Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I have a deep roster..I have 81 characters. 20, 7* lvl 70/80s. 30ish 6* lvl 55/ 75 and rest are 4 / 5*s . And i cant beat it.
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    They made this sticky thread so you'd all be ignored in one place. Start making threads, **** them. GW sucks and it needs to be a bigger issue. Don't let them put you in this pen and just ignore 127 pages worth of complaints. EA is such ****.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Well it is simple i refuse to personally spend a dime on this game until GW is fixed. My node 6, 9,10,11 are all 80 and modded out the bootty and well can't get past 11 today yet and doubt I will. Fully modded Droid team with B2.

    EA you made a great update why keep pooping on your customers with this insane mode. I know you are trying to please the P2P but soon they will be fighting themselves as the rest of us will move on.
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    Difficult final two nodes is totally fine. However with a roster of 50 characters, you SHOULD be able to work your way through it. Fine let my A, B & C squads take a massive beatings and only take out one or two enemy characters a match. BUT don't make it impossible. Ex: Enemy players knock out Lvl 80 G10 lvl 15mods in two or even 1 single attack. Then it gets worse for my team from there. Now my B team steps in and they aren't even as powerful as my A team so they don't last half as long, I still haven't knocked out a single enemy, now my C goes in, they get ran and oh look, the enemy team has regained health. D-Z go in for what? I haven't knocked anyone out and NOW the enemy team gets first attack and one hits EVERYBODY outta the game. Waste of time now. When my A team goes down without knocking anyone out...I move on for the day from the game. Just make it a workable puzzle!!!!
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    I've had the same Lugal Kelim node 12 for 6 days in a row. Even with my entire roster fully healthy I wouldn't be able to beat this team. Stop with this garbage. Fully geared and modded, 9058 Anakin, 8894 Fives, 8933 Fun Sac, 8944 RG, and 8121 QGJ. Statistically impossible for me to beat, and the exact same match up every single day.

    43,950 power. I don't have anything that even comes near that. GW is so awful and has been for so long.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    I've had the same Lugal Kelim node 12 for 6 days in a row. Even with my entire roster fully healthy I wouldn't be able to beat this team. Stop with this garbage. Fully geared and modded, 9058 Anakin, 8894 Fives, 8933 Fun Sac, 8944 RG, and 8121 QGJ. Statistically impossible for me to beat, and the exact same match up every single day.

    43,950 power. I don't have anything that even comes near that. GW is so awful and has been for so long.

    Nice and challenging! L2P LOLZ etc... I feel for you, faced similar setups too often, though sometimes it was Old Ben (L) with Anakin, Fives, Sun Fac and RG. It gets old quickly when the previous node is the same with just a minor variation.
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    Continues to suck - fu devs.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Achilles wrote: »
    Running into those tank teams is a good sign. Tanks have high power due to their large health pool, but they aren't great hitters, so can be beaten with enough time.
    Haha ... not if one of those is Sun Fac.

    Keeping him stunned is the only way I can deal with him. And bring a de-taunter like QGJ.

    Thats what i try too, but there is no char with a secure stun and rng is usually at AIs side, so it starts, the most annoying part in this game: trail and error until the rng is in your favor. its really the dum pest idea they ever brought. the game is mostly fun, but GW and gear drop rate really ruins it. i wonder how low someones iq has to be, to think that gw is a "challenge" ... its not, its just a time consuming **** ! if it was not for the credits, i would ignore and skip it. imo a development fail.

    Wonder how long it takes until someone finds a working brain unit and finds out that its their customers they **** at ...
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    So unpleasant. The amount of imbalance is angering. Truly want to spew crap at the developers every day for making this a part of the game
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    I think the poster above has it about right. Stop posting here and create new threads.
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    tiS wrote: »
    Gw is a joke, plain and simple! It was fixed to increase their revenue

    So true, and on top of the fact stated above, there are trolls among this thread trying to make it seem like people are not playing it correctly. It's a game, it should be about fun, not grinding for months just to have the carrot moved further away by another surprise from the dev's. The cash flow is what it's ALL based on, not strategy.
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    I usually beat GW 6 days out of 7, but today I just used my whole roster...on the 9th node. Gotta love it
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    I know my experience is not what everyone deals with, but based on my experience GW is utterly garbage. I have to fight the urge of breaking my phone on a daily basis. There is no strategy to winning, I have spent 10 hours trying to win and only 20 minutes, usually get about the same distance. I've gone through my entire roster by half matches before. I had gotten to the point with my arena squad that the 12th node was all 3 stars, but even then, sometimes I didn't make it to the final node. Now something happened and I'm getting twinked out fights from 7th all the way through 12. It is really killing any joy I get from this game and I'm a huge star wars fan, so the ONLY fact I'm still playing is because of how much a l9ve star wars. Fix your crap dudes, GW is an abomination.
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    I just want to say I'm pretty disappointed with GW. The last two weeks it's been impossible to win. I've got top mods lvl 9 & 10 gear and sk 80 toons. I can get to the last one or two battles and get a bomb dropped on me! Had about enuff.
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    Gear 8- 10 toons and over 25 we've star and level 80 my progress is decreasing - just carpet bomb this portion of the game you greedy ****
  • HurricaneEwok
    39 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi all –

    I wanted to give an update on Galactic War tuning.

    Before I get into it, I want to reiterate that the goals of this feature continue to be:
    • Provide a real challenge to players. In other words: it’s meant to be hard!
    • Provide a place in the game where your entire collection can be brought to bear. Potentially every character can help you succeed.
    • Provide a “war of attrition” where health is persisted as you progressed in battles.
    • Provide a place where there’s an ever-evolving set of challenges in terms of which characters / parties / builds can be most effective. (As more characters are released, and as more types of builds are discovered and developed by the players, this will become increasingly true.)

    As you may know, we made a tuning change to Galactic War on June 15th. There were several goals of that change, and we have been monitoring in-game data and player feedback on the change. While we view that tuning update as generally successful, we were finding that it wasn’t providing enough challenge.

    On June 29th we made an adjustment to the June 15th tuning to make the last few nodes more challenging. (Note that this was a tweak of the June 15th tuning, and not a roll-back to the prior tuning as some players have been suggesting.)

    As always, we will continue to monitor the data and player feedback and determine if further tweaks to the tuning are needed.


    Pointless explanation, now tell me another one.
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    Its too gd hard, period. My entire roster, fresh, could not have taken my node 11 tonight. So you can take your explanation of how its meant to be hard and cram it right up your ****.
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    So given that EA and the devs have "no plans to change" GW any time soon, maybe they need a little intellectual jump start to get motivated to do so.
    Looking at GW now it's not set up logically. It doesn't make sense to have nodes randomly power up to such an extreme levels. It should be consistently progressive, but I digress. Unless you're a massive whale you don't have enough toons to finish GW or beat it without ripping out your hair. Why not add a protection refresh available for a later nodes? Or hold off on any nodes having protection until after node 6? That way lesser leveled players are able to survive into at least node 10/11.
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    My friend just got to level 40. His first ever gw! He faced a lvl 55 team on node 6. Seems legit.
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    What's wrong with GW?
    I'm F2P and I complete it every day.
    Maybe you need to work on your toons?

    It's not meant for everyone to complete every day. I never used to be able to.
    It's like all the events that people feel entitled to. You need to work towards it.
    1 solid team can complete GW. If you have a back-up team, all the better.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    Hi all –

    I wanted to give an update on Galactic War tuning.

    Before I get into it, I want to reiterate that the goals of this feature continue to be:
    • Provide a real challenge to players. In other words: it’s meant to be hard!
    • Provide a place in the game where your entire collection can be brought to bear. Potentially every character can help you succeed.
    • Provide a “war of attrition” where health is persisted as you progressed in battles.
    • Provide a place where there’s an ever-evolving set of challenges in terms of which characters / parties / builds can be most effective. (As more characters are released, and as more types of builds are discovered and developed by the players, this will become increasingly true.)

    As you may know, we made a tuning change to Galactic War on June 15th. There were several goals of that change, and we have been monitoring in-game data and player feedback on the change. While we view that tuning update as generally successful, we were finding that it wasn’t providing enough challenge.

    On June 29th we made an adjustment to the June 15th tuning to make the last few nodes more challenging. (Note that this was a tweak of the June 15th tuning, and not a roll-back to the prior tuning as some players have been suggesting.)

    As always, we will continue to monitor the data and player feedback and determine if further tweaks to the tuning are needed.


    Pointless explanation, now tell me another one.

    So this admits to me that it is supposed to be hard so only our P2P players can beat it daily.

    Also says to me that we as programmers don't know how to program the game to give a decent matchup for everyone and well we are tired of caring or trying.

    Spend please we need new cars.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    So given that EA and the devs have "no plans to change" GW any time soon, maybe they need a little intellectual jump start to get motivated to do so.
    Looking at GW now it's not set up logically. It doesn't make sense to have nodes randomly power up to such an extreme levels. It should be consistently progressive, but I digress. Unless you're a massive whale you don't have enough toons to finish GW or beat it without ripping out your hair. Why not add a protection refresh available for a later nodes? Or hold off on any nodes having protection until after node 6? That way lesser leveled players are able to survive into at least node 10/11.

    The whole point is to test your roster. You don't have to be a whale to have a decent roster, it takes time. Everyone has or had trouble with GW, except for the 2 weeks or so of it being super simple.

    A protection change in any way defeats the purpose that has been stated for GW.

    There are many posts on solid strategiesto beat GW, and if you are working on a roster for raids GW will fall in line. With Mods you also have the ability for 50k to change all mods from a dead team to the B team (and back). Getting double duty from your best mods.

    The staged lvl increase makes sense for the purpose of testing you roster. If it was straight increase then you would get further with one team then you do now.... the whole point is to break everyone from arena team runs the world.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Its too gd hard, period. My entire roster, fresh, could not have taken my node 11 tonight. So you can take your explanation of how its meant to be hard and cram it right up your ****.

    So you couldn't beat the 11th node. BooFreakingHoo. You beat the first 10 right? You did farm close to 500k credits still. If you do that everyday you will eventually build up your roster to the point you can finish Gws everyday. Just because you can't beat the last 2 nodes doesn't mean it's too hard. It just seems too hard cause your toons and roster is too weak.
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    Aniema wrote: »
    Its too gd hard, period. My entire roster, fresh, could not have taken my node 11 tonight. So you can take your explanation of how its meant to be hard and cram it right up your ****.

    So you couldn't beat the 11th node. BooFreakingHoo. You beat the first 10 right? You did farm close to 500k credits still. If you do that everyday you will eventually build up your roster to the point you can finish Gws everyday. Just because you can't beat the last 2 nodes doesn't mean it's too hard. It just seems too hard cause your toons and roster is too weak.

    Awesome avatar! Mad Season, Layne Staley!
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
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    Tired of with GW... Tired of spending money so that I can clear to get credits to level/gear up my characters. Yes, it takes time to build your character and I do agree. And yes GW is designed to provide challenge. But when you design a **** poor mechanic where the battle outcome is exactly the same when you have same characters its waste of time. For example, A attacks B and its a miss. Restart the battle and A attacks C and its a miss again. Regardless of what you do if its an attack and you miss or deflected than it will always be so. Unless you use an utility skill or aoe it will always result the same. Why isn't there a randomness if you devs are trying to come up with challenge?

    And I don't understand when you face pretty much the same set up of RG Rey QGJ variation combo. The **** poor balancing design is quite repulsive. But it was fun while it lasted. I'm done.
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    Thanks for dropping and saying goodbye. Cheers
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    Add me to the club of those who are quite content with GW. Of course, it can be done in a much better way and it really depends what opponents are chosen for you as pure power of opponent is not so much important. From my PoV the only issue in match making is:
    - Mods are still not counted correctly. Combat power is influenced much less by mods than it should be
    - Toon synergy is not correctly evaluated. Therefore a weak team (by combat power) may be much more difficult to beat than some much stronger (by combat power) because in some cases toons work together and in some not
    - There shouldn't be those weak 12th nodes

    Other than this I think GW works fine. In my opinion there are only two parts of game which you need to care about Arena and GW as you can simulate everything else. So I don't understand the complaints about GW taking too much time. There are imho much worse issues such as 10 minute cooldowns for challenges or refreshes of shipments 4 times a day, but differently than bonus energy, which forces you to log in game many times per day.
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    Aniema wrote: »
    Its too gd hard, period. My entire roster, fresh, could not have taken my node 11 tonight. So you can take your explanation of how its meant to be hard and cram it right up your ****.

    So you couldn't beat the 11th node. BooFreakingHoo. You beat the first 10 right? You did farm close to 500k credits still. If you do that everyday you will eventually build up your roster to the point you can finish Gws everyday. Just because you can't beat the last 2 nodes doesn't mean it's too hard. It just seems too hard cause your toons and roster is too weak.

    Yet another apologist when you have no idea how strong my team is, irregardless, it should scale correctly and it doesn't, so p!**** off.
  • EventineElessedil
    6171 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    GW working fine for me. Takes a long time and is hard, but it's supposed to be. N11 yesterday:

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    This is my roster

    This is my last GW node

    How am I supposed to win?
    I mean I have no possible chance of winning this!
    I have everyone alive whit full health, all abilities available and 7 guys have turn meter, but still there is no way I can beat that team, NO POSSIBLE WAY!

    I haven't had any problems with clearing gw ever before this, I have beaten several Rey/RG/QGJ Dodge let teams but this droid team is impossible to beat with my roster.

    I'm fine not clearing GW everyday but when it takes this long (30 mins +/-) I want to have a chance to actually win!
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