The Galactic Empire Players Discussion


  • Nukin
    415 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »
    NukinFTW wrote: »
    Here's my progress:

    Very impressed to see someone else finish the Veers grind!

    It wasn't easy but I've ran this team since level 1. I thought I was alone out there..nice to see some fellow empire players. Excited to try out emperor in near future!
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    Aero wrote: »
    Hello @BrtStlnd

    My advice for you is farm up Snowtrooper (perhaps using guild shipments) while you farm away rebels. As much as I love Veers, he has been replaced these days in my opinion. Snowtrooper is very strong once maxed though.

    I have videos inbound showing even a weak Emperor bring very effective, so get to work on those rebel scum for sure!

    @Aero Sad to see you are not using Veers anymore, I quess I'll be the only one left with maxed out veers
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Lisker wrote: »
    Aero wrote: »
    Hello @BrtStlnd

    My advice for you is farm up Snowtrooper (perhaps using guild shipments) while you farm away rebels. As much as I love Veers, he has been replaced these days in my opinion. Snowtrooper is very strong once maxed though.

    I have videos inbound showing even a weak Emperor bring very effective, so get to work on those rebel scum for sure!

    @Aero Sad to see you are not using Veers anymore, I quess I'll be the only one left with maxed out veers

    @Lisker this is still experimenting. Tomorrow I'll try Veers. Veers took the longest, so he's sort of my favorite. I think he'll do good with Palpatine since he also has an AOE debuff.

    What I like about Snowtrooper besides his slightly higher damage output is that since his ability block is on his primary I can save his AOE for when there is a taunt.
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    Aero wrote: »
    Lisker wrote: »
    Aero wrote: »
    Hello @BrtStlnd

    My advice for you is farm up Snowtrooper (perhaps using guild shipments) while you farm away rebels. As much as I love Veers, he has been replaced these days in my opinion. Snowtrooper is very strong once maxed though.

    I have videos inbound showing even a weak Emperor bring very effective, so get to work on those rebel scum for sure!

    @Aero Sad to see you are not using Veers anymore, I quess I'll be the only one left with maxed out veers

    @Lisker this is still experimenting. Tomorrow I'll try Veers. Veers took the longest, so he's sort of my favorite. I think he'll do good with Palpatine since he also has an AOE debuff.

    What I like about Snowtrooper besides his slightly higher damage output is that since his ability block is on his primary I can save his AOE for when there is a taunt.

    @Aero I hear ya, I believe the Core 4 will be Emperor, Vader, RG, Tarkin and the 5th spot is up for grabs, Magma, Veers, Snow all worthwhile now.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Lisker wrote: »
    Aero wrote: »
    Lisker wrote: »
    Aero wrote: »
    Hello @BrtStlnd

    My advice for you is farm up Snowtrooper (perhaps using guild shipments) while you farm away rebels. As much as I love Veers, he has been replaced these days in my opinion. Snowtrooper is very strong once maxed though.

    I have videos inbound showing even a weak Emperor bring very effective, so get to work on those rebel scum for sure!

    @Aero Sad to see you are not using Veers anymore, I quess I'll be the only one left with maxed out veers

    @Lisker this is still experimenting. Tomorrow I'll try Veers. Veers took the longest, so he's sort of my favorite. I think he'll do good with Palpatine since he also has an AOE debuff.

    What I like about Snowtrooper besides his slightly higher damage output is that since his ability block is on his primary I can save his AOE for when there is a taunt.

    @Aero I hear ya, I believe the Core 4 will be Emperor, Vader, RG, Tarkin and the 5th spot is up for grabs, Magma, Veers, Snow all worthwhile now.

    Yet no Stormtrooper. Poor guy.
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    Trivia question (no answers from EBB members): What is Aero's in-game name?
    Follow-up: when did he change it?

    I don't think that info was in his post, but it's 26 pages long by now and I'm not going to check.
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    So many notifications! I'm loving it.
    Also @IDobaFett I think it's Seventy_X_Seven.
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    Nope @snowtrooper . I've seen that name before though, not sure who that is.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    So many notifications! I'm loving it.
    Also @IDobaFett I think it's Seventy_X_Seven.

    That's my Steam and PSN name and the name I use on my, but it's not my in game name.

    Hint: There are many links in this thread that reveal my in game name if you don't have me as an ally in game.
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    I can't help but feel like Magmatrooper hasn't been brough up a lot as a possible option now that Emporer is around I think the potency boost from Palp lead could make him rly effect becaus that's what magma seemed to lack to make him useful. Has anyone tried him under Palp if so what were the results. Also what about Maul I know he's hella slow and squishy but maybe with the right mods under palp lead he is viable. I have a maxed out maul sitting In the closet because he is useless. Unfortunately I don't think this will make much of a difference he needs rework.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    I can't help but feel like Magmatrooper hasn't been brough up a lot as a possible option now that Emporer is around I think the potency boost from Palp lead could make him rly effect becaus that's what magma seemed to lack to make him useful. Has anyone tried him under Palp if so what were the results. Also what about Maul I know he's hella slow and squishy but maybe with the right mods under palp lead he is viable. I have a maxed out maul sitting In the closet because he is useless. Unfortunately I don't think this will make much of a difference he needs rework.

    The deal with Magmatrooper that a lot of people don't know is that he actually has really good potency once maxed even before mods. Some of us here have been using Magmatrooper for a long time with his thermal imploder proc'ing every time.

    So the reason he doesn't get much discussion with Palpatine is that we already know what he can do with potency, it's not a particularly new thing. But now with less speed due to no Tarkin lead, I wonder if he will go fast enough to have the enemy turn meters mostly filled on his turn. Additionally, because he is the only Empire character that applies no debuff he gets no benefit from the Emperor there.

    I'll still try him in my squad as I search for the optimal set up. He is really tanky, so 32% more health would be great.
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    I can't help but feel like Magmatrooper hasn't been brough up a lot as a possible option now that Emporer is around I think the potency boost from Palp lead could make him rly effect becaus that's what magma seemed to lack to make him rly useful. Has anyone tried him under Palp if so what were the results. Also what about Maul I know he's hela slow but maybe with the right mods and health/heal boost from palp he would be viable. I have a maxed Maul sitting in the closet waiting for the day he can come out to play. Maybe this is it but I dout it.
  • Durrun
    1019 posts Member
    Where do you even put him though. I feel like he's a slot wasted for just TM reduc. He does hardly any damage. 4th lowest basic in game ya it hits 2 often but for -35% of almost nothing to begin with
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Durrun wrote: »
    Where do you even put him though. I feel like he's a slot wasted for just TM reduc. He does hardly any damage. 4th lowest basic in game ya it hits 2 often but for -35% of almost nothing to begin with

    His turn meter removal works great on a Tarkin lead team, but with Palpatine?

    Vader uses his AOE debuff and gets 100% turn meter.
    Tarkin uses his AOE debuff and gets 100% turn meter.
    Veers uses his AOE debuff and gets 100% turn meter.

    So unless you are going to remove Royal Guard, Magmatrooper just isn't needed. Of course I'll still need to test this all.
  • TrevorTheWookie
    207 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Got ya. Won't wast time on magma thanx. I'm still far off from Emp team being rdy but now that Palp is here I need them lol. Seem like I should go for Snowtrooper as fifth I have him rdy to 7* he is just lvl one G1 FML
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Got ya. Won't wast time on magma thanx. I'm still far off from Emp team being rdy but now that Palp is here I need them lol. Seem like I should go for Snowtrooper as fifth I have him rdy to 7* he is just lvl one G1 FML

    If you have the patience for Veers he may ultimately prove better, but Snowtrooper isn't bad.
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    Accidently posted same thing twice sry guys. But thanx @Aero might have to try the veers thing out I can just get Snowtrooper up and running ten times quicker right now so I will probly go that = no patience. Clones
    Took all my patience away lol.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    You know what guys, I'm trying to think back to when we were discussing the Emperor, considering we had some influence here. Things we discussed that made it in:

    AOE stun
    2 turn stun
    Potency leader ability
    Offense up to the team

    So good work guys! And of course good work to CG, I don't think any of us were expecting Emperor to turn out this well.
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    Aero wrote: »
    You know what guys, I'm trying to think back to when we were discussing the Emperor, considering we had some influence here. Things we discussed that made it in:

    AOE stun
    2 turn stun
    Potency leader ability
    Offense up to the team

    So good work guys! And of course good work to CG, I don't think any of us were expecting Emperor to turn out this well.

    Definitely. Emperor Palpatine has been a ton of fun so far. @CG_Conduit23 Awesome job again. Really enjoying the hero so far. Cant wait to see what gets released next!
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    Hey everyone, haven't touched empire yet. I've got palp at 6* and will have him 7 by event's end. My vader is at 5, will be a long time before he gets to 6. I have a maxed royal guard. Would it be worth working on an empire team with vader only at 5?
    Also, what mods are people using? I hear about the empire's firepower, but that they're still hellaslow.
    I'll finish leia this weekend to unlock palp, after that I can work on tarkin.
    You guys had a riot? On account o' me? My very own riot?
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    I generally do an offense set and a potency set but will definitely be replacing potency now. May try to do a critical chance set and a critical damage set.

    I'm not too worried about speed to be honest. Empire isn't winning any opening turns anyways without Tarkin lead. Let the enemy hit first then come back strong.
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    Like you said @Aero they're not going to be a go first team. That's just not ment to be there play style there meant to hit hard and survive. No need to waste time on speed. I think a pair of tenacity on everyone char is a must especially because the will not be going first. Will help resist the first turn stuns abality blocks ect, throw in some health and potency and your in good shape that's the way I'm going.
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    Agreed Palpatine is awesome, love his kit and special animations. Few more days and will finish leveling him, i hope.

    Well, a bit late to the party i guess...But i have Vader at 5*, people say he's viable at arena if geared. RG is ready.

    Mine Sidius is at g8, playing around GW for sure u can see that he has improved considerably, but anyone tried him at arena? I still think theres a bit lack of extra damage on hits. Maybe at gear 10 he turns up?
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    Does any one got 7* Palpatine without Lando? I'm afraid I'll not complete his farm until the end of the event, even doing 4 refreshes / day. I am at 50/65 yet so 200 shards remaining :´(

    I have Akbar, STHan, Luke, Biggs and Leia at 7*, but only Han is lvl 80 G9, the others are at lvl 75-78 and G7/G8. I'm unable to kill Vader. The best I got was kill the two Royal Guards and let Vader at Red, but then they got crazy and stunned/killed everyone on my team.
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
  • vynn
    205 posts Member
    Aero wrote: »
    I generally do an offense set and a potency set but will definitely be replacing potency now. May try to do a critical chance set and a critical damage set.

    I'm not too worried about speed to be honest. Empire isn't winning any opening turns anyways without Tarkin lead. Let the enemy hit first then come back strong.

    Always worry about speed. The 2 biggest weaknesses to a Palpatine led team are 1) Rex 2) Speedy enemies sniping Palpatine before your first move. The same conclusion I've come to with each team I've thought about building with Palpatine (either leader or non-leader) is something needs to be done to help mitigate the speed disadvantage. One possible solution might be a Phasma fully decked out with speed mods.
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    To me, it's pretty obvious that empire is missing TM gain for the team.

    I love Empire, but we are incredibly slow. It is my opinion that we need st Han, Poe or phasma as fast as possible to make our team edge our opponents.

    To me, the best team seems to be: ep (l),Vader, rg, st Han and then we can do Tarkin, Ig 88 or anakin. This is paper math of course and not in practice. I'll have 7* emp by the end of the event and will be able to try out teams.

    @Aero what are your thoughts on my team breakdown?
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    I don't like impure teams, but that's just me. Vader, Tarkin, and Veers can all gain their full turn meter back after doing their special AOE debuff. They move fast that way, just got to survive the opening turn.
  • vynn
    205 posts Member
    Since my Empire/Sith characters still need a lot of work, I'm planning to try using EP as non-leader initially. For example:

    JKA(L), Rex, B2, RG, EP
    Phasma(L), Rey, SF, RG, EP
  • Options
    Aero wrote: »
    You know what guys, I'm trying to think back to when we were discussing the Emperor, considering we had some influence here. Things we discussed that made it in:

    AOE stun
    2 turn stun
    Potency leader ability
    Offense up to the team

    So good work guys! And of course good work to CG, I don't think any of us were expecting Emperor to turn out this well.

    I was looking at this earlier. You beat me to it. Looking back on page 4 (June 23) you had a good layout based on strengths and weaknesses of Empire. And then CG improved on it.
    I played my 5* Palp in Arena for most of the day to let everyone have fun testing him out. I had to do an extra refresh because I got taken down quickly around my reset, but it was fun playing him.
    Glad you stuck around @aero to see this day.
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    What mods do you think Emperor Ovaltine benefits the most from? Potency to begin with aoe atun?
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