Shakes looking for his shardmates.


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    I usually kill JE first on any droid team that has him. Or I'll stun him and kill 88 as he goes down the quickest.
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    TBF. on defence your 88 doesn't even get a shot if OB gets tm reduction on him. My squad vs yours without JE... Your qgj does a double attack. My rey hits 88, my han taunts, my jawa stuns, my qgj gets an assist on your 88. Rg taunts. Your 88 is either stunned or most likely had his tm reduced. Rey hits rg. your qgj hits han... My qgj detaunts rg and han and OB finish 88 off.

    With JE... Your droids have the chance to take out Jawa or Rey before they move. Or maybe even st han before he taunts. My squad is tricky thats why I use it but at the same time with JE on defence if i lose more than one toon it's GO and that used to happen alot. Not so much since the buff to armor.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Yeah, I figured defense is pretty much gone against the common metas... I am betting our shard is not mature enough for that to matter much, yet. Max gear teams are pretty much nonexistent outside the top 20. Up there, there are plenty of other beatable teams to go around. Those guys have no reason to do refreshes and climb up to top ten to hit a brick wall. I do. Will see if I start needing a refresh or not. At leastr today is Arena day, anyway. I'm a little worried that I may start to lose some steam on offense, losing a match and running out of string, but so far things look good enough on Offense against the common Phas/Ben leads. Just barely.
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    Jedi which droids ARE you anyways?
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    I think he is Gavon if I remember right
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm Gavon Mothma.

    I'm running QGJ and RG, right now. Last time I did so, I was playing in the high teens at payout, and dropping to around 50 on a bad day. But I am trying again, with more gear.

    JE was good to me, but I am trying to beat shakes. Wes hasn't even been moving shakes out of one spot, all the time, lately.

    If need be I can put in JE on defense. But I have my extra speed set on Vader, right now.
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    Sorry to speak to speed:

    I agree I want longer taunts, unfortunately SF is less about taunts for me then dispels ESPECIALLY on StH. I either want to pop taunt before StH and set him up for a quick dispel or be close to him in speed so I don't have too many turns going between his taunt and SFs turn.

    The defense, I'm just buying into it for now. The Tenacity I couldn't agree more.

    The damage I see as this: I run Rex ( not HORRIBLE) and Rey for damage, RG/5/SF for protection for those two. I probably need a beefier damage source rather then a beefy manipulation tool but I'm not running Tusken Raider any time soon.
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    Ok I'll try to stay off your back if at all possible then.
    I don't think it's not a given that we can all knock each other off at any given point.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    You are ahead of my timezone, I think. And it's the ben and phasma leads on asia time that are really threatening to push me back without JE. So it doesn't really matter. But thanks.

    I'm hoping the big bad HK lead and my name is going to prevent most of these guys from noticing for another week, or so, haha.
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    Lol deal

    It's the reason I never mind knocking George out of first or Shakes.
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    And I'm EST
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm 6 hours before you guys. UK so GMT for me and Caminero is the same. Sin is an hour before with dj robbe, vinch and a few others in europe. Not sure if monstrik and ikalos are in that payout. I think they come earlier but could be wrong.
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    ok, thanks. I'm AZ time. So I waffle between pacific and mountain.

    It seems like Cam is somewhere on the other side of the planet. Just that his team is one of the only Asia teams that defends and is still there the next day, haha. And that most of the other usual suspects are east coast or central.
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    Yeah if you guys could keep that in mind for 7 EST I'd take it as a favor. No reason we can't all ring up 500 crystals.

    I typically only move near five around payout time or today where I moved up at 530 because I was stuck waiting and there is no time slot an hour before me that I know of.

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    I didn't even bother to take first today. I was busy with the woman. Hosting a bonfire tonight lol
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Yeah. Missed u in top spot. Got to kick you bqck 5o 11 today.

    The drama continues. Today Wes takes first with 10 mintes left. And boxes out against number 2 team for ten minutes. So I can't even try for 2. Which was Cam. And who I can beat 50/ 50 maybe. So I figure wes spent at least 100 crystals just on boxing me out. And blocking top 2 spots.
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    The trials and tribulations of the top ten. It will be a long time before you stop caring and he stops locking you out. The answer is just to take second and if he locks out first you lose nothing, if he doesn't you get a shot at another 50 crystals.
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    Once I was done farming other toons I didn't care about 1-3. When you think about it you're putting in 30
    Minutes of work for less then 3.00 of crystals. Just bad math IMO.
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    If I was in a more competitive payout slot Id prolly care more too.
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    My apologies now if I do anything dickish today. Gotta burn the attempts off
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    Thx George for the assist. I wish it could have a happy ending, but I made one error and burned my last attemptwo in taking 1. So I am gonna settle for wherever Wes leaves me. Looks like that bum is gonna take me down to 4 today.
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    No problem. Can't believe you got past my jawa.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Ur jawa never bothered me. So far. With either of my teams. Cams team defends because of his assassins mainly. He couldnpu5 in scavenger and still defend.

    Wes took me from fourth. And I said f it. I rebuy. Because I can take second, at least. Except wes blocked out against 2 spot, again.

    Then I took ur battle for 3, but I had already changed my team thinking I am fighting oz... and then I mistakenly retreated even though I can beat u with both setups, lol. I forhot about 5he timeout if i retreat. So I suck at arena today.
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    Yeah Wes actually blocked me out of first with his crap team today.

    I should have just locked George down at 10 but I chose to get cute and bump the guy back from two who bumped me out and paid for it.

    Oh well, sun shines on a dog's butt somedays
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I saw wes getting active and getting into top ten 3 hrs before our payout. (And ge55ing kicked right back out by players trying to get paid!) I can excuse that since it is pvp day (depending on his guild time) and because he changed his team. But I am starting to thing wes might be a ****.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Re jawa, if u think about it jawa is redundant for ur team, george. Stun and m8nd tricks together are counterproductive if han gets his taunt off. Now the stunned toons can't poke han with their basics. His dps is not good enough. I think GS was better. Against me anyways. It looks like u defend just fine though.
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    Yeah, Jawa is pretty ****. But i like him for when this happens.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    It might sound crazy, but ... Biggs? If u want to defend against droids, he is like GS but he gets 100% TM when he is hit with a crit. And his assister gets 75% crit chance. And he does good damage.
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm not even gonna pretend it's possible to defend against anyone anymore. Let alone droids. Biggs I have shards for but I'm not going to do anything with him yet. Gonna max out the rest of the jawa squad. see how they do. After that I'll be dropping Han solo in the mix with ugnaught or maybe anakin and biggs. Thats on next months shopping list. Right now scavenger and JE are both about a week away from 7 star and they all need raid gear. Coming along nicely though.

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    Biggs is actually kinda fun tbh I geared him up for Tenacity mods, I like him
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