The Galactic Empire Players Discussion


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    Lisker wrote: »
    I am F2P and my guild is just now starting to finish raid 6 so I don't get raid gear that fast.

    Well you're in luck!! Tarkin only needs a Droid caller and that's it. No other raid specific gear
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    yup, I already have Tarkin maxed, now all I need is couple raid gear for Veers g10
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    It is absolutely criminal how underpowered and undermaintained Empire is in this game.
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    Fully agree. It would be a dream come true for a rework General Veers. I envisioned Veers having a leadership or passive trait that has synergy with the various Troopers. We have snowtrooper, magmatrooper and stormtrooper and in the future maybe Scout trooper, sandtrooper or even Shadow/dark trooper. Someone more creative would probably have better ideas for it.
  • Batman44gaming
    1826 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Lisker wrote: »
    Fully agree. It would be a dream come true for a rework General Veers. I envisioned Veers having a leadership or passive trait that has synergy with the various Troopers. We have snowtrooper, magmatrooper and stormtrooper and in the future maybe Scout trooper, sandtrooper or even Shadow/dark trooper. Someone more creative would probably have better ideas for it.

    I'm on it
    Assault commander:when general veers is on the field all empire allies gain 10 speed and 50 percent more offense

    Leader:master tactician: empire allies gain 30 percent offense and a 45 percent chance to assist on aoe attacks. Empire allies also gain 15 percent more potency

    (His basic and aoe are good as-is)
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    Awesome idea, in @Batman44gaming we trust!
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member


    Notice the difference here?
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    Aero wrote: »


    Notice the difference here?

    I see the difference, but it should be kept this way. The empire has it bad enough as it is
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    Aero wrote: »


    Notice the difference here?

    Vader is heavily bugged.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Anyone close to 6 star Vader here? 17 away myself, but an easy 10 inbound Monday.
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    Aero wrote: »
    Anyone close to 6 star Vader here? 17 away myself, but an easy 10 inbound Monday.

    Nope, I just got 5 star today :P
  • Ronoaldo
    739 posts Member
    I'm 8 shards away :smile:

    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • Ronoaldo
    739 posts Member
    Did an arena try today with Vader(L), Tarkin, RG, Snowtrooper and Magmatrooper. Snow and Magma were too lowered in gear (both at 8), could barelly move. They are hard to gear too, so I need at least a droid caller on Sonw or two stun cuffs for Magma until I'll be able to let them there. Today is also a bad day, very active arena so I could easily drop bellow 200 :neutral:
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    I have a 6* Vader. He is 5/100 and I have omega him too.
  • Ronoaldo
    739 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Nebulous wrote: »
    I have a 6* Vader. He is 5/100 and I have omega him too.

    Does the 6th star make a difference? I mean, does it improves Vader stats so it gets even better?
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
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    I grab Vader 6 on the 4th
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    Ronoaldo wrote: »
    Nebulous wrote: »
    I have a 6* Vader. He is 5/100 and I have omega him too.

    Does the 6th star make a difference? I mean, does it improves Vader stats so it gets even better?

    Of course man. EVERY star counts. They raid the Multiplyer to the stats. U really won't notic a whole lot, because u are stuck with a 5* or wutever star rating for so long that the damage doesn't become noticeable. If u had a two star, then jumped him to a seven in an instant... U would see GREAT change. But yes, there is a difference. For everyone. It all matters man.
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    The other day I decided to go old school and farm snow trooper and stormtrooper. Has anyone got stormtrooper? I never seen him in arena or GW :/
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The other day I decided to go old school and farm snow trooper and stormtrooper. Has anyone got stormtrooper? I never seen him in arena or GW :/

  • Ronoaldo
    739 posts Member
    Blakkfoxx wrote: »
    Ronoaldo wrote: »
    Nebulous wrote: »
    I have a 6* Vader. He is 5/100 and I have omega him too.

    Does the 6th star make a difference? I mean, does it improves Vader stats so it gets even better?

    Of course man. EVERY star counts. They raid the Multiplyer to the stats. U really won't notic a whole lot, because u are stuck with a 5* or wutever star rating for so long that the damage doesn't become noticeable. If u had a two star, then jumped him to a seven in an instant... U would see GREAT change. But yes, there is a difference. For everyone. It all matters man.

    Thanks! Could you kindly share the stats like HP and Protecion? I am curious about how much increase there is when he jumps from 5 to 6. And you are right, every star counts!
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
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    Aero wrote: »
    Not as good as I was hoping. Maybe at gear 10

    @Aero , I maxed Snowtrooper. Sadly, he's pretty meh. Gonna be useful for the event, but other than that, nothing.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »
    Not as good as I was hoping. Maybe at gear 10

    @Aero , I maxed Snowtrooper. Sadly, he's pretty meh. Gonna be useful for the event, but other than that, nothing.

    Thanks. I'm still going to max him, but he'll be the last Empire unit I do. I just took RG to gear 9 today and I'm 30 salvage away from gear 10 Magmatrooper. Right now

    Gear 10: Tarkin, Veers
    Gear 9: Royal Guard, Magmatrooper, Stormtrooper, Vader
    Gear 8: Snowtrooper
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    Sweet, how much of a difference is gear 8 to gear 9 for RG @Aero ?
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    Ronoaldo wrote: »
    Nebulous wrote: »
    I have a 6* Vader. He is 5/100 and I have omega him too.

    Does the 6th star make a difference? I mean, does it improves Vader stats so it gets even better?

    Gear is much more important than star level. 6* is similar to 7*. 6* is arena ready, but only if the gear is there.

    The problem in arena, everyone will always attack the team whose members appear weaker. So anything less than 7* and you're asking to be attacked.

    Vader has a ton of hp and a ton of protection. His basic doesn't hit hard enough and he is a little too slow. His cool downs are too long which is extra punishing when facing dodge leaders.

    I feel Vader needs some help to be real competitive. He is a good toon, but not quite there yet.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Just coming here to say I'm excited for the assault on the Forest Moon tomorrow, but also still kinda upset we're sharing this with droids.
    Lisker wrote: »
    Sweet, how much of a difference is gear 8 to gear 9 for RG @Aero ?

    @Lisker haven't got a chance to use him in Arena yet. But obviously a big protection boost.
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    Lisker wrote: »
    Sweet, how much of a difference is gear 8 to gear 9 for RG @Aero ?

    The major boost comes when you fill out his scanner in g9 - then his stun becomes more reliable - other than that, g8 -> g9 is just a boost in protection and health.
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    Just got my G10 Vader to do 47k damage after applying 10 debuffs. Not my record, but still so much fun. Reminds me why I invested a DC to get him to G10.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    So the day's not over yet, but I can't help but feel this is a wasted opportunity not to release Scout Trooper.
  • Ronoaldo
    739 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »

    You're not alone!

    Watched your videos before I was able to attempt the event, helped a bit in strategy and I won tiear 1 in the first attempt. I'm recording mine as well; liked a lot of Snowtrooper in my team. His unique proced in the right time.

    I'm also progressing great with my empire build. I promoted Tarkin to Gear 10 after a long, long stun cuff farm. It is another character after that upgrade, since we put 30% more potency. Also, TM removal from Magma and Tarkin are reasonably good.

    I was able to finish 9 nodes in GW yesterday with that team alone, only sub'ed Magma with Stormtrooper at node ~7, then back with Magma for node 8 and 12. Won nodes 1-8, including a lvl 80 Qui-Gon-lead, Rey, Royal, Phasma and Luninara build with gear 9/10. And I passed by that node with some protection left. The nodes 9, 10, 11 were tought, with some Phasma-lead and dodge teams with G10 Rey, so I used some help from my own Rey to pass. The final node was a crazy easy one, and Empire stricked back to complete the war. It was such a great achievement.
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
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