Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    tRRRey wrote: »
    Node 6 yesterday was Anakin lead, Rey, Rex, B2, Fives. Man B2 is a pain in the ****! I got through without losing a character but that droid is the bane of my existence

    N11 yesterday: HK, 88, 86, B2, JE at 39k. Burned up everything I had, but I did manage to take out B2, JE and 88, in that order. Didn't have enough to finish yesterday, though. B2 is a total pain. Stunning him doesn't help much, he just keeps getting TM.
  • OGrebelscum
    155 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    My Team progression must be in the right direction as I have not only seen node 12 -3 times in the last week but I have beaten that monster team each and everytime with a couple retreats and different strategies. Makes you feel good when all those lvl 80's 7 star toons keep dropping especially the modern 3 tank teams I keep seeing.
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    My Team progression must be in the right direction as I have not only seen node 12 -3 times in the last week but I have beaten that monster team each and everytime with a couple retreats and different strategies. Makes you feel good when all those lvl 80's 7 star toons keep dropping especially the modern 3 tank teams I keep seeing.

    Running into those tank teams is a good sign. Tanks have high power due to their large health pool, but they aren't great hitters, so can be beaten with enough time. If you're fighting 3-tank teams, that means your Top5 power level is getting high enough that the only teams that meet the 112% level for N12 must be tank-heavy. A little more power and N12 will turn into 3* greenbacks.
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    My Team progression must be in the right direction as I have not only seen node 12 -3 times in the last week but I have beaten that monster team each and everytime with a couple retreats and different strategies. Makes you feel good when all those lvl 80's 7 star toons keep dropping especially the modern 3 tank teams I keep seeing.

    Running into those tank teams is a good sign. Tanks have high power due to their large health pool, but they aren't great hitters, so can be beaten with enough time. If you're fighting 3-tank teams, that means your Top5 power level is getting high enough that the only teams that meet the 112% level for N12 must be tank-heavy. A little more power and N12 will turn into 3* greenbacks.

    EE, that's a great observation! I recall that my node 12 was very tank heavy before it turned green. Unfortunately, they were pretty serious tanks, like Fives, GS and Ani, so I lost GW a few times to them until I reached another level, powered up and thus hit the "magic line".
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    An hour and a half today to beat node 9!! Yay!! That was so much fun and involved a lot of skill. What an enriching gaming experience! Now on to 10,11 and the cupcake 12 node.

  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    And why some people with 30 maxed 7* players can't get past node 9 in 2 hours, no matter what they try.
    I don't think this has ever been the case. It is some guys with 30 lvl 80 7S toons who have complained about GW. I'd be curious to know how many people, if any, actually have 30 maxed (gear included) toons.
    kei24 wrote: »
    I can not understand..
    I going get more 7star and 80 lv charater.
    However GW is not easy to clear more than befor..
    My game skill problem?

    If u are being serious... MORE lvl 80 7 star toons are no good. Esp with current state of GW. Suicide squads are not very effective. Followup squads have to deal with enemy TM. Get a good GW team plus a couple alts geared up. Stop farming shards for new toons for a bit. Save ur cantina refresh some days to get an extra 100 crystals. So when gear shows up in shipments u can buy it. It takes a two week outlook to make any sort of change in the game. Think longterm. Forget more. Go for better.
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    There are definitely players with 30+ max toons. The problem is when newer players don't have the player pool yet to complete GW. In order to get more credits to level new toons you need to finish GW regularly and if you can't finish it then you're going to have trouble with credits. It's a vicious circle really.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    There are definitely players with 30+ max toons.
    Do you think any of these guys have trouble clearing GW, like MarsAmbassador suggests?

    Back in the OLD days, before TM change, and depending on the GW difficulty-of-the-month, these guys were having trouble. Meta team after meta team wore you out, and you only had one Rey, yourself. But in today's GW this is no longer the case. You can crush meta team after meta team, because you get to hit first.

    There is a common theme here, for people who complete GW, easily. Most of them do it with one team. GW gives you the one advantage of going first. Make sure your team makes the most of that advantage. You hit first. Make sure your team can hit hard. This means selecting the right toons and gearing them. You can't put more than 5 toons in a battle. GW is no longer the "war of attrition" it used to be. Having a deep bench doesn't matter, anymore.
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    I prefer the old GW. And not just for the ease, time factor and plentiful credits. So why did I prefer it? Because of VARIETY. I could bring my entire roster to bear for all but a few tougher fights where the meta was required. Other people were doing that as well so the opponents you'd meet in GW were often full of totally random and wacky team builds from people just tossing together characters for the fun of it. Now it's just a 12 round version of the Arena where the same old Meta rules supreme.

    GW used to be the place you could see a Lobot-led team of Greedo, Snowtrooper, Plo Koon and Nute Gunray. Just because they could. And that was a lot more fun than this Same Old Crap every single day.
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    There are definitely players with 30+ max toons.
    Do you think any of these guys have trouble clearing GW, like MarsAmbassador suggests?

    Back in the OLD days, before TM change, and depending on the GW difficulty-of-the-month, these guys were having trouble. Meta team after meta team wore you out, and you only had one Rey, yourself. But in today's GW this is no longer the case. You can crush meta team after meta team, because you get to hit first.

    There is a common theme here, for people who complete GW, easily. Most of them do it with one team. GW gives you the one advantage of going first. Make sure your team makes the most of that advantage. You hit first. Make sure your team can hit hard. This means selecting the right toons and gearing them. You can't put more than 5 toons in a battle. GW is no longer the "war of attrition" it used to be. Having a deep bench doesn't matter, anymore.
    LastJedi wrote: »
    There are definitely players with 30+ max toons.
    Do you think any of these guys have trouble clearing GW, like MarsAmbassador suggests?

    Back in the OLD days, before TM change, and depending on the GW difficulty-of-the-month, these guys were having trouble. Meta team after meta team wore you out, and you only had one Rey, yourself. But in today's GW this is no longer the case. You can crush meta team after meta team, because you get to hit first.

    There is a common theme here, for people who complete GW, easily. Most of them do it with one team. GW gives you the one advantage of going first. Make sure your team makes the most of that advantage. You hit first. Make sure your team can hit hard. This means selecting the right toons and gearing them. You can't put more than 5 toons in a battle. GW is no longer the "war of attrition" it used to be. Having a deep bench doesn't matter, anymore.

    No, surely they're not. The overall point is that even though GW isn't hard for me and other players; I can see how GW can be overly hard for newer players regardless of their arena team's power. If you can't complete the main source of income then how do you build?
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Sure, that was when GW was easy mode. But devs have stated the goal was ever to make GW difficult to the point that not everyone would complete it 100% of the time.

    If you go back prior to the TM change and when GW was actually hard(er than it is now, probably), the guys with maxed out benches indeed got the same Arena teams over and over. All you got to do is look at the complaints in the thread. Going back to... hmm... I wanna say April or May? I don't remember. Back then there was no gaming the TM. There was just wave after wave of top Arena teams beating down yours.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    LastJedi wrote: »
    ^ Sure, that was when GW was easy mode. But devs have stated the goal was ever to make GW difficult to the point that not everyone would complete it 100% of the time.

    If you go back prior to the TM change and when GW was actually hard(er than it is now, probably), the guys with maxed out benches indeed got the same Arena teams over and over. All you got to do is look at the complaints in the thread. Going back to... hmm... I wanna say April or May? I don't remember.

    Having GW be that difficult is fine, except when your primary source of income is tied to it. If they want GW to be this difficult then they should introduce a modest amount of credits elsewhere that can be earned to help off-set this and for those that can complete it they get a little bonus. A new player coming into this game now has so much to catch-up on that it could be quite daunting.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    This is what makes GW a challenge, now. You can still get 80% percent of your credits from GW even if you're in this 10%. And guess what I'd be doing, if I was stuck here. I'd be working on my GW team. Get to the other side, and now you won. You get the easy GW you always wanted, forever more. You get the increased credits that everyone has been asking for forever; "we should get more credits at lvl 80, compared to level 50 players." Well, now you got it, you just have to suffer through the lower amount of credits for a short while, yourself.

    In fact, I went thru this, myself. And this is the reason I am now running Droids in Arena. I found droids to be MY best toons for GW, ever since the TM change. I started pumping resources into these droids to the point where my old arena team took a back seat. I'm going back and working on these toons, now. In fact, I ran a crappy droid team with RG and QGJ in arena for nearly two months, because these were my best 5 toons for GW.

    I was only stuck for a day after the GW buff... because I had 12 millions credits banked when mods hit. And I had a couple pieces of raid gear that was undecided. After figuring out what I think I needed, I dumped resources and immediately saw the results. Without that resource bank, it would have taken a couple weeks. And I would have had to read the forums to find out what works. I am here to tell you. Build up 6 or 7 toons. Don't get locked into Arena teams, either. With TM continuity, you don't necessarily need traditional Arena teams. For instance, I run JE in node 1 with my droids, and he's lucky to get off the bench again, after that. And forget a deep bench. You will beat GW.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
  • Thoroku
    31 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Ah yes, the droids. After what I went through I might start using droids now. Final GW node, Old Ben leader with 86 on the team. I wanted to go after 86 first, but he dodged every stun and attack I could throw at him, was basically at 100% turn meter the entire time because of it and was pretty much laying waste to my team. Seemed like his assist was up all the time. I got through it though after some trial and error.

    Well, I got through it eventually. Took about 5 minutes to just down Old Ben at the end.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    If you are really aggravated by length of GW, it pays to work on a GW team, first. You're gonna do GW every day for months or even years. Rebels (especially lando) and ewoks are supposedly very good, too. And IMO, multiple taunters like RG, ST Han, and Poe will help with almost any team, esp where you run into a difficulty before the last node. If you have trouble beating it without crippling your main toons, throw one of these tanks to the wolves. HK lead Droids are obviously good because they usually start with >= 50% TM in the next battle, plus they get lot of turns. But IG88 is good for a few nodes, even without HK lead.
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    I must be missing something. I was told by a guild member that GW stats are based on the arena stats so if I lower my arena squad's power I would be able to complete GW. I have and I can't. I have 4 7* and 3 6* and use them fairly wisely I think and yet using lesser teams for easier battles I seem to lose 1 of my better teams on node 6 and rarely get past node 10 ever. I have only been playing 6 months or so and have changed strategies several times but I have only 3 GW wins to my credit. I have been trying hard to get more to get the achievement but nothing works. Will I do better to build my arena squad's power back up to the 30k that they were? Any advice is appreciated.
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    UBFUBAR065 wrote: »
    I must be missing something. I was told by a guild member that GW stats are based on the arena stats so if I lower my arena squad's power I would be able to complete GW. I have and I can't. I have 4 7* and 3 6* and use them fairly wisely I think and yet using lesser teams for easier battles I seem to lose 1 of my better teams on node 6 and rarely get past node 10 ever. I have only been playing 6 months or so and have changed strategies several times but I have only 3 GW wins to my credit. I have been trying hard to get more to get the achievement but nothing works. Will I do better to build my arena squad's power back up to the 30k that they were? Any advice is appreciated.
    Used to be "highest ever power used in Arena to win". Now, it seems, it's simply the combined power of your top 5 toons, whoever those might be at the moment when you do GW restart.
    And you know you can restart battles, right?
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    PvP.... ok this is nothing more than my own suggestion take it or leave it but I feel that instead of only having the option to face someone's set up isn't PvP... the AI can't think on the go... perhaps future considerations would allow two people currently online to battle one another... I just feel it may be a great idea... AI will have sporadic attacks... where as another human controlled opponent will attempt to eliminate the biggest treat to their current team... otherwise... great game and keep it up
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    OK.... Today i actually completed GW, no serious problems with the node 12... Phasma (L), Vader, QGJ, Daka and Leia.... I guees yesterday i lost cause i really wasn't expecting a double taunt team at the end. Everyday node 12 is a lvl 80 team with mods and gears (usually maxed) and still is doable with tactics.

    Of course, yesterday, as i've posted, i had almost 2 teams in full and tried every retreat/replace tactic there was and couldn't win. Honestly, today i played in a very carefull way expecting that double taunt team at the end. I got lucky it wasn't, because even if i was prepared for it, i'm not so confident i could've beated it.

    Clearly something is wrong about the matching algorithm. Some days is fairly doable, some days are real hard and, as i saw myself yesterday, some days are impossible.

    I said before my GW is usually WAI, but yesterday, even though i wasn't prepared for the double taunt team (which i take that as my mistake, perhaps i could have beaten it if i spared more toons for the end), there was no winning scenario at all.

    No sequence i've tried yesterday could lead to victory and believe me, i've tried countless times. I'm not complaining about hard teams at the end, i always face hard teams at the end. But there is ALWAYS a combination or a plan or strategy one can make or change in order to win and yesterday there was not a 1% chance of winning.

    So, nothing against making it hard, but leave us atleast one way to win, even is a 1/500 chance, there must be a chance.

    Again, i did completed GW today, had to retreat a few times but i found the way and winning sequence, as i usually do. So i guess the real problem is the match maker after node 9.... GW is balanced (imo) untill node 9 and in my case, untill node 11.... But node 12 is clearly broken.

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    UBFUBAR065 wrote: »
    I must be missing something. I was told by a guild member that GW stats are based on the arena stats so if I lower my arena squad's power I would be able to complete GW. I have and I can't. I have 4 7* and 3 6* and use them fairly wisely I think and yet using lesser teams for easier battles I seem to lose 1 of my better teams on node 6 and rarely get past node 10 ever. I have only been playing 6 months or so and have changed strategies several times but I have only 3 GW wins to my credit. I have been trying hard to get more to get the achievement but nothing works. Will I do better to build my arena squad's power back up to the 30k that they were? Any advice is appreciated.

    @UBFUBAR065 You were misinformed by your guild, but it's a common misconception. If you keep your arena power low but build up other characters beyond your arena power, you will find GW getting progressively harder. GW difficulty seems to scale up with the best 5 on your roster. Arena really has nothing to do with it.
    My recommendation for GW success is more characters. Build your bench outward rather than upward. For a long time (prior to protection update) I kept my GW team at the same power level as my Arena team, and that seemed to work well. These days I would suggest two or three good squads for GW at the same level as your arena squad. Use them all in the first few nodes to load their turn meters. Then apply as needed for the node you're battling.
    Or just get a good droid squad, they seem to excel. I just started working on that myself.
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    Here comes another update to distract you from how bad GW has become...oh wait, you're not distracted are you? Oh well, we will just play dumb and pretend everything is just fine.
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    GW Matchups at the end are INSANELY hard. I end up just giving up and restarting...
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    @EA_Jesse Congratulations to you and the entire team on stopping me at node 11 today!! GW is indeed working as designed today!! my compliments to the entire SWGOH team for impeding my progression in the game! good job!!!

    HOWEVER. I was able to beat node 10 today and this is definately NOT GOOD. Please make node 10 3X harder so i can beat it only once every 773 days. This is not a difficult request to fulfill! get it done kind Sir.


  • djvita
    1684 posts Member

    no sound this time.
    one casualty only.
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    For the past 3 days I have gotten stuck on node 11 the issue I keep running into now is both node 11 and node 12 are impassable and my strongest team is 38k
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    ShdwEnfrcr wrote: »
    For the past 3 days I have gotten stuck on node 11 the issue I keep running into now is both node 11 and node 12 are impassable and my strongest team is 38k

    How much exactly. I had easy node 12 by 38,390 at the most. Judging by guild management stat
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    I also really dislike that the first five nodes are just there to **** you around and waste your time with minimal rewards but "yer a winner so you feel good now!"
    These 5 nodes are what makes winning the last one even possible. These are not a waste of time.

    Hey there, I know it is a slow response, but I'm the guy you quoted there. My point is that those first 5 nodes just are basically a "gimme" with almost no challenge and almost no reward, you get 200 green crystals for the GW store and some assorted loot, but nothing much, and waste at least ten, generally 15 or more minutes loading these battles and waltzing through them to get that "I'm a winner, look at the sparkly colors and all these prizes I am redeeming!" feeling.
    Node 6 alone gives almost as much reward as the first 5 put together, therefore they really do waste your time. If they were to reduce GW to 6 nodes with more balanced rewards it would make me a lot happier. I just usually don't bother finishing unless I have a lot of extra free time, because for me this game has too many portions that are deliberately designed to waste a player's time and resources. GW is the worst form of that in the current version.

    I play games to have fun, but when they feel like chores, I'd rather be washing my dishes.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Quixotic wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    I also really dislike that the first five nodes are just there to **** you around and waste your time with minimal rewards but "yer a winner so you feel good now!"
    These 5 nodes are what makes winning the last one even possible. These are not a waste of time.

    Hey there, I know it is a slow response, but I'm the guy you quoted there. My point is that those first 5 nodes just are basically a "gimme" with almost no challenge and almost no reward, you get 200 green crystals for the GW store and some assorted loot, but nothing much, and waste at least ten, generally 15 or more minutes loading these battles and waltzing through them to get that "I'm a winner, look at the sparkly colors and all these prizes I am redeeming!" feeling.
    Node 6 alone gives almost as much reward as the first 5 put together, therefore they really do waste your time. If they were to reduce GW to 6 nodes with more balanced rewards it would make me a lot happier. I just usually don't bother finishing unless I have a lot of extra free time, because for me this game has too many portions that are deliberately designed to waste a player's time and resources. GW is the worst form of that in the current version.

    I play games to have fun, but when they feel like chores, I'd rather be washing my dishes.

    Think of nodes 1-5 as a buildup to node 6 and beyond, they are the stepping stones and you need time and patience to get through them effectively but also efficiently. They set you up for success in the later nodes and lend to the idea that GW is a war of attrition. Sure nodes 1-5 may seem easy or even boring, but they allow you to reap the rewards throughout the remainder of GW. That alone makes them worth your while. Don't get caught up on the rewards they give you, that's not what they're there for. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    LastJedi wrote: »

    I'm sorry u got barisse, but barisse is not the GW Queen she used to be. It is debatable if she was even worth ithe back in the day. My theory is people that got her needed a reason to use her. But GW was always beatable without her. And now I'd say she is nothing but a liability if she is one of ur main GW toons. Flip ur paradigm. 5here is a better path to beating GW.

    With the amount of protection u can get with mods (assuming u got at least 5 good toons at g10 by now), why is barisse still part of your equation?

    Barriss was absolutely necessary for most people back in those days where Sidious was the toughest character people were facing. His disruption of healing made GW very difficult to get all 12 nodes done. Getting Barriss and the ability to heal right through that made GW into a cakewalk. I would give anything to face a Sidious squad in nodes 9-12 now. lol

    And if you think that Barriss is still the centerpiece of my GW paradigm and that I'm struggling to complete node 12 GW for that reason and then choosing to come here and complain instead of adjusting, then you are as clueless as you are condescending. Play your own game. I'll worry about mine while reserving the right to come here and complain about a broken GW that is CLEARLY not "working as intended" for the vast majority of players, regardless of their teams, approach and strategy.

    I also already have a gear 10 Fives, so thanks for the unsolicited advice.

    No offense man did you REALLY read my comments? I (every single day) in galactic war, face a squad or two, that is either level 80, all seven starred, and moded out like crazy. They might not have all 5 star mods and whatnot, but there is absolutely no way I should be facing that kind of stuff. Yet I do. And almost always have to wipe out one of my best squads, but I'll take out three of their toons at least. And then finish them off. Maybe I just found a really good squad, but it always takes me at least 8 retreats to where I have the best strategy planned out and actually hit.

    I have all my toons with really good speed or speed advantages. But between Teebo and Ewok Elder, then Phasma's advantage, QGJ's double attack, and luminara's special, I can almost nearly kill off or completely time out their biggest weapon. Which is almost always Rey, Sidious, GS, or another QGJ.
  • Nagje
    13 posts Member
    Decided to play and see if something has changed in 3 weeks...guess what....nothing changed.
    Glad that the devs listen to their players....guess they (the devs) can look for a new job soon. Game will lose players fast this way.
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