The Galactic Empire Players Discussion


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    I'm loving palpatine. They got him just right in my books. Thanks Aero for inspiring me to get up to scratch with my Empire characters!
  • Nukin
    415 posts Member
    Just turned 80. What's the order to omega empire team? I'm gonna use emperor Tarkin Vader Royal guard and snowtrooper. Any suggestions?
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    Hey guys, really glad you're enjoying The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

    I was lurking in this thread the entire time we were working on him. Big thanks to @Aero for fostering such great discussion!

    Thanks for the Emperor :) And thanks for following our discussion. @Aero indeed made an awesome job. Hope he can get Palp to 7* and share some more videos with us up to rank #1 in arena. Still working my way into the 7th star... I'm happy with the event overall!

    Loved the character animations and sounds. Very, very cool! And the Emperor makes Vader even more powerfull, so by having him I'll just make use of the hard worked 6* Vader!
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    NukinFTW wrote: »
    Just turned 80. What's the order to omega empire team? I'm gonna use emperor Tarkin Vader Royal guard and snowtrooper. Any suggestions?

    I can't comment on Emperor Omegas, but my order would be

    1. Tarkin primary, need more damage
    2. Vader force crush to add speed down
    3. Vader culling blade
    4. Tarkin intimidation tactics
    5. Vader primary
    6. Snowtrooper unique
    7. Snowtrooper primary
    8. Tarkin special
    9. Snowtrooper special
    10. Royal Guard I guess, his aren't so important.
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    Hey guys, really glad you're enjoying The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

    I was lurking in this thread the entire time we were working on him. Big thanks to @Aero for fostering such great discussion!

    Thank you for your work. The emperor is everything we dreamed he could be. Well done.

    I love my empire Chars, and I have been running Tarkin and Vader in the arena for months.
    Like Aero said, Snowtrooper is good.

    Seriously though, Stormtrooper is a steaming pile. Can't Tank, Can't raid, Can't dance, just dies. He needs a look see.
  • Options
    Hey guys, really glad you're enjoying The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

    I was lurking in this thread the entire time we were working on him. Big thanks to @Aero for fostering such great discussion!

    I know right! Read through the whole thread over a month ago (?) and decided to reroll and run Empire as my main team! Mostly because of Aero and the videos he linked us, but can't forget @Batman44gaming too ;)
    On a serious note, I don't regret my decision so thank you all for inspiring me.

    +1! We should not forget @Batman44gaming , specially because he is Batman!
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
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    Seriously though, Stormtrooper is a steaming pile. Can't Tank, Can't raid, Can't dance, just dies. He needs a look see.

    +1 and a lol!
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    Seriously though, Stormtrooper is a steaming pile. Can't Tank, Can't raid, Can't dance, just dies. He needs a look see. [/quote]

    Haha yes. The only thing he's good for is using his taunt right before Rancor does his devour attack so he's the one that gets eaten first.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    7 of the 8 Empire characters range from amazing to serviceable. And then there is Stormtrooper.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    Seriously though, Stormtrooper is a steaming pile. Can't Tank, Can't raid, Can't dance, just dies. He needs a look see.

    Haha yes. The only thing he's good for is using his taunt right before Rancor does his devour attack so he's the one that gets eaten first.

    I admit that is all I use him for lol.

    Well sometimes I throw him in GW when I'm trying to pride myself in only using Empire to finish and someone else dies.
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    I have him at 6* G8 and Omegaed, and i'm really enjoying him, he's really fun to play in a full Empire team :)
  • Durrun
    1019 posts Member
    Don't consider this blasphemy buy what about Dooku under emporer lead? Healing on counter attacks and whatsuch
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    Yeah, as we get the emperor and start using him, there is certainly a possibility that Dooku, Sid, and Savage Opress all have some viability. I think the Empire synergy is too good with some of the toons to remove them.

    With Emperor, Vader is a must. So you have 3 spots left. I personally love Tarkin so I won't boot him, he's good without any empire teammates. So that leaves 2. I think RG is a must to protect Emperor, plus his buff is good.

    So that leaves the question, do we remove a Veers/Snowtrooper/Stormtrooper for a Dooku/Sid/SO?

    I don't think the emperor makes Sid worth using, but a high level dooku is an absolute thorn in the side, plus he deals with Anakin all by his lonesome with stun and ability block landing one or the other frequently.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    I honestly think the most common Emperor team will be

    Emperor (L)
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    Aero wrote: »
    I honestly think the most common Emperor team will be

    Emperor (L)

    It would be very interesting if they added the 'shocked' debuff to dooku, since it's kind of the same thing.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    For those who have at least 6 star Palpatine

    I should be able to get tier 6 done before ye event closes, but I really struggled to beat tier 5. Should I focus on trying to equally level and gear everyone or focus on someone in particular?
  • Llewella
    400 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Has any one tried Stormtrooper with defense mods primary / health pool secondary on all empire team?

    Also MT ripping turn metter with new potency improvement may still be posibility for 5th spot
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Llewella wrote: »
    Has any one tried Stormtrooper with defense mods primary / health pool secondary on all empire team?

    Also MT ripping turn metter with new potency improvement may still be posibility for 5th spot

    Yes, and Stormtrooper is still garbage.

    Magmatrooper would proc turn meter removal at gear 10 every time even before the mod update.
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Yes I've also tried Stormtrooper with 6 5* defense mods and 5* health mods... Running a full Empire squad. There's no way to keep him alive without subbing out an Empire toon for a healer.

    So much wasted gear on that guy. He is a tackling dummy and that's it.

    Magmatrooper is great against anyone with foresight. Both of his attacks will remove it consistently.
  • Options
    Aero wrote: »
    For those who have at least 6 star Palpatine

    I should be able to get tier 6 done before ye event closes, but I really struggled to beat tier 5. Should I focus on trying to equally level and gear everyone or focus on someone in particular?

    I did T6 with Ackbar(L) 7* G8, STHan 6* G9, Lando 7* G10, Leia 6* g8 and biggs 6* g1(i didn't levelled him in order to save resources) and after several tries i did it. In my opinion Lando AOE is the key so if i should recommend to gear some one up it would be him.
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    I did tier 7 with maxed STH and Leia.
    Rest where lvl 70 gear 8 (akabar, lando, Biggs)
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member

    I did t6 challenge today with a less than optimal group:

    ST Han 7* g11 lvl 80
    AA (L) 7* g8 lvl 80
    Leia 6* g10 lvl 80
    Biggs 6* g7 lvl 61
    Luke 6* g8 lvl 64

    I will have Leia, Biggs and Luke complete before the event ends. But as you can see, I am top heavy and didn't put much resources into Biggs/Luke.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Thing is I can't possibly have Ackbar for tenacity and definitely won't have anyone at gear 10 or 11
  • Durrun
    1019 posts Member
    @Aero who do you have available? And in my experience with the specific hero things I find it best to have 1 "hero" toon. As high gear as you can get them to power through. You want everyone to be able to survive a few hits but the damage dealer should be higher so they do more damage t make up for the lesser toons damage. So when in doubt focus on your leia
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Durrun wrote: »
    @Aero who do you have available? And in my experience with the specific hero things I find it best to have 1 "hero" toon. As high gear as you can get them to power through. You want everyone to be able to survive a few hits but the damage dealer should be higher so they do more damage t make up for the lesser toons damage. So when in doubt focus on your leia

    My rebel collection is at that link. I'll try to get Leia up to shape
  • Durrun
    1019 posts Member
    Leia is a lot better overall and the best Rebel, lando shouldn't be forgotten though. If you can get some cheap crit damage mods for max lvl set bonus and maybe the triangle Amy other set bonus with the 36% crit damage he can help clear out the RGs with his aoe. Forget Luke, maybe toss on potency so he has a chance to stun. Biggs is mostly for the assist. Really leia just needs some good offence or crit damage mods to power through palpatine.
  • Nukin
    415 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »
    NukinFTW wrote: »
    Just turned 80. What's the order to omega empire team? I'm gonna use emperor Tarkin Vader Royal guard and snowtrooper. Any suggestions?

    I can't comment on Emperor Omegas, but my order would be

    1. Tarkin primary, need more damage
    2. Vader force crush to add speed down
    3. Vader culling blade
    4. Tarkin intimidation tactics
    5. Vader primary
    6. Snowtrooper unique
    7. Snowtrooper primary
    8. Tarkin special
    9. Snowtrooper special
    10. Royal Guard I guess, his aren't so important.

    Thanks for this. Will use now for the future.
  • Options
    Aero wrote: »
    For those who have at least 6 star Palpatine

    I should be able to get tier 6 done before ye event closes, but I really struggled to beat tier 5. Should I focus on trying to equally level and gear everyone or focus on someone in particular?

    Lando was my key to beating 7*. Lando (Lv 80, G10, omega special), STH (LV 80, G9), Leia (G9, Lv 80), Ackbar (Lv 72, G8), and everyone's favorite: Lobot (Lv 70, G9).

    Awfully nice to have two cleaners, as Vader and the Emperor dish out the debuffs.

    The Lando Double Down with Ackbar Tactical Genius makes for ridiculous damage of 10k+ per hit. Mods are important as all rebels are squishy.

    I have Emperor at Lv 63, G8 right now, so he's on his way... for an empire only team (anticipating an event at some point, who's my 5th?

    Emperor (L), RG, Vader, Snowtrooper (only 5*, still plugging away), and...?
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    NukinFTW wrote: »
    Here's my progress:

    Very impressed to see someone else finish the Veers grind!
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