Looking for a Guild? Check here! (Part 2)


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    The guild is looking for active players who have/are:
    • level 70+
    • 5-star characters
    • Friendly
    • Helpful
    • Tier V raids+

    If you are interested just PM me, or add me in-game.

    Ally code: 741-915-631

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    We are:
    S t e ll a B e ll a
    and we're looking for two players of level 40 or higher, who play (almost) every day, who want to grow stronger with us.
    We value working together and being a team. Having a friendly atmosphere is even more important. As an example: during one raid, our entire guild stopped attacking the rancor to give one of us enough time to join.

    Rules and requirements:
    • We enjoy playing SWGOH. Most of the time :blush:
    • We respect each other's views and ideas.
    • We play daily. Missing one day a week (roughly) is no problem, if more: please say so.
    • All members must have game chat and read and follow guild announcements. You don't have to be active on the chat.
    • LINE app required for guild communication (and regular chat as an option). You don't have to post anything if you don't want to, we'll simply assume that you agree with proposals and decisions, unless you speak. We have organized our LINE groups so that you can set app notifications per message type (or switch them off).
    • All members spend at least 300 energy per day for coins.
    • No duplicate names. First one in the guild keeps the name, unless that person wants a name change.
    • All members must sync their squad on swgoh.gg (click).
    • Daily guild activities quota, if unlocked:
      • Light Side: at least 300 energy
      • Galactic War: at least 12 nodes (may be over multiple GW sessions)
      • Hard Mode: at least 150 energy
      • Challenges: at least 8 challenges
      • Dark Side: at least 300 energy
      • PVP Arena: at least 5 attempts
      • Cantina: at least 100 energy
    These numbers may be adjusted as our guild grows. We'll talk about stuff like that, using LINE.
    Our raids are T4 and T5, sometimes T3. We are in GMT+2 or UTC+2 (daylight savings active during April-October, otherwise it's +1). Our guild resets at 6:30 pm UTC+2.
    My name in the game: Shatterling Purslane. My ally code: 629-157-873, but always send me a Line message first. My Line id: shatterling.purslane
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    League of Light is looking for active Guild members. No minimum level requirement needed. All levels are welcome. Let us help you gear up. As Long as you are willing to participate in every daily activity. We are raiding on average at least every day. So come Advance with us.
    My Ally code is 559-255-883. Look forward to having you in our Guild
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    2 Spots open in Party Like it's IG-88! We are a friendly, active guild with a wide range of experience levels. We currently operate on a two-tier system for raids- on our lower tier everyone is limited to one attack in the first 12 hours, and on our higher tier only the top 3 are. We are focused on growing as a group and helping each other improve- many of us started out together running t1/t2, and we are now running t4/t5.

    We prefer 40+ but sometimes make exceptions for active lower-level members. East coast (US) time zone.

    We have a Line chat where we discuss strategy and plan, but it is optional and in game chat is used as well. Our members are very generous with the guild exchange as well!

    If interested or if you have any questions, feel free to:

    PM me here
    Add me in game: 152-525-965
    Message me on Line: zageemurak
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    Black Squadron is currently looking for a few active members. A little about us;

    We are a very active T7 guild. We raid as much as the coins let us, which is about every other day. We don't have a lot of strict rules. We don't have activity requirements but do expect everyone to hop on and spend their energy and do what they can. Cause the more coins we get, the more we raid! The more we raid, the better we can gear up our toons and get those Han shards. Our main requirement is that you use the Line app for chat. Communication is key!!! We do have structured raids, but that is so everyone gets a chance to get a hit in. Our focus is TeamWork and we want team players. And you don't have to have a ton of 7* toons or the most meta arena squad or be the highest level. We have very knowledgeable leaders that can help you develop your team and give great advice. We are a fun and chatty group, who supports each other, and beats up on the rancor to get some serious loot!

    If interested send me a message on here, or on the Line app, Id manderthegreat

    One Guild, One Family, One Voice, that is Black Squadron...
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    SPS is an active guild and we are doing T6 raids. We are F2P, friendly and have no minimum daily requirements. We are looking for some like minded individuals who want to have fun and enjoy playing the game. If this interests you, please PM me or you can send me an ally request.

    Ally code: 513-757-984 (charged1981)
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    VenomofVitiate guild is looking to add players.

    We are a T4 guild that will be transitioning to T5 soon. We are a friendly guild that donates a lot of gear toward each other, and we always get daily rewards from the activities--usually getting to higher tier levels (today we have already hit Tier 4).

    If you want to grow with us, we would love to have you join us. Thank you for your consideration and happy playing!

    Ender Levin (ally code 917-696-477)
  • chricto
    1 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Hey guys and gals,

    Battlesaurs are looking for active players capable of doing t6/t7 raids. We have about 15 spots open. Laid back and mostly f2p; no pressure, just trying to fill out the guild. Most members are lvl 80, but we've got a handful under the cap. Also, havig a LINE account is a plus. DM me here, find me on LINE: Chricto, or send me an ally invite 636-467-545.
    Post edited by chricto on
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    Da Grubbiest Galaxy is looking for 15 new members.
    Requirements are simple: Lvl 70+ would be an advantage, but we will take you on if your keen. Ability to compete in raid tier 5 and 6. With a full roster we hope to compete in tier 7 asap. No required arena rank. We do have very competitive players online regularly. Must be considerate to all guild members. We will accept players worldwide. A bit of personality and the commitment to log on once a day are very important. If interested, please reply in thread with your ally code. We are a relaxed guild needing new blood.
    Is that you?
    PM me your Allie code for an invite. You will need to leave the guild you are currently in following confirmation through private message.
    May the force be with you.
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    We are Dead Man Ewoking, a casual guild with a competitive spirit. We are active in chat, and with guild donations. We use a 3rd part chat app (kik) and have a forum for better communication (neither of these are required). Currently we are doing T6 raids with 1-2 resets, averaging about 3 raids per week. We will begin T7 raids this week. There is great guild leader and officer communication, and we always look out for what is in the best interest of the entire guild.

    We are not a guild ran with crazy rules. We will not reject you because you are not running the most meta arena squad. We will not kick you because you go away for a weekend. This is a game, and will be treated as such.

    We are looking for players that love this game as much as we do. We simply want every member to give as much as he or she is able to give. We think the best fit for the raids we are running is someone who has at least 1 full squad of 6* and player level 70+. But exceptions can and have been made.

    My ally code is
  • _JB_
    68 posts Member
    Siths Out of Luck

    - Looking for active players that like to hunt Rancor.
    - All levels welcome.
    - Currently doing T3 and T4 raids.
    - Have fun and please pick up after your Bantha. B)

    Ally Code: 276-479-897
  • JamDev
    262 posts Member
    T7 Guild Strontium Dogs now recruiting!

    We Recently had to remove a couple of inactive members and have some free spaces.

    We are a casual, mainly F2P guild, running T7 raids 3 times a week. We don't use any third party chat apps, or have minimum requirements for contributions, just trying to make progress in a relaxed atmosphere.

    Our time zone is GMT+1, majority of our members are UK based but we have members from all over. We are looking for anyone that's active and has at least one 7 star character so they can get the benefit of the raids.

    If we sound like a good fit for you, add me as an ally and I'll shoot you an invite. Or message me here if you have any questions :)

    My ally code is 417-617-688
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    We are opening T5 - T6 raid.
    70+ level players. Guild invites will be sent.
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    GhostsOfSparta are now recruiting! T6 Friendly guild looking for regular players!

    Hi Guys We are looking to strengthen our ranks with strong players who can run T6. We are active every day and hot on communication. The important thing is to have fun but we also want to good loot! If you think you can help with that drop a message on here! We currently have 41 members. If we fill our ranks with more strength we will soon be running T7! Peace be with you Spartans

    Ally Code: 775-115-657

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    [Thrawns' Renegades] is recruiting.
    We are a solid group of players that has been togheter since the introduction of guilds, now after the latest update some people left or don't play as much as before, for this reasons we are struggling in guild coins production, so we are looking for new active players that can help us run the raid 3 times a week.
    - 600/600 coins (the most important)
    - some 7* toons to get a score and help the guild clearing the raid
    - we have no minimum or maximum for dailies but a player that contributes constantly is very appreciated
    - no need to download chat apps (we use guild chat only, it is very active and the atmosphere is friendly and relaxed)
    - we are looking for 70+ players but if you are very active we can make an exception
    Guild reset time is 23.30 GMT, raid time 20.00 GMT.
    Send me a PM if you are interested
    Thanks :)
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    Owen Family BBQ

    Looking for those struggling with a small guild and want to build a team where everyone consistently contributes.

    We are a CST guild so confirm the timezone is a good fit! CURRENTLY ALTERNATING T4/T5 Raids with about a day or two (depending on coin contributions) in between raids. (we raid about 3 times in a 7 day span)

    Our guild is looking for serious players who want to have fun as a TEAM. We are in the process of one merge and it was very successful however some "fair weather" players keep us looking to fill spots after for serious players who contribute daily.

    We are a guild that believes in raiding as a group. All of us have left guilds with officers and leaders that didn't pay attention to the lower ranks. Some of us are high 70's & Level 80 players, however we value a fun guild over your level so if you are in a position to be a part of a guild running tier 4,5 and looking to be a part of building to a heroic level then we are your group!

    We expect all players to build their entire character list deep and even. Not looking for one team wonders. PM me or seek out Moh Pai player code 582-174-493 &/or PaiHuShih 951-953-995

    Our guild is a VERY positive atmosphere. Looking for those who want to enjoy the game but not take it too seriously. Guild hoppers need not apply. We have some (very few) people who don't take play as serious as we prefer. About 35 of 50 are solid consistent players. We are looking to fill the last spots and are ready to cut people from our roster for the right candidate.

    We want people to join who wish to grind until we make it to the top. Our goal is to take every person to T7 with 25 7* or above.
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    We are an active Ozzie guild that is looking to recruit a few more players for T6 raids with the aim of transitioning to T7 in the not too distant future

    We are currently completing T6 raids in just under 2 days with 37/50 members

    Suitable if: you like to play daily and accrue currency for raids,
    are player level 75+ with at least 15 six star toons

    We are generous with donations - already had 4 members complete guild benefactor achievement (100 donations each) and use the chat a lot if you want to sling some banter

    (Note: we have members that play/chat at all hours so you don't have to be in Ozzie time zone)

    Best to post your ally code here but otherwise I have a few free ally spots

    Ally code: 887 193 225

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    Hey guys!
    Not sure exactly how this works. But my little guild, Nightwarriors, is looking for awesome, chill and ACTIVE players who have 5 Star (and/or higher) characters to join!

    We just want to win more raids and make our guild bigger! If you're looking for a not so uptight guild, add me! My ally code is 593-276-736!
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    "Hello there!" Our guild TheRapiers is recruiting. We are a daily level 70+ guild that focuses on tier 6 raids (and looking to move up soon). We have about 11 open spots right now.

    Everyone is very involved and can be a chatty group (though if you're the silent type we welcome you also). We also contribute gear daily and have yet to see someone who doesn't get their gear requirements. We usually have at least one or two people in the top 100 in PVP. If you're looking for a friendly, helpful, and a good raiding gear then look no further. My ally code is:

    And remember, the Force will be with you always!
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    Arctic Circle is looking for 75+ / 7* players.
    At the moment we are at t6 (+t5) and want to advance to t7 with new players

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    TheThongs are looking for around 10 players to replace inactives. We are moving up to heroics in a few days.

    -Communication for raids are required.
    ☆You need the chat app "Line" or chat in game.
    -Activity is a must.
    -Daily contributions are needed to launch raids. 600 daily is needed.

    We are not a hardcore alliance but we also are not completely laid back. We have our fun but we also like to advance in the game.

    Line ID: Frostbitten421
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Hogtown Heroes are recruiting!
    We are a Heroic Raid guild looking for everyday players that have at least 10 7* heroes (we want you to be able to step in the raid and reap the rewards as well).
    We were started by a group of friends, and have a stable roster of everyday players. We are looking for players that can be on everyday, who enjoy a friendly group atmosphere, and who want build their roster. Our members actively discuss raid comps, arena comps, ,how to 3* battles, and help each other gear their heroes through donations. We run T7 raids 2-3 times per week.
    We have members from throughout the world. Our reset time occurs at 7:30 PM EST. We do not require any 3rd party apps.
    If this sounds like a guild that you could call home, please ally invite me or message me on here and I can answer any questions you have.
    Thank you and good luck,
    Ally Code: 687-342-475
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    DarthGungans now recruiting 45 and over active daily players
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    Mandalorian Syndicate

    We are a guild that's been around since April and have two openings. We have a good mix of paying and free players and a fair system that gets everyone on the board, yet doesn't limit anyone in damage. Some requirements to join:

    - 600 coins per day
    - 20+ 7* toons

    Guild Reset: 1:30PM EST
    Raids: 10AM EST every other day

    Interested reply or send me a PM. We communicate via LINE and you can reach me at line id:niemsco. And we donate a ton of gear :smiley:

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    We are Dead Man Ewoking, a casual guild with a competitive spirit. We are active in chat, and with guild donations. We use a 3rd part chat app (kik) and have a forum for better communication. (neither of these are required) Currently we are doing T7 raids, averaging about 3 per week. There is great guild leader and officer communication, and we always look out for what is in the best interest of the entire guild.

    We are not a guild ran with crazy rules. We will not reject you because you are not running the most meta arena squad. We will not kick you because you go away for a weekend. This is a game, and will be treated as such.

    We are looking for players that love this game as much as we do. We simply want every member to give as much as he or she is able to give. We think the best fit for the raids we are running is someone who has at least 1 full squad of 7* and player level 70+. But exceptions can and have been made.

    My ally code is
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    League of Dead1y Slth has 1 opening.
    We are a fun laid back guild with a low turn over. We currently raid Tier 7 every 2 days as currency builds up. We are normally ranked 10-40 on the leader board depending on the day.
    We have a private forum and use Discord for out of game communication. We raid at 6pm pst every 2 days. If you have any questions please message me or send an ally request 998-277-556
  • BfG_chief
    70 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Deutsche Gilde sucht noch Member - BfG Barbarians (47/50)

    Wir suchen noch nette und aktive Mitglieder "ohne Levelbeschränkung" für unsere Gilde. Meldet euch bei: 793-474-274 und wir nehmen euch auf. Für maximalen Erfolg und tolle RAIDS - BfG Barbarians! Mein Bündniscode lautet: 793-474-274, derzeitiges Level: 85.

    Für maximalen Erfolg und tolle raids - BfG Barbarians!
    Wir suchen aktive Mitglieder für einen starken, handlungsfähigen Clan! Join The Family !!!!

    Wir freuen uns auf euch!
    Bündniscode: 793-474-274

    Aktuell sind wir 47 member. Es gibt also noch Restplätze!

    Aktueller Rancor Raid Level 7.
    Post edited by BfG_chief on
  • Rocq
    17 posts Member
    Polish guild PCIS looking for active players.
    Currently we have 4 free places, we are looking for players witch 7 stars char, for heroic raids.

    PM me or send invite via game (RockAndRoll , ally code 584-746-895)

    Polska gildia szuka aktywnych graczy, kontakt przez forum (wiadomość) lub zaproszenie w grze , ally code powyżej. mamy 4 wolne miejsca.
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    Just opened a new guild, used to be the leader of a long standing guild who got too greedy.
    Now looking for members, we ads very fair. We have rules and we don't care so much about strong players. If the majority can only play tier 2 or a 3 raid then you come first. Not really looking for level 80 (and I'm level 80) I don't bother playing the raids I just want a nice team for the few members in my guild to play along with!
    Im Sam and my ally code is: 393-493-687
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    SPS is an active guild and we are doing T6 raids. We are F2P, friendly and have no minimum daily requirements. We are looking for some like minded individuals who want to have fun and enjoy playing the game. If this interests you, please PM me or you can send me an ally request.

    Ally code: 513-757-984 (charged1981)
This discussion has been closed.