Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I guess one problem is I am on a great guild but we have so few people and winning any equipment in battles takes so long that I can't upgrade toons. I really like my guild but it's A SLOW GRIND.
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    I beat full gw every day without touching any other toons unless bad rng and I lose tfp
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    Please stop feeding this guy... he has had 3 threads in two days about this (last 2 was exactly the same posts hours apart)
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    Sara quit trolling. I was advised by EA or Support to post on here because the "developers" read the thread. So mind your own if you don't like it don't read it. I listen to this that give good advise. Your a troll so no one is gonna listen to you.
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    Everyone has been there. Bottom line is your roster is not leveled/modded/powerful enough to do it. Once you get some strong teams, it's a breeze. It is really frustrating getting to that point though.
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    Then that means the game is putting people against teams that are not the same level. Which is UNFAIR! One of the points of the post. Not only mine but a VERY LARGE group of other players. So I'm either gonna continue to get good advice or poor advice from trolls or the developers will realize they are hurting their base players.
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    Jaxom wrote: »
    Cop1416 wrote: »
    What's sthan's????

    sthan is stormtrooper han.
    Someone please tell me how I'm supposed to beat this insane team!

    you can either try to bring in a similar team that has a faster STHan, or you can throw a weaker team in first, have SThan waste his taunt on them, and then bring in 1-3 strong teams to slowly chip away at the toons. I would try to take out wedge and then lando


    Teams that have STHan are not so bad in GW because of big cooldown of Han's taunt. It would be different if it was RG :smile:
    The only thing that I really don't like in GW, and I think it can be changed, is that I cannot see all teams in advance and this way to plan all my battles. Sometimes I can't win node 12 too, but this is because I lost some toon that is needed in this battle.
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    What team are you running against the team in your original post and what are your mods on them? Also, what are the mods on the other team, specifically speed numbers? I assume Palpatine is the leader of that squad, would you please confirm?
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    I had a string of hard GWs as well, and was frustrated. However, it's been good for a while now - I don't think I've had to reset without finishing for a long time. I start with a Jawa/Droid squad (and I don't have HK leveled yet) to give them TM. Then I run some of my backups (Teebo, STH, Oppress, Vader) to give them TM. Then I run my main GW squad (Phasma, Rey, 5555s, Yoda, and QGJ or Lumi). Seems to work well. When I get to the 11th node, I usually burn through my A squad and some or all of my Jawa/Droids. The 12th node is still a joke easy team, so it's never a problem. Nodes 6, 9, and 11 do require strategy and retreats.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Cop1416 wrote: »
    Then that means the game is putting people against teams that are not the same level. Which is UNFAIR! One of the points of the post. Not only mine but a VERY LARGE group of other players. So I'm either gonna continue to get good advice or poor advice from trolls or the developers will realize they are hurting their base players.

    "Unfair ", maybe. But it is very clearly stated by many dev posts that the goal of GW is to test the depth of your roster. There are other GW posts that have broken it down by node but basically you face teams right at or just above and below your "power" and then the last nodes are always above your power but not by much.

    The truth is your upset and you have put money into this game, but this game is about managment and you have a good roster that has been poorly managed and has sunk you into the GW hole that many of us have fell into. Too many toons not enough gear. Welcome to the game. Keep working at it and you will get passed this. You have gotten some great advice and I think that's all we can do for you. Good luck. Keep grinding!
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    And I appreciate the advise and if I choose to stay and play I will attempt to use it. But my post are meant more for the so called developers that I have been told by EA Games that supposedly read these post. If people don't like it then they can skip it.
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    What team are you running against the team in your original post and what are your mods on them? Also, what are the mods on the other team, specifically speed numbers? I assume Palpatine is the leader of that squad, would you please confirm?

    I've posted in previous post and posted my whole roster on a link.
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    Then that means the game is putting people against teams that are not the same level. Which is UNFAIR! One of the points of the post. Not only mine but a VERY LARGE group of other players. So I'm either gonna continue to get good advice or poor advice from trolls or the developers will realize they are hurting their base players.

    Okay, I just took a look at your roster. You've got some good heroes. You've got a huge bench. You've got 25 characters at gear IX or better, and none higher than gX. 60 characters at 7*. You should be able to handle GW with a bench that large. Your mods need a ton of work. Obviously a full set of mods at Level 15 are better than Level 13 because you get double set bonuses, so do that when you can. It would take too long to go through your whole roster, but here are some recommendations.
    • Biggs: You've got him at L80 gIX and stacked with all health mods. You need to put a good set of 4 Crit Damage (CD) mods on him. Keep the speed arrow and CD triangle and replace the other four with CD mods. You'll be much happier. Upgrade to gX.
    • Royal Guard (RG): You've got him geared up with 4 CD mods and 2 CC mods. Offense is NOT what this guy is built for. Take his whole set and give it to Wedge. Then stack this guy with Health, Defense, and/or Potency mods. The cross should have a Potency primary. RG is built to take a beating and stun the enemy. Give him mods that help him do that.
    • Wedge: Give him RG's mods. Upgrade to gX.
    • Jedi Knight Anakin (JKA): His critical chance is not high enough. I would probably try a set of 4 CD mods and 2 CC mods. Give him a triangle with CC primary and a cross with Potency primary. Landing the debuff immunity is nice, but this guy's primary strength is hitting hard and hitting fast. Stacking Tenacity on him sounds like a good idea but I think you'll do better if you amplify his offense. Upgrade to gIX.
    • Emperor Palpatine: Upgrade to gX. You've got a CD&CC set on him. How is that working? To me, this guy absolutely must nail his stun and shock. Shock two guys and he can Let the Hate Flow and boost his own offense. I put Potency and Health on him and he works really well.
    • Darth Vader: Upgrade to gX. Give him a Potency cross so his debuffs from Force Crush stick. Put an Omega on Force Crush to apply Speed Down.
    • Sun Fac: You've got a major beast languishing here at level 66. Bring him up to L84 and gear him when you can. He can take a beating and heals himself. I'll bet he can help you.
    • Geonosian Soldier (GS): Gains 50% turn meter (TM) whenever he crits. Make sure he does. Replace some Health mods with CC mods. He doesn't need a Potency cross. Give him Protection or Tenacity.
    • Lando: In desperate need of a triangle with CD primary.
    • Qui-Gon Jinn: Needs a Potency cross so he can land TM removal. His crit chance is painfully low at 29%, so I don't think giving him a CD/CC set is helping any. I would give him Health and Potency mods.

    That's about all I've got the energy for. You need a little gear here and there, I know you're working on it. But you really need to move some mods around to get these characters to shine.
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    Just to be clear from the off this is NOT a gw is to hard post cant do it etc etc

    So for clarity i am lvl 83.. i have over 42 lvl 7*s with top team gX+ with next two teams gIX+ few exceptions i guess and lots after than minimum gVIII.... My arena team is 43k+ and my strongest roster team is just shy of 46k...for the past god knows how many months i have cleared GW pretty much with 1 team.. subbing the odd toon here or there..

    Now the lvl increase and new raid gear is starting to take effect... and if you want to get all star wars like.. 'theres been a disturbance in the force'.... even from early nodes from where previously i would barely lose any protection im now having to bring out a real decent team for node 6..... yesterday i finished but for first time in a loooong time node 11 (i still got easy node 12) took several teams in roster to finish off... today im still at node 9 and im facing full team of lvl 83s where x3 is gXI and x2 is gX... not finished it yet as still trying to work on best strat considering several nodes to go

    Point im making is i believe this is the calm before the storm.. its not exactly as bad as initial mod release but soon it will be kicking out lvl 85 toons with full suite of new raid gear which considering AAT set up will be a fair way away for many people..

    If its not happened to you yet and you was comfortable in gw like i was till start of today its coming... part of me likes the challenge in GW for once but its only going to get worse as gear/lvl gap widens...
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    Holy cow your awesome. I really do appreciate most of y'all. Frustration and being a **** get the better of me lol
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    Wow **** is a bad word ?
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    R e d n e c k
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    Wow that's a bad word it's a country boy not negative hmmm
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    Lets face it you not got a clue... did u buy the account ?
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    Nope I try my best and then they screw up the algorithm.
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    Your a troll just ignore people if u don't want to read their post.
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    Jaxom wrote: »
    Cop1416 wrote: »
    What's sthan's????

    sthan is stormtrooper han.
    Someone please tell me how I'm supposed to beat this insane team!

    you can either try to bring in a similar team that has a faster STHan, or you can throw a weaker team in first, have SThan waste his taunt on them, and then bring in 1-3 strong teams to slowly chip away at the toons. I would try to take out wedge and then lando

    Thanks... kinda... This is only node 9, I really don't want to end here since I've managed at least node 11 pretty much every day for as long as I can remember. My STHan is not nearly as good unfortunately...
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    Jaxom wrote: »
    Cop1416 wrote: »
    What's sthan's????

    sthan is stormtrooper han.
    Someone please tell me how I'm supposed to beat this insane team!

    you can either try to bring in a similar team that has a faster STHan, or you can throw a weaker team in first, have SThan waste his taunt on them, and then bring in 1-3 strong teams to slowly chip away at the toons. I would try to take out wedge and then lando

    Thanks... kinda... This is only node 9, I really don't want to end here since I've managed at least node 11 pretty much every day for as long as I can remember. My STHan is not nearly as good unfortunately...

    I managed... After my Ewok + Rey team got slaughtered, I sent in my Palp lead Empire/Sith team. Unfortunately, I still lost Tarkin and RG... But I'm through. I'm gonna miss RG's taunt and stun.
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    Question if anyone still comes here (since the Devs don't care about GW complaints it seems):

    Does anyone else besides me go up against teams on nodes 11 & 12 that crit for 15K-25K every single freaking hit?! Haven't been able to win in months...
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    Yes and yes. But apparently we are just winers who don't know how to play. Now that being said I'm learning a few good tips from some of these guys. I'm learning to listen. lol it's a change HA!
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    Look, you can argue the GW is too hard or too easy. All I know is it's the only feature in the game that on a daily basis makes me want to kill myself.
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    I would agree on smdays like the last two lol
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    GW is awful, they gotta fix this thing. PLEASE FIX THIS THING.

    Yes, its hard (and sometimes pretty unfair), but that's not even the main issue... The main issue is that this thing taking too **** long to do it (if you wanna win, at least). I'm thinking about stop playing this game, the developers are taking the fun out of the game.

    And as if that weren't enough, we also have that new ATT raid that takes forever as well. Even if you auto the **** thing is boring. Those droids are slow as xxxx! C'mon EA, give'em some speed, no one can stand to wait each canon taking 2-3 seconds to fire... everyone I know in-game is complaining!
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    With 3 Teams I don't get over node 9. I lose my interest in GW. You can take it and stick it wherever....
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    Saraleb wrote: »
    Just to be clear from the off this is NOT a gw is to hard post cant do it etc etc

    So for clarity i am lvl 83.. i have over 42 lvl 7*s with top team gX+ with next two teams gIX+ few exceptions i guess and lots after than minimum gVIII.... My arena team is 43k+ and my strongest roster team is just shy of 46k...for the past god knows how many months i have cleared GW pretty much with 1 team.. subbing the odd toon here or there..

    Now the lvl increase and new raid gear is starting to take effect... and if you want to get all star wars like.. 'theres been a disturbance in the force'.... even from early nodes from where previously i would barely lose any protection im now having to bring out a real decent team for node 6..... yesterday i finished but for first time in a loooong time node 11 (i still got easy node 12) took several teams in roster to finish off... today im still at node 9 and im facing full team of lvl 83s where x3 is gXI and x2 is gX... not finished it yet as still trying to work on best strat considering several nodes to go

    Point im making is i believe this is the calm before the storm.. its not exactly as bad as initial mod release but soon it will be kicking out lvl 85 toons with full suite of new raid gear which considering AAT set up will be a fair way away for many people..

    If its not happened to you yet and you was comfortable in gw like i was till start of today its coming... part of me likes the challenge in GW for once but its only going to get worse as gear/lvl gap widens...

    This kinda reflects my experience today in GW. Ate up 25 of my toons, including 23 of 25 of my TM pre-loaded teams (from the first 5 nodes) and a couple of bench warmers. I managed to win today because 4 of my bench warmers (including a level 55 G7 Asajj) have stuns and were able to stunlock Fives and kill him. If it weren't for the easy node 12, I wouldn't have made it.

    So I suspect I'm nearing the point where GW will be statistically impossible to beat for a while until I get to level 85 and start gearing up with the AAT gear.
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