Hera's Cell



  • Swav1
    10 posts Member
    I'm on iOS. Tried the usual work around, logging out of gamcenter then logging back in. Did this sevaral times over the past few hours, no go. Sent EA an email of my dilemma, here's to hoping they fix this soon.
    355 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Try the power off then power on.

    If you're using WIFI, unplug your router, wait 1 minute, plug it in and see if that works.
  • Swav1
    10 posts Member
    Yup did that too, problem still persists. This is frustrating =(
  • Options
    since your account is linked to game centre...maybe can try uninstalling and installing again...your progress should still be intact
  • Swav1
    10 posts Member
    Tried that as well earlier, same problem. Funny thing is that I was able to play this morning. When I tried to play at noon, this happened. I thought this would be another network tech issue on EA side, it's been a third of the day since.
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    Dam Daniell! That blows. I've run outta ideas...
  • Swav1
    10 posts Member
    I'm reinstalling again for the second time, AND do all the hocus pocus steps that usually solve these issues. We'll see after that. If it still doesn't work, really hoping this problem is on EA server side (and they give me a gazillion free shards for the trouble).
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Looks like everyone already hit you with all the tricks I can think of. Hopefully the second try works or support has an idea. Good luck!
  • Swav1
    10 posts Member
    My game's working now. Unfortunately I missed out on the May 4th rewards and XP for the more than 12 hours my game was down. There seemed to have been a stealth update made that caused the issue. Hoping this wont happen again in the future. Time to play catch up =)
  • K1ngYoda
    203 posts Member
    Wanted to ask my guild mates about this team before I dedicate the approximate 2 months of farming to max everyone out....

    GMT Lead (need 1.5 million credits to 7*, currently gear 6, level 65, abilities 5)
    Vader (will be 5* in about 2 months, currently level 71, ability 7, gear 7)
    IG 88 (currently 7*, Level 77, ability 7, stun cuffs away from max as I can get gear)
    RG ( Currently 5*, Level 74, Ability 7, stun gun away from as max as I can get gear)
    IG-88 ( currently 3 star, ability 3, gear 4, level 36...this is the one that will take me time)

    I am thinking that Tarkin gives speed boost to Vader and RG.

    RG gives stun and slow and auto taunt saving the droids.

    IG86 adds assist

    Vader adds dots, culling blade and ability block.

    IG88 AOE attack that inflicks ability block, has anti heal and will benefit from red dots

    And the biggest and best part is that with Tarkins speed boost, Vader moves before IG88 so it allows him to drop 3 dots on all toons before IG88, so when IG88 goes and does his AOE attack he will gain MASSIVE damage from that...

    “Lost a planet Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing …”

    – Yoda
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Hera's is recruiting one more player. Level 75+ preferred, no other restriction. Active guild with scheduled raids and optional LINE chat. Lots of Clone Wars / Rebels fans here.

    We are currently doing t6 raids with about 24 hour clear times, and plan to start t7 this Saturday.
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    still recruiting? if so PM me
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    Medetec your team made 'last node' status lol.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    @V1p3rdyn4sty Hah, that's my arena team >_>

    Unrelated, while I'm here I guess this is a good a time as any to say we have 2 open spots in Hera's Cell if anyone is interested. We clear 3x T7 raids a week, no join requirements aside from we are looking for active and friendly players. We use LINE but it is suggested, not required. If you enjoy the Clone Wars and Rebels animated series that might not hurt either.
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    Hey there.
    I have one of your players on my shard. Thraken Vih'Torr.
    I'm putting together a shard group on LINE.
    my LINE ID is archer23890
    My in game name is Addendu.
    If you could pass this message on it'd be appreciated.
    Thank you for your time.
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    Hi Hera's CELL!

    Please tell to Dis Cania that i wrote him massage here in this site.
    Im from his arena. i would like to work together. thanks :smile:
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    Hi... im looking for Foccus from Hera's Cell... please contact me thanks
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    Hey all. We are battleing you right now. In TW
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    any thoughts
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