4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Here's my feelings on the update
    1. Protection is a good thing BUT, they need to do something about the evasion leader bonuses. I feel like the meta has not really changed because Dooku's leader still causes more of your attacks to be dodged that not. You pretty much have to get on-board with Dooku leader if you want to play. I think if Evasion gets a small nerf, things will balance out with protection.

    2. How did GS and 86 damage not get nerfed a bit? When they're on the AI's side it feels like nothing has changed. My attacks are being dodged because of Dooku and those two just blow you away. At least before I could kill one of them and keep the match from getting out of control. Now I can barely even get through the protection layer because of the dodges.

    Overall I think the game is on a better path and just minor changes need to be made now.
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    I'll be playing too. You'll be upset to come back and realize your hard mode farms werent finished!
  • KingPin
    522 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Take you have a team full of tanks and have a RG maxed out?
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    Yes. Immediately. People are quitting.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Oh I'm not quitting, I just wont be enjoying the game I loved as much and for sure not spending anymore on it.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    Let them quit, the maturity lies in the people who can see the good of an update.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    I've only played one arena match and Dooku is not that good anymore. So he definately is not going to be dominating. Arena was pretty fun easy to follow health bar, I could see the timer being a problem but that's it.
    I finished all challenges last night so I don't know how bad it is (hard), for most part like changes, GW should be key test tonight.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Just testing to see if I can post. My last two comments are pending approval.
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    No, but I'm flattered you called me a professional :lol:
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    For my is unbalancing.
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    The whole thing is new now. Here's an idea: try NOT pushing SIM and actually try to beat the battles again. I wonder if it's possible? It would be funny if your existing teams could not beat the battles you've already 3-starred.
  • Vavasour
    102 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    So I actually love the update. Darth Maul is usable now.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    I have been trying to look at positives in the update and have yet to find one. Really bad update but it is EA so I had extremely low expectations.
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    I bet GW is going to be impossible now
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    I don't want to quit I've loved the game thus far just too much change too quickly you will always get push back why do you thing computer companies roll out hardware so slowly the public aren't ready for it at that time all I'm saying .....small increments and tweaks adding new content that's value add!
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    I think we need to see the dust settle and let the update sink in a little before saying anything bad about it. It's way too early to tell.

    My main worry now is that once healers and tanks are common in the arena, no one will be able to finish a battle in 5 minutes. It's possible that there will be more than one meta team. A tanky defense team and a high damage offense team. I don't see how a tanky team vs a tanky team will beat the clock.
    Sinister Alliance (Leader) - accepting waitlist members - PM for information
  • Higher
    165 posts Member
    Shouldn't we wait to see how it pans out later on?

    Everyone's using level 70-74 heros to do everything when I'm sure the developers look at how level 80 will be.

    Everything is adjusted and you have to actually put some strategy into this, not just autoplay everything and put whatever's fastest into your lineup. You can't auto a challenge that's supposed to be done by characters that are upgraded? Good, now be strategic and you have more gameplay to do.

    Of course whenever a change happens and instant gratification isn't met everyone just rejects it and starts complaining.

    Never have I seen so much negativity.

    On the bright side I'm able to actually use boba fett as a good leader, there's a lot of cool new events, i can strategically play arena, and guilds are coming out soon
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    LaLiam wrote: »
    ... Why?

    If they quit after an hour of not getting their way, you should've recruited more resilient people.

    They believe they were lied to. Slow toons were not made stronger. Everything was nerfed

    I believe this was the problem statement amongst many people on the forums. Jesse stated something along the lines of: characters will have their damage match their speed, not that all slow characters will receive an increase in damage and fast ones will be nerfed.
    The game is not to blame, it is the interpretation of Jesse's post that has caused the panic.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    No. Because that tells them they've done a good job. I've never seen the forums like this. This needs to change
  • Blev08
    141 posts Member
    But, but, what else am I going to do? >:)
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    New update is terrible. I've spent 6+ months playing this **** game & now my team is completely ineffective because of this "protection" stat. Probably will no longer play this game. Thanks EA. All anyone really wants is more sweet characters but instead you completely rework the game for no reason. Please undo this terrible update!
  • SidiousIsPikachu
    771 posts Member
    edited April 2016
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    Yeah, I'm a moderate spender and this update totally blows. Getting tired of the people whining about our complaints. Last I checked we were allowed to express our dismay. I've been playing for 5 months and I'd hate to quit this game but I'm gonna stick with it for a while just to see where it goes.
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    Wow. Ea has an approval rating similar to congress
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    I am generally a more optimistic player. But I think this update was not a good one. I'm a little disappointed in myself for being as down on this update as I am, but really, I'm at least glad I'm not alone with this.

    Yes only time will tel if it is really a good thing or a bad thing, but with drastic change, you're going to PO a lot of people. Not sure how this could have been done better, but I think things would have benefited more from a slower rollout of all the stuff they put into this.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • President_Scroob
    1802 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    What the heck? My comment has to be approved? Anyone getting this?
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    Let em quit. Easier path to the top.
    I am Darth Spartacus
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    Haters gonna hate go ea go update is magnificent
  • Muffintop
    5 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Whatever good I might have normally seen in this update is obscured because, the update (imho) exacerbated the problem with the Gearing up of toons.

    The gearing element of this game is one of the laziest designs ever. Everyone's locked into farming 30,40 or more of the exact same parts so, we can craft a few pieces of the exact same gear & have the exact same toons.

    I could forgive such laziness if the drop rate wasn't so abysmal. I could forgive the drop rates if I had choices. Combined, they add up to a malicious extortion in order to get crystal sales and remove money from your pocket.

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