Shakes looking for his shardmates.


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    I got a B2. It'll be awhile before he's ready. But he's coming lol
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    Great... Feeling a little left out here.
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    b2 and your team?

    I'll **** myself with frustration

    I just run EP because he can damage like FotP and the potency is because of the stuns and not having shock stick with all the RGs and StHs out there SUCKS
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    Well.. He can damage FotP Is SCARY
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Is it actually Ok to climb anymore? People getting extremely defensive over position. I've got sindevil who refuses to let me hang out in second after his payout and now you shakes? I get that it's annoying we aren't holding position like we used to but this **** is costing me crystals. I'm climbing to punish sin devil for pushing me back yesterday because he's been a major pain lately. Please just leave me be to exact revenge. I purposely left vinch alone because his payout is coming up soon. I try my best but this is getting to the point where I'm just gonna join sin devil and refuse to give up a spot no matter what. I've been kind to pretty much everyone, even camerino but it's getting to the point where I think people are taking liberties. Especially with the new OB must die agenda.

    Not enjoying being enemy number 1 at the moment. In case you can't tell.
    Post edited by GeorgeRules on
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    Hmm? Sometimes I just burn attempts to get the daily done. When I'm at work especially. Time to accomplish game stuff isn't a sure thing in my line of work. lol. So I take what I can get. Typically it's just that I attack the highest spot I can. Only makes sense. Nothing personal if any of you are in the line of fire. My own guild mates even :D
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    Didn't mean to be a nancy about it. Just getting screwed left right and center at the minute and it's not all that much fun. Imagine a character being released that just destroyed any squad with rex or sun fac on.... It aint pretty. Plus somehow I'm getting outmodded which is also annoying.
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    Yeah I only bump you outta five and always thought you were across the pond but if I'm wrong lemme know. Generally I try to climb over Wester, Feilong, Houses, Chepin and Wes, the first four because i want them hitting each other and the last because he's a ****
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    I'm 5 hours before you oz and 6 before shakes. 7 before LJ and wes who just pushed me back 20 mins before my payout. I'm getting targetted big time. Might just put the game down for a while till things calm down. It's doing my head in.
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    It does seem to be more competitive lately.
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    It's all the 25-50 lot with palps moving up. And the top tier with palps who get offended whenever someone beats them. I'm just getting the worst of it because palps completely nuetralises my squad. I only win on offence if palp doesn't get to use his shock. Once he does it is game over. Where as on defence. It doesn't matter what happens they win. As soon as I'm finished with the jawa in about 3 weeks, I'll be working on a droid squad. Quickest route for me to stay competitive.
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    Droid teams seemed to have stopped attacking me since I put Rex back up front. He ruins their fun with the crit turn meter thing. Ani sees less use now though I can totally still run him successfully. When B2 gets done I feel like the hatred will flow lol
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm going for b2 aswell. I thought about wedge but I don't have the time considering I'm being pushed about a fair whack now. Wouldn't surprise me if Caminero starts rocking B2 soon. I'm not sure whether i should just keep on with mod farming considering it's the only thing which stops me beating the palp squads that outspeed me. But it will take ages to get better ones.
  • Wester
    13 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi guys,

    just a quick hello ;), George, i am sorry for this one day where i pushed you during your payout time. It was the release (my Release day- gear10) day of EP and i just wanted to try him - No offence at all, did not think about,

    If you use line for Communication please feel free to ad me - my ID is wester1234

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    Hi wester, welcome to the party. Dont worry about it. will add you later..
  • VeridianShakes
    1118 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    lawl. I love awkward moments.

    Welcome wester. Slowly but surely our shard be representing up in here.
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    Thanks for the warm welcome :)
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    Lol welcome Wester

    No, you're fine, you push from 2-4 and not like 5-8 at payout.

    George I believe it but I think the new meta has " Kill George" written all over it. I even subbed in an EP because he's doing more for me.

    Wester, if you want to work a back and forth out where we lock 1st on EST and help the other lock second I'm happy to rotate and share.

    Unless it's Houses. Him I just like killing.
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    Hi oz,

    EST Sounds Tricky - (i am going to Florida next week, if you have an Tipps) I am from Europe :) i wait for the line invitation but if i can help for sure
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    Oh lol ok Sorry see you in the top ten around now assumed it was your time
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    That's wes terello your thinking of.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi wester. This is gavon mothma. Welcome to the thread.

    Shakes, personally I haven't been able to oust u with my droid squad since the armor patch. Somehow u are still in 1 spot every day at 6pm mountain..... I need to use my dooku squad to move ur carcass.... Rex lead don't help either ha. It is better on defense, for sho.

    George: yeah, the dice are cast and if u have to deal with sin devil, forget about it. There is no security in trying to stay 1 point faster on ur ST Han.... one point is all he needs to shut u out on offense and defense, and there is basically no end to that speed race.

    I rearranged my droids to try to beat squads like his. Yeah he can defend even against droids. I'll give it a shot next time I have him in my sights.... been meaning to try anyway, so don't worry.

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    Nah he's in with LJ IIRC
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    But Chepin needs to recognize he doesn't have the defense to pull a spot and hold it for 3 full minutes.. If you're gonna snipe me, do it right..
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    But Chepin needs to recognize he doesn't have the defense to pull a spot and hold it for 3 full minutes.. If you're gonna snipe me, do it right..
    Chepin doesn't have a team that can hold for 30 seconds, lol. I bet theres no way he could block u out even if he knew what he was doing. Rex teams take forever to beat. Shakes is a prime example. Since putting rex in lead, I need to auto the last minute.

    Wes T does the same thing in my hour, but he could at least compete if he tried. He can't figure out the clock. It is a combination of sad and hilarious, but mostly the former. He still thinks he can refresh and block out before I can take the match.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    @George, sorry I been targetting u a lot lately. Top ten has been getting congested and esp when wes is already sitting in the 4 to 8 spot ahead of me, there are not usually any good choices to climb, there. Today I went thru u, again, doh. But I had to to reach sin devil, without burning a battle. Got my first W on sin devils new team with a lot of luck. No, I still couldn't wipe his EP with droids. Han screwed up my turn order. EP got two turns but didn't do his AOE...
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    Someone's Palpsmear squad was pretty tough today. I won but it came down to Fac and Five's against Palp. Idk how that even happened tbh. I usually nuke Palp first. Some crazy rng happened though and RG kept making me hit him. Palp has that healing skill I guess. And this guy had a Qui Gon that was lingering as well. Just annoying. Probably because I played with Cody today. Cody is just too soft for Palp teams I think. If he somehow survives 212th attack...Cody is pretty much toast lol.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Palp is a beast. I watched Wes take you down, today. I was curious what he would do, since your Rex team was the highest reach for him, from 7 to 3, and I hear Rex is a "counter" to EP. (And Wes has never given consideration to sniping me from 4 or 5, to my knowledge, lol). There was another Palp team and a droid team in 4 and 5, but he took you out, no problem.

    I think I defended against Wes, today, though. He attacked me from 3 to 1, (too early as always) but he didn't seal the deal and I locked with 5 minutes left. I stuck ST Han with my droids. Go figure. I think there's a hidden luck stat, and ST Han has the max.

    I also ended up taking Palps down last, today. Against Sin Devil. Thankfully, AI can make some mistakes with EP. RG protected him. Then EP led off with his basic... I think maybe I had blocked him, but I don't remember seeing it. 86 resisted the shock, or I probably would have lost, anyway. Cuz EP used his buff, next, and there was no one for him to essentially kill with his 2 turn stun. Anyhow, I was able to get it down to 3 on 2, my 3 limping droids vs Rey and EP, and at that point, I figured EP stunning my team with no backup woudln't be as bad as facing Rey with foresight.
  • VeridianShakes
    1118 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    The reason palp teams can sometimes get advantage on Rex teams is that the AI for Rex doesn't use squad discipline first. Or the Palp is faster than the Rex and gets a stun in him.
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    Is everyone on Line? We could set up a shard group?
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