it’s not a big enough leap for its cost, that’s fine. But why would CG need an official comment on it?
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

    Are you serious? do you have the ship? have you read this thread? it's self evident. the ship does not surpass Exec and Profun

    If NS beating Jabba is not desired, how is Prof beating Levi desired? It's the same concept, since you specifically don't want to call RI or use certain abilities.

    BH aren't in the same category as LV, IT aren't in the same category as DR, Reva and Wampa aren't in the same category as SEE. No problems there, though. I should think even less problem with NS vs Jabba since it requires an omicron.

  • StarSon
    7529 posts Member
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    All of which requires relics. I don’t see why you think the NS not requiring gear shouldn’t factor into this, other than just not wanting to admit you’re making false comparisons.
    StarSon wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    I suspect it’s because NS aren’t the same category of team as Jabba, marquee vs GL, and work without relics or stars. If Levi was still losing to Raddus, that’d probably be a more similar comparison. Maybe if it was losing to low star Raddus.
    StarSon wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    It absolutely surpasses Exec and Prof now. Exec can’t beat it reliably at all, and it’s got a single reliable counter (Prof) compared to the three reliable counters Prof has. It’s got the best hold rate in GAC by a good margin.

    It was definitely underperforming when it was bugged, but now it’s the best ship by a decent margin. I get people wanted it to be more of an I win button, and have absolutely no counters, but it’s clearly the top of the food chain currently and is doing what CG said it would. You want to complain it’s not a big enough leap for its cost, that’s fine. But why would CG need an official comment on it?
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    Dawnsinger wrote: »
    What official response do you want for Levi? It seems to be pretty much where they wanted it now that the bugs are fixed.
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I'm fine with CG investigating other instances of over/under performance, but please also Levi, and issue some sort of official statement

    Are you serious? do you have the ship? have you read this thread? it's self evident. the ship does not surpass Exec and Profun

    If NS beating Jabba is not desired, how is Prof beating Levi desired? It's the same concept, since you specifically don't want to call RI or use certain abilities.

    BH aren't in the same category as LV, IT aren't in the same category as DR, Reva and Wampa aren't in the same category as SEE. No problems there, though. I should think even less problem with NS vs Jabba since it requires an omicron.

    I'm not making false comparisons, I was merely countering your "same category" statement. While Prof and Levi are the same-ish category, purposefully using an undermanned team that is not designed to be used that way to beat a full relic team is exactly the same as using undergeared NS.
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