Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    GW sucks now it wasn't very good before. It's not fun the more I play it out the more I do not want to play it. I normally just start a fight and retreat just to earn the daily. If there were no daily I would not ever open the table.
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    I'm level 76 with five level 7* gear level IX toons. I had to go up against 2 gear level XI and 3 Gear level X toons. I guess I need to learn to play better.

    GW feels like work that I must do because I need credits. It isn't fun.
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    I dont think majority of complain here are actualy looking for advice, they just want to voicing concern. If I were in these guys shoe i doubt finishing their 6th node let alone 9/12th
    the cake is a lie
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    I find myself playing less and less due to GW being left broken. EA not listening and letting trolls try to keep the problems hidden has lead me to quit buying crystals. I don't enjoy the game that much anymore either so what's next? Probably quit playing the game all together sometime in the near future.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    Running into those tank teams is a good sign. Tanks have high power due to their large health pool, but they aren't great hitters, so can be beaten with enough time.
    Haha ... not if one of those is Sun Fac.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    Lets see what todays GW holds...
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    It's been said again and again. 1 team should NEVER be able to beat 5 7 star teams! Fix your stupid GW Devs!
  • tiS
    129 posts Member
    How is it fair and balanced when i only have 5 characters maxed and modded that i face back to back to back to back maxed modded teams with sun fac and other OP characters? I havent finished a galactic war in ages since that crap update. I do not pay for my game and it is absolutely **** that u need to lose ur A team by the 5th node every day because ur against a max team every dang node!?? Whats the reasoning for this unbalance???
  • tiS
    129 posts Member
    Fyi i never even used a bad word where it censored my pg13 word
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Weeeeee another one...
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    whats the difference between a bad word and a pg13 word?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    About 5 years lol
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I understand your frustration but saying a toon is OP just because you lose to them is not fair. This game has a fair amount of powerful toons, some P2P and luckily enough some F2P.

    The devs have said on multiple occasions that the point of GW is to have a deep roster. From what you have said this is not where you are at. Not every part of the game is designed for the player to make a single team and rush the whole thing.

    It has not been confirmed but many ppl believe that the matching is made in your top 5 toons or Arena team, in your case this could be the same. Since they expect you to have a deeper roster you have in a way "shot yourself in the foot".

    It takes time and everyone went through it, work on your roster not just arena. One thing I did luckily enough back in the day was a complete overhaul to a new arena team, it took time and focus and I missed out on some stuff but I run droids main and have a great meta team as my B team, it worked out well for me. Not saying you should go droids but look at toons to expand your arena team and you will have a better roster in the long run.
  • jackTHErandom
    1195 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    You only got 5 usable toons... What do you expect?
    Calling these 5 your A-team doesnt change the fact that you dont have a B-team...
    Whos fault is this?
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    I had to farm my B-team so that they knock out the first 6 to 8 nodes before putting in my A-team for the remaining nodes. It has been the only way to beat GW these days.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    The devs have said on multiple occasions that the point of GW is to have a deep roster. From what you have said this is not where you are at. Not every part of the game is designed for the player to make a single team and rush the whole thing.

    The point of the GCW is to make you spend a lot of cash on a deep roster because it's the -only- place where you make a reasonable amount of credits.

    Even when you have a B and even a C team, they move the carrot by rigging the system to get more money from you.

  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Scorpionad wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The devs have said on multiple occasions that the point of GW is to have a deep roster. From what you have said this is not where you are at. Not every part of the game is designed for the player to make a single team and rush the whole thing.

    The point of the GCW is to make you spend a lot of cash on a deep roster because it's the -only- place where you make a reasonable amount of credits.

    Even when you have a B and even a C team, they move the carrot by rigging the system to get more money from you.

    PLENTY of people can complete GW without spending a penny... saying that is very short sighted
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    Just as I finished my previous post I faced a level 80 modded droid team with my A-team on node 12 and got whooped!
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Kyno wrote: »
    The devs have said on multiple occasions that the point of GW is to have a deep roster. From what you have said this is not where you are at. Not every part of the game is designed for the player to make a single team and rush the whole thing

    That's not it, you don't get it. I assume your arena power has always been high enough.

    I had serious issues with OP opponents in GW where the last nodes (9, 11 and 12) meant the death to my squads. I am past that now, getting easy GW progression.

    My 12th node are always 3* clowns, my 9th and 11th are usually tooled up jedis, Rey, Fives, RG, GS. These nodes are much easier than earlier they were, when my typical opponents were tooled up Old Ben, Anakin, Rex as leaders. Aayla, Fives, Sun Fac, Rey, StHan, etc. were my opponents then.

    No matter what I tried those guys killed my weaker squads easily. I prepped three other teams on early nodes, but it rarely made an impact.

    I invested to my tank characters, not because of arena or GW, but because it gave me higher power and thus easier GW. I still prep, habit, even though I don't need them in the end.

    If this really is working as intended then by all means let me breeze through GW with one team again. I don't really mind..

  • tiS
    129 posts Member
    Gw is a joke, plain and simple! It was fixed to increase their revenue
  • Nagje
    13 posts Member
    Just as I finished my previous post I faced a level 80 modded droid team with my A-team on node 12 and got whooped!

    Node 12...lucky you...I hit one at node 11 already. My highest char is level 73. 5 level 80 chars...easy. just as intended.
    But I am sure EA is already fixing this problem. Just like the credit shortage....fix will be here soon.
    And soon I will stop dreaming. ;-)
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    Achilles wrote: »
    Running into those tank teams is a good sign. Tanks have high power due to their large health pool, but they aren't great hitters, so can be beaten with enough time.
    Haha ... not if one of those is Sun Fac.

    Keeping him stunned is the only way I can deal with him. And bring a de-taunter like QGJ.
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    Node 12 - Their power - 41,306


    My squad power - 35,973 with most my protection gone by now. Is this working as you intended CG?
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    Meat1980 wrote: »
    Node 12 - Their power - 41,306


    My squad power - 35,973 with most my protection gone by now. Is this working as you intended CG?

    Hahah! Not to brag but... I'm lvl 74 with 30k arena power and i got THE SAME team (ok, Rey instead of Leia) a few days ago in my node 12! I had then my 2 A teams in full hp and boosted TM. I got spanked.

    It was a one time thing, but when i saw RG and STH in your print i just felt the scars of that battle burning!

    Best luck next time man, i got lucky enough to face easier teams since then... But always be prepared for the worst lol...
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    GW still not fixed. Spare me the deep roster ****. I have about 30 level 80 with over 20 seven stars, modded, etc. I make it to the last Node every day and face a team that is 10,000 points higher then my A team. No chance to win. I have 65 crystals left from when this **** started. Have not spent a dime since, and won't. Make the other nodes a little more difficult, fine. But this is ridiculous.

    Funny enough, I have a FTP account that I reached level 80 but did not bring any toons above level 72. I destroy GW. I only figure that is your way to sucker me in to pay to level up my characters just to pull this GW trick. Nice try
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    GW still not fixed. Spare me the deep roster ****. I have about 30 level 80 with over 20 seven stars, modded, etc. I make it to the last Node every day and face a team that is 10,000 points higher then my A team. No chance to win. I have 65 crystals left from when this **** started. Have not spent a dime since, and won't. Make the other nodes a little more difficult, fine. But this is ridiculous.

    Funny enough, I have a FTP account that I reached level 80 but did not bring any toons above level 72. I destroy GW. I only figure that is your way to sucker me in to pay to level up my characters just to pull this GW trick. Nice try
    With you brah!
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    Naw wrote: »
    I have not complained about GW for a while now, because I no longer need to. I get tough nodes and then 3 star finish in node 12 nowadays. My 11th node has so far never been as tough as my nodes 11 AND 12 used to be, now I am happily over the threshold.

    Those in a same situation as me, get real, your GW really is an easy mode all the way.

    This happened to me last week. I hit the magical number of 37,xxx power and got an easy node 12. I also have not had anywhere NEAR as hard nodes leading up to 12 as I did when it was impossible to finish for me. I believe those people saying "those impossible teams you're facing on nodes 11 & 12? We just face them from node 6 on. You just need to....", are simply not having the same experience. When I was complaining because I was facing impossible to beat teams, it's because they were IMPOSSIBLE to beat. Saying you face those teams every day from node 6 on is untruthful, because if you did, you would never make it past node 6, that's what impossible means.

    Just please stop the insanity. You clearly do not understand the types of teams some people are facing.

    I didn't change anything about the way I play GW. I didn't retreat a million times in the first 5 nodes to make sure everything was exactly right. I primed my TM exactly like I did the day before, then played EXACTLY like I did the day before, and yet somehow, I slid through nodes 9-11 fairly easily and thought "well, node 12 is going to be unbeatable since I haven't had much trouble yet today" and then I got the easy node 12. I changed absolutely nothing. I didn't wake up that day and all of a sudden learn how to play. Nothing changed except I put 1 piece of gear on 1 character that magically pushed me over the edge, and now I've completed GW every day since then.

    No one can honestly say that's working as intended.
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    Doggirl211 wrote: »
    Naw wrote: »
    I have not complained about GW for a while now, because I no longer need to. I get tough nodes and then 3 star finish in node 12 nowadays. My 11th node has so far never been as tough as my nodes 11 AND 12 used to be, now I am happily over the threshold.

    Those in a same situation as me, get real, your GW really is an easy mode all the way.

    This happened to me last week. I hit the magical number of 37,xxx power and got an easy node 12. I also have not had anywhere NEAR as hard nodes leading up to 12 as I did when it was impossible to finish for me. I believe those people saying "those impossible teams you're facing on nodes 11 & 12? We just face them from node 6 on. You just need to....", are simply not having the same experience. When I was complaining because I was facing impossible to beat teams, it's because they were IMPOSSIBLE to beat. Saying you face those teams every day from node 6 on is untruthful, because if you did, you would never make it past node 6, that's what impossible means.

    Just please stop the insanity. You clearly do not understand the types of teams some people are facing.

    I didn't change anything about the way I play GW. I didn't retreat a million times in the first 5 nodes to make sure everything was exactly right. I primed my TM exactly like I did the day before, then played EXACTLY like I did the day before, and yet somehow, I slid through nodes 9-11 fairly easily and thought "well, node 12 is going to be unbeatable since I haven't had much trouble yet today" and then I got the easy node 12. I changed absolutely nothing. I didn't wake up that day and all of a sudden learn how to play. Nothing changed except I put 1 piece of gear on 1 character that magically pushed me over the edge, and now I've completed GW every day since then.

    No one can honestly say that's working as intended.

    I'm in the same boat, nearly identical situation. Last week got to easy node 12, and now the teams I'm facing are nowhere near as difficult as they used to be 2..4 weeks ago. Those were real bone breakers, I kinda doubt I would be able to beat them even now, when I have more powerful toons.
  • Terminex
    37 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Haven't complained about this in a while, so, here we go: EoBPKeM.jpg
    Notice that's Node 6.

    Now look at my TOP charachters:

    Some of you may be thinking "oh that's easy" well great, good for you. It's not easy for me. It's frustrating as %&$!
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