Shakes looking for his shardmates.


  • R5D4sMotivator
    204 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Cool thread, maybe be worth it to start a discord chat. I'm 6pm PST. Dash and Veridian Shakes have been sniping me at my payout lately, usually 30 but up to 1.5 minutes prior. Dash must be on the same payout as me?
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    My Tarkin isn't too advanced. My Mace isn't too bad...but not that great either. Home One was just the ship they crammed down our necks day one. Pretty sure that's the main contributing factor plus who really put a lot of effort into Mace or Tarkin before? Ackbar had arena viability there for a time and I still see one now and again.

    My dark sider pilots in general are mediocre save Sun Fac and Vader...and I was unlucky enough to, you know, have a job and require sleep to secure at least a top 25 for his ship last tourney. Had to be happy with 50 shards or whatever #41 got.

    I haven't had much time to devote to ships lately. My Tarkin is still level 80 gear X from the challenges. Mace has languished and is just 7* and a weak gear 7 or so.

    Luckily I had most of the pilots at gear XI and 85 before ships dropped! Especially Maul :-)
  • R5D4sMotivator
    204 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    The one who has been a true pain in my rear is Dash. Veridian sniped me two days ago left me 2 mins before payout to get back, which on auto I could only beat him in 2 mins 48 seconds. That didn't make me happy but it was only one day. Every day when I take 2nd finally, Dash immediately takes it back. Look bro I pay at 6pst. If you're on here give it a rest! Yes I can beat you any time I want, you can do the same. Why mess with me at payout. I'll just figure out yours, and do the same. Had already figured out Veridian was CST for payback thanks to a shard mate, but let it go.
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    It's cool. I don't try to snipe on purpose. Probably was at work and just trying to knock out my one daily lol.

    But now that I know your time I won't mess with your fleet then.
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    Yeah Lucid just popped me from freakin 7 to 3... Thinking he's on EST but that's just annoying. Probably will have to start locking, not the end of the world.

    Only time I'm REALLY fleet active is 6-7p EST, the rest is just move up time.

    It's stupid that timers are the big win/lose thing. Frustrating to overcome stupid freaking buttclownjerkface Scimtar just to time out.. ( yes I hate that ship.. Which is why I'm building one)
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    Some sort of chat room would be a good thing IMO. Be it slack discord whatever.
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    Made us a discord link:

    If this is posted like 5 times it's cuz somehow I'm getting a message that my posts need to be approved. Lame
  • Bigslow
    104 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    So hello shardmates. I'm still catching up on all the pages I've missed. You all seem to be fair and decent folk. I'm currently at number one (short lived I'm sure) and want to just put it out there that I'm not a **** I've seen some of you at the top of the ranks since my humble beginnings back in feb. I'm not looking to get prison love from you all, I just want a piece of the pie in the sky. From what I understand I may be the only player around you all that is PST. I'm trying to get all of your times memorized so I don't inadvertently start something I can't finish. Goodwill extended...
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    Bigslow wrote: »
    So hello shardmates. I'm still catching up on all the pages I've missed. You all seem to be fair and decent folk. I'm currently at number one (short lived I'm sure) and want to just put it out there that I'm not a **** I've seen some of you at the top of the ranks since my humble beginnings back in feb. I'm not looking to get prison love from you all, I just want a piece of the pie in the sky. From what I understand I may be the only player around you all that is PST. I'm trying to get all of your times memorized so I don't inadvertently start something I can't finish. Goodwill extended...
    We have the same payout. Tomorrow if you take #1 don't hog #2 to hold your spot. Thanks.
  • Bigslow
    104 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Sorry D. Won't happen again. First day at the table and I farted.
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    All good bro. Idc if you snipe me if I'm #1 before you, as long as it's from #2 at least. Don't worry though I'll do the same. I'm not a **** either.
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    I'll ask in guild the etiquette of top arena payouts to make sure I don't misbehave, but I now know two rules. Thanks.
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    Yeah as a group I swear we do more to be nice to each other then screw with each other...

    Well mostly ;)
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    Bigslow wrote: »
    Sorry D. Won't happen again. First day at the table and I farted.


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    Locked us in D
  • Durability
    34 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I appreciate it bro, thanks.
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    Felt bad for lastnight.
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    Lol, it's cool though.
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi guys,
    Lot of new names here, which is cool. Would be even better if you could identify your in-game name and payout time in UTC (Universal Time). We already have a chat active on Line, which allow us to coordinate. We also have a note with everyone's payout which I would love to update with your info.

    To join the Line chat,, just send an invite to Robbe (djrobbe88).

    Here are the known payouts in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
    Please comment and I'll update it.

    +1: DJ Robbe, Wester, Aral
    0: Georges Rules, Caminero 66
    -5: OzwaldEMandius, Chepin
    -6: Veridian Shakes
    -7: SnakesPlissken, Gavon Mothma
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    I Think most of the new names are from the ship arena and not the normal one ;-)

    The Line Chat is for normal arena ;-)
  • Bigslow
    104 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I'll be sending the line invite soon. ÌNBigshow. -8 (US Pacific)
    Post edited by Bigslow on
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    Hey everyone, I only recently noticed this section of the forum, still figuring out the mechanics of all this stuff. At the same time, I am not much of a threat, don't think I've ever been higher than top 10. I am in both your arena and fleet shards.

    My payout is -5 US eastern. Just sent an invite to robbe in line, would love to get added to the line group.
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    Well hello! Good bunch on the line. Also looking for Juenesse and Karol Gustaw to communicate.
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    @Jaxon I'm waiting for your request
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    Jaxom what's your in game name?
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    Jaxom :)
    Robbe, added you on line last night, just sent you a message
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    @Durability get line and contact DJ good peeps in the group!
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    Wester's team is unbeatable, anyone has a sugestion?
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    Get on our line, he's a good dude. It hurts less when you know a guy you lost to.
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    Gavon. Sorry to have you waste a battle I lost track of the notes. You're MST, won't mess with ya near your payout.
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