Looking for a Guild? Check here! (Part 2)


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    Very new guild looking to fill out members. All active and friendly players are welcome. We speak German, Spanish and English. Level 50 required. Let´s grow together.

    Leaders: Ansu Lobbar 331-774-766 and Yoda2016 984-389-669.

    Add us as ally and request to join. Looking forward to have fun together.
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    New guild, Holowan Labs, is actively looking for members. No requirements, but we would prefer if you would at least play daily.

    We are all guildmates from a previous guild, but were forced to venture out on our own after the "leader" was abusing his powers for personal gain in the raid rewards. As such, we will make sure to treat everyone the same and with respect; regardless of your rank, ability, contributions, or F2P/P2P status.

    So if you just want to have some fun with the game, while meeting some interesting and easy-going people, please hit up one of the following with an ally invite.

    IG88 (695-727-213) - Guild Leader
    Switch the Cat (939-621-753) - Officer
    Attorna De Lawbo (988-441-283) - Officer
    Bytor2112 (744-838-213) - Officer
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    Child of Light is a casual T5 – T6 guild looking for about 10 new members.

    Looking for levels 70+ to run T5 - T6 raids, but we welcome levels 50+ to grow with us as well. Running T4 or T5 almost daily.

    We’re at 43/50 members with a mix of about half level 80 and half mid-levels working their way up.
    No requirements aside being active and use the in-game chat. We love joking around on the in-game chat and helping our members progress.

    PM me or add me in-game.
    My Ally Code: 752-295-757. - Valerian
    Leader Ally Code: 331-889-214. - Exodio

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    327O to 1 is recruiting 1 active member!


    --- A Little About Us ---
    1. Looking for active players that want to have fun and run a boat load of raids
    2. We are an active and experienced guild that dish out a TON of dmg (making T7 raids a joke)
    3. Requirements to join are modest (lvl 80 and 7 x 7 Star Heros)
    4. Mostly EU/US based players (raids set for EU/US)
    5. We use LINE chat for announcements, to screw around and talk about how much we LOVE EA

    --- How To Join ---
    Add us as an Ally and we will invite you to guild (make sure you have left your guild)
    Vega: 998-343-338
    Startomsto: 141-669-831
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    Wir die Gilde The Saviors haben noch 3 Plätze zu vergeben.
    T6Raids sind momentan unser Standard!
    Wir bieten : Eine FB Gilden Seite, Einen Messenger Chat über Facebook wo wir auch kommunizieren
    Du Bringst mit:
    Mindestens Level 70 oder höher
    Eine Charakter Auswahl die an den 6er Raid teilnehmen kann
    Und du schaffst einen Gilden Beitrag von min. 400 bis 600 Münzen am Tag.
    Interesse geweckt?????
    Dann melde dich hier oder per Facebook PN an JanSchi, Fanny Thormann
    oder adde einen dieser verbündeten codes
    596-785-947 oder 648-465-789 oder 271-584-596
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    Putting together a new guild, Souixicide Squad open to level 70 and up. We are active everyday players working quickly as possible to tier seven. I'm Fish Bones my ally code is 676- 187-369. Add me as an ally if you want in.
    Line ID: Fish Bones SH
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    The line walkers are looking for active players if interested in joining let me know here or look us up in game thanks
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    Sithballs is recruiting anyone who has at least 1 t6 party and who will contribute 600 energy a day.

    We have a 2 open spots and few that are currently filled with alts contributing 600 a day

    We are an English Speaking Guild from all over the globe, AUS, US, EU

    We currently complete t6 in 3 days and run them back to back.

    We are a newer guild made up of a couple groups of players from Starwars Uprising.

    We have an active Line chat and officers who are on pretty much all the time.

    Some people are just hitting their t6 parties while a few of us have been playing since launch but everyone is friendly and works hard to improve their squads.

    Ally Olorin (155-235-178), Matty (247-622-342), or Dark Helmet (942-786-282) to inquire about joining

    May the Force be with you
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    Unholy Clown
    1 player needed with a good roster for T7.
    We raid 3 times per week at 1 pm est
    and guild reset is at 7:30pm est.
    Our guild is focused on player development. While not a strict guild we do have a few rules;
    1) Have fun above all else, enjoy playing this game and in return you will continue to play for a longer period.
    2) We ask that you constantly improve your rosters, this shows both your commitment to the game and to our goals.
    3) Respect your other guild mates. While debating is great for both guild and player, arguing is not and will never be tolerated.
    4) We use the Line app to communicate you must install when joining the guild if not already installed.
    5) Guild coins, all players must complete 600 energy daily or 4000 weekly to help pay for raids.
    We welcome players who are of the same mind set that we are. If you are interested, direct message me or line me. Line id. davidwbjr
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    Nerf Herder Elite Force is currently accepting members for high-level guild! (top 20 guild)

    Currently tied for 19th place on the guild leaderboard and continuing to move up!

    Our elite guild is always at 50 and we just replace when needed, usually related to not making the 600 daily energy. We're currently looking to take one heavy-hitter for our top 20 elite guild. Details/requirements at the link below. Our post has over 1.6K views! We run t7s every other day. No special chat app required. This particular slot we're looking for a player with some premium pay to player (P2P) chars. Feel free to message me and I'd be happy to discuss any questions.

    Guild Name: Nerf Herder Elite Force

    Description/Requirements: Positive vibe guild, not a lot of rules, but need to contribute daily. We're members from other guilds who started a new guild to prep for next raid (Grievous/AAT) Many of us have been with the game since launch. Seeking lvl 80 players, min of 18 level 80 7* chars, daily players, top 50 in Arena. We use game chat to discuss raids and game overall. No special chat app required. Some of us use swgoh.gg, but not mandatory.

    Raid level: t7 (Rancor) every other day

    Player level: 80

    Guild Refresh is 7:30pm EST

    Guild time zone: Members from US, UK/Europe, Australia, Singapore, and more. We raid during daytime US hours (kickoff is 12pm EST)


    Feel free to message me with any questions.
    Guild leader: musashi
    Ally Code: 935-752-382
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    We are an active guild looking for active members. We love to use the chat function and would prefer our new guild members to do so. We are currently doing tier 6 raids, so we would be looking for level 75 or higher guild members who can participate in T6 raids. We have 2 spots open from players who were not doing their daily activities and hadn't logged in in over a week. We just need some active players who do their fair share. My name is Cory. Add me as an ally and I'll send you an invite. PLEASE BE ACTIVE and PLEASE USE AND/OR READ THE GUILD CHAT!
    Ally Code:
    We are a fun guild and are happy to give advice!
    Eastern Time Zone, US (most of us).
    2 spots open
    Currently on Tier 6 raid
    Level range 75-80
    *PM me with any questions
    **Must leave any guild you are currently with in order to get a guild invite. I can't invite if you don't leave your old guild.
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    Suche Gilde ab t5 raids mit Augenmerk auf T6. Bin fast lvl 80 . Spiele täglich.Danke
    Evtl. Antworten auf svens7245@googlemail.com
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    Whats up fellas. How's it going. The Brute Squad is looking for 2 new Brutes. I have to say we are a great guild. No drama ever. Our chat is very active and honestly some good people. We have been running heroic raids for a week and we are here to stay. I believe our minimum is level 80. We absolutely don't expect anyone to spend a dollar but we do hope you have fun and contribute the 600 daily coins. And hopefully you have a deep roster. Have a good one.
    My ally code is 914371269.
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    New group forming. We are levels 35-45. We are just trying to get up and going. No raids started yet. We are active and working toward our points as quickly as we can. If you need a group, join up. We are happy to help each other out!

    Ally Code is 568-479-384
  • Darkbambi43
    1 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    SystemofaDagobah is looking for members. New guild formed by 8 80's but we're just active and fun players from a past guild that are looking to progress and better our squads. We were T6 raiding regularly but we need members to get us back there. Not strict just try to be active Ally code:375275816 Leader code:156583892
    Post edited by Darkbambi43 on
  • Obi2
    7 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Tried a tier 7......didn't finish. :/

    Looking for a few to help finish. About halfway through phase 4. Free beer and cookies to anyone willing to help. ;)

    Ally code: 367-676-635
    Line ID: DCJosh
    Kik ID: BernieBrains
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    Looking for new guild members, prefer active daily (but we all have RL things going on)
    I am lvl 80 with 10 7*, most of guild is right behind me.

    We are looking for level 65+

    Send me an invite at the code below and I will respond with guild invite

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    Hello, it's me
    I was wondering if after all these galactic years you'd like to meet
    To guild over everything
    They say that Old Daka's supposed to heal ya
    But she ain't done much healing

    As Adele put it so beautifully we are looking for you to join our guild! Doesn't matter where you live or what your level is, as long as you like this game you've got a home at Obi 1 More Round! We got 30 players from level 25 to 80 and do tier 4 & 5 raids so everyone can participate. My ally code is below so let's blow this thing and go home!!

    898-224-215 pm or respond back here works too;)
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    Empire Strikes Back - UK based Guild

    2 Spaces have just opened up.

    Raid 3 times a week (T7) at 21:00 UK (so suits a lot of USA people), currently joint 141th place in the leader boards!

    Message me for details
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    Do you have at least one 7* character? Do you want to advance your game quickly?
    I'm in a guild that does 3 heroics per week. And we clear all 3 in 2 days. The rewards are incomparable to Tier 5 & 6 regardless of what place you come in...not to mention the Han Solo shards ;)

    Mergers are welcome. I can accommodate many, few, a couple, or one. Bring your entire guild and it will be added to the network. You'll never be doing anything less than heroic ever again. This IS the opportunity that you're looking for. It was everything that I could have ever hoped for when I joined. I brought my entire guild into the network. The knowledge shared between everyone is priceless. 180+ members in our network and growing.
    The only requirements are as follows:
    1. Players have one 7* character. It's necessary to participate in heroic raids and get the rewards
    2. Players do their 600 daily contribution. That is how the raids are paid for. We have a proven system that even f2p can use to get their 600.
    3. Players have and use the LINE App. This is what we use to communicate. It's absolutely necessary during raids.

    Let me know if you're interested and I can provide more details.

    Find me on LINE - ID= lord_wolfe
    Check out my swgoh.gg profile DISCORD = L0RD W0LFE#2537 LINE ID = lord_wolfe
    "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends." - Lord Vader

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    League of Dead1y Slth has 1 opening.
    We are a fun laid back guild with a low turn over. We currently raid Tier 7 every 2 days as currency builds up. We are normally ranked 10-40 on the leader board depending on the day.
    We have a private forum and use Discord for out of game communication. We raid at 6pm pst every 2 days. If you have any questions please message me or send an ally request 998-277-556
  • Olorin
    33 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Sithballs is recruiting anyone who has at least 1 t6 party and who will contribute 600 energy a day.

    We have a 2 open spots and few that are currently filled with alts contributing 600 a day

    We are an English Speaking Guild from all over the globe, AUS, US, EU

    We currently complete t6 in 3 days and run them back to back.

    We are a newer guild made up of a couple groups of players from Starwars Uprising.

    We have an active Line chat and officers who are on pretty much all the time.

    Some people are just hitting their t6 parties while a few of us have been playing since launch but everyone is friendly and works hard to improve their squads.

    Ally Olorin (155-235-178) line id kjc2, Matty (247-622-342) line Ozzie_dude , or Dark Helmet (942-786-282) line pdx77 and then contact via Line to inquire about joining

    May the Force be with you
    Post edited by Olorin on
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    TheThongs are built around a group of online friends for over 5 years. We tend to have a lot of adult humor (even things you may not understand). We do like to have fun, but also like to progress as the games progresses.

    ☆We nearly clear t6 without refresh, attempting heroic this weekend. We are a guild that have quite a bit of adult humor (even things you may not understand.)

    ☆☆☆We believe communication is KEY.
    ☆ We use the app Line for communication, Whether for entertainment or focusing on raids and any info needed. -Preferably you would as well. (Chatting in game is a must if you don't want Line)
    ☆ We help with Gear/Characters/Strategy

    If interested message me here or add my guild leader or myself by Line ID
    frostbitten421 or breakmemoldme
  • Sarek
    91 posts Member
    Destroyers of Doom is recruiting 3 active players for T6 and the occasional t5 raids.

    We are a laid back guild that likes to have fun and does not have any requirements beyond be active and tell us if you can't play because of work, vacation, internet problems etc.

    We have been around since the guilds launched and have a very active guild chat. We have been advancing through the tiers and hope to eventually work our way to t7 and we are having fun growing together.

    We are looking for 71+ players with at least 1 t6 squads.

    If you are interested message me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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    Looking to join a new clan that can complete T6 or 7 raids. Left my previous clan due to no active players. Ally code 843-867-498. Message me if you have room.
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    Wir die Gilde The Saviors haben noch 4 Plätze zu vergeben.
    T6Raids sind momentan unser Standard!
    Wir bieten : Eine FB Gilden Seite, Einen Messenger Chat über Facebook wo wir auch kommunizieren und du solltest auch bereit sein dich unserer Seite auf Facebook anzuschließen und den Gilden Messenger(auch Facebook) zwecks Austausch zu nutzen
    Du Bringst mit:
    Mindestens Level 75 oder höher
    Eine Charakter Auswahl die an den 6er Raid teilnehmen kann(
    (18-22 7*Charakter Minimum gear 7-8) da wir bald auch den T7 Raid in Angriff nehmen wollen.
    Und du schaffst einen Gilden Beitrag von min. 550bis 600 Münzen am Tag.
    Interesse geweckt?????
    Dann melde dich hier oder per Facebook PN an Markus Strünker
    oder adde mich mit diesem verbündeten code
    Möge die Macht mit dir sein!!!.....Immer
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    Hi. My in game name is LordSZ. I'm a level 80 hard-core and active player who can solo phase 1 and half of phase 2 on heroic and I already began prepping for the droid raid. I have 15 7* toons with more on the way but the majority of my damage comes from my phase 1 squad. I generate 600 coins for the guild daily and follow chat regularly. I'm in the top 50 in arena every day and if I have the crystals to refresh the even top 10. My ally code is 794-689-456.
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    Looking for players to join my guild. Guild name is "May The Schwartz Be With Y0u" The 0 in the "You" is a zero not an o. It is a new guild, all we are looking for is players who will contribute 600 currency to the guild daily and players who don't mind starting with lower tier raids until we build up. I am level 71 and my ally code is 138-934-888. Another level 71 in the guild, ally code is 744-253-582. THE FIRST COUPLE HIGH LEVEL PLAYERS WHO DECIDE TO JOIN WILL BE PROMOTED TO OFFICER.
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    B0ucher22 wrote: »
    Looking for players to join my guild. Guild name is "May The Schwartz Be With Y0u" The 0 in the "You" is a zero not an o. It is a new guild, all we are looking for is players who will contribute 600 currency to the guild daily and players who don't mind starting with lower tier raids until we build up. I am level 71 and my ally code is 138-934-888 my name is: Ethan wan Ken0bi . Another level 71 in the guild, ally code is 744-253-582. THE FIRST COUPLE HIGH LEVEL PLAYERS WHO DECIDE TO JOIN WILL BE PROMOTED TO OFFICER. If interested add me as a friend and I'll invite you to guild. Guild is also open so you can join that way too.
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    Knights of Ren Resurgence

    Does the rancor snack on your beloved characters like microwave popcorn? Do your guildmates laugh at and mock you mercilessly? Are the few members of your current guild left floundering and leaderless? Well look no further galactic citizen!

    The KoR family currently has over 175 members across 4 guilds. KoR Resurgence also has a broad range of players - entry level to advanced. If your end goal is T7 raiding, we can get you there. We will help prepare you for our main T7 raiding guilds: DeathKoR, KoR Retaliation, and KoR Retribution. We take in members willing to advance.

    If you're active and dedicated to progression, we have a spot open for you. We currently run T5 raids twice a week and adjust our raids accordingly based on member participation. We will run T4 and T6 raids when Guild Bank Coins permit and upon majority member request. KoR Resurgence leadership is dedicated to helping you advance as a player at a pace you're comfortable with.

    Help fill our ranks, and we'll fill your desires for advancement! You can stick with us and help build the community, or take a promotion into our T7 raiding guilds.
    What we offer

    • Active Raids: T5 majority, plus T4 & T6
    • EST Time zone (UTC-05:00)
    • 12:00am EST Raid Refresh
    • 6:30pm EST Daily Activity Resets
    • LINE App essential for guild communication
    • Dedicated and Active leadership
    • Advancement opportunities in 3 different T7 raiding guilds: DeathKoR, KoR Retaliation & KoR Retribution
    • KoR Family exclusive LINE channel
    • Raid coaching
    • Arena coaching
    • MOD coaching
    • Gear Donations
    What we ask for
    • Utilize LINE app
    • Frequently complete daily 600 Guild Bank Coins
    • Frequently complete daily Guild Activities.
    • Participation in Raids.

      Resurgence Leadership

      KoR Cranker
      • Guild Leader
      • Ally Code: 614-173-446
      • LINE id: Bri T
      • Officer
      • Ally Code: 549-338-223
      • LINE id: satsloader

      Contact us! We're excited to add new players to our ranks.
This discussion has been closed.