Shakes looking for his shardmates.


  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Been hearing a lot about "Wiggs" teams and how they are supposed to be so tough. See we finally have one on our top 10. Aral. I challenged him right away even though it only raised me one spot. Rolled him up and smoked him with no losses on my side. Don't see the big deal lol

    I'm slowly building this team, but it was still weak even on offense until recently. I switch lead from Wedge to Lando, and replaced QGJ by a 6* Palp and was able to beat those teams I couldn't before (Drydin Xal, Durability, Sindevil Six ...). The team is still far from maxed, gear and mods wise, so I'm pretty sure none of you have any problems beating it.

    Anyway, for info its seems I have my payout at the same time as George Rules TSR, DJ Robbe, Kykapaya (at the very least, they are moving at the same time as me).

    Edit: Forgot to say hi, so Hello to my shardmates, glad I found this thread.
    Post edited by Aral on
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    Aral wrote: »
    Been hearing a lot about "Wiggs" teams and how they are supposed to be so tough. See we finally have one on our top 10. Aral. I challenged him right away even though it only raised me one spot. Rolled him up and smoked him with no losses on my side. Don't see the big deal lol

    I'm slowly building this team, but it was still weak even on offense until recently. I switch lead from Wedge to Lando, and replaced QGJ by a 6* Palp and was able to beat those teams I couldn't before (Drydin Xal, Durability, Sindevil Six ...). The team is still far from maxed, gear and mods wise, so I'm pretty sure none of you have any problems beating it.

    Anyway, for info its seems I have my payout at the same time as George Rules TSR, DJ Robbe, Kykapaya (at the very least, they are moving at the same time as me).

    Edit: Forgot to say hi, so Hello to my shardmates, glad I found this thread.

    Welcome! I was excited to fight your team the first time. I like seeing different compositions in our top 10. I'll keep checking on your team as I find it in my way. Maybe it'll be built up to the point some other forum dwellers go on about. Keep on trucking.
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Keep on trucking.

    Thanks, I will. I did improve my team enough to be able to hold the #1 spot until payout today, but your team is still clearly out of my reach (I tried it and got wrecked in 2 minutes). I was able to beat the other Rex lead though (OzwaldEMandius), so maybe there's hope.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Nice. What timezone u in, Aral? I think shakes in eastern or mountain time.

    Durability just **** me off. I went ahead and did a battle, early. Against durability, because I know he is in Pacific, an hour behind me and it was the max rank I could do, 14 to 9. Gonna happen later, anyway. He battled back for 9? He knows my payout is right before his.... he has to take me for 1 spot for almost a month str8.

    Ok no problem, he just wanted to see if he could beat my whacky droid killer team.

    One battle burned. I beat him again. Knowing he wouldnt burn another battle just for kicks against the same guy... and.... he does it again. This is 3 hrs before my payout. 4 hrs before his payout. Now I'm irritated. Now I'm gonna need a refresh for sure - he might not, because he only uses one team. I guess I just have to wait til my hr. But **** peeps are stupid.

    Maybe he thinks I can't beat him again, lol. I think peeps are gonnna be disappointed with their droid teams with B2. They defend for ****.
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    Nice. What timezone u in, Aral? I think shakes in eastern or mountain time.

    I'm GMT+2 (CDT +7). I've been competing with DJ Robbe and Caminero66 today so I guess they are in my timezone too. George Rules, I'm not sure, he moves before my payout but I think he's like GMT+3?

    You are Gavon Mothma, right? Anyway, I shouldn't be a bother to you or Veridian Shakes (well, I can't beat shakes anyway). However, I'm not able to fight during my payout on works days, which means I'll do 3 random attacks after my refresh to avoid missing the Omega and sinking too much into the depth of the arena. I'd like to try and avoid people fighting for their payout, if possible, so I'll monitor this thread.
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    There's hope for sure but my team is VERY different so it's not quite the same.

    I had to drop 5s and load Han on to beat you because StH kept nuking me.
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    I'm ESt here so I'm always behind you and I try to remain inactive unless it's against a team behind me or I know has gone so I don't futz up pay outs.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Ouch. Ur timezone is rough, aral.... good luck with that. Yeah i am mothma. I guess shakes don't bother u. I was going to share my gigantic secret for beating his team on offense. I have to move his butt outta first place more days than not, lately. Haha. Lucky for me my timezone is easy mode.... but in November I will be battling durability.... mwahahahhaha. I have no clue what will happen there. We both beat each other, but I am not sure who has the time advantage. Probably he does.... :(
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    And I sniped Chepin back

    Next time I need to be in fifth to do it
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    I'm central time. Not sure if I have much competition
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    Ouch. Ur timezone is rough, aral....
    Yes it is, left work early and got a second #1 payout, but it's very toxic ... I was competing with DJ Robbe and had to employ unfair tactics to defend the spot, locking him out at :53 and letting the timer run out since he can't beat me in less than 2 minutes. (At least I took care to get to #2 before taking his place).

    Anyway, I'm now convinced Georges Rules is one hour after me, so that's one less guy to worry about.
    LastJedi wrote: »
    I was going to share my gigantic secret for beating his team on offense.
    Well it sure as hell is not killing Rex first, because I did that and it seems to anger Anakin a lot, and since I was not able to shock Sun Fac in time and have no dispel, he and his clone sergeant buddy just destroyed me in a couple of turns.
    I had to drop 5s and load Han on to beat you because StH kept nuking me.
    Nicely done; I use a speedy STH as a poor man Jawa Engineer, so I guess if you stun STH first with Han, you win indeed.

  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Unfortunately, Shakes defended against me today, and I didn't leave enough time for a second try. So my secret method is not so great, afterall. I had to take second place, and Wes got first for the first time in almost a month. Oh boy. Now he has tasted blood in the water!

    What I do it take my droid team... remove everyone except 86 and replace with a Dooku lead evasion team, lol. It works 9 times out of 10, anyhow.

    And yeah, since Shake's team is a billion times faster than my Dooku alt team, my usual first move is detaunt Fac, then kill anni, since Rex has already gone and used SD (AI seems to lead with it, randomly, even with no debuff present).
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    Yeah if you have the power you kill JKA first, if not stun him and kill Rex.

    I don't have that horsepower on offense except when I run Qgj
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Yeah if you have the power you kill JKA first, if not stun him and kill Rex.
    Killing JKA and then avoiding AoE worked fine, thanks.

    My timezone is indeed an immense **** with Caminero66, Wester, DJ Robbe and me all moving at the same time in the constricted space of the top 4, everyone attacking each other, locking each other out etc. for 30 minutes, until you roll the dice and get the final ranking... you gotta love this dumb system <3

    Edit: Not sure if Wester is even in my timezone or if he just came to help his guildmate DJ Robbe.
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    Rolled out dat B2. Made a couple changes. Friggen beast on offense. We'll see how it do otherwise.
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    knew B2 would eventually be coming

    Been gearing up for speed mods/next raid so I'm going to have to lean more on well timed attacks and Chepins bad timing I think
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Rolled out dat B2. Made a couple changes. Friggen beast on offense. We'll see how it do otherwise.
    Ur the only guy I care has B2. Great, can't debuff. Can't buff. I'm gonna go kill myself... haha.

    B2 on droid team is complete LOL, IMO.

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    B2 on a droid team can be annoying. You want engi eliminated fast. And you don't want 88 and 86 blasting your face freely for too long. Basically with B2 on such a team I burn 88 down regardless of B2's shenanigans. Make engi rez him then kill him again. Just to take the pressure off. Then focus B2 down. Then engi then 86. Usually lose a guy. Sun Fac most times because he's been taunting since switching to burn B2.

    Vacations been a blast so far. Net's gotten better lol. I don't want to come home. Seems like it's going by too fast.
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    Run now

    Jobs are overrated
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    Looks like shakes (and maybe oz, too?) defended against 3 of our shards droid teams, so far. If Cam couldn't do it, i don't expect it will be any different for the rest.

    George went the wrong way. Rex lead all along.
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    I was goofing off last night so I didn't D I was just working out how I beat Wiggs...

    ... And beating on Chepin
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Looks like shakes (and maybe oz, too?) defended against 3 of our shards droid teams, so far. If Cam couldn't do it, i don't expect it will be any different for the rest.
    Shakes new team is brutal. CG is not gonna hand out a lot of 500c prize today on our shard I think.

    Edit: Finally got him, but it was down to Biggs vs B2 each with a sliver of health left. Also got lucky when RG lost his taunt for no apparent reason.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Aral wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Looks like shakes (and maybe oz, too?) defended against 3 of our shards droid teams, so far. If Cam couldn't do it, i don't expect it will be any different for the rest.
    Shakes new team is brutal. CG is not gonna hand out a lot of 500c prize today on our shard I think.

    Edit: Finally got him, but it was down to Biggs vs B2 each with a sliver of health left. Also got lucky when RG lost his taunt for no apparent reason.
    Cool. I'm working on Biggs and Wegde. But a long ways off. And I have all ur other toons. At least that's a ray of light.

    I'm having a hard time imagining an actual counter to this team. I tried some tanky teams, and the problem is dps is way too much. Which is crazy, because he has RG, Rex, and B2.. Anni and Lando and Rex do a lot of damage, somehow. I tried an experiment focusing just on RG, and 4 of my toons will be dead by the time I get thru RG's protection. I think Cam beat him once, too... but I'm a long way from enough speed to do it the way Cam did, and it looks like Cam took several tries, even at that.

    With droids, I need to use all my speed mods to even get a second attack before Rex goes. One 86 assist plus another attack won't kill anyone on this team. I tried stacking Nebit and 86 with enough offense and speed to try to wipe rex, and I'm not even close.

    My guess is his team has been beat by yours, Cam, and Oz.

    If Last Jedi disappears from the forum and Gavon Mothma from the arena, don't worry about me. I probably rage quit.

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    That team, without a ton of counters, SUCKS to fight
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    Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho..

    Ships... Ya right
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    That team, without a ton of counters, SUCKS to fight.

    Only counter I see helping is Fac and 5s. To crit chance down on lando and remove taunt on RG? Fac cuz of RG, and 5's cuz he does decent str8 dps and has a ton of health. I don't see Aayla even helping cuz of Rex.

    Can't wipe rex with a counter/tanky team. Can't wipe anyone. With tanks, I could get Rex, Anni, and Lando all down to 60% health... but with RG and B2 still full protection... so no way to finish them.

    With QGJ, well, QGJ don't live long enough to do anything.

    So I go wiggs and maybe barely beat it on offense... and live with that. Or...... well the alternative seems like I need Rex or B2, at least... I don't see the counter team that doesn't use half the same toons... yet. I mean, u can obviously beat it, Oz. Probably the easiest of anyone. So Rex seems like the only true counter to rex, at this particularly frustrating moment in time.

    I don't really wanna farm same team that is **** me off.
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    You guys are making me feel bad.
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    Don't sweat it. U made a great team. Genius pick on b2, over wedge EP, etc. Kudos.
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    I actually tried EP instead of Lando at first with similar results but I just couldn't stand looking at him. Lando also just fits the burst team thing I'm trying out better, IMO.
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    For Lando Wiggs?

    Aayla ( high crit stun version), Fisto ( tenacity lead), 5s, SF, Rex for TM, Biggs by himself.. IGD..

    It can be done but yes I get the shortfalls.

    I also think in 2 weeks we will have enough new stuff that we're gonna not be so arena centric
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