Pre craft is still a huge issue, why is it being swept under the rug?


  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Mikassa wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Mikassa wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind if they just added all the raid gear to shipments, and just made them as rare as the furnaces to not be out of control. I don't mind spending a little money to support the game. If I could buy the four droid callers I really need I would very happy. I could wait to farm the rest from the T7 raids, however long that would take.

    Gear is weighted too heavily to have to rely on terrible RNG luck.

    I totallly agree about gear. However since the furnaces were released in shipments I have been able to buy 8 of them, and that was without doing any store refreshes. At those odds, I would see a droid caller or scanner for sure. The T7 raids aren't helping, when all I get is the furnaces and furnace salvage. Now I have more furnaces than characters that need them, but stuck on all the others. After 7 T7 raids, I have just gotten 25 droid caller salvage and 25 scanner salvage. At least if shipments had them that would be two places to get a chance at good RNG instead of just the raid.

    True. But I think the gear needs to be placed in new challenge tiers or elsewhere so there are many more avenues to catch up on gear. The gap is too huge at the moment.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    It's pretty sad how little power a character gains going from 70 - 80. But take that character from tier 8 to only tier 9 and their power doubles in many important categories.

    With gear having that kind of weight to any character's power you can't ignore the gap that currently exists regardless of whether the gap is mostly to blame on poor raid rewards system, bad RNG with furnaces in shipments, or pre crafting.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Things generally get moved down not up. There would have been no problem with the gear wall had it been evenly applied.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Another week of hoping we get word on the gear imbalance.
  • Options
    Any chance we could trade raid-only stuff we don't need for parts we're looking for?

    Even at a 2:1 rate it would be most welcome.
  • Options
    CatoNines wrote: »
    The "pre-crafter" whining has got to be the most entertaining thing about these forums.
    According to the whiners, people who "pre-crafted" were somehow omniscient, God-like beings who had powers that no one else in the Universe could possibly have had without being given Gifts from Heaven.
    The simple fact of the matter is this. Every toon has cute little icons next to it, and they TOLD you, in mind numbing detail, EXACTLY what needed to be farmed in order to gear-up.
    People who farmed and farmed and farmed their silly little heads off aren't magical beings. They just clicked their little fingers off until they got the gear they wanted.
    If you have a problem with the gear you want not being available now, that's fine. But to whine and whine and whine about the people who farmed when YOU chose not to? Very sad.
    "Pre-Crafting" and "Pre-Crafters" aren't the problem.
    Everyone who played at the same time had EXACTLY the same options. I'm 100% FtP and I have some of the gear the whiners whine about every day, but I got it because I farmed my silly little head off to get it.
    In other words? Pi** poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."

    False and wrong.

    On my server were people on the level cap, and the majority not still on that level. If you remember only people in the level cap were able to farm the gear to precraft, so many people didn't choose "not to precraft ", they just couldn't. How the fact is that fair?
    At that time the arena changed drastically with precrafters on top, and even nowadays the same precrafters are the ones with the most g19 and g11 characters, the gap increased with guild hoppers.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    DieInFire wrote: »
    CatoNines wrote: »
    The "pre-crafter" whining has got to be the most entertaining thing about these forums.
    According to the whiners, people who "pre-crafted" were somehow omniscient, God-like beings who had powers that no one else in the Universe could possibly have had without being given Gifts from Heaven.
    The simple fact of the matter is this. Every toon has cute little icons next to it, and they TOLD you, in mind numbing detail, EXACTLY what needed to be farmed in order to gear-up.
    People who farmed and farmed and farmed their silly little heads off aren't magical beings. They just clicked their little fingers off until they got the gear they wanted.
    If you have a problem with the gear you want not being available now, that's fine. But to whine and whine and whine about the people who farmed when YOU chose not to? Very sad.
    "Pre-Crafting" and "Pre-Crafters" aren't the problem.
    Everyone who played at the same time had EXACTLY the same options. I'm 100% FtP and I have some of the gear the whiners whine about every day, but I got it because I farmed my silly little head off to get it.
    In other words? Pi** poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine."

    False and wrong.

    On my server were people on the level cap, and the majority not still on that level. If you remember only people in the level cap were able to farm the gear to precraft, so many people didn't choose "not to precraft ", they just couldn't. How the fact is that fair?
    At that time the arena changed drastically with precrafters on top, and even nowadays the same precrafters are the ones with the most g19 and g11 characters, the gap increased with guild hoppers.

    Yep it's the same on my server. For quite a while those who precrafted never left the top 10 and they were the first ones with gear 10 and 11 teams.

    People are slowly catching up due to heroic raids and getting lucky enough to get drops they need, but those who can't do heroic are stuck at the bottom for who knows how long. Something needs to be done to allow everyone to get on higher gear levels before the new gear is released.

    The precraft advantage is still alive. The devs said they were looking into it three weeks ago and "hoped" to have some info over a week ago, yet nothing. I guess they're fine with how things are as long as people are spending money.
  • Lithium
    76 posts Member
    The RNG and rewards system in raids is magnifying the precraft issue exponentially.

    There is no room for experimentation or planning anymore. Its all a waiting game. I'm one of many now sitting on almost 30 t7 raids without a caller or caller salvage. Its affected the competitive side of things because I can't get the right raid toons geared, nor can I change my arena team. Random experimentation and testing new synergies is a thing of the past altogether. Sure I could push an underpowered team into GW for a few nodes but forget about arena because even if you win a battle, you'll get destroyed on defense.

    So it's time to take a deep breath and just wait. Hopefully I get the caller I've been waiting on for over a month (bought one from the guild store and doubt I'll on it again because those rates are terrible.) RNG should hopefully average out and I'll see a string of callers like some of my guild mates have - some have gotten 6 in a row lol.

    DEVS - I understand all the whining about hopping and alts has been your main point to address over the last week but the gear issue has been pending alot longer. Why do you wait for things to explode before addressing the situation.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    I precrafted one piece of gear long before there was talk about raids and guilds. With that being said I have 1 character that's g11, 2 Chracters that's g10, 7 characters in g9. So what in the world are you people are spending your guild currency and crystals on?

    Gear can be farmed from 2 different shipments and gear can be obtained from raids. So why are people still complaining about precrafted gear is beyond me. Change the broken record already.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?

    Now that was funny.

    Hasn't the whole issue been completely muddied up by people buying and winning raid gear? I have bought or won way more "precraft" gear than I precrafted. How is it that you nonprecrafters aren't able to buy raid gear. Maybe you aren't spending enough money on the game.Maybe that is why the devs don't care.
  • Lithium
    76 posts Member
    Aniema wrote: »
    I precrafted one piece of gear long before there was talk about raids and guilds. With that being said I have 1 character that's g11, 2 Chracters that's g10, 7 characters in g9. So what in the world are you people are spending your guild currency and crystals on?

    Gear can be farmed from 2 different shipments and gear can be obtained from raids. So why are people still complaining about precrafted gear is beyond me. Change the broken record already.

    1) raid rewards are based on RNG completely. People have gone 2 months without seeing a scanner or a caller, and have more furnaces than toons to give them to

    2) buying raid gear from the shop comes at the speed of 1 piece per month if u do max raids without hopping and place in the top ranks.

    3) the only gear u can buy for crystals is a furnace
  • Lithium
    76 posts Member
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?

    Now that was funny.

    Hasn't the whole issue been completely muddied up by people buying and winning raid gear? I have bought or won way more "precraft" gear than I precrafted. How is it that you nonprecrafters aren't able to buy raid gear. Maybe you aren't spending enough money on the game.Maybe that is why the devs don't care.

    Are you trying to be funny?. Show me where you can buy a caller, scanner or disc for money?
  • Options
    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    Terrible post. Set back a little? This game is what? 7 months old? This is a 2 month issue. Not really a "little" anymore.

    As for let it heal? You mean the problem getting exacerbated by the raiding system? A scab implies the wound is already healing, so terrible analogy. This is more like an infected cut.

  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Lithium wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    I precrafted one piece of gear long before there was talk about raids and guilds. With that being said I have 1 character that's g11, 2 Chracters that's g10, 7 characters in g9. So what in the world are you people are spending your guild currency and crystals on?

    Gear can be farmed from 2 different shipments and gear can be obtained from raids. So why are people still complaining about precrafted gear is beyond me. Change the broken record already.

    1) raid rewards are based on RNG completely. People have gone 2 months without seeing a scanner or a caller, and have more furnaces than toons to give them to

    2) buying raid gear from the shop comes at the speed of 1 piece per month if u do max raids without hopping and place in the top ranks.

    3) the only gear u can buy for crystals is a furnace

    All this has only widened the gap created with pre crafting. It is totally understandable that all the pre crafters and lucky raiders don't think there is an issue.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?

    Now that was funny.

    Hasn't the whole issue been completely muddied up by people buying and winning raid gear? I have bought or won way more "precraft" gear than I precrafted. How is it that you nonprecrafters aren't able to buy raid gear. Maybe you aren't spending enough money on the game.Maybe that is why the devs don't care.

    Are you trying to be funny?. Show me where you can buy a caller, scanner or disc for money?

    By paying for improved characters and non raid gear, you would improve your place in a heroic farming guild. The way many people have. While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago. That advantage would be wiped out if I hadn't been supporting the game and paying to improve my position. I think most people poke fun at the people who are still demanding "justice" because they see it for what it has become, a cry for something for nothing.
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    Hangfire wrote: »
    While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago...

    Yet another pre-crafter telling non-pre-crafters to get over it.

    Give me a break.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    Hangfire wrote: »

    By paying for improved characters and non raid gear, you would improve your place in a heroic farming guild. The way many people have. While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago. That advantage would be wiped out if I hadn't been supporting the game and paying to improve my position. I think most people poke fun at the people who are still demanding "justice" because they see it for what it has become, a cry for something for nothing.

    Non-raid gear isn't an issue and you don't have to pay for it. The majority of my useful toons are at max farmable gear, waiting for raid gear. No amount of money will fix that issue. It's all about doing raids and hoping RNG gives you what you need, or saving a month's worth of guild coins for one gear slot on one toon.

    It's a broken system.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?

    Now that was funny.

    Hasn't the whole issue been completely muddied up by people buying and winning raid gear? I have bought or won way more "precraft" gear than I precrafted. How is it that you nonprecrafters aren't able to buy raid gear. Maybe you aren't spending enough money on the game.Maybe that is why the devs don't care.

    Are you trying to be funny?. Show me where you can buy a caller, scanner or disc for money?

    By paying for improved characters and non raid gear, you would improve your place in a heroic farming guild. The way many people have. While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago. That advantage would be wiped out if I hadn't been supporting the game and paying to improve my position. I think most people poke fun at the people who are still demanding "justice" because they see it for what it has become, a cry for something for nothing.

    We're not asking for something for nothing. We're asking for a fix to a broken system and a level playing field.

    Add new gear and allow all the old gear to be quickly farmed through various game modes. Problem solved with no hand outs. Playing field will be leveled quickly and everyone can begin the race for a whole new set of gear. As a bonus, all those who have a bunch of maxed out characters have new gear to strive towards.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago...

    Yet another pre-crafter telling non-pre-crafters to get over it.

    Give me a break.

    Hahahaha, so true. Funny how it always seems to be those who have the advantage who don't think there is an issue.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    Terrible post. Set back a little? This game is what? 7 months old? This is a 2 month issue. Not really a "little" anymore.

    As for let it heal? You mean the problem getting exacerbated by the raiding system? A scab implies the wound is already healing, so terrible analogy. This is more like an infected cut.

    ShaolinPunk was right on. Precrafting is done. A valid concern could be raid awards, or costs in guild shop. The two things are different.
  • Lithium
    76 posts Member
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?

    Now that was funny.

    Hasn't the whole issue been completely muddied up by people buying and winning raid gear? I have bought or won way more "precraft" gear than I precrafted. How is it that you nonprecrafters aren't able to buy raid gear. Maybe you aren't spending enough money on the game.Maybe that is why the devs don't care.

    Are you trying to be funny?. Show me where you can buy a caller, scanner or disc for money?

    By paying for improved characters and non raid gear, you would improve your place in a heroic farming guild. The way many people have. While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago. That advantage would be wiped out if I hadn't been supporting the game and paying to improve my position. I think most people poke fun at the people who are still demanding "justice" because they see it for what it has become, a cry for something for nothing.

    Let me point out where your assumptions are wrong
    1) I precrafted
    2) I am in a t7 guild, place in the top 3 regularly and in the odd case top 5 if I miss part of the raid. I have nearly 30 t7 raids completed + some t6s from the early days. I have received 0 callers or caller parts.

    Your entire earlier argument was about buying raid gear, of which the only piece that you can actually buy is a furnace and now you are trying to divert the conversation with an equally disenginuous argument.

    If you've lucked out and received balanced raid rewards, good for you but don't assume that others have had the same run you had. People have a legitimate reason to complain and the raid reward reward system is magnifying the precrafting issues. Why don't you go troll elsewhere?
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?

    Now that was funny.

    Hasn't the whole issue been completely muddied up by people buying and winning raid gear? I have bought or won way more "precraft" gear than I precrafted. How is it that you nonprecrafters aren't able to buy raid gear. Maybe you aren't spending enough money on the game.Maybe that is why the devs don't care.

    Are you trying to be funny?. Show me where you can buy a caller, scanner or disc for money?

    By paying for improved characters and non raid gear, you would improve your place in a heroic farming guild. The way many people have. While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago. That advantage would be wiped out if I hadn't been supporting the game and paying to improve my position. I think most people poke fun at the people who are still demanding "justice" because they see it for what it has become, a cry for something for nothing.

    Let me point out where your assumptions are wrong
    1) I precrafted
    2) I am in a t7 guild, place in the top 3 regularly and in the odd case top 5 if I miss part of the raid. I have nearly 30 t7 raids completed + some t6s from the early days. I have received 0 callers or caller parts.

    Your entire earlier argument was about buying raid gear, of which the only piece that you can actually buy is a furnace and now you are trying to divert the conversation with an equally disenginuous argument.

    If you've lucked out and received balanced raid rewards, good for you but don't assume that others have had the same run you had. People have a legitimate reason to complain and the raid reward reward system is magnifying the precrafting issues. Why don't you go troll elsewhere?

    Funny how anyone who disagrees with anyone on this is labeled a troll. I always thought forums were for open discussion, which often means opposing viewpoints.
  • Options
    It's too late to resolve the precraft issue, now they should focus on raid rewards. And we can't say it wasn't intented to wait that long.

    Speaking for myself, I can't do T7 with my guild (maybe in a month ?), but T6 often, I usually finish top 3-top 5, and my rewards are always some nubian salvage, but in order to use them, I should first go over G8, right ?

    Droid caller, come to me please... 26 raids and only 1 obtained ! Furnace are buyable in shipments so I don't care...

    You want my money ? Then sell me what's worth it.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    At least you got one caller ;)
  • Lithium
    76 posts Member
    Opusone wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?

    Now that was funny.

    Hasn't the whole issue been completely muddied up by people buying and winning raid gear? I have bought or won way more "precraft" gear than I precrafted. How is it that you nonprecrafters aren't able to buy raid gear. Maybe you aren't spending enough money on the game.Maybe that is why the devs don't care.

    Are you trying to be funny?. Show me where you can buy a caller, scanner or disc for money?

    By paying for improved characters and non raid gear, you would improve your place in a heroic farming guild. The way many people have. While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago. That advantage would be wiped out if I hadn't been supporting the game and paying to improve my position. I think most people poke fun at the people who are still demanding "justice" because they see it for what it has become, a cry for something for nothing.

    Let me point out where your assumptions are wrong
    1) I precrafted
    2) I am in a t7 guild, place in the top 3 regularly and in the odd case top 5 if I miss part of the raid. I have nearly 30 t7 raids completed + some t6s from the early days. I have received 0 callers or caller parts.

    Your entire earlier argument was about buying raid gear, of which the only piece that you can actually buy is a furnace and now you are trying to divert the conversation with an equally disenginuous argument.

    If you've lucked out and received balanced raid rewards, good for you but don't assume that others have had the same run you had. People have a legitimate reason to complain and the raid reward reward system is magnifying the precrafting issues. Why don't you go troll elsewhere?

    Funny how anyone who disagrees with anyone on this is labeled a troll. I always thought forums were for open discussion, which often means opposing viewpoints.

    Youre welcome to disagree with valid points. Disagreeing because the complaint doesn't apply to your unique situation, and then presenting arguments like "you need to spend more and precrafting won't be an issue" = troll.

    And people disagree with me all the time but trolling is trolling
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    Just my latest status report - 21 raids done, 15 droid caller salvage, zero full pieces.

    21 raids. 15/50 salvage.

    Any system that can produce this outcome is a failed system and needs to be changed.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Lithium wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?

    Now that was funny.

    Hasn't the whole issue been completely muddied up by people buying and winning raid gear? I have bought or won way more "precraft" gear than I precrafted. How is it that you nonprecrafters aren't able to buy raid gear. Maybe you aren't spending enough money on the game.Maybe that is why the devs don't care.

    Are you trying to be funny?. Show me where you can buy a caller, scanner or disc for money?

    By paying for improved characters and non raid gear, you would improve your place in a heroic farming guild. The way many people have. While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago. That advantage would be wiped out if I hadn't been supporting the game and paying to improve my position. I think most people poke fun at the people who are still demanding "justice" because they see it for what it has become, a cry for something for nothing.

    Let me point out where your assumptions are wrong
    1) I precrafted
    2) I am in a t7 guild, place in the top 3 regularly and in the odd case top 5 if I miss part of the raid. I have nearly 30 t7 raids completed + some t6s from the early days. I have received 0 callers or caller parts.

    Your entire earlier argument was about buying raid gear, of which the only piece that you can actually buy is a furnace and now you are trying to divert the conversation with an equally disenginuous argument.

    If you've lucked out and received balanced raid rewards, good for you but don't assume that others have had the same run you had. People have a legitimate reason to complain and the raid reward reward system is magnifying the precrafting issues. Why don't you go troll elsewhere?

    Funny how anyone who disagrees with anyone on this is labeled a troll. I always thought forums were for open discussion, which often means opposing viewpoints.

    Youre welcome to disagree with valid points. Disagreeing because the complaint doesn't apply to your unique situation, and then presenting arguments like "you need to spend more and precrafting won't be an issue" = troll.

    And people disagree with me all the time but trolling is trolling

    We can agree to disagree.
  • Lithium
    76 posts Member
    Opusone wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Opusone wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Lithium wrote: »
    Hangfire wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    I missed the announcement-hurry-up-and-craft-before-the-patch-hits opportunity that people refer to as "pre-crafting" which is a funny choice of term. Anyway, yeah I missed out, even though I was on the forums that day. Am I mad I missed it? Yeah! Is it "their" fault? Not at all. Even with the opportunity, I might have had enough salvage to make one piece, which would give me an edge on the competition for how long.....a day? And this gets to the crux for me.

    The more time has passed, the less of an issue it is. People are gearing up still. The gear wall is simply crystals. I want it to come down a bit too, and have started feedback threads requesting higher gear rewards for the Challenges. That's one idea I had after thinking about the issue. I'm speculating in what follows: there can be no action taken that would bring "fairness" to the crowd that wants some sort of 'restitution' for what they believe they didn't get that they somehow expected or 'deserved' to have.

    This game gets new content and patches all the time. You have to embrace change! Some patches might help your account, some might feel they 'set it back' a little (like when the level cap goes up). We can't play dumb AND have expectations in the same career.

    Just saying, you can pick a scab forever, or you can let it heal.

    I'm recommending new content. Make tier 12 the new raid only gear.

    Along with this new content create easy avenues for people to catch up to tier 11 in a reasonable amount of time so all can enjoy the new race for tier 12.

    No handouts, no restitution, simple update along with new gear for all to pursue. Seems like a win win to me.
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Paxus wrote: »
    Snake2 wrote: »
    When your guild makes it to heroic, the floodgates open. Before that it's definitely a trickle.

    Friend, if your expectation is a floodgate opening... I'm sorry for you in advance.

    Haha. Yeah.

    As for the general topic: what do people assume the solution will be? Any freebies given out to the community will also be given to "pre crafters." Maybe, just maybe, the gap will narrow for everyone. More likely the pre crafters will maintain an advantage as they improve new toons or discover old toons are good at high gear levels.

    So what exactly is the solution? What do people want to see happen?

    Here is the solution. No freebies.

    Rather, remove all raid only salvage from all current gear tiers so that everyone can farm their characters to tier 11 through normal modes.

    Then release tier 12 as the new raid only tier of gear. Fix all the current raid issues, such as poor reward system, guild hopping, etc. With everyone on equal footing, the race for tier 12 can begin in earnest. This solution would also give new content for those with all maxed characters to pursue.

    That would not sit well with players like myself that have spent lots of money to buy furnaces and will lead to a huge demand in refunds, probably just as big if not bigger than the Barriss nerf. There really is no perfect solution, the damage was done.

    You would retain the advantage of those paid for furnaces for as long as it takes to farm that gear through normal means. It's easily the best solution to create a level playing field again. And you would be well prepared with those extra gear to get raiding for tier 12.

    No, the only reason I paid for them was because they couldn't be farmed. If I only was going to get a short term advantage I wouldn't have bought as many as I did.

    People just paid for Leia and she is about to be free. It's the name of the game.

    It is an entirely different situation. It's a well known fact that chrome and auro characters will eventually become f2p, there has been no indication that any raid gear will be changed in any way.

    Every aspect of a freemium game is fair game to be changed to make way for other content.

    So then adding the raid gear wall was fair game?

    Now that was funny.

    Hasn't the whole issue been completely muddied up by people buying and winning raid gear? I have bought or won way more "precraft" gear than I precrafted. How is it that you nonprecrafters aren't able to buy raid gear. Maybe you aren't spending enough money on the game.Maybe that is why the devs don't care.

    Are you trying to be funny?. Show me where you can buy a caller, scanner or disc for money?

    By paying for improved characters and non raid gear, you would improve your place in a heroic farming guild. The way many people have. While my measly 4 precrafted Droid Callers did give me an advantage three months ago. That advantage would be wiped out if I hadn't been supporting the game and paying to improve my position. I think most people poke fun at the people who are still demanding "justice" because they see it for what it has become, a cry for something for nothing.

    Let me point out where your assumptions are wrong
    1) I precrafted
    2) I am in a t7 guild, place in the top 3 regularly and in the odd case top 5 if I miss part of the raid. I have nearly 30 t7 raids completed + some t6s from the early days. I have received 0 callers or caller parts.

    Your entire earlier argument was about buying raid gear, of which the only piece that you can actually buy is a furnace and now you are trying to divert the conversation with an equally disenginuous argument.

    If you've lucked out and received balanced raid rewards, good for you but don't assume that others have had the same run you had. People have a legitimate reason to complain and the raid reward reward system is magnifying the precrafting issues. Why don't you go troll elsewhere?

    Funny how anyone who disagrees with anyone on this is labeled a troll. I always thought forums were for open discussion, which often means opposing viewpoints.

    Youre welcome to disagree with valid points. Disagreeing because the complaint doesn't apply to your unique situation, and then presenting arguments like "you need to spend more and precrafting won't be an issue" = troll.

    And people disagree with me all the time but trolling is trolling

    We can agree to disagree.

    Sounds like a plan
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