Shakes looking for his shardmates.


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    I've been working on a side project team that will be ready soon. After I get palp to 7 (which I'm hoping will be tomorrow...**** Lando shards) we will see how that goes.
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    I had initially then I moved stuff and just didn't bother remodding again
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    Yeah so I'm spending like every last drop on gearing up, modding and building Jawa

    I hate Jawa
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    B2 is coming...

  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member

    to a Camerino near you.


    My B2 will be ready sometime in September/October. He should be totally useless by then. :)
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Ummm. They are erasing all new discussion threads about B2/Wedge.

    I wonder if they released these toons accidentally??
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    They are probably combining them not erasing.
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    Yeah or just getting rid of the whales complaining ( rightfully so) about an Aurorium going FTP that only worked for one month in five
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    I'm undecided on B2. Haven't needed him yet. lol. Loved that credit and trading droid event today though. That was awesome. I haven't had this many credits at once since...well, ever. lol
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    Lol ya I netted 10M from that and another 3M over the last 24 from arena creds
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    I think this is a precursor to a cap increase though. Makes sense they glut us with credits to finish 80s the. Roll out new stuff
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    Agreed. I ain't spending a single credit without good reason until I get a better picture of the future lol
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    Build your tenacity team and your Jawa team. Do Luke to 8 he's EASY.

    The rest just stash IMO. You can always use it all later. I have probably 10 toons with shards to 7* who just sit there until I need them. I'd put cantina energy into tenacity mods but that's MY beliefs and may be wrong.

    In this week I've started up 4 Jawa, Luke, JKA and leveled all but 2 Jawa and I'm still sitting on a mountain of creds and droids. Nothing g wrong with a stash.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Wow, Nice RNG on the Heist, Oz.

    I turned in some of my arena shards for shard shop, yesterday. :( otherwise I would a been able to get maybe 4 or 5......I got 3, though. 4 from heist.

    I am going to gear lando/rebs for military might. Cantina tokes are the hard one. I dunno if I should get more mods or b2.
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    B2..... Or maybe farm some toons so you can get palp next time round. Or is lando your last spot?
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    I'd agree with George, EP isn't my style for Arena but he's possibly the best GW toon in the game
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    And yeah I didn't know there was an RNG but between that, M Might, GW being easy again, raids, challenges and selling arena points it's a good cash farm.

    Which means they will nerf it.
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    Nah.. this is going somewhere. People will need gear soon. so it will be all about gear.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    And yeah I didn't know there was an RNG.
    I got 1.5m and 2.5m on mine. I assume u got good rng just based on the range of 1.5 to 10m per finish plus EA's MO.

    I read they added some new difficulty levels and higher rewards for military might. So I want to be ready just in case. B2 is going to wait.

    Lando works for military might AND for when palpatine returns. And he is my only rebel that I don't have the shards for 7 star. I think he is going to be my focus for now. Even though I got no immediate plans for my 6 star palpatine.

    Palpatine may be the best arena toon, but I don't think droids are in any immediate trouble. Palpatine is easily killed by je and nebit droid teams on offense. Taking out EP doesn't have any margin for error like rey, but he doesn't have reys speed or foresight. So nebit double assist can almost always wipe him without worrying about the RG save or the old ben evade/tm gain and foresight. And I think B2 will shore up my droid defense. It is hard for me to change to EP when I put so much into droids... and droids smash EPs face in.
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    I believe it. Even speed EP can't keep up.

    He's amazing in GW and Phase 2 Rancor as well. Like Rey good.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    If he's good at the new raid, that's something. But until then, I think we are all fine with our arena teams. Rex will be fine, because we got lot of droids now, and droids absolutely kill EP on offense. The only team in trouble is George. I think it will be difficult for Ben lead to stay the course once EP teams get super fast ST Han, too. With EP here, it is the phas/ben/dook teams that are going to be left out in the cold, methinks.

    In the current raid, Meh. I log, do my pitiful damage, and then get good rewards. My new guild (merger) doesn't need me to do any damage. I have a jawa team for unlocking crit mods. If they're good in the new raid, that will be a bonus. But right now I'm concerned with droids and mod and more mods. I'm working FOTP and FOO to unlock offense mods.
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    I ended up being able to 7* Palp. Jawas I only have 3 of them unlocked and they are not very advanced. Not really feeling like working on them much either. I started banking cantina. I've got 5* unlocked for all mods but crit damage. I guess I'll start grinding for B2 a bit just for some kinda goal because at this point I really don't have any. Just kinda treading water right now.
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    That was tight oz, cutting it a bit fine?
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    Ugh yes

    You RNGd my face off in the first one then Rey missed AGAIN first round AND I was putting a kid to bed too
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    You mean my squad actually defended? I was watching thinking this is wierd..... Then you took it literally on the dot. Hope you got the crystals...
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    I did but it was insanely close. I always forget to shift things for you as well since you only have one taunt and I need to kill things faster.
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    and the guy with the annoying characters is at it again...

    Luckily my refresh was for my guild so IDC but I'll make a point of annoying him now
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    I see. Annoying house people guy. Nice squad btw.
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    Are you struggling with any of these palp squad oz?
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    Oz, ur a sick individual. I think u should stack more health and protection on EP, personally. Over potency. But I will not even bother trying. Ur team makes me rage quit just looking at it.
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