4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Drogkon wrote: »
    I hate everything about the update to be honest. Protection is the worst and with fewer bars you can barely tell the differences between damage output.

    Agreed. They have killed the game. Just stupid. I usually don't spend much time on the forums (to busy playing), but this is now a better use of my time since the "upgrade".
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    LaLiam wrote: »
    ... Why?

    If they quit after an hour of not getting their way, you should've recruited more resilient people.

    They believe they were lied to. Slow toons were not made stronger. Everything was nerfed
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    There will always be people chased away by changes... that being said they deleted 5 posts about android users wanting to help with charity
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    Game is just total ****. They want more money. No wonder all the cool people left Lucas.
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    Idk why they couldn't lowwr Rey and GS's damage a little and call it a day. Would've been much easier and more effective.
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    They don't have guilds yet.
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    Pretty much everyone but Ahsoka got the nerf stick. Long live snips.
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    This is ridiculous. It's literally been hours. Think outside the box people.
  • Diraan
    332 posts Member
    LaLiam wrote: »
    ... Why?

    If they quit after an hour of not getting their way, you should've recruited more resilient people.

    They believe they were lied to. Slow toons were not made stronger. Everything was nerfed

    We were lied to. No one had their damage increased. Everyone was nerfed. All the PvE content was made harder without an increase in rewards. The arena will still be dominated by Dooku and RG, and Rey still hits like a tank.

    Nothing really changed except everything takes 2x as long or is impossible unless you have the perfect squad.

    This update was only meant to slow progress and to milk more money out of the playerbase. It served no other purpose. I understand they need to make money, but there was nothing added to the game today that made it more fun. Literally nothing.
    4/25/2016 - The day General Grevious Shards were reasonably priced.
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    Kosar wrote: »
    This is continually their idea of "balancing" things based on changes and I think it's finally too much for me.

    Agreed. The protection bar sucks and a really feel as if they have taken something away from me rather than adding something to the game. I'm really pi**ed off.
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    No, went to do the daily run through and it **** so bad I feel they killed my favorite app game. Oh well I had already spent more than I intended on this game. The new changes will make it easier to stop.
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    They could have made tons of money from Android ewok
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    Wow.. I used to be able to completely auto tier three attacker challenge and now I am just getting destroyed...
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    Where is the 'I hate it' option?

    Don't know, but I like your hate :-)
  • Maskarii
    851 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    <Deleted:Language against TOS>
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    B-but Ewoks! and Gold Mats!
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Yes @President_Scroob this update is horrible, I myself am finished.
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    Yup, this blows. My speed team is complete junk now
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    Let me start off by saying I am not angry or mad right now, but concerned. The fact that this game calls nerfs and balancing changes "updates" is appalling to me. Fixes to the game aren't updates, they're just fixes. What I want to know is when are we going to get a me game mode that is (hopefully) fun for us to play. 5 months of GW,SA, sim tickets and auto play is getting boring fast.
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    i just really dont understand why they jacked up the difficulty on all the PvE stuff. you should be able to beat the lvl 72 challeneges with lvl 72 purple gear toons but you cant
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Unfortunately with this major overhaul and not bothering to listen to the PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME and that enjoyed it, the game will be gone.

    Glad I stopped putting money in to it once I saw they dont care about what the customers are saying and just trying to find new ways to gouge the customers more, constantly changing the METAs instead of balancing the characters is all that was needed, have fun farming your tanks for the next few weeks its just going to get changed to something else to help line their pockets lol.
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    Str gear challenge is too OP now. Awful
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    This update was as usual a scheme to get more money.Though the arena battles make a little more sense and hopefully some diversity in the team building instead of 90% of us using Dooku and Sidious. But other than that "meh"...no good content worth mentioning,made the challenges **** near impossible, changed characters current abilities to make up for last few crap updates? I'm gonna keep grinding away not giving these greedy buggers any of my money and if it gets any slower or boring I'll just go back 20 years from now and start playing Board games again maybe some D&D... Note: any comment will cost you 100 purple gems? Hey I SWGOH players gotta eat
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    I agree. I've never seen so much anger here.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    I still like it. Even more so with protection.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    Horrible!!!!!! Will uninstall if not changed back!
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    I'm gonna keep playing
  • Firehouse1983
    8 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I made an account in a forum I never visit on a game that I will end up deleting very soon unless this straight up trash of an update gets an immediate fix. How can you go from having lvl 70's and able to complete challenges freely, to not being able to complete one at all? HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN, EA? The arena battles sometimes take so long that I'm forced to have to auto them and hope for the best. GW seems like a cake walk so far....but it's not supposed to be. This game went from kinda balanced to a shitstorm of an unbalanced mess in the flip of a switch. I'm weary already of anything EA does, so I'm not expecting much to happen here.

    It's funny....I told someone a while back that I loved this game more than I liked the new Battlefront game. I guess I need to reevaluate my options. Maybe, I'll just stick to non EA games from here on out. They've given me nothing but dissatisfaction lately, until this came out....and then they **** on that too. Thanks EA.
  • Advan
    14 posts Member
    Getting one shot and killing 2 opponents before the enemy gets a turn was not good for the game. It wasn't fun to play against for sure. But swinging the pendulum all the way to making characters take forever to kill and resulting in many draws in arena is even less fun.

    Strategy is good. Having to actually deal with teams using more than just high damage high speed top tier characters is fun. But this current iteration is a swing too far the other way.
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    Proving the subtle but real difference between 'time waster' and 'waste of time.' Undo, undo, undo.
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