The Galactic Empire Players Discussion


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    What happened to @1AmYourFath3r and @Aero ?

    They may hve quit the game.
    I don't blame them, since I have too unfortunately. Thought the attention mods and mod research required would be too difficult for me to balance with my current schedule. Missing my Empire team since I enjoyed the challenge of using underpowered teams vs meta. Who knows, might come back some day. Did the rest of you Empire players stay?
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    What happened to @1AmYourFath3r and @Aero ?

    They may hve quit the game.
    I don't blame them, since I have too unfortunately. Thought the attention mods and mod research required would be too difficult for me to balance with my current schedule. Missing my Empire team since I enjoyed the challenge of using underpowered teams vs meta. Who knows, might come back some day. Did the rest of you Empire players stay?

    I decided to weather the storm of mods. If they hadn't nerfed them I would have quit.

    I am now running Tarkin lead in arena with Vader, 88, QGJ, and RG. Vader has enough speed mods to outpace Rey in this team! And Tarkin now has the potency to use his kit! Offense down is amazing!
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    Sweet, I got a lucky potency mod with speed as primary stat. I gave it to Veers and with Tarkin L he has roughly 170+ speed. Really helps with first turn ability block on the team.
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    Love the Empire, but the mod will now make the rework on Empire never happening. We will have to use mods to fix the weakness while others will increase strength. This will still make Empire worst and harder to play.

    For the Empire!! 13 shards away from 6* Vader.
  • Ronoaldo
    739 posts Member
    Lisker wrote: »
    Sweet, I got a lucky potency mod with speed as primary stat. I gave it to Veers and with Tarkin L he has roughly 170+ speed. Really helps with first turn ability block on the team.

    That's great! I got some lucky ones as well. I'm willing to put more speed on them as well.
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Hey guys. Haven't been playing as well. I started to mod up my top 5 though. As far as sets go, my plan is:

    Tarkin: 2 potency sets, 1 health set
    Vader: 1 offense set, 1 potency set
    Veers: 1 offense set, 1 health set
    Magmatrooper: 1 offense set, 1 tenacity set
    Royal Guard: 2 health sets, 1 potency set

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    I think it's worth pointing out that you can actually use other sets but still get the same benefits. For example, you could use a potency set that has a primary stat of health, which then ultimately acts as a health boost but also gives a potency boost.
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    Ronoaldo wrote: »
    So I just got number one with Tarkin (L), Vader, Royal Guard, and a little help from Rey and B2.

    With mods I got extra potency for Tarkin and RG, as well as big speed for Vader. The tram rocked!

    I am loving the update!

    Congrats on #1 man, I hope you can stay there over night ( doubtful though) @Ronoaldo
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    Love the Empire, but the mod will now make the rework on Empire never happening. We will have to use mods to fix the weakness while others will increase strength. This will still make Empire worst and harder to play.

    For the Empire!! 13 shards away from 6* Vader.

    @Dark_Helmet_85 I think our only hope is when they release the Emperor or a P2P trooper to make them truly competitive. I made it into rank 80's today, but most likely back to 120's when tomorrow comes.
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    Lisker wrote: »
    Ronoaldo wrote: »
    So I just got number one with Tarkin (L), Vader, Royal Guard, and a little help from Rey and B2.

    With mods I got extra potency for Tarkin and RG, as well as big speed for Vader. The tram rocked!

    I am loving the update!

    Congrats on #1 man, I hope you can stay there over night ( doubtful though) @Ronoaldo


    Nope, specially on arena Synday! I'm 8th already. I guess nobody can stay with the current way AI defends your team, assuming the other players in your leaderboard are still active.
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    I just beat a gear 9/10 dodge meta team (Ben, Rey, QGJ, GS, RG). And I didn't lose anyone.

    My man gear Magmatrooper is getting +18 speed from mods, none of which are speed mods, and another 28 speed from Tarkin. Helping a lot with his already high potency (plus potency mods) to set the tone early with thermal imploder.
  • Llewella
    400 posts Member
    What team are you running @Aero ? Tarkin (l), veers, Vader, RG, MT?
    I have all of the above plus ST working on mods atm before I put them all in.

    Also has anyone tried all %defence mods on Stormtrooper? Was currious about how to maximize his mitigation. I'm sure there's a threshold where his health pool is better then defense but idk the math on it yet.
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    If you guys could answer my Vader poll that would be great. Trying to gauge peoples' progress on him. Link below.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Llewella wrote: »
    What team are you running @Aero ? Tarkin (l), veers, Vader, RG, MT?
    I have all of the above plus ST working on mods atm before I put them all in.

    Also has anyone tried all %defence mods on Stormtrooper? Was currious about how to maximize his mitigation. I'm sure there's a threshold where his health pool is better then defense but idk the math on it yet.

    That's my team, yes. Magmatrooper is faster than Gear 10 Rey unless she is also getting speed from mods.
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    4/5ths of my empire team is arena ready snow trooper needs gear and some shards. Stormtrooper only needs a few levels and maybe one more star
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    Does anyone have the Royal Guard at gear 9? I'm about to gear up, and I don't know what pieces of gear to salvage next.
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    Mine is gear 9 and need thermal detonator, security scanner, stun gun, and stun cuffs. I have medpac (bacta gel) and carbanti sensor array filled.
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    Lol @1AmYourFath3r in-game name
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    He Mos Definitely did...
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    Just checking @Aero , but did you base your name off of a comic book stormtrooper?
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    I've actually been doing pretty well in arena lately with my 4/5 Empire team. Not sure if I've just been scaring people off with my 6* Vader, or if people just aren't able to counter it. Here's my build atm:

    6* G10 Vader (L)
    7* G10 Tarkin
    7* G10 Snowtrooper
    7* G9 Royal Guard
    7* G10 Lando

    I'd discuss my mods more, but since they're a work-in-progress and nowhere near maxed-out yet, I'll just mention that I gave Vader a 5-star speed-arrow mod, along with some one-star speed mods (from which he gets very little speed bonus), and this has made all the difference. The additional speed he has plus the additional damage from his 6th star actually makes him reasonable, whereas before he was simply way too slow to be truly competitive. I've also given Tarkin some potency mods which seem to have helped, but it's a shame that it takes mods in order to get there.

    Lando is less than 10 cuffs away from G11, and Royal Guard just needs a scanner to hit G10. Lately, I've hardly been dropping much in arena at all, and over time I've gradually risen about 50 spots in arena the last few days, topping at 50 today. I'm encouraged by the fact that I still have a lot of room for improvement in my build, but it's probably still too early for me to be able to tell whether or not this is a lasting thing.

    Unfortunately, I've drunk the Kool-Aid and started to farm jawas for the upcoming raid, therefore it's going to be a while before I can actually start seriously farming more mods, and the credit-crunch is real for sure, so leveling them will be slow too. Hopefully there will be plenty of time before the next raid comes out and I can get my jawas leveled-up enough to use them in the raid starting on Day 1, otherwise I may be wasting my time. Either way though, in the meantime I figure I have enough low-tier mods to level-up as necessary, though most of my credits will go towards the jawas.

    I've been thinking about moving Tarkin into the lead spot now that Vader has his increased speed, but I'm not sure if it's worth the overall damage reduction from not receiving Vader's leader buff. Overall though, I'm pretty happy with my 4/5 Empire build and I'm enjoying the fact that my build is drastically different from almost all of the other builds at my arena-ranking, and yet I'm still able to compete viably.

    Any suggestions anyone has would be welcomed. I'd like to get some accuracy mods for my AoE characters (i.e. everyone except RG) so that they don't miss as much with their attacks, and can compete more with the dodge meta. Otherwise, I'm not really sure where to go from here with my build.
  • Batman44gaming
    1826 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I think you guys will enjoy this song
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    @Grraauuggh where are u placing in arena with that team
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    Is anyone running an Empire team that is placing top 10 for arena
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    Lol @1AmYourFath3r in-game name

    Yes, This game is that frustrating that I actually spent crystals just to change my name. I think I've played a total of two hours in the last two weeks. It's a shame considering what I've spent
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    Grraauuggh wrote: »
    I've actually been doing pretty well in arena lately with my 4/5 Empire team. Not sure if I've just been scaring people off with my 6* Vader, or if people just aren't able to counter it. Here's my build atm:

    6* G10 Vader (L)
    7* G10 Tarkin
    7* G10 Snowtrooper
    7* G9 Royal Guard
    7* G10 Lando

    I'd discuss my mods more, but since they're a work-in-progress and nowhere near maxed-out yet, I'll just mention that I gave Vader a 5-star speed-arrow mod, along with some one-star speed mods (from which he gets very little speed bonus), and this has made all the difference. The additional speed he has plus the additional damage from his 6th star actually makes him reasonable, whereas before he was simply way too slow to be truly competitive. I've also given Tarkin some potency mods which seem to have helped, but it's a shame that it takes mods in order to get there.

    Lando is less than 10 cuffs away from G11, and Royal Guard just needs a scanner to hit G10. Lately, I've hardly been dropping much in arena at all, and over time I've gradually risen about 50 spots in arena the last few days, topping at 50 today. I'm encouraged by the fact that I still have a lot of room for improvement in my build, but it's probably still too early for me to be able to tell whether or not this is a lasting thing.

    Unfortunately, I've drunk the Kool-Aid and started to farm jawas for the upcoming raid, therefore it's going to be a while before I can actually start seriously farming more mods, and the credit-crunch is real for sure, so leveling them will be slow too. Hopefully there will be plenty of time before the next raid comes out and I can get my jawas leveled-up enough to use them in the raid starting on Day 1, otherwise I may be wasting my time. Either way though, in the meantime I figure I have enough low-tier mods to level-up as necessary, though most of my credits will go towards the jawas.

    I've been thinking about moving Tarkin into the lead spot now that Vader has his increased speed, but I'm not sure if it's worth the overall damage reduction from not receiving Vader's leader buff. Overall though, I'm pretty happy with my 4/5 Empire build and I'm enjoying the fact that my build is drastically different from almost all of the other builds at my arena-ranking, and yet I'm still able to compete viably.

    Any suggestions anyone has would be welcomed. I'd like to get some accuracy mods for my AoE characters (i.e. everyone except RG) so that they don't miss as much with their attacks, and can compete more with the dodge meta. Otherwise, I'm not really sure where to go from here with my build.

    I am currently running Tarkin lead with Vader, RG, QGJ, and IG-88. Even though he isn't Empire, I would switch out Snowtrooper for 88 if I were you. Not only is he a better toon, but his AOE damage and DOT synergy with Vader would fit him into the team very well. Especially given Lando as your 5th.
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    I will not let this thread die!
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    @Aero what's going on?
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    Hey guys, hope the mods update was not an issue and that you guys still enjoy the team building around the Empire faction.

    I have some free ally spots, please PM me if you want to try out some characters. I have maxed Vader (at 6*), maxed Tarkin and almost maxed Royal Guard.
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
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    @TrevorTheWookie @Thor_Odinson1
    I've been placing in the 100-50 ranking area. Unfortunately, because I haven't been farming or upgrading mods for a while since I'm currently farming and leveling anti-droid characters, this means that I'm not all that competitive since I don't have mods that are as good as many others.

    I agree that IG-88 is a good choice, but unfortunately he's just not that high on my list of characters to farm. Maybe it's just his low health, or the fact that he's a droid, but I feel like I do pretty good with Snowtrooper, at least for now.
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