Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I've been traveling so I don't have as much time to invest in this game. I've pretty much ignored GW for the past five days now. Of course, I miss the credits but I've found that I enjoy playing Galaxy of Heroes so much more without dealing with the stress fest that is GW.
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    Quixotic wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    I also really dislike that the first five nodes are just there to **** you around and waste your time with minimal rewards but "yer a winner so you feel good now!"
    These 5 nodes are what makes winning the last one even possible. These are not a waste of time.

    Hey there, I know it is a slow response, but I'm the guy you quoted there. My point is that those first 5 nodes just are basically a "gimme" with almost no challenge and almost no reward, you get 200 green crystals for the GW store and some assorted loot, but nothing much, and waste at least ten, generally 15 or more minutes loading these battles and waltzing through them to get that "I'm a winner, look at the sparkly colors and all these prizes I am redeeming!" feeling.

    But they are. You can gain TM on your top characters and ensure that they're all ready with all of their abilities. The reward is TM. It means my A team can hit node 6 and often get 7 hits in before the other side.( as I run daka with phasma lead I can sometimes have them all stunned) Then heal them up if necessary in next nodes and sort out turn meter.... Ready for 9.. Then it gets a bit scary. But if you've used the first 5 nodes properly you should have a few other good characters fully TM up ready for the final slog.

    Best wishes

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    Getting reall tired of this "cookie cutter" GW team consisting of Rey, royal guard, genosian soldier, Qui-gon, and some random character.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    GW still is an annoying need without fun. Point.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    One of the core problems is that it was/is possible to "improve your characters" and set yourself further in the hole. The fact that the variable that is used to build our opposition is hidden means it's possible to work really hard on a character... and get further behind.

    For months, the word was that GW difficulty was based on the highest power level of an arena squad you had won a match with, so the 'common wisdom' was "don't buff up your arena squad anymore".

    Recently some pretty compelling evidence was given that it's not based on that at all, but that it correlates to our 5 most powerful characters. So one could leave the arena team behind, buff up some other characters, and if some of those happened to be at or near the top of ones list in power level, it would actually make the game *harder*.

    Especially if we had characters like the Nightsister Initiate or Eeth Koth; characters that are fairly easy to get a 'high power level' behind but don't actually reflect that in game utility/killing power. My NSI has a 'power' over 7k, my Rey is around 200 points behind her (after a recent gear level increase), but the former isn't really all that dangerous (mostly just an inconsistent ability block and because she takes a beating to actually threaten) and the latter can one or two-shot characters below node 11 in most of my battles. This leads to some characters 'punching above their weight class', and others apparently not only being dead weight but *actively detrimental*. Which is even sillier in a collection heavy game as this one; punished for spreading out attention too much (I've stopped even unlocking many of the characters I can), get punished for focusing too much (oops, a character managed to land in the top five, enjoy your harder GW!).

    The fact that it (seems to be) a percentage scaling also means that one can have a fairly high top 5, but be in a situation where it will take months to duplicate that level of power with a team remotely close to the first. My top five represented characters I'd put a lot of time and work into, for the arena, for Yoda events, etc. Now I actively cringe whenever a lower tier character accidentally bumps into that top 5. Yay, one character is more powerful... and my entire GW just got a little bit harder.
    Sascha wrote: »
    Getting reall tired of this "cookie cutter" GW team consisting of Rey, royal guard, genosian soldier, Qui-gon, and some random character.

    It'd be nice to at least see some variety, which would also have the benefit of hopefully reducing the likelihood of getting just stomped by minor variations on the same team time and again. And if the algorithm can't come up with some variations, maybe that tells them their meta is stale/some characters need a little love/to be hit with the nerf bat. Hell, just revisit their power level to actually reflect their literal power in game.
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    got to node 9 today, not even bothering anymore
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    I find it ridiculous that the dodge rate for the GW node is an unbelievable multiple better than what mine is. I rarely, if ever, have one of my lower burners dodge even same level, let alone higher level. However I counted 5 dodges in one node battle by a character that was 13 levels lower than the lowest on my squad (I'm an FTP for full disclosure). I did not dodge once in that entire battle other than Rey when her buff was active. It becomes less and less enjoyable with this type of shield burning because you can't seem to get hits on what should be a sitting duck.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Something to ponder. I've seen lots of use of the term "RNG" and wanted to chime in. Computers, cannot, will not, do not randomize. Okay now you're saying, "ummm yes they do!" Nope, they don't. What they do, is change their output based on a seed number drawn from what is deemed "As close to random as we can get". One of the current "best" sources is using atmospheric noise to generate a seed number.

    Here is the problem though, random is a concept. If you code a "random" event, it is no longer random. QED. There are those that will go even further to say "random" doesn't exist. It's just a term applied to a recurring phenomena, like saying something is magic because you cannot explain it. Basically computer code hums along and then hits a routine, to generate a random event. The trusty system says "Oh look we get to do something different! Hooray!" and you get coffee w/no sugar when you clearly pressed it.

    But don't take my word for it, visit:

    I now return you to your regularly scheduled rants..

  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    djvita wrote: »

    no sound this time.
    one casualty only.

    Thank you @Rumpelstilzchen for that informative post on how computers "think". Lets face it if they could there would be none of us here would there.

    Now - back to ranting, lol

    Regarding the video above...Wow - this GW actually looks easy... for your teams. You make good use of Rey + RG combos as well as several P2P toons like B2, Sun Fac and Rex. GW for F2P gamers is a lost cause.

    Everyday my node 12 is impossible, not challenging.... impossible!!!

    My A team barely makes a dent.

    My thread in the feed back section can be found here:

    I have PMd @EA_Jesse yesterday regarding this issue. If I hear anything back I will let you all know. But I think I'll be lucky to get a response.
    Post edited by Boo on
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Looks random to us Rumpelstiltskin but yes it is set when the battle is loading hence you can play offline until victory.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse Congratulations to you and the entire team on stopping me at node 11 today!! GW is indeed working as designed today!! my compliments to the entire SWGOH team for impeding my progression in the game! good job!!!

    HOWEVER. I was able to beat node 10 today and this is definately NOT GOOD. Please make node 10 3X harder so i can beat it only once every 773 days. This is not a difficult request to fulfill! get it done kind Sir.


    Lol - love it!
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    The0n3 wrote: »
    Griner_01 wrote: »
    I would like to see them make GW similar to most of the other modes in that it could be run more than once a day. This would significantly reduce the 'credit crisis' and reward players that complete the first run. Have the second run cost (x) crystals and a completed first run.

    **** that's a NICE idea man! Honestly, you should post it somewhere the devs would look. After a 3k post thread, you know it's not here. But serious, nice idea.

    I really like this idea except requiring that you complete the 1st run. That requirement will only increase the gap between the haves and have nots. Being able to partially complete more than one run per day will help players that are trying to increase their roster strength.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »

    I'm sorry u got barisse, but barisse is not the GW Queen she used to be. It is debatable if she was even worth ithe back in the day. My theory is people that got her needed a reason to use her. But GW was always beatable without her. And now I'd say she is nothing but a liability if she is one of ur main GW toons. Flip ur paradigm. 5here is a better path to beating GW.

    With the amount of protection u can get with mods (assuming u got at least 5 good toons at g10 by now), why is barisse still part of your equation?

    Barriss was absolutely necessary for most people back in those days where Sidious was the toughest character people were facing. His disruption of healing made GW very difficult to get all 12 nodes done. Getting Barriss and the ability to heal right through that made GW into a cakewalk. I would give anything to face a Sidious squad in nodes 9-12 now. lol

    And if you think that Barriss is still the centerpiece of my GW paradigm and that I'm struggling to complete node 12 GW for that reason and then choosing to come here and complain instead of adjusting, then you are as clueless as you are condescending. Play your own game. I'll worry about mine while reserving the right to come here and complain about a broken GW that is CLEARLY not "working as intended" for the vast majority of players, regardless of their teams, approach and strategy.

    I didnt think most of the guys having problems with GW were arena power over 37k. I am curious why u think it gets harder. I venture to guess most people find it easier as their arena power goes higher than 37k. U are 38k and can't finish I gotta wonder what are your best 8 toons.

    When I was around 36k, this is where my GW was thru the roof, personally

    As for barisse, no she wasn't essential. I don't have her and I lost two GWs. I dealt with sid by killing him.

    After 123 pages, I think I've finally figured out your issue. You assume that everyone has the same GW experience as you and that if they only do like you have been then they'd have the same result and therefore have nothing left to complain about. Your 1700 posts would point to a lot of unsolicited 'advice'.

    But the fact of the matter is, there are a lot of players that simply experience a much easier GW route than others and feel the need to come on here and tell everyone else that they're doing it wrong. And there are FAR more players that have a mathematically and guaranteed to be impossible route to successfully completing all 12 nodes, no matter who they play, how they play it and for how long they play it. And of the people that are actually completing it, most of them still complain that it takes 2 hours and is an unfun, unholy grind that is on the verge of completely ruining the game for them.

    That points to a broken GW that is CLEARLY not "WAI", a point which is further reinforced by the fact that some high end teams face 3 star cardboard cutouts on Node 12. Is that working as intended? Did they actually do that on purpose? Of course not. Their silence on this issue after thousands of posts speaks to the fact they honestly have no idea what's going on and can't even address it properly.

    I'm sure it's much harder to fix their entire matching algorithm than it is to fix Teebo and they still haven't even gotten around to doing that for us yet. So my hopes that they'll sort out GW and stop the increasing frustration and anger that is ruining this gaming community and leading to many guilds facing daily player loss is minimal. Heck, our guild leader even left and the short-sighted devs still haven't created a toolset for guilds in that situation to deal with it. The way they bungled the mods release just goes to show there isn't a very good plan at the top here and that they'd rather react that plan out in advance and remove issues through testing and consultation.

    And yet with all of these know issues, all of these problems that plague that vast majority of the gaming community on a regular basis, all of the radio silence from a dev team that would rather ignore problems than communicate with us about them...even with all of'd still prefer to assume that the problem is with everyone else playing GW and not GW itself.

    OK. Whatever.

    Wow - so many good points! And when you say it all like that - very worrying indeed. Hopefully they get this sorted first.

    GW needs to be addressed asap - yes there is the Teebo and Guild issue and whatever, which affect a population of this game's community, but the broken GW issue effects the entire community - priorities EA, come one!
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    I have not complained about GW for a while now, because I no longer need to. I get tough nodes and then 3 star finish in node 12 nowadays. My 11th node has so far never been as tough as my nodes 11 AND 12 used to be, now I am happily over the threshold.

    Those in a same situation as me, get real, your GW really is an easy mode all the way.
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    djvita wrote: »
    Looks random to us Rumpelstiltskin but yes it is set when the battle is loading hence you can play offline until victory.

    Interesting, a random reply.. ;)

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    It's sad that I used to love GW. It was my favorite part of the game and now I hate it. I mean really hate it. It brings no joy whatsoever. I've spent so many hours building up my arena squad so I can be top 5 on my shard but all I did was shoot myself in the foot. Way to go CG you are successfully making a paying player less and less interested in playing each day. Thanks for ignoring all of our comments.
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    Meat1980 wrote: »
    It's sad that I used to love GW. It was my favorite part of the game and now I hate it. I mean really hate it. It brings no joy whatsoever. I've spent so many hours building up my arena squad so I can be top 5 on my shard but all I did was shoot myself in the foot. Way to go CG you are successfully making a paying player less and less interested in playing each day. Thanks for ignoring all of our comments.

    You messed up, should've started making terms for the most productive and monetarily important part of the game. Top five in your shard? I doubt it, if gw really frustrates you that much.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    No sequence i've tried yesterday could lead to victory and believe me, i've tried countless times
    I am not picking on u. This is a common complaint. But this is not possible. You cannot roll back the most important decisions after u realize ur in trouble. It is the decisions you make in all previous nodes that lead to your make or break later on. Esp the ones in node 1 to 5. I commonly do more retreats in 1 to 5 than I do from 6 to 12. If I get lax in prep, then I start needing 4 or 5 retreats in a later node.

    The harder ur GW, the earlier is your make or break point. You may actually doom yourself by node 3 or 4. Things quickly spiral out of control when u land that killing blow under poor conditions in earlier nodes. It is a slippery slope to failure.
  • bhtrumpcc07
    12 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    It would be fascinating to see if CG/EA has made more or less money since the start of the increased GW difficulty. For me, I am much less motivated to spend real money with these type of schemes/changes. "Well, they get too much from GW and it's not hard enough, so maybe if we up the difficulty they will spend money."

    I don't really understand the logic behind making it so very difficult that it's impossible (for most players). I used to be able to complete GW every day, but I had to use 2-3 squads to finish. That seems like it worked as intended for me. And now, like most posts I've seen on here, I have fallen to only being able to complete GW about once a week.

    My questions are:

    1. What is the point of GW in the eyes of the devs? Were they hoping for someone like me to spend money by **** me off with 38k squads on node 11 when my max squad is 33k? Is it preferable that players even finish every day, or do you guys revel in the fact that we now have to give up more?
    2. How many viable squads of 33k power teams should it take to complete GW? 3? 4? 10? What is it??
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    How many viable squads of 33k power teams should it take to complete GW? 3? 4? 10? What is it??
    up to 10 toons is all u can really count on. This is determined by the number of easy nodes 1 to 5. If u are trying to deepen ur bench to beat GW, u are barking up the wrong tree.

    In node 11 I will take practically any top tier toon with no protection and specials ready and 50% TM over any similar gear and mods unused toon with full protection but no tm.

    Stronger teams kill/disable u, easily. U have to kill/disable some of their toons before they get their first turn. If u can't do that, any followup team will also get mopped.

    Even if u get that team to burn all their good specials at once (like winning the lottery), lvl 80 omega toons proc all kinds of nasties on their basics. And once they are rolling they are not going to stop to ur C team with zero TM. They will run right over u.

    You only get one chance to make a first impression. Bring the heat by preparing in nodes 1 to 5 and saving a little something to whip out when u need an Ace in the hole.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    My Team progression must be in the right direction as I have not only seen node 12 -3 times in the last week but I have beaten that monster team each and everytime with a couple retreats and different strategies. Makes you feel good when all those lvl 80's 7 star toons keep dropping especially the modern 3 tank teams I keep seeing.

    Running into those tank teams is a good sign. Tanks have high power due to their large health pool, but they aren't great hitters, so can be beaten with enough time. If you're fighting 3-tank teams, that means your Top5 power level is getting high enough that the only teams that meet the 112% level for N12 must be tank-heavy. A little more power and N12 will turn into 3* greenbacks.

    Yeah...fingers crossed I'm still 10,000 below that 38k threshold. Yesterdays was a different story Akbar (L) STH, Leia, Biggs and Wedge...Needless to say I did not pass that node 11. :)
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    If you are really aggravated by length of GW, it pays to work on a GW team, first. You're gonna do GW every day for months or even years. Rebels (especially lando) and ewoks are supposedly very good, too. And IMO, multiple taunters like RG, ST Han, and Poe will help with almost any team, esp where you run into a difficulty before the last node. If you have trouble beating it without crippling your main toons, throw one of these tanks to the wolves. HK lead Droids are obviously good because they usually start with >= 50% TM in the next battle, plus they get lot of turns. But IG88 is good for a few nodes, even without HK lead.

    Great point, Rebel teams are very effective. Honestly I would still be in the getting my _ handed to me stage if I had not gone after RG now he is the anchor to my GW team and finding out that Chewie is not that great.
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    No sequence i've tried yesterday could lead to victory and believe me, i've tried countless times
    I am not picking on u. This is a common complaint. But this is not possible. You cannot roll back the most important decisions after u realize ur in trouble. It is the decisions you make in all previous nodes that lead to your make or break later on. Esp the ones in node 1 to 5. I commonly do more retreats in 1 to 5 than I do from 6 to 12. If I get lax in prep, then I start needing 4 or 5 retreats in a later node.

    The harder ur GW, the earlier is your make or break point. You may actually doom yourself by node 3 or 4. Things quickly spiral out of control when u land that killing blow under poor conditions in earlier nodes. It is a slippery slope to failure.

    Don't worry, i know ur not picking on me lol, but as for the first 5 nodes advice, i do it man. I fill my TM on nodes 1 to 5 for 3 teams and then i manage the strategy for node 6 forward.

    The thing is, it works everyday, as you said, to boost TM on the first nodes. So that i can get through GW without major problems everyday. For instance, yesterday AND today i got GW done fairly easy. But the day past yesterday, i did everything i do everyday for the TM boost and strategy, and STILL i couldn't beat the last node. I did tried retreats and different combos and nothing helped. I didn't get GW done that day.

    So you see, i'm actually a player who uses the first nodes to boost TM and use it for the last ones, and still, that day in particular, nothing could beat the last node.

    I assume i could've been more carefull (which i'm doing for the last two days afraid to get that last node again lol), but i don't think my strategy was the problem, they simply matched me with a team too much powerfull for me. I'm lvl 74 and i'm used to get lvl 80 teams in the last 3 nodes, but that one was probably a team that only a lvl 80 player could face. Except for that day, GW is wai for me, hard but doable.
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    ^ ah kewl. Yeh, it some5imes works out pret5y much impossible. Like I could run into hard counter team in node 11 and be done.

    At some point in player level and gear and whatnot, ur GW will never be impossible again. (Until they change it.)
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    I sure hope so lol... Even though it only happened once so far... It seems its happening a lot more with other ppl...

    But at least i can say i'm much more carefull with it after that shock lol
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    Now it's time to say goodbye to all our company
    M-i-c, see it's supposed to be hard,
    k-e-y, why?, because it's supposed to be,
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    seeing G10/11 and fully modded on node 6 is getting really old. followed by fully modded (albeit level 72) node 7. followed by 4 80 G8 node 8 .... screw this. Auto-and-done. I don't care about your broken system anymore. You don't want to listen to feedback and make your game more enjoyable, fine; I'll keep my money in my wallet.


    I haven't spent a dime since the update, and refuse to do so until GW is fixed. EA gets NOTHING from me. I encourage everyone else to follow.

    I also left a horrendous 1 star review in the iPhone App Store to make others aware of this moving of the goal posts by the developers to try and corner people into spending more money. It's shameful.

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    I think its **** up. Annikin takes out my whole main sqaud with one move. I dont even bother anymore. Pointles.
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    Thank you for the 7 star lvl 80 mega team Dooku lead, STH, RG, Daka and the beastiest Rey I have ever seen. All my toons gone not one of them gone....I have now seen Rey Crit for 26,000 one shot killed my RG with 1/4 protection 7 star lvl 73 gear 8. I found it comical that I could not take out one of there toons.
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    I've been stuck trying to complete GW 40/50 for about two months. I am currently at 47/50. I have 12, level 80 most of them seven star gear8-10, these GW are toooooooo darn hard!!!
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