4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Drogkon wrote: »
    I joined the forum just to give negative feedback on this. Very disappointed. Glad I didn't put buy crystals yesterday. This update is really bad.

    Likewise. I'm actually really annoyed by this update to the point of not playing anymore. This is not the game I've been playing for the last 4 months.
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    Game took a dive just how Clash of Clans did with its major update. This update was unnecessary at this point in the game. Who really wanted this??
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    Terrible! The batlles gets much more hard. And start automaticamente game is the same as lose the battle. Thought i"ll delete this.
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    Not true at all. The lightsaber looking item that i needed for like 10 characters is now out of reach @Yudoka

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    Eh no one likes change at first! Its really too early to say, but now the enemies are way harder to kill. My team went from having death star lasers to 6-2Aug2 hunting rifles.
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    Daenion wrote: »
    Makes you wonder if they have a QC or testing process....

    They do i believe, buuut with lv80 7star maxed gear lol.(from that point anything just work as intended)
    the cake is a lie
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    The attacker challenger mission in level IV is a Joke and impossible to win. I dont like this update. Change just to get more money. Uninstall getting closer

    General T second attack over and over and over and over again after 5/6 times he kills Rey with a 50 000 Damagehit and don't know but maybe if rey can use her third attack over and over and over and over again...maybe than I can win
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    Everybody just start requesting app store or google refunds for the money you have put in to date. That's what Im doing later tonight when I get home from work
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    That sucks. I forgot they added a different piece. Sorry :(
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
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    Maybe I just don't understand this yet, but it seems like our larger health bars have been replaced with smaller ones and a protection bar above them. I have no issue with if they function the same way as health. Unfortunately they don't.

    Totally agree. They have pretty much destroyed the game. Some Healers used to return health to 100%, but now with the protection bar (which looks ugly as) you don't know where you stand. I fell cheated.
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    Now we better use Chewie as Lead or RG everywhere.... @cosmicturtle333 what do you think about the update ?
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    Nol_el_en wrote: »
    The 'protection' feature is bad. Should've left it alone.

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    Im sure theyll fix it cuz no one can beat it like 1% so far ive seen :) (my hopes arent up btw) @Yudoka
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    Absolutely not. I'm incredibly glad I never stooped to spending money on this garbage. EA shows once again that they are incapable of doing anything right.
  • comandaben
    112 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Played the new update for about an hour, i started playing SW GOH at the start of December so here is some of my thoughts.

    allows for more strategy, for the simple reason that most characters will be gear 7 or higher and obviously some characters get more protection than others. e.g. in the past you couple kill almost any character (bar a max 5*s and RG) in 2-3 attacks with GS/QJG/Rey and similar, now it will probably take your entire team to get close to killing one.

    It's also very difficult to tell so far with the new bars whether you are putting a dent in a character at all, it was far clearer pre patch so that should be fixed.

    I think honestly they may have provided too much extra "protection" dragging out the length and increasing the difficulty of both GW and Arena.

    The balance seems way off what it was before. I did the money challenge today and in the second time since the start of my playing Cad Bane actually killed 2 of my characters and he could have easily wiped my team, not to mention the battle droids getting constant bonus attacks, IG 100 being the counter bot from hell with loads of hp and needing to focus him.

    Arena and timeout

    Refer back to protection. Again they should probably increase the amount of time allowed in a match to factor in protection otherwise it may go back towards stall teams with Barris/RG/Fives etc etc and ironically benefits slow glass cannons more, my jedi speed team tickles droids making them far less viable than before from the few arena matches i've had post update.

    New Content!
    Yay! I'm seriously pumped they gave out both a mats event (to benefit my diverse roster for the most part) and the ewok challenge which is great for those who invested in a rare and unusual team.

    Overall i'd say i am not sure what i was hoping for with this update, but provided they continuing testing with the players balancing protection it should be a step in the right direction, otherwise it's definitely going to suck some more life out of a solid SW game.

  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Keep ability Block on them. That's the only thing that stops them from dropping the hammer on your team. Poof :#
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    Yep, same thing for me. What was on easy auto farm pre-patch, is now completely impossible! Best I can do now is kill one and get the other down to half, even with extra turns added due to re-applying skill-block after it falls off. Used to end with 2 debuffs left, usually... :open_mouth:
  • Melvil
    242 posts Member
    Yudoka wrote: »
    Switch down a level. You'll get the same gear but a bit less.

    No you don't :) on the last level you get 3 purple gears....on the previous is 2 purple and 1 blue :) And it's also much harder :)
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    ___gumpy wrote: »
    Way to go EA
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    @V1p3rdyn4sty did it still impossibru
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    Welp, this is horrid. I hit like wet tissue paper, trash enemies now have more health than my tank, challenges that I could do easily now are impossible and the fun is out the window. Honestly I wish I could get a refund on the Ewok pack I bought literally minutes before this abomination hit because I don't plan to spend another dime on this game. There was another Star Wars game with "Galaxy" in the title, and you just did what they did. NGE lives again.
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    I spent months getting a Jedi team so I can get Yoda and then get him to 7 stars and in one update you made the team less than worthless can't even beat top tier challenges anymore. Just a horrible update
  • ZJavinho
    34 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I've never seen a game that gets worse and worse after each update
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    Poll running 80-20 No. Balance changes awful. Protection is confusing and not an improvement. Health bar change also confusing. Who releases an update that makes the game lots worse? Oh that's right. EA.
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    the fact they buffed that challenge up to ridiculous levels without warning is pretty annoying.
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    Jacobk1098 wrote: »
    Was in the top 100 and now considering deleting the game. The new update sucks and my squad can't even complete the lvl 4 attacker challenge which I used to just put on auto play. If it's not changed I'm deleting

    Agreed. I just asked for a refund from https://help.ea.com/en/contact-us/?product=star-wars-galaxy-heroes because of the protection bar.
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    Don't even bother with doing the STR challenge anymore. It's more frustrating than the INT challenge.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    Contrary to what this thread is saying, I actually like this patch, I'm able to put use to other Heros like fives and Kylo :)
  • V1p3rdyn4sty
    2674 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Zapdoszaps wrote: »
    @V1p3rdyn4sty did it still impossibru

    Did they use their wrist controls to call in an air strike? It's a very hard challenge. Use Vader's basic. And Lumi's special. Use savages special when they get low health. Obviously.

    Edit. Said kylo's basic (which is good for debuffs but not ability block) I meant vader.
    Post edited by V1p3rdyn4sty on
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    Scorpivus wrote: »
    This will cause me to stop playing not that they care.

    I have already stopped playing. I've spent more time on the forum than I have playing the game. Protection bar just sucks. It's changed way to much and not for the better.
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