Raid Reward Exploit Discussion Announcement - Comments\Questions *** MEGATHREAD***


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    Aniema wrote: »
    Asic wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    Asic wrote: »
    Divona wrote: »
    So conclusion of all this exploit is this:

    1. Worst offenders some got perma ban if they got Han solo unlocked with this while others got suspended and some geared toons downgraded. Few reports saying that some didnt get anything reverted and only suspension?
    2. Those who exploited twice (claiming by accident) got away with extra huge advantage gear.
    3. Those who did not gain anything also lost the most because they simply didnt take any advantage or rewarded for being honest.
    EA should at least reward those who did not get anything some raid piece gear. It will encourage in future to NOT exploit.

    You shouldn't get a reward for not exploiting (assuming you even had the opportunity). It's called doing the right thing. You should also pay your taxes and call your mom on Mother's Day and not get a reward for it. One extra reward is not "huge" by any rational measure and I applaud anyone for having the self control to not click again. Those triple takers are probably regretting it right now.

    On your first point, we can only hope they follow through and make a fair punishment.

    That's not true. When I call Moms for Mother's Day she gives me a thank you and an I love You.

    Doing the right thing goes both ways.

    Okay. Thank you for not exploiting. Thank everyone who did not exploit (again, assuming you had the opportunity).

    Done and dusted. That should end that the discussion about rewards.

    No, not done and dusted. 4000 people got something for free. There are some of us that would like something as well. If you don't want nothing, good, fine, move along to another thread. Don't come at me because I'm looking at this from my point of view. I don't feel like spending 1400-2500 more crystals and 2500 guild points to get what those 4000 people got for free because "that's were the line was drawn". Once I receive what they got then and only then will be when I am done with the discussion about rewards.

    Wow you're still going on about this...
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    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.

    I dont even care about getting anything but this just makes sense
  • Options
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.

    Why would we get t7 random when not all of the 4000 were doing t7. If you wanted it to be equal all who didn't double dip should get double rewards on their next raid...that would be the fair solution if you feel it's needed.
  • Options
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.

    Why would we get t7 random when not all of the 4000 were doing t7. If you wanted it to be equal all who didn't double dip should get double rewards on their next raid...that would be the fair solution if you feel it's needed.

    Great idea.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Paule
    39 posts Member
    I honestly don't want anything as a hand out. As I've repeatedly stated my guild was affected by this. The majority of offenders have been punished. The one person who activated Han Solo, starred him to 7 and leveled him to 80 has not been punished. He also still has all of the gear he equipped and that gives him a game changing advantage over the rest of the players in this game.

    @EA_Jesse stated that this offender would be permanently banned it has been 48 hours since he returned from his brief suspension and he is currently playing and enjoying his huge advantage. I was told by @BentWookiee to contact @CG_LucifersDaddy which I did 36 hours ago and have yet to hear anything back.

    I don't think many understand the gravity of this exploit. This player is currently dominating his arena, he has every end game hero maxed due to the illegal rewards he received and it is a slap in the face to everyone who has played this game honestly that he is still playing. He has absolutely no remorse for what he has done and I am absolutely devastated that the folks at EA/CG put out such a harsh statement but refuse to enforce it.

    Every second this player continues to play with his advantage the more people are affected and more than likely choosing to quit this game rather than devote anymore time and money as it is absolutely impossible to match the advantage he received. The best players in Team Instinct cannot compete with the exploiter and as a whale I can verify that as a fact.

    I am once again petitioning the moderators and developers to please take action. I have been extremely patient as have others but this guy got away with virtual robbery, other members of my guild were punished harshly as they deserved, yet the only player to use this exploit and activate Han Solo is allowed to continue to play and his only punishment was Solo was reverted to 5 stars and his arena and GW points were set to 13 to mark him as a first time offender.

    This is unacceptable.
  • Amish_Ace
    516 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    A big THANK YOU @EA_Jesse and @CG_LucifersDaddy for finally punishing all those 7* Vader exploiters. Its just not possible yet...6* is, but not 7*.
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.
    Just because you say so, doesn't make it so.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    MrGrips wrote: »
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.

    I dont even care about getting anything but this just makes sense

    Absolutely nothing is wrong with asking-I just don't think you or I deserve anything for unknowingly not abusing a system. I am providing you a counter point.

    On getting a t7 freebie- it's simply because exploiters may not even have been doing a tier 7. Based on your proposal, it would need to be adjusted soneveryone should get a random raid reward across all tiers (not automatically a t7 award). Based on this discussion, it seems you won't be happy with that. Separately, you don't seem to want a reward for not abusing the Vader exploit, so there is consistency in what would make you feel whole... Again it all reads like asking for a handout.

    My counter - Equality would be that you can make a decision on whether you want to not take that third award next time there is some easily abused exploit in the system (rest assured there will be one). If you choose not to abuse past the first accidental trigger, and you don't get punished, then you would be equal with the double dippers.
  • Options
    Paule wrote: »
    I honestly don't want anything as a hand out. As I've repeatedly stated my guild was affected by this. The majority of offenders have been punished. The one person who activated Han Solo, starred him to 7 and leveled him to 80 has not been punished. He also still has all of the gear he equipped and that gives him a game changing advantage over the rest of the players in this game.

    @EA_Jesse stated that this offender would be permanently banned it has been 48 hours since he returned from his brief suspension and he is currently playing and enjoying his huge advantage. I was told by @BentWookiee to contact @CG_LucifersDaddy which I did 36 hours ago and have yet to hear anything back.

    I don't think many understand the gravity of this exploit. This player is currently dominating his arena, he has every end game hero maxed due to the illegal rewards he received and it is a slap in the face to everyone who has played this game honestly that he is still playing. He has absolutely no remorse for what he has done and I am absolutely devastated that the folks at EA/CG put out such a harsh statement but refuse to enforce it.

    Every second this player continues to play with his advantage the more people are affected and more than likely choosing to quit this game rather than devote anymore time and money as it is absolutely impossible to match the advantage he received. The best players in Team Instinct cannot compete with the exploiter and as a whale I can verify that as a fact.

    I am once again petitioning the moderators and developers to please take action. I have been extremely patient as have others but this guy got away with virtual robbery, other members of my guild were punished harshly as they deserved, yet the only player to use this exploit and activate Han Solo is allowed to continue to play and his only punishment was Solo was reverted to 5 stars and his arena and GW points were set to 13 to mark him as a first time offender.

    This is unacceptable.

    Thanks for the update Paule.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Doggirl211
    240 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Paule wrote: »
    I honestly don't want anything as a hand out. As I've repeatedly stated my guild was affected by this. The majority of offenders have been punished. The one person who activated Han Solo, starred him to 7 and leveled him to 80 has not been punished. He also still has all of the gear he equipped and that gives him a game changing advantage over the rest of the players in this game.

    @EA_Jesse stated that this offender would be permanently banned it has been 48 hours since he returned from his brief suspension and he is currently playing and enjoying his huge advantage. I was told by @BentWookiee to contact @CG_LucifersDaddy which I did 36 hours ago and have yet to hear anything back.

    I don't think many understand the gravity of this exploit. This player is currently dominating his arena, he has every end game hero maxed due to the illegal rewards he received and it is a slap in the face to everyone who has played this game honestly that he is still playing. He has absolutely no remorse for what he has done and I am absolutely devastated that the folks at EA/CG put out such a harsh statement but refuse to enforce it.

    Every second this player continues to play with his advantage the more people are affected and more than likely choosing to quit this game rather than devote anymore time and money as it is absolutely impossible to match the advantage he received. The best players in Team Instinct cannot compete with the exploiter and as a whale I can verify that as a fact.

    I am once again petitioning the moderators and developers to please take action. I have been extremely patient as have others but this guy got away with virtual robbery, other members of my guild were punished harshly as they deserved, yet the only player to use this exploit and activate Han Solo is allowed to continue to play and his only punishment was Solo was reverted to 5 stars and his arena and GW points were set to 13 to mark him as a first time offender.

    This is unacceptable.

    That situation is very sad. It's completely contrary to what @EA_Jesse said would be done with flagrant offenders. Thanks for keeping us updated, I am very interested to know how this turns out. Obviously we aren't getting the transparency it, at first, seemed like we were.
  • Options
    MrGrips wrote: »
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.

    I dont even care about getting anything but this just makes sense

    According to The Cambridge English dictionary an exploit is defined as:
    1. to use something to your own benefit

    By that definition we could technically say you are attempting to exploit the outcome of this situation. In essence that makes it no better to ask for something as if it were owed to us because you still haven't honestly acquired that piece of gear you so stubbornly covet. You just took advantage of the fact that other people took advantage of something.

    Sorry, but I do not feel entitled to anything, and am glad the punishment is what it is.
  • Options
    Paule wrote: »
    I honestly don't want anything as a hand out. As I've repeatedly stated my guild was affected by this. The majority of offenders have been punished. The one person who activated Han Solo, starred him to 7 and leveled him to 80 has not been punished. He also still has all of the gear he equipped and that gives him a game changing advantage over the rest of the players in this game.

    @EA_Jesse stated that this offender would be permanently banned it has been 48 hours since he returned from his brief suspension and he is currently playing and enjoying his huge advantage. I was told by @BentWookiee to contact @CG_LucifersDaddy which I did 36 hours ago and have yet to hear anything back.

    I don't think many understand the gravity of this exploit. This player is currently dominating his arena, he has every end game hero maxed due to the illegal rewards he received and it is a slap in the face to everyone who has played this game honestly that he is still playing. He has absolutely no remorse for what he has done and I am absolutely devastated that the folks at EA/CG put out such a harsh statement but refuse to enforce it.

    Every second this player continues to play with his advantage the more people are affected and more than likely choosing to quit this game rather than devote anymore time and money as it is absolutely impossible to match the advantage he received. The best players in Team Instinct cannot compete with the exploiter and as a whale I can verify that as a fact.

    I am once again petitioning the moderators and developers to please take action. I have been extremely patient as have others but this guy got away with virtual robbery, other members of my guild were punished harshly as they deserved, yet the only player to use this exploit and activate Han Solo is allowed to continue to play and his only punishment was Solo was reverted to 5 stars and his arena and GW points were set to 13 to mark him as a first time offender.

    This is unacceptable.

    Out of curiosity, has he been kicked out of the guild?
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    Im just shocked at the number of people who are shocked or surprised that all ea did was pay us lip service. The vader exploit, pre crafting, guild hopping, this exploit. At this point, given ea's proven and extensive track record of incompetence, greed, laziness, and lack of interest in anything but their profit margins, I have no sympathy or hope for anyone who believes anything ea says and no respect for anyone that spends money in this game going forward. When you reward a company like ea, you get a trainwreck of a game like goh
  • Options
    MrGrips wrote: »
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.

    I dont even care about getting anything but this just makes sense

    According to The Cambridge English dictionary an exploit is defined as:
    1. to use something to your own benefit

    By that definition we could technically say you are attempting to exploit the outcome of this situation. In essence that makes it no better to ask for something as if it were owed to us because you still haven't honestly acquired that piece of gear you so stubbornly covet. You just took advantage of the fact that other people took advantage of something.

    Sorry, but I do not feel entitled to anything, and am glad the punishment is what it is.

    I exploited my car today as i drove into work. Nothing intrinsically wrong with that.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    And illegal in some states
  • Skirata
    163 posts Member
    Asic wrote: »

    What you are suggesting is impossible. Some people got an extra heroic raid first place box. Some may have got a tier 1 rank 50 place. There is no possible way for you to get what they got because its immeasurable.

    So, Asic, what all but the exploiters should get is the rewards for Heroic 1st place plus Tier 1 50th place. That would guarantee that those who did not click more than once have a little more than those who exploited.

    This reward is even for all, and ensures everyone playing has a more level playing field.
  • Options
    MrGrips wrote: »
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.

    I dont even care about getting anything but this just makes sense

    According to The Cambridge English dictionary an exploit is defined as:
    1. to use something to your own benefit

    By that definition we could technically say you are attempting to exploit the outcome of this situation. In essence that makes it no better to ask for something as if it were owed to us because you still haven't honestly acquired that piece of gear you so stubbornly covet. You just took advantage of the fact that other people took advantage of something.

    Sorry, but I do not feel entitled to anything, and am glad the punishment is what it is.

    I exploited my car today as i drove into work. Nothing intrinsically wrong with that.

    Wasn't implying that there was. Within the context of what I referenced (people asking for freebies) I was just trying to make the point that It won't help anything.
  • Options
    MrGrips wrote: »
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.

    I dont even care about getting anything but this just makes sense

    According to The Cambridge English dictionary an exploit is defined as:
    1. to use something to your own benefit

    By that definition we could technically say you are attempting to exploit the outcome of this situation. In essence that makes it no better to ask for something as if it were owed to us because you still haven't honestly acquired that piece of gear you so stubbornly covet. You just took advantage of the fact that other people took advantage of something.

    Sorry, but I do not feel entitled to anything, and am glad the punishment is what it is.

    I exploited my car today as i drove into work. Nothing intrinsically wrong with that.

    Wasn't implying that there was. Within the context of what I referenced (people asking for freebies) I was just trying to make the point that It won't help anything.

    I'm not asking for a freebie. Don't need it as if i want it, I'll just buy it. But I am defending those gamers who exercise their God given right to equality in a fair remedy for being honest.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Tocinoelcerdo
    47 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    MrGrips wrote: »
    I absolutely unequivocally don't understand what's wrong with asking to be made whole with an extra random raid award. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with defending ones equality with other people. As for like awards, just give everyone a random T7 raid award. The 4,000 2nd 'chancers' had a random award, and there is without a doubt no debating everyone else has a right to their own random raid award. This discussion is over. period.

    I dont even care about getting anything but this just makes sense

    According to The Cambridge English dictionary an exploit is defined as:
    1. to use something to your own benefit

    By that definition we could technically say you are attempting to exploit the outcome of this situation. In essence that makes it no better to ask for something as if it were owed to us because you still haven't honestly acquired that piece of gear you so stubbornly covet. You just took advantage of the fact that other people took advantage of something.

    Sorry, but I do not feel entitled to anything, and am glad the punishment is what it is.

    I exploited my car today as i drove into work. Nothing intrinsically wrong with that.

    Wasn't implying that there was. Within the context of what I referenced (people asking for freebies) I was just trying to make the point that It won't help anything.

    I'm not asking for a freebie. Don't need it as if i want it, I'll just buy it. But I am defending those gamers who exercise their God given right to equality in a fair remedy for being honest.

    I wasn't attacking them either? I was just making a point.

    I agree it's a God given right. My fair remedy for being honest is knowing that I did right by God and he will reward me in Heaven, not with some digital merchandise on my iPhone.

    Edit: @ImYourHuckleberry Please PM me if you would like to continue this conversation, this thread is about the exploit not what my religious views are.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Asic wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    Asic wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    Asic wrote: »
    Divona wrote: »
    So conclusion of all this exploit is this:

    1. Worst offenders some got perma ban if they got Han solo unlocked with this while others got suspended and some geared toons downgraded. Few reports saying that some didnt get anything reverted and only suspension?
    2. Those who exploited twice (claiming by accident) got away with extra huge advantage gear.
    3. Those who did not gain anything also lost the most because they simply didnt take any advantage or rewarded for being honest.
    EA should at least reward those who did not get anything some raid piece gear. It will encourage in future to NOT exploit.

    You shouldn't get a reward for not exploiting (assuming you even had the opportunity). It's called doing the right thing. You should also pay your taxes and call your mom on Mother's Day and not get a reward for it. One extra reward is not "huge" by any rational measure and I applaud anyone for having the self control to not click again. Those triple takers are probably regretting it right now.

    On your first point, we can only hope they follow through and make a fair punishment.

    That's not true. When I call Moms for Mother's Day she gives me a thank you and an I love You.

    Doing the right thing goes both ways.

    Okay. Thank you for not exploiting. Thank everyone who did not exploit (again, assuming you had the opportunity).

    Done and dusted. That should end that the discussion about rewards.

    No, not done and dusted. 4000 people got something for free. There are some of us that would like something as well. If you don't want nothing, good, fine, move along to another thread. Don't come at me because I'm looking at this from my point of view. I don't feel like spending 1400-2500 more crystals and 2500 guild points to get what those 4000 people got for free because "that's were the line was drawn". Once I receive what they got then and only then will be when I am done with the discussion about rewards.

    What you are suggesting is impossible. Some people got an extra heroic raid first place box. Some may have got a tier 1 rank 50 place. There is no possible way for you to get what they got because its immeasurable. If we want to be specific, CG could probably take the weighted average of all rewards and calculate what would be an appropriate mid-point. Still someone got something more than that mid point. Anywhere in the middle you would likely still feel slighted that someone out there got something better than you based on some arbitrary benchmark- which ironically, is the model of our current raid reward system.

    The line as drawn is arbitrary, to be fair to your point. Someone that triggered it once and had self control not to do it again, would have acknowledged it as a bug and looked not to exploit. I don't think you can assume everyone else would do the same and give them a reward, so you are suggesting we reward people for hypothetically not exploiting a bug. I don't think people should be rewarded for hypothetically doing the right thing.

    Also, the line as drawn assumes someone that took three awards did it to exploit a bug rather than as an unconscious trigger happy accident- but they don't get the benefit of doubt. These are the ones taking the brunt of punishment.

    It sounds more like you are asking for a free handout. Also noone is asking you to buy gear for 1400-2500 crystals, so if don't feel like it, don't.

    I never said I want a reward for doing the right thing. This isn't a "hey I rescued your puppy now give me a reward" conversation.

    It's a,"hey you screwed up, 4000 people still got free stuff a piece of gear/peices of materials/Han solo shards/credits/guild coins" now are you gonna make things right with everyone else who has supported you for the past 6 months" thing.

    I'm tired of farming multiple raids to get gear I don't need. I'm tired of buying gear from shipments cause raid coins build up to slow. Yes I am greedy and I want a handout. No I do not care if that's what people think.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Skirata wrote: »
    Asic wrote: »

    What you are suggesting is impossible. Some people got an extra heroic raid first place box. Some may have got a tier 1 rank 50 place. There is no possible way for you to get what they got because its immeasurable.

    So, Asic, what all but the exploiters should get is the rewards for Heroic 1st place plus Tier 1 50th place. That would guarantee that those who did not click more than once have a little more than those who exploited.

    This reward is even for all, and ensures everyone playing has a more level playing field.

    1) absolute value: you would be getting two rewards by my count
    2) weighted average: you are getting more than anyone that accidentally took a reward less than heroic t7 rank 1

    And again, you haven't done anything to deserve it other than not been put in a situation that you would hypothetically not take advantage of. So you could reward someone who would have abused it given the opportunity.
  • Options
    Asic wrote: »
    Skirata wrote: »
    Asic wrote: »

    What you are suggesting is impossible. Some people got an extra heroic raid first place box. Some may have got a tier 1 rank 50 place. There is no possible way for you to get what they got because its immeasurable.

    So, Asic, what all but the exploiters should get is the rewards for Heroic 1st place plus Tier 1 50th place. That would guarantee that those who did not click more than once have a little more than those who exploited.

    This reward is even for all, and ensures everyone playing has a more level playing field.

    1) absolute value: you would be getting two rewards by my count
    2) weighted average: you are getting more than anyone that accidentally took a reward less than heroic t7 rank 1

    And again, you haven't done anything to deserve it other than not been put in a situation that you would hypothetically not take advantage of. So you could reward someone who would have abused it given the opportunity.

    Guilty till proven innocent? nice... you must not be from the US.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    This conversation is heading off topic and becoming personal and insulting.

    Play nice and keep the tone more civil.
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • Slots
    72 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Paule wrote: »
    I honestly don't want anything as a hand out. As I've repeatedly stated my guild was affected by this. The majority of offenders have been punished. The one person who activated Han Solo, starred him to 7 and leveled him to 80 has not been punished. He also still has all of the gear he equipped and that gives him a game changing advantage over the rest of the players in this game.

    @EA_Jesse stated that this offender would be permanently banned it has been 48 hours since he returned from his brief suspension and he is currently playing and enjoying his huge advantage. I was told by @BentWookiee to contact @CG_LucifersDaddy which I did 36 hours ago and have yet to hear anything back.

    I don't think many understand the gravity of this exploit. This player is currently dominating his arena, he has every end game hero maxed due to the illegal rewards he received and it is a slap in the face to everyone who has played this game honestly that he is still playing. He has absolutely no remorse for what he has done and I am absolutely devastated that the folks at EA/CG put out such a harsh statement but refuse to enforce it.

    Every second this player continues to play with his advantage the more people are affected and more than likely choosing to quit this game rather than devote anymore time and money as it is absolutely impossible to match the advantage he received. The best players in Team Instinct cannot compete with the exploiter and as a whale I can verify that as a fact.

    I am once again petitioning the moderators and developers to please take action. I have been extremely patient as have others but this guy got away with virtual robbery, other members of my guild were punished harshly as they deserved, yet the only player to use this exploit and activate Han Solo is allowed to continue to play and his only punishment was Solo was reverted to 5 stars and his arena and GW points were set to 13 to mark him as a first time offender.

    This is unacceptable.

    Han Solo is not a game changing arena breaker. He will be delt with. Settle down. I imagine you refreshing your app every min in hopes his character does not show up in your guild.
  • Smite
    259 posts Member
    Paule wrote: »
    I honestly don't want anything as a hand out. As I've repeatedly stated my guild was affected by this. The majority of offenders have been punished. The one person who activated Han Solo, starred him to 7 and leveled him to 80 has not been punished. He also still has all of the gear he equipped and that gives him a game changing advantage over the rest of the players in this game.

    @EA_Jesse stated that this offender would be permanently banned it has been 48 hours since he returned from his brief suspension and he is currently playing and enjoying his huge advantage. I was told by @BentWookiee to contact @CG_LucifersDaddy which I did 36 hours ago and have yet to hear anything back.

    I don't think many understand the gravity of this exploit. This player is currently dominating his arena, he has every end game hero maxed due to the illegal rewards he received and it is a slap in the face to everyone who has played this game honestly that he is still playing. He has absolutely no remorse for what he has done and I am absolutely devastated that the folks at EA/CG put out such a harsh statement but refuse to enforce it.

    100% agreed. But you can and will monitor him. Maybe @CG_LucifersDaddy and his team will still take some more time to look deeper into the accounts. Guessing...
    Paule wrote: »
    ...The best players in Team Instinct cannot compete with the exploiter and as a whale I can verify that as a fact...

    This one I absolutely disagree.
  • Smite
    259 posts Member
    Slots wrote: »
    Han Solo is not a game changing arena breaker. He will be delt with. Settle down. I imagine you refreshing your app every min in hopes his character does not show up in your guild.

    Srry pal, but you're missing the point that Paule made.
  • DieInFire
    802 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Aniema wrote: »
    Asic wrote: »
    Aniema wrote: »
    Asic wrote: »
    Divona wrote: »
    So conclusion of all this exploit is this:

    1. Worst offenders some got perma ban if they got Han solo unlocked with this while others got suspended and some geared toons downgraded. Few reports saying that some didnt get anything reverted and only suspension?
    2. Those who exploited twice (claiming by accident) got away with extra huge advantage gear.
    3. Those who did not gain anything also lost the most because they simply didnt take any advantage or rewarded for being honest.
    EA should at least reward those who did not get anything some raid piece gear. It will encourage in future to NOT exploit.

    You shouldn't get a reward for not exploiting (assuming you even had the opportunity). It's called doing the right thing. You should also pay your taxes and call your mom on Mother's Day and not get a reward for it. One extra reward is not "huge" by any rational measure and I applaud anyone for having the self control to not click again. Those triple takers are probably regretting it right now.

    On your first point, we can only hope they follow through and make a fair punishment.

    That's not true. When I call Moms for Mother's Day she gives me a thank you and an I love You.

    Doing the right thing goes both ways.

    Okay. Thank you for not exploiting. Thank everyone who did not exploit (again, assuming you had the opportunity).

    Done and dusted. That should end that the discussion about rewards.

    No, not done and dusted. 4000 people got something for free. There are some of us that would like something as well. If you don't want nothing, good, fine, move along to another thread. Don't come at me because I'm looking at this from my point of view. I don't feel like spending 1400-2500 more crystals and 2500 guild points to get what those 4000 people got for free because "that's were the line was drawn". Once I receive what they got then and only then will be when I am done with the discussion about rewards.

    I don't care about a compensation, but I respect and I understand your feelings regarding this matter, I really do.

    EDITED: Removed off-topic subject references so as to not derail the thread with off-topic matters

    Post edited by JohnnySteelAlpha on
  • Slots
    72 posts Member
    Smite wrote: »
    Slots wrote: »
    Han Solo is not a game changing arena breaker. He will be delt with. Settle down. I imagine you refreshing your app every min in hopes his character does not show up in your guild.

    Srry pal, but you're missing the point that Paule made.

    There is no point. This is like the 5th "he's still not banned" post about this persons guildie. The person will be dealt with.
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