Shakes looking for his shardmates.


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    ozwald is monstrik in our time too?
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    Shakes i bought 2 packs and got wedge so i am happy. just need 2 more shards to unlock
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    honearly don't know, don't usually see him too 5 our time
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    Chepin, be engaged or at 1 by 2:30 please Don't want to waste the 1 slot
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    ( I'm going to hit it at 2:00 if you are still showing at 8)
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    Waited til 1:25. Even I can't pull off that one with that squad. Sorry you got hung up at 6.
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    Those top spots in our ship shard are **** lol. Friggen palanthian showed up outta nowhere after clearly dropping probably over $1200 Iat a guess for all those stars. I've been stuck at fourth since I got bumped from 2nd at payout yesterday and I can't beat any of the top 3.
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    i spent 800 crystals trying to beat Aral or caminero... i hate this game... in the end i was so upset that i put any squad in...
    Waited til 1:25. Even I can't pull off that one with that squad. Sorry you got hung up at 6.

    i spent 800 crystals trying to beat Aral or caminero... i hate this game... in the end i was so freaking mad that i put any 5 guys and autoattack
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    ugh sorry man.

    I'll try to leave you a better ladder then, I do fine with both of them and I tend to move about an hour before you do so I'll leave you a path that isn't B2 Wiggs all over.

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    Those top spots in our ship shard are **** lol. Friggen palanthian showed up outta nowhere after clearly dropping probably over $1200 Iat a guess for all those stars. I've been stuck at fourth since I got bumped from 2nd at payout yesterday and I can't beat any of the top 3.

    Yeah I fought with the other guy around our level. Keep at it though, getting a 5* AA ship doesn't seem impossible.

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    Lots of stoppers for me, too. Nice to see other people are struggling in arena.

    I spent a ton of saved up resources on ships, and I am doing well, there. D9nt see any of u guys on the leaderboard yet. I. On there and still climbing.

    Btw, my guild kicked me cuz i missed my second heroic raid. Anyone got a spot for me, lemme know. So much time for new content and I have a job... so I might not be perfect guild member. But I usually do fine. I can field wiggs and droids on AAT. and working on jedi and jawa.
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    I'll HAPPILY take you if CST works man. We raid at alternating times but would love to have ya.

    PM me.
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    last jedi we have a pretty strong guild u'd make a good fit...but we do use line to communicate
  • SnakesPlissken
    23 posts Member
    edited November 2016
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    Now I have the power to beat these other guys...but what I don't have is long enough time limit. Every ship battle ends in draw lol
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    Those top spots in our ship shard are **** lol. Friggen palanthian showed up outta nowhere after clearly dropping probably over $1200 Iat a guess for all those stars. I've been stuck at fourth since I got bumped from 2nd at payout yesterday and I can't beat any of the top 3.

    Hey, friggen Palanthian here. :tongue:

    Yeah I wanted the Falcon pretty badly, once I'd popped I just couldn't stop!

    Seriously though, nice to know some other forum users are on our shard.
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    :D I knew you were on the forum. Figured you'd find this eventually. Got a couple guys from my regular shard that made it onto our ship shard. Ozzy here for example. I can't beat your fleet yet. Seems no one can lol. And the others in the top 5? it's a toss up between winning and the time running out. Seriously. 80% of the matches are ending in draws. And not close, down to the wire draws either (though I've had those too) but like multiple ships left.

    Thinking that needs addressed.
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    I haven't been moved from #1 yet, I must confess I go several days without even being attacked (i.e. my team doesn't get rearranged by reserves getting called, as seems to happen).

    It's only a matter of time, though - I expect the competition will be coming down hard very soon, and I have a suspicion that Home One will not be the weapon of choice - I think Executrix and speed will. For now, though, I'm focusing on the ships I already had characters built up for.

    I've always been highly critical of CG on these forums, but I have to say that they really came up with the goods for ships. I agree that extending the time limit to 10 minutes wouldn't hurt, though - ship battles are much more involved and shouldn't be decided by the time running out.
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    Palanthian wrote: »
    I haven't been moved from #1 yet, I must confess I go several days without even being attacked (i.e. my team doesn't get rearranged by reserves getting called, as seems to happen).

    It's only a matter of time, though - I expect the competition will be coming down hard very soon, and I have a suspicion that Home One will not be the weapon of choice - I think Executrix and speed will. For now, though, I'm focusing on the ships I already had characters built up for.

    I've always been highly critical of CG on these forums, but I have to say that they really came up with the goods for ships. I agree that extending the time limit to 10 minutes wouldn't hurt, though - ship battles are much more involved and shouldn't be decided by the time running out.

    Agreed on the time limit.

    It's been a TON of fun and actually a new strategy ( besides the Stealth, SF/Biggs tank) and thought works.

    And it's not JUST soeed which is cool too
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    Jokes aside, if either you or R5 are payouts besides EST please say something because I'm beating him and eventually I'll catch you ( lol like 2 months) but we try to be polite as a shard so lemme know so we don't step on toes.
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    My Tarkin isn't too advanced. My Mace isn't too bad...but not that great either. Home One was just the ship they crammed down our necks day one. Pretty sure that's the main contributing factor plus who really put a lot of effort into Mace or Tarkin before? Ackbar had arena viability there for a time and I still see one now and again.

    My dark sider pilots in general are mediocre save Sun Fac and Vader...and I was unlucky enough to, you know, have a job and require sleep to secure at least a top 25 for his ship last tourney. Had to be happy with 50 shards or whatever #41 got.
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    My payout is BST (UK). Not sure of R5's payout time, but I'll make him aware of the thread.
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    I'm on that ship shard and also Veridian and Oz's toon arena shard too. It would be nice to know times so when I get up to the top 5 I do t get jacked up for accidentally sniping someone.
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    CST here
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    EST here.

    Show let me know both that payout and your Arena one so I'm not making you miserable by accident ( or on purpose lol..) especially Sat night when I'm burning arena attempts
  • Old_Scott
    217 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Hello all. I'm not in the top ten yet, but moving into the top 30. I made a payout chart for my arena shard and think it could be helpful to do it here too. I'll update it as others give input (on their own payout or the payout of others). Here's what I have gathered so far:

    Fleet Arena Payout (PST)

    10:00 am Palanthian

    3:00 pm OzwaldEMandius
    4:00 pm Veridian Shakes

    6:00 pm Old Scott, R5D4's Motivator, Bigshow
    Post edited by Old_Scott on
  • Bigslow
    104 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    PST here 6 PM toon arena payout. Ships not a concern yet. Toon I did good (8ish I think) the other day but yesterday something went wild today and dropped quite a bit. Most of you guys in the top 5 stomp me still but I still have room to improve.
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    My fleet payout is an hour behind normal arena payout. Is that a normal thing? Never thought to ask lol
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    Yes, that is how it works for everyone.
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