Shakes looking for his shardmates.


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    Dathcha is unimpressive.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Wes decided to run up from 20 to 10.. 5 hrs before payout. I'm sure someone in Eastern or central is going to take this spot back.

    Why, Wes, why? I'm sharing timezone with a ****.

    How are ur guys' payouts?
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    I don't have much competition anymore. Most of the other central time top players have dropped out or just don't care anymore. Not that it would matter. It didn't when they were around either lol.

    I generally use 3 battles to hover in the top 10. I figured Ozzy's payout was east coast from usually seeing him in the top slot an hour before me. In that last hour at some point I'll take first and just keep a loose eye on things. If someone bumps me I bump back.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm gonna take second, today. Unless I screw up or one of u guys throw me a new loop. If wes can't beat 1 spot or drags me back for some OTHER reason... good grief. I guess I'm in a war of attrition.

    Usually I start around low twenties, and because I'm mountain, and I know folks are playing in central, I won't cross a pay zone until after 5. Today Im looking good so far at eleven. I used some extra battles yesterday and added some new mods and two pieces of gear. I might actually stature in top twenty.
    Not that it matters much. Climbing from 24 to 1 no problem without a refresh.... if u wait for ur hour.if u spend battles to stay in top ten, ok I guess. Me, I wouldn't bother to battle until my hour. I hate giving crystals to EA. I like to park in 21. Or 11, if I had less time during my arena hr. My mentality is more us vs them.
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    If Wes is in my time slot he ended in 10th ;)

    No NOT ME.. I'm never willing to blow 100 crystals to be a **** to those who are to me ;)
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    He's two hours after you oz
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    Ah dammit then why the hell does he spend so often trying to get into first on off times? That's just absurd
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    He LOCKED first yesterday at pay out time so I MAY have a bit of a hate on for him
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    Maybe he's bored. Maybe I'm wrong.
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    Nah you may be right Yesterday was PVP so he may have been bored

  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Huh. I assume he was in MY timezone. He always locks out in Mountain time. And he locked first eastern time, yesterday? I was leaving him the benefit of doubt, before...

    Maybe his is someone's alt account. Lol. For when he want to go with his bad self.

    There is also possibility he is just a kid that doesn't understand the whole timezone thing, yet.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm at a crossroads. I'm in 3. Wes is in 6. If I take 2 spot, like I planned, Wes will no doubt drag me back to 6 at the last second. If I take one, he is going to climb... Probably to 5. And drag me back to 5, locking up first AND second.

    What to do? :)
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    I have 4 battles left ;)

    I got Wes
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    If you get in first I'm going to lock you down if I can there, if not I'll just tie up Wes
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    If you don't take it by 7 til I'll lock Veridean instead to keep him out of top 4
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    Check out devil doc. He has B2.
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    Saw him

    Stupid B2
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Saw that. Was awesome, Oz. But devil doc got my number, big time. His team looks sorta like yours, but he has some extra special sauce, lol. He defended with 5s and Fac both in high yellow. Nearly timed out. I had to hit auto down to 2 on 2. I got bigger problems now than Wes, lol.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    I'd say he has wes' number, too. I left wes enough time to attempt, i seen him in 2 spot and figured if i get the battle in time, i will take 2 at least. and I think he would have tried.
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    Nope that was me bumping Wes back to 6 at 1:40

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    We have a B2 to fight? Finally. I've awaited this day.
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    You mean I have.. To.. Think?

  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Nope that was me bumping Wes back to 6 at 1:40

    Yeah I saw that, and it was awesome. But he took back second, and I dunno if he may have tried to fight devil doc or not. I think shakes has defended against him, too.

    Shakes did u up ur game?... I used a battle on you and u defended easily. I beat u the last two times I fought u.
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    You mean I have.. To.. Think?


    Nope, but you may have to farm for months to be able to auto the fight.
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    Nope that was me bumping Wes back to 6 at 1:40

    Yeah I saw that, and it was awesome. But he took back second, and I dunno if he may have tried to fight devil doc or not. I think shakes has defended against him, too.

    Shakes did u up ur game?... I used a battle on you and u defended easily. I beat u the last two times I fought u.

    RNGeesus. Clearly. I've not changed anything. lol.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Maybe a stealth rebalance. Difference is night and day. I wonder if I can even beat Oz anymore.

    I'm watching arena now. To see if Durability can beat devildoc/clones.

    I fought devil with same setup I beat shakes yesterday. QJ and RG. No go. Put all my best mods from JE to QGJ. No go. Tried it on shakes, today. No go. Not even that close, really. I guess at some point I have to try Oz again.
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    Hmm. I've had two draws against devildoc this morning. Not enough dps if Anakin goes down. Which has happened both times.
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    That's my issue with Rey TBH

    I genuinely may go Leia instead and just perma stealth to beat it.

    When Rex is my 2nd damage dealer I'm in trouble
  • VeridianShakes
    1118 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I threw Aayla in there. She works well with Anakin. Plus her stun is useful and more or less as reliable as RGs. Steamrolled him with that combo.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Today, i got 2 spot early so Wes doesn't take first then lock me out of first and second. So what does wes do? Knock me from 2 to 4. Even if he cant beat shakes in 1 spot 100%, i know he can take Oz in 3. with plenty of time left to try shakes. If he beats shakes I am locked out of top 2, again.

    Benefit of doubt is over.

    Update. Yep. He beat shakes first attempt. He could have beat oz then shakes. Or just gone from 4 to 1 spot without stomping on me. I got no reason not to attack him from teens now and keep us both from getting into top ten, lol. Time to buy some crystals to fill my war chest.

    He is seriously ****. The only point of taking 2 spot from me was to knock me back. But then he locks out against two spot again, letting me at least move up from 4 to 3 when he could have locked out against ME. I think he might be mentally deficient.
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