4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Speed is power in fighting. The slower I hit the more damage I do? You have it backwards EA.
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    AI Dooku missed me on 6 straight counters
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    Hooray, I used to be able to win the Tier IV attacker challenge with ease but now with this update I can't beat it anymore! I was getting tired of winning fights...

    Seriously though, if difficulty of opponents was upped because of the new "protection" feature, did nobody realize that protection doesn't come back in rounds 2 or 3?
  • zerizut
    425 posts Member
    Better get some protection!
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    I just completed GW for the first time without having to use another team, or swap a character out.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Once protection is gone, its not recovered. Just lost protection for sid in a 1/3, everyone but him recovered some in a 2/3
  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    I noticed GW enemies have no protection? Is it because I already started it?
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    so is 5s the way to go in cantina shipments? ashoka is an option too. debating getting daka to 7*
  • Diraan
    332 posts Member
    Watch out. The strength challenge has been buffed to crazy levels. Have made three attempts to clear it without success.

    Nice of them to write comprehensive patch notes /sarcasm.
    4/25/2016 - The day General Grevious Shards were reasonably priced.
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    What are the galactic war implications of protection? Seems like it'll make it harder as once you lose protection, you won't get it back but will still be facing teams with full protection...

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    Oootini wrote: »
    I noticed GW enemies have no protection? Is it because I already started it?

    Probably be after you restart it
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    Just lost Tier IV attacker challenge two times in a row after not losing once in three weeks. Solid update....
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    200 crystals for a refresh on the omega mats challenge. That's a joke. For just one mat.hahaha

    Damage reduction on my rp and gs is huge. Just did the ability mats challenge wit veers and tarkin. I lost. That didn't happen in a long time. I'm lvl 73 by the way. Whole team is maxed in the challenge and fully geared.
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    So seems like all jedi got hit with the nerf bat hard. Who wants to play a game with jedi, it's not like this is star wars or anything. But GS untouched lol. He's not op or anything, not like he can 1 shot almost anyone. Oh wait he can
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    The event is also live, just cleared tier 2 since im level 64,
    got the following mats
    7 green
    2 purple
    4 blue

    More, did tier 1
    got 112k credits

    You can refresh tier 1 for 110 credits
    and tier 2 for 150.
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    Enough with the new clients. I've lost 2 awards already because the game wants to restart right after winning a battle. My end game is interrupted twice by a "New Client Available". Can't you make that happen after we collect our battle awards?
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    What gives? Please don't close delete or move, I see others with this issue or is just 3 people?
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    I'm still not seeing it in actual combat. I can see it on the character select screen and actual values (Chewie has almost 9k!). I have the update and the client even asked to be restarted but I'm still not seeing it in GW.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Dario
    326 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I absolutely hate it :( ruined it a bit for me and it just frustrates me what's your guys opinions on it?.
  • Bossk
    89 posts Member
    It was not needed at all.
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    It'll take some getting used to, but I'm into it. Then again, I run a full First Order team, so I didn't have my entire arena squad nerfed or anything like that.
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    Love it but they need to boost the allotted arena time. There will be a lot more draws.
  • Oootini
    636 posts Member
    I don't hAte it but I dislike it a bit. With more time we'll get used to it
  • Dario
    326 posts Member
    Iam not quite sure why tanky heros get more protection? Iam guessing it's because they deal less damage?.. But still it's gonna be hard to snipe for 1st now lol
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    So the new battle mechanics make every battle at least twice as long. Toons now have significantly more health now with protection, yet most of them do less damage. I just played a top 5 arena battle and it just dragged on and on, there was no fun or excitement to it. Thank goodness I did galactic war today cause I can see that taking way longer now. It also feels like the a.i. is easier to beat now because the battles last so long, it gives the player more time to focus a character while the a.i usually doesn't focus as much. The events and everything else is cool... but imo the battles don't feel as fun anymore. What do you guys think?
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    Protection was not needed if the damage was to be changed and the damage didn't need to be changed if the protection was added. Vice versa. Now we'll end up going on for ages just taking longer because of the added health.
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    They ruined the game. Now in GW when the prot bar is gone, it doesn't come back. Predictable. But the consequence is that even when the HP bar is full, they are actually permanently at half health. So the characters die really fast in GW now.

    That was really uncalled for guys.
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    Too early to properly say it's good, bad, or in-between, but I kinda like this update. The protection mechanic will take some getting used to, but I think it's a good addition.
  • Bossk
    89 posts Member
    Agree on both, it is messed up like this.
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    so who are people going to farm now?
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