Raid Reward Exploit Discussion Announcement - Comments\Questions *** MEGATHREAD***



  • FB0001
    31 posts Member
    So my account was unlocked today. It is definitely not the same as when it was frozen. They stripped out almost all of my crystals, credits, and guild coins.

    My guild did not kick me while I was canned. If you look at the total guild credits earned I still show more then I legitimately earned. Still shows the exploited amount. I like to think of this as the badge of shame. Hopefully it stays...
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    FB0001 wrote: »
    So my account was unlocked today. It is definitely not the same as when it was frozen. They stripped out almost all of my crystals, credits, and guild coins.

    My guild did not kick me while I was canned. If you look at the total guild credits earned I still show more then I legitimately earned. Still shows the exploited amount. I like to think of this as the badge of shame. Hopefully it stays...

    They stripped crystals? That wasn't part of the punishment in the announcement...?
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    RogueHS wrote: »
    FB0001 wrote: »
    So my account was unlocked today. It is definitely not the same as when it was frozen. They stripped out almost all of my crystals, credits, and guild coins.

    My guild did not kick me while I was canned. If you look at the total guild credits earned I still show more then I legitimately earned. Still shows the exploited amount. I like to think of this as the badge of shame. Hopefully it stays...

    They stripped crystals? That wasn't part of the punishment in the announcement...?

    The legitimacy of the people making these claims is in question.
  • FB0001
    31 posts Member
    They left me with 13. That seems to be the number everyone is saying. I did not have many. Maybe 40 or so.
    Please don't think I'm saying they took something they shouldn't have. I have no complaints.
  • QuiteDrunk
    188 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Aniema wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    Are the cheaters banned?

    Yeah they will be, but 3,683 people get to keep some stuff cause they only did it twice smh.

    They DID get one piece of gear legit, so they ended up with one extra piece of gear\salvage and "stuff".

    I can totally see that being an accident.. I have looked at rewards checked out went back and had not clicked "accept" I might have done that thinking this was the case.. after that I probably would have realized that something was up.

    As Jesse stated they had to draw a line somewhere.

    Yeah they got 1 piece of gear/piece of savage free.

    In two weeks when the Nubian savages go into the shipment shop they gonna be 2500 crystals. They won't have to pay for it if they all ready have it but I will. Man that's messed up.

    You're sounding incredibly selfish here. We are talking about one raid worth of loot. It could be some salvage or it could be a full craft. Who cares? Anyone would have or could have clicked twice. I probably would have myself thinking that I misclicked or something silly the first time. Saying that you deserve compensation is rather childish. The world isn't fair. They have done plenty with this resolution.

    There is nothing wrong with seeking repatriation, even for something nominal. It is not selfish to look after ones own interests; we're not codependant here in group therapy.

    The idea of reparation is to repay someone for damages caused. If a small percentage of players getting one extra raid reward is that large of an inconvenience to you then there are other issues. The world doesn't work in 50/50. When an olympic gold medalist is accused and found guilty of using steroids they take away the medal. They don't give every participant in the event a bronze silver or gold.

    In WoW or any other MMO they don't send every player a legendary item because a number of players realized that a vendor was selling them for free. They ban those players and move on. Demanding payment that you didn't earn is not asking for reparation in my mind. It is throwing a tantrum so that you get free stuff.

    Nice rhetoric...tantrum, steroids, gold medals, legendary items...Have a normal conversation please instead of trying to draw on emotional appeals. There is nothing wrong with seeking repatration; it is not selfish, it is not greedy. I have spent $4,018 on this game. And I will spend more. I earned everything I received. For someone to receive it free and others not being able to even discuss it for fear they will be labeled selfish or greedy is absurd. To be shamed into solitude is wrong.

    hate the way you feel the need to police the dodge thread but can not argue with you on this +1

  • QuiteDrunk
    188 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    im going to chip in with my 2 cents.

    this whole situation was caused by EA, the people who get paid to do a job failed and as a result caused a horrible situation where people were able to repeatedly claim loot they did not earn.

    i do not blame people for taking advantage of this, this game is designed to make us want more, we are played upon through our emotions, through our competitiveness and our desire to get ahead and win so when a bug like this appears it is hardly surprising that people find it hard to control themselves.

    EA has walked away from the mess THEY created by placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of the people who took advantage rather than themselves for creating the problem in the first place, public outcry has forced EA to make a stand and severely punish the people who took advantage of this bug while accepting no responsibility for the mess they created themselves.

    this is typical EA and as a result i think we not only deserve reparations but at this point in time EA should be bending over backwards to appease the customers they crap on on a daily basis.

    just my opinion.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    I just feel bad for the persons that got banned or stripped from stuff that only claimed 3 times. They drew the line on 2 times but if someone did it 3 times and stopped after, they still are being punished.

    It's the devs mistake and I agree on the guy above me that says everyone would have done it.
    I haven't been in the situation but I'm gonna be honest and think I would have spammed it at least 5x most likely.
    I mean the greed of this game is extreme, prices are ridiculous.. Why not return the favor and abuse the greedness ;) On the other hand, there was no getting out of this mess with half hearted measures. Still hard for both sides..
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • FB0001
    31 posts Member
    I thoughy the 2/3 extra pull line was for removing gear and banning was for the most extreme cases?
  • Rugged1
    23 posts Member
    I find it a harsh punishment for CG/EA programming mistake. The ones who collected 50+ times sure that pretty crazy. I admit I believe I collected 3 times. I can take a suspension for a couple days if CG/EA feels they have to "finally" flex their muscle. If however they roll back any of my characters down to 2 stars that will be my last day on this game.
  • Protogenesis
    17 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    So was it all talk CG? The two exploiters in my shard are unbanned, both exploited HEAVILY and are home free like nothing happened. One even kept his 5* Han, and although I understand that perhaps the gear still shows up on our end.. Why are they unbanned?

    The other guy has 237 raids, 198k earned guild coins, and he's moving up the ladder like nothing happened.

    Esit: removed name
    Post edited by J0K3R on
  • MilkNudders
    123 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Can't spell cheat or steal with out EA. That being said suck it up they wield the stick and we will be lucky if they fix the issue in a timely manner.

    Guild coins maybe fixed but lost game rewards will fall into the precrafting category
  • Hambone
    79 posts Member
    Generally speaking, folks only get gold stars or cookies (or whatever) for "following the law" up until -- I dunno -- age 5?

    If you are older than age 5 and still feel entitled -- entitled! -- to rewards for doing the right thing, I wish you the very best of luck, because it's going to be hard on you out there in the world.

    The rest is just noise.
    517 posts Member
    Let's keep this on topic - A reminder

    No refund topics or posts
    Refund threads and posts will be removed from these forums. It is your right to request a refund, but don't post about it on these forums. This includes saying you are going to get a refund, telling others how to get a refund, or requesting a refund from the development team. This includes refunds for real money and in game currency.


    Nice post
  • Paule
    39 posts Member
    So was it all talk CG? The two exploiters in my shard are unbanned, both exploited HEAVILY and are home free like nothing happened. One even kept his 5* Han, and although I understand that perhaps the gear still shows up on our end.. Why are they unbanned?

    The other guy has 237 raids, 198k earned guild coins, and he's moving up the ladder like nothing happened.

    Esit: removed name
    So was it all talk CG? The two exploiters in my shard are unbanned, both exploited HEAVILY and are home free like nothing happened. One even kept his 5* Han, and although
    So was it all talk CG? The two exploiters in my shard are unbanned, both exploited HEAVILY and are home free like nothing happened. One even kept his 5* Han, and although I understand that perhaps the gear still shows up on our end.. Why are they unbanned?

    The other guy has 237 raids, 198k earned guild coins, and he's moving up the ladder like nothing happened.

    Esit: removed name

    Just checking in and I'm sure @Slots is eagerly waiting but yes, my guild's biggest cheater exploiter is still around and still playing with his 50 equipped scanners. He does have a bit of shame as his unearned Han Solo remains at 5* and level 1.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_LucifersDaddy have yet to answer why he is still playing with his max geared toons and holds number 1 arena rank on his shard. I can only imagine it has to do with the fact that since his arena and GW score has been tabbed with 13 he is "punished".

    And for the 6th time for @Slots not about Han Solo, it is about his 50 equipped scanners (acquiered illegally) and his hubris something that makes me believe @Slots is the exploiter from my guild.

    Fact of the matter is it has been over a week and he is still playing. Why isn't he banned? Is it because he was a dolphin spending enough money to allow him off the hook?
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    I don't think that's very fair. It was your mistake. I'm mean sure, people who did hundreds of times maybe. But I probably would've claimed it a few times, all by mistake. Cause just recently a box on GW would open and close like 5 times before out worked. I didn't get any rewards but I doubt I would've noticed honestly. Taking away what the exploited, sure fine. But banning them? Not cool.
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    Guild hopping is an exploit! Just tell them they will get banned too and no coding required. Simple.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    Let’s take a minute to discuss the recent exploit where a number of players were able to obtain additional Raid rewards.

    On Thursday, June 23rd, 1,271 players took advantage of an exploit that allowed them to claim Raid rewards three or more times in a 90 minute window during a server glitch. The majority of these players are having their accounts suspended as we remove the additional rewards they obtained, while the most egregious offenders are being permanently banned. We are not planning on taking action on the ones who only did it a second time (which is 3,863). Why? Because we think those were a legitimate mistake. Whereas three or more times is being viewed as an exploit. It is subjective, but that’s where we’re drawing the line.

    We will be taking the following actions against accounts that claimed multiple Raid rewards:
    • Accounts that received multiple rewards suspended - You will still see them in game and it will appear as though they’ve kept everything, but they aren’t actually playing the game, they’re locked out. Players who claimed the extra rewards a small number of times aren’t suspended currently, but will be and will have their items removed once the bigger exploiters are taken care of first.
    • Extra rewards will be removed - While it is true that we can’t as easily take back credits or gear that have been spent, what we can do is lower certain things down. Example: if someone took all of their extra credits and gear and applied them to Royal Guard, we are taking away ALL gear from that Royal Guard and bumping them back down to 2 stars.
    • Additional Han Solo shards will be removed - Those Han Solo characters received from the extra Raid rewards you see floating around will be removed, although they’ll still be visible on suspended accounts. We will be removing the shards that were acquired through the extra rewards and lowering Han back down to 5 star for those that already had him unlocked, including all gear that was equipped on him. Players that first acquired Han Solo through the extra rewards will be banned permanently.
    • 7 Star Darth Vader lowered to 5 Star – players who acquired additional shards for Darth Vader through the old Achievement exploit will have shards taken away and their Darth Vader lowered down to 5 star. This will not be immediate and will be an ongoing process, so if you see a 7 Star Vader in arena be sure to report them to CG_LucifersDaddy


    If they open up a window for a time X and Y Players uses this to Gain more Rewards, those who push two or three Times the Button will not be banned those who did it like 50 Times will be banned. Hm...

    Ok, that still means that Guys got 1-2 or more Raidstuff as they normally get, fine.

    Isn't Guildhopping not also a Exploit?! If yes will you also ban people who did this multiple times ? If yes bye bye to all the top 20 Guilds...

    hehe I get some Popcorn and being back to watch the GlacticWarThread :):D

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    So pardon, I suspect I potentially am a person who accepted duplication of rewards over this period. I have to say I enjoy the game and am amazed that this would be construed as exploiting and that I might be banned. As I have played the game I have noticed many apparently random rewards for development glitches, which I presume were distributed equally to all players and have taken without question. When receiving this duplication I had no reason to think it wasn't applied equally to all, and wasn't of a similar nature to other random rewards. Am I really potentially at risk of being banned because I happened to be playing at this time and had the reward pop up multiple times, through no fault of mine, and that I accepted it without consideration? If so, wow, I didn't realise that such a measure would taken for such a recreational past time. Surely the obvious option is just to hold back rewards to equal value until they are paid back or give others a duplication of reward. Or perhaps just realise that this is hardly a super serious game.
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    Early on the game double or triple arena rewards would come periodically. I am glad that CG was not so hard core about punishing players for CG mistake.
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