The Galactic Empire Players Discussion


  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    @Ronoaldo My ally code is 949-311-239 add me whenever.
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    Lisker wrote: »
    @Ronoaldo My ally code is 949-311-239 add me whenever.
    Lisker wrote: »
    @Ronoaldo My ally code is 949-311-239 add me whenever.

    Invite sent!
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • MrImperial
    67 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Lisker wrote: »
    MrImperial wrote: »
    K here's my squad:

    Nice Squad @MrImperial My current squad is:
    I really want to make a Hoth line up with Vader L, Veers, Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper, and RG. Since my Vader has 160 speed and Veers has 151 ( when not using Tarkin L) I think it would be pretty fast minus enemy rey's that has monsterous 200 + speeds. I just don't think Snowtrooper would be good enough to be honest.

    Nice one! Snowtrooper can really lack damage with his special unless Vader is leader. Like I've said they need a good buff soon.

    Post edited by MrImperial on
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    Ronoaldo wrote: »
    Lisker wrote: »
    MrImperial wrote: »
    K here's my squad:

    Nice Squad @MrImperial My current squad is:
    I really want to make a Hoth line up with Vader L, Veers, Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper, and RG. Since my Vader has 160 speed and Veers has 151 ( when not using Tarkin L) I think it would be pretty fast minus enemy rey's that has monsterous 200 + speeds. I just don't think Snowtrooper would be good enough to be honest.

    I added speed to Vader as well. It makes him such a strong one. I'm running Tarkin lead as well, and sometimes he goes before oposing Rey when she does not has outrageous speed.

    @MrImperial you may want to add yourself to the website collection sync tool!

    Also, if any of you guys want to add me as Ally, that would be great :)

    What's your code?
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Sorry for not keeping up with the thread, but glad to see new faces!

    So right now, all Empire characters are 7 star except Vader is 6 and all are gear 10 except Snowtrooper is 8. My team is

    Tarkin (L)
    Royal Guard

    Now before I had it so Magmatrooper fastest that way he can remove Foresight from Rey while attacking someone else (Rey with 200+ speed is sadly a thing so I need to counter this). Then Tarkin would go in and apply offense down to everyone.

    HOWEVER, I just swapped Tarkin from all potency mods to an offense set and a potency set and now he is my fastest which is very frustrating since his offense down gets dodged by Rey foresight. Have to work this one out.

    I really, really, really want to get Stormtrooper in the mix somehow. Anyone have any success modding him?
  • MrImperial
    67 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Aero wrote: »
    Sorry for not keeping up with the thread, but glad to see new faces!

    So right now, all Empire characters are 7 star except Vader is 6 and all are gear 10 except Snowtrooper is 8. My team is

    Tarkin (L)
    Royal Guard

    Now before I had it so Magmatrooper fastest that way he can remove Foresight from Rey while attacking someone else (Rey with 200+ speed is sadly a thing so I need to counter this). Then Tarkin would go in and apply offense down to everyone.

    HOWEVER, I just swapped Tarkin from all potency mods to an offense set and a potency set and now he is my fastest which is very frustrating since his offense down gets dodged by Rey foresight. Have to work this one out.

    I really, really, really want to get Stormtrooper in the mix somehow. Anyone have any success modding him?
    Well.this is what they were talking about lol nice progress! I gave stormtrooper extra speed and I'm trying to get more speed made him a bit faster and snowtroopers unique ability helps with speed as well.
    Post edited by MrImperial on
  • MrImperial
    67 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    whens the next patch?
    Post edited by MrImperial on
  • MrImperial
    67 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Ok,so I just beat a much more powerful gear 9 a strategy I think.tarkin is leader,debuff all enemies,then Vaders AOE,then snowtroopers,and when she gets foresight use magmatroopers special,taking turn meter away from everyone else but her. Then use basics on her,then culling blade.dead.
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    Ok guys, I really need advice on Stormtrooper. I have him at gear 8 currently and got a 22% protection primary and 20% protection primary, should I keep them on him and continue to gear him for my lineup of Vader L, Veers, RG, Stormtrooper, Magma?
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    Lisker wrote: »
    Ok guys, I really need advice on Stormtrooper. I have him at gear 8 currently and got a 22% protection primary and 20% protection primary, should I keep them on him and continue to gear him for my lineup of Vader L, Veers, RG, Stormtrooper, Magma?
    What are your other realistic choices?
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    Lisker wrote: »
    Ok guys, I really need advice on Stormtrooper. I have him at gear 8 currently and got a 22% protection primary and 20% protection primary, should I keep them on him and continue to gear him for my lineup of Vader L, Veers, RG, Stormtrooper, Magma?

    Keep them there unless/until you need them elsewhere.
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    So, how are you folks modding Vader? I'm thinking potency is important, but after that?
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    So, how are you folks modding Vader? I'm thinking potency is important, but after that?

    I have one set each of crit chance, potency, and health. The most important thing is that they all give him about +30 speed (I have some good secondary speed stats). If I could get a better arrow mod with more speed I would do that.

    Offense would be one to consider.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    So, how are you folks modding Vader? I'm thinking potency is important, but after that?

    Crit chance and crit damage. Need to make sure the culling blade is an instant kill no matter who you are.
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    Aero wrote: »
    So, how are you folks modding Vader? I'm thinking potency is important, but after that?

    Crit chance and crit damage. Need to make sure the culling blade is an instant kill no matter who you are.

    I used all health mods, but I put a speed arrow(Only one I got) and any other mod that had speed. My Vader is fast, and he is a wrecking ball. I can use Force Crush/Culling Blade 3 times in an arena match somtimes. It's an auto win.

    Now I can't culling blade anyone on Node 12 of GW. It barely takes protection at best. Those modded aholes have too much health. But there rey can kill my vader in 2-3 turns, while my entire team can't kill 1 toon in 3 turns.
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    Great thread! I thought I was the only one who loves the Empire.

    I don't follow the meta: I play the way I Love and Love the way I play. I almost have my Empire team completed. I have Vader at the lead, and every trooper as his companion. Unfortunately, I have to use Royal Guard as they don't have another trooper available yet. As soon as they do, I'll drop RG and get my Vader to lead a fully elite Trooper force!!!

    Vader, personally, I max out with potency mods. I want his ability block to ALWAYS go off, and it doesn't hurt for that force crush to apply each and every effect either.

    Storm trooper is one of my favorite characters. If his random damage is high and he gets a critical hit....omg...he can strip a toon of it's protection and half of it's health in one shot!!! Love it.

    Snow trooper passive ability for all other team members is essential: and he is a great damage dealer too. Much more consistent than the storm trooper, but will never hit as low or as high due to not being affected with the 'imperial accuracy' that the storm trooper has.

    Magma is just a beast. The turn meter reduction with the Implosion grenade is so **** good. it doesn't get much better than that when most other toons out there can 'out run' your vader or other members.

    RG is good too. When I first started playing in Jan, I farmed him first. Nobody liked him, and I was the only one that had him. Then, months later, the patch came for him, and I went up to the top 100 almost instantly because I already had him at max stars and almost max gear lol. Now, everyone uses him. Again, for me, he's a great toon, but just a place holder for another trooper. I don't really want to use my Veers or Tarkin, as they don't fit with my 'thematic' approach.

    Is is it competitive with the meta? Lol, no. But I don't care. I find it less fun to continually face the same teams with the same evasion leaders and the same damage dealers blah blah blah. I hope that when people see my team, they say 'oh cool! A full on Empire team!'. Obviously, they probably think 'oh cool! An easy win!'. But that's ok too. In my server, I want my game name to coincide with the vader-trooper team.

    Right now I'm hovering at the 100 level mark. And i"m fine with that. I don't expect to be #1, but I do love my Empire!!!!

    For the Emperor!
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    Right now I'm hovering at the 100 level mark. And i"m fine with that. I don't expect to be #1, but I do love my Empire!!!!

    For the Emperor!

    That's great to hear! I enjoy just playing the synergies without needing to be #1.
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    Right now I'm hovering at the 100 level mark. And i"m fine with that. I don't expect to be #1, but I do love my Empire!!!!

    For the Emperor!

    That's great to hear! I enjoy just playing the synergies without needing to be #1.

    Lol I'm just sitting at 450 with my A-team on a November server :D
  • Snowtrooper
    66 posts Member
    edited August 2016

    Lol I'm just sitting at 450 with my A-team on a November server :D
    With an Empire team, the worse the arena rank, the more dedicated you are ;)
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    Lol I'm just sitting at 450 with my A-team on a November server :D
    With an Empire team, the worse the arena rank, the more dedicated you are ;)

    That's not my empire team :P, but I could probably make it further if I tried.
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    Lisker wrote: »
    Ok guys, I really need advice on Stormtrooper. I have him at gear 8 currently and got a 22% protection primary and 20% protection primary, should I keep them on him and continue to gear him for my lineup of Vader L, Veers, RG, Stormtrooper, Magma?
    What are your other realistic choices?

    @Snowtrooper I figured all mods that help him survive longer would be best, so I'll keep the high protection hp ones.
    @Turn_Damage I love the snowtrooper as a character, just hate his in game abilities. They seem so weak for arena and more suited for GW or pve in general.
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    Aero wrote: »

    Loved to watch this battle! Thanks for sharing!
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Ronoaldo wrote: »
    Aero wrote: »

    Loved to watch this battle! Thanks for sharing!

    Their meta is no match compared to our fully armed and operational Empire.
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    Aero wrote: »
    Ronoaldo wrote: »
    Aero wrote: »

    Loved to watch this battle! Thanks for sharing!

    Their meta is no force compared to our fully aimed and operational Empire.

    You beat me to it
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    Hey...guys. I...I think we just became meta! With the defense buff across the board, empire teams have almost the highest defense in the game(except Tarkin). Stormtrooper may be able to survive the 3 turn taunt. We might be able to force draws!
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    That is interesting. I was discussing with some friends a few days ago, and they usually laught at me about defense beign useless. So, with a buff in defense in general then we can make some interesting things. Think about mods with defense stats/sets. I have some defense sets that could be quite interesting, besides some high % defense on primary stats. This could bring in some interesting things.

    Also, I was able to win a lot of GW nodes (6+) with the Empire team today, I'll try to record some matches but I was surprised to be able to complete these nodes. The fixed Snowtrooper unique makes a difference if combined with Magma and Tarkin TM reduction. If my troopers were in better shape, I would swap them for B2 and Rey.
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    What defense buff?
  • Lisker
    69 posts Member
    Hey...guys. I...I think we just became meta! With the defense buff across the board, empire teams have almost the highest defense in the game(except Tarkin). Stormtrooper may be able to survive the 3 turn taunt. We might be able to force draws!

    @Batman44gaming test out stormtrooper for us. I just gave my best hp protection mods to phasma, and if defense mod set works out with stormtrooper, then Ill try him in place of phasma
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