The Galactic Empire Players Discussion


  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    @Aero Appears no one from my Guild is synced or registered on besides me now. If I ever decide to leave I will def give you a call!

    @1AmYourFath3r Even with the nerfs, how has tie fighter pilot been for you on that arena team with phasma?
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Ah that makes sense
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    Lisker wrote: »
    @Aero Appears no one from my Guild is synced or registered on besides me now. If I ever decide to leave I will def give you a call!

    @1AmYourFath3r Even with the nerfs, how has tie fighter pilot been for you on that arena team with phasma?

    With Phasma, I'm impressed. 9-12k on special. Great to finish Rey off before triggering RG. And he gets lots of bonus attacks
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    That's great, and even though The First Order is a offshoot from the real Empire I pretend Phasma is part Empire for my squad.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Here is my page if anyone is interested
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    Fotp with phasma is legit. Fotp is still solid. Not as powerful as he was, but a good option. With Leia, qgj and fotp, the opponent has to decide which dps to take out first and hope to Nuke underneath rg's taunt.

    In the whole team, I'd say Leia is the weakness on defense. But otherwise, I'm sure I'll see @1AmYourFath3r in the top10 in no time.
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    Nebulous wrote: »
    Fotp with phasma is legit. Fotp is still solid. Not as powerful as he was, but a good option. With Leia, qgj and fotp, the opponent has to decide which dps to take out first and hope to Nuke underneath rg's taunt.

    In the whole team, I'd say Leia is the weakness on defense. But otherwise, I'm sure I'll see @1AmYourFath3r in the top10 in no time.

    I agree...she's unreliable, but occasionally pulls some decent hits, and when she gets the bonus off FOTP or QGJ, they can make quick work of opponents.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Guys, Empire. Empire. Come on man!

    (I'm working on First Order too)
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    @Batman44gaming thank you for showing me this! And sorry about the other post
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    Blakkfoxx wrote: »
    @Batman44gaming thank you for showing me this! And sorry about the other post

    No problem
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    Ugh... Idk how to post pics :( I'll figure it out eventually. Sorry guys for the filler posts.
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    So i skimmed through the thread before I got too antsie to speak lol. I like this thread a lot and idk how much u guys have gotten done but I can help with some info about some characters. I just got Stormtrooper today at gear 10. It's a bit disappointing, but doable. I was hoping he would get somewhere on the level of Stormtrooper Han, being able to reach gear 11 and having 16k/18k health/protection.. But sadly he maxes out at gear 10 with 14k/12k Health/Protection. His defense is wut sets him apart from Han though. Having 300+ Defense (with defense up) and health up from RG. His damage is freakish... Hitting as much as Rey or doing less than RG. He is just a pain to max out because he requires so many raid specific gear. For gear 10 he needs more Nubian tech and a furnace. He also gets 150% potency which is really good for his tanking ability. Almost nobody should resist the turn meter reduction when he takes damage at that point. Snowtrooper is boss. 18k/18k H/P, just with that he already has a stronghold in any fight and worth having. His AOE and DPS is, in my opinion, just as good as a maxed out Savage and very consistent. His Assault training should be the first thing everyone should omega and cements himself in a slot for an Empire build. Magmatrooper is a superior toon to have as well. 20k20k H/P, 2300+ physical, mutli-attack, tenacity, turn meter reduction... Just a solid, solid, solid character. His potency maxes out at 87% I believe which makes it so much easier to land the TM reduction. I don't have Tarkin last gear 8. I gave up because I had no faith left lol, but he will be the last person I max out. Veers on the other hand, I am working really hard on. He needs the same mats as Stormtrooper though so I'm dreading that. He's full of surprises and can't wait to actually use him in PVP. Vader is maxed and I will have him at 6* once the ewok assault drops :P I only need 10 more shards and that's my ticket in for him! Too excited. I Run a full Empire in PVP and I'm in OG server with meta characters that EVERYONE plays with, maxed out, blah blah blah... And I stay in top ten. I run Vader (L), Stormtrooper, RG, Magma, Snow. It's a great lineup in my opinion. There's a looooooot of health there and I believe that plays a big part in my rankings... I'm hard to kill. Lol. Sometimes I sub Stormtrooper for Phasma though.. Just depends on the situation. If u are fighting a Rex squad... No critical hits.. Or u will lose, fast. So for my server I stay with Stormtrooper lol. Anyways, sorry about this being so long. I'm just really about this thread lol, all for it. I wanna help and discuss :)
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    Blakkfoxx wrote: »
    So i skimmed through the thread before I got too antsie to speak lol. I like this thread a lot and idk how much u guys have gotten done but I can help with some info about some characters. I just got Stormtrooper today at gear 10. It's a bit disappointing, but doable. I was hoping he would get somewhere on the level of Stormtrooper Han, being able to reach gear 11 and having 16k/18k health/protection.. But sadly he maxes out at gear 10 with 14k/12k Health/Protection. His defense is wut sets him apart from Han though. Having 300+ Defense (with defense up) and health up from RG. His damage is freakish... Hitting as much as Rey or doing less than RG. He is just a pain to max out because he requires so many raid specific gear. For gear 10 he needs more Nubian tech and a furnace. He also gets 150% potency which is really good for his tanking ability. Almost nobody should resist the turn meter reduction when he takes damage at that point. Snowtrooper is boss. 18k/18k H/P, just with that he already has a stronghold in any fight and worth having. His AOE and DPS is, in my opinion, just as good as a maxed out Savage and very consistent. His Assault training should be the first thing everyone should omega and cements himself in a slot for an Empire build. Magmatrooper is a superior toon to have as well. 20k20k H/P, 2300+ physical, mutli-attack, tenacity, turn meter reduction... Just a solid, solid, solid character. His potency maxes out at 87% I believe which makes it so much easier to land the TM reduction. I don't have Tarkin last gear 8. I gave up because I had no faith left lol, but he will be the last person I max out. Veers on the other hand, I am working really hard on. He needs the same mats as Stormtrooper though so I'm dreading that. He's full of surprises and can't wait to actually use him in PVP. Vader is maxed and I will have him at 6* once the ewok assault drops :P I only need 10 more shards and that's my ticket in for him! Too excited. I Run a full Empire in PVP and I'm in OG server with meta characters that EVERYONE plays with, maxed out, blah blah blah... And I stay in top ten. I run Vader (L), Stormtrooper, RG, Magma, Snow. It's a great lineup in my opinion. There's a looooooot of health there and I believe that plays a big part in my rankings... I'm hard to kill. Lol. Sometimes I sub Stormtrooper for Phasma though.. Just depends on the situation. If u are fighting a Rex squad... No critical hits.. Or u will lose, fast. So for my server I stay with Stormtrooper lol. Anyways, sorry about this being so long. I'm just really about this thread lol, all for it. I wanna help and discuss :)

    I just maxed magma out, aside from 1 omega. 87% potency, and with unique ability, 88% tenacity. I have a video if you look through my history. Also have maxed Tarkin, and almost finished RG, Snow, and Storm.

    I switched my arena today just to get to top 10 and throw empire back in.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    (img)url(/img) except use [ ] instead of ( )

    Also paragraphs man! Still read it. Really top 10 with all empire?
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    Aero wrote: »
    (img)url(/img) except use [ ] instead of ( )

    Also paragraphs man! Still read it. Really top 10 with all empire?

    I get too into the convo and get carried away lol. My bad. I will from now on :smiley:
    Yea too ten, I do get dropped to the 20's sometimes because the empire isn't diverse, which leads to openings and flaws. I'll post Vader when I have him and I'll try Stormtrooper
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    Aero wrote: »

    The video broke :P
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    Hey folks, who do you think I should focus on out of these three characters ( I need to choose 2)????


    I have all three on 4 stars but want to prioritise on a team of 5 to go with my Vader, Snow and RG.

    So far I'm thinking magma and Tarkin as they're easiest to farm, but Tarkin is rubbish!
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    Darax_ren wrote: »
    Hey folks, who do you think I should focus on out of these three characters ( I need to choose 2)????


    I have all three on 4 stars but want to prioritise on a team of 5 to go with my Vader, Snow and RG.

    So far I'm thinking magma and Tarkin as they're easiest to farm, but Tarkin is rubbish!

    Tarkin is anything but rubbish - He's the backbone of Empire. And a maxed out Magmatrooper is very nice as well.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    I concur, Tarkin and Magma.
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    Takin and stormtrooper. You gotta go with the classics man!
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    Takin and stormtrooper. You gotta go with the classics man!

    His defense is insane. I'm looking forward to what he is capable of at Gear X
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    Takin and stormtrooper. You gotta go with the classics man!

    His defense is insane. I'm looking forward to what he is capable of at Gear X

    I found a gear 8 5 star before in galactic war, he was not impressive. I am still going to get him because of his taunt, insane defense, possibly high damage, and he looks cool
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    Takin and stormtrooper. You gotta go with the classics man!

    His defense is insane. I'm looking forward to what he is capable of at Gear X

    I found a gear 8 5 star before in galactic war, he was not impressive. I am still going to get him because of his taunt, insane defense, possibly high damage, and he looks cool

    Yesterday I had a 10k hit with him in DS 8a hard battles, with my Vader lead, and Veers borrowed by @Aero
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Takin and stormtrooper. You gotta go with the classics man!

    His defense is insane. I'm looking forward to what he is capable of at Gear X

    I found a gear 8 5 star before in galactic war, he was not impressive. I am still going to get him because of his taunt, insane defense, possibly high damage, and he looks cool

    Yesterday I had a 10k hit with him in DS 8a hard battles, with my Vader lead, and Veers borrowed by @Aero

    I hit 10k with Stormtrooper with my Veers lead and a borrowed Tarkin who doesn't give offense up. So only 26% added to make that 10k happen.

    Still need to omega his primary as well which is +30%, so technically he can hit over 10k without a Veers or Vader leader.
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    I stopped farming stormtrooper once I saw his gear requirements. I am impressed you guys kept at it. Today was the first time I dropped to rank 122, I was at rank 86 or so. I think my server is starting to get harder.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Lisker wrote: »
    I stopped farming stormtrooper once I saw his gear requirements. I am impressed you guys kept at it. Today was the first time I dropped to rank 122, I was at rank 86 or so. I think my server is starting to get harder.

    If you can stay in the top 200 it's not so bad. Still good rewards.
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    Darax_ren wrote: »
    Hey folks, who do you think I should focus on out of these three characters ( I need to choose 2)????


    I have all three on 4 stars but want to prioritise on a team of 5 to go with my Vader, Snow and RG.

    So far I'm thinking magma and Tarkin as they're easiest to farm, but Tarkin is rubbish!

    Tarkin and magma. Tarkin gets way good maxed out. I have Stormtrooper to 10. His defense is good but he's really not worth anything until he's maxed.. Which takes a long time. I crank out 10k - 12k crits while Vader leader and basic attack omega.
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    I totally agree on maxing Tarkin fast as possible. I am F2P and my guild is just now starting to finish raid 6 so I don't get raid gear that fast. If I can max Tarkin gear 10 then any1 can pretty fast!
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