The Galactic Empire Players Discussion


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    I'm curious about what shock does
  • Thor_Odinson1
    1995 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm curious about what shock does

    I see it being a debuff with a little lightning bolt on it. It just shows us the marks on toons so we know how Palpatine's other abilities will effect them. I just want to know how potency comes into play with him. His potency at max gear is 47% according to the cantina, but his leader ability will give him 23% more (or 46% if the sith/Empire synergy bonuses stack like they should).

    Edit: I think the debuff will be a little like deathmark in that the actual debuff changes nothing about the toon itself. It only changes how the enemy will treat that toon. With deathmark, it works like an enemy inflicted taunt that does tons of damage. The Shock will not effect a toon that has it, but only how the Emperor can affect that toon.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Anyone going to be able to even max Emperor?

    Shock is health immunity, buff immunity, and turn meter immunity (from effects) all in one.
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    I already have 7* Lando and Ackbar. My Leia will be 7* in 10 days. I am frantically farming Biggs and Luke from GW and cantina. As long as GW goes OK, I should be able to get Luke and Biggs to 7* as long as I use 2x cantina refresh/day and with the additioanl 45, I may be able to 7* them by the end of the event.

    I have 5 million credits saved up for this event. When i get my 85th shard for vader I am not even going to upgrade him until after I know I dont need the credits to get the emperor. It's plausible I can get to 7, I should be able to get 6 emperor though. Can't wait.
  • rawman
    685 posts Member
    I'm curious about what shock does

    This should answer your question:
  • M9silent
    821 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    @Aero I will be able to get a 7* Emperor Palpatine when the event comes out, if it's structured like the Yoda event. Then I'll just have to gear and level him and get the perfect Empire team set up.

    Im all about full synergy, so all Empire heroes will be on it. Emperor L, Vader, RG, Tarkin, Snowtrooper most likely, all 7* except Vader (47/100) of course

    Maybe Stormtrooper has a place in the team. A second taunt, TM removal of the enemy, and a brick wall with these new armor changes. His unique is pretty nice
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    Aero wrote: »
    Anyone going to be able to even max Emperor?

    Shock is health immunity, buff immunity, and turn meter immunity (from effects) all in one.

    I'll maybe get him to 5*(he's stil probably going to be viable at that level)
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    I have him 7* now I already had a rebel team of AA, leia, HRScout, Lando, and Biggs. Beat the event in 5 minutes. I've been testing in the potency mod challenge, he is working very well even though he is only at gear level 6 and most skills are at l3 or l4
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    I probably won't get to use him until after the event is over. I'm on track to just barely get tier 6 done but I have to save all my credits for that moment to ensure I can get it done
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    Yea i need 80 shards for lando, and 20 for biggs and i can 7* him.. Shoukd have plenty of time wit one cantina refresh..Got palp at 6* now lvl 66 gear 6 so far and im liking what i see. Wondwring best mods for him tho. Potency? Speed? Offense? Health?
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    What mods do you guys think the Emperor should have?
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    What mods do you guys think the Emperor should have?

    Health set mods with potency and protection primaries
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    What mods do you guys think the Emperor should have?

    Sad to report I can only unlock the 5* Emperor, will have to wait forever for next event.
    @Thor_Odinson1 I plan on giving emperor my HP/protection mods that I have on Phasma to him. I figure he needs to survive long as possible since I will be running a team with -28 speed on all characters. Surviving that initial burst turn 1 from the reys of the world will be vital.
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    The Emperor is with us!!!!!!! How awesome is this he will deff put empire teams competivly in too 20 arena I hope. I don't not have my empire team any where near ready just started slowing working on them when this thread started. Vader,Tarkin, and RG are only one I have maxed but gear is only 7 and 8. Can't wait to get going on Emporer i have him at 6* don't know info can beat the race to get Lando to 7* in time to complete the event. might have to spend some cash. I think Emporer,Vader,RG,Magma and probly Tarkin for 5th would be solid but I have so many ideas for this 5th spot. I could try Veers Either of the Storm troopers, Savage,Dooku, Rey,Leia, I like the idea of Daka too.what is everyone thinking now that we have the missing link to making empire teams actually worth while.
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    Lisker wrote: »
    What mods do you guys think the Emperor should have?

    Sad to report I can only unlock the 5* Emperor, will have to wait forever for next event.
    @Thor_Odinson1 I plan on giving emperor my HP/protection mods that I have on Phasma to him. I figure he needs to survive long as possible since I will be running a team with -28 speed on all characters. Surviving that initial burst turn 1 from the reys of the world will be vital.

    Sad to report the same
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    The Emperor is with us!!!!!!! How awesome is this he will deff put empire teams competivly in too 20 arena I hope. I don't not have my empire team any where near ready just started slowing working on them when this thread started. Vader,Tarkin, and RG are only one I have maxed but gear is only 7 and 8. Can't wait to get going on Emporer i have him at 6* don't know info can beat the race to get Lando to 7* in time to complete the event. might have to spend some cash. I think Emporer,Vader,RG,Magma and probly Tarkin for 5th would be solid but I have so many ideas for this 5th spot. I could try Veers Either of the Storm troopers, Savage,Dooku, Rey,Leia, I like the idea of Daka too.what is everyone thinking now that we have the missing link to making empire teams actually worth while.

    Well Cantina refreshes are cheaper now, so you have a better shot now. Even if you have to forgo regular refreshes.
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    Man, I'm loving Emperor Palpatine. He's got such an awesome skill set, great leader ability, and makes tons of Empire heroes viable.

    Vader is awesome with Emperor L. Tarkin is awesome as well. RG is even better. I can't decide between Veers or Snowtrooper though.
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    M9silent wrote: »
    Man, I'm loving Emperor Palpatine. He's got such an awesome skill set, great leader ability, and makes tons of Empire heroes viable.

    Vader is awesome with Emperor L. Tarkin is awesome as well. RG is even better. I can't decide between Veers or Snowtrooper though.

    And don't leave out the animations. Those are SWEET.
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    Hey guys, really glad you're enjoying The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

    I was lurking in this thread the entire time we were working on him. Big thanks to @Aero for fostering such great discussion!
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    Hey guys, really glad you're enjoying The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

    I was lurking in this thread the entire time we were working on him. Big thanks to @Aero for fostering such great discussion!

  • Llewella
    400 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm close to having him max geared/lvl'd. What are you guys thinking as far as compositions?

    Emperor, Vader, Tarkin, Veers, RG will be my first test. I have 7* MT and ST as well.

    And pretty cool on the dev "tipping his hat to you guys."
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    Hey guys, really glad you're enjoying The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

    I was lurking in this thread the entire time we were working on him. Big thanks to @Aero for fostering such great discussion!

    I know right! Read through the whole thread over a month ago (?) and decided to reroll and run Empire as my main team! Mostly because of Aero and the videos he linked us, but can't forget @Batman44gaming too ;)
    On a serious note, I don't regret my decision so thank you all for inspiring me.

  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    Hey guys, really glad you're enjoying The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

    I was lurking in this thread the entire time we were working on him. Big thanks to @Aero for fostering such great discussion!

    I think the emperor has a really cool skill set. You and you're team did a very solid job on him. Even his aoe stun animation is beautiful.

    Only time will tell if he will help make Empire into a formidable arena squad. I think empire toons needs some synergy and overhauls in general, but I will have fun with the Emperor in the meantime.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Hey guys, really glad you're enjoying The Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

    I was lurking in this thread the entire time we were working on him. Big thanks to @Aero for fostering such great discussion!

    Thanks @CG_Conduit23
    I can't believe the 2 turn stun made it into his kit! So amazing. Most impressive to have lurked around such a big thread.

    I just unlocked him a little bit ago and hoping to get to 6 star in time. Not thrilled with the unlock process being cross faction but couldn't be happier with the kit. Keep up the good work!
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    Hi. I'm BrtStlnd and I'm an Empire addict.

    Started in April and immediately started working on an Empire squad because I'm old and I like my bad guys old school. I've watched this thread for advice for a couple months, and thought I'd introduce myself and thank everyone for their input.

    Here's my current squad:

    Moff 7* G8 6447 power lvl 80
    Stormtrooper 7* G9 6983 power lvl 80
    Vader 5* G9 6449 power lvl 80
    Magmatrooper 7* G9 7095 power lvl 80
    Royal Guard 7* G9 7279 power lvl 80
    Snow trooper 5* G8 4599 power lvl 64
    Veers - unlocked and collecting dust so far

    I really wish Veers wasn't such a painstakingly long farm, I'd love to sub him in for stormtrooper since his taunt is basically suicide. The 13% defense up unique doesn't keep him alive against anyone other than mid level GW squads, and even then his health gets knocked down so far I have to sub him out on the next node.

    Plus side, they walked over the dark side battles fairly easily and the potency mods have improved my entire roster immensely.

    I started farming the rebel scum recently, hopefully they'll bring back the Palp event when I have them to a serviceable level. He'd obviously be another great replacement for the worthless stormtrooper.

    Thanks again to everyone for the great advice in this thread!
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Hello @BrtStlnd

    My advice for you is farm up Snowtrooper (perhaps using guild shipments) while you farm away rebels. As much as I love Veers, he has been replaced these days in my opinion. Snowtrooper is very strong once maxed though.

    I have videos inbound showing even a weak Emperor bring very effective, so get to work on those rebel scum for sure!
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    @Aero Yes, snowtrooper is my current dark side project, picking up shards from the guild store. He's a work in progress.

    What is Veers' major weakness in your opinion?

    Does everyone else have the same issue with stormtrooper or am I doing something wrong with his mods? I've got all health...

    Thanks in advance.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Veers just isn't quite as strong in damage as Snowtrooper who is his direct competition to making the team as they both do the same thing (damage and ability block). I prefer Veers' AOE ability block over Snowtrooper's primary single target ability block, but ultimately side with the higher damage plus Snowtrooper's unique.

    Stormtrooper is just bad sadly. I've been pushing to make defense more worthwhile but to no avail.
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Interesting. I guess between snowtrooper's ability block and Vaders that's probably sufficient. Snowtrooper also speeds up the team slightly with his unique, something they need badly as a squad.

    Stormtrooper is a low health, low protection tank with no way to regenerate health except RGs special. That's like trying to bail out the titanic with a spoon though. If he had a special like chewbacca to regain something, that might make him viable...
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