Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    34.5k of Arena power

    Last few days node 12 has been EP, Rey, either RG or CP, Darth Vader, Luminara or Barriss. Fortunately I had 4 or 5 teams to run at it. Saving grace today was JKA. I had removed EP's protection previously, and JKA would power up with each defeat and smack him HARD. 6* EP 81/82 maxed, full health no protection and Annie knocked him down to almost half health in one hit. And My JKA is only 70, 5* g8, NO Omegas. :) Can't wait for him to really be geared.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    34.5k of Arena power

    Last few days node 12 has been EP, Rey, either RG or CP, Darth Vader, Luminara or Barriss. Fortunately I had 4 or 5 teams to run at it. Saving grace today was JKA. I had removed EP's protection previously, and JKA would power up with each defeat and smack him HARD. 6* EP 81/82 maxed, full health no protection and Annie knocked him down to almost half health in one hit. And My JKA is only 70, 5* g8, NO Omegas. :) Can't wait for him to really be geared.

    I have him at G10 level 82 all omegas - there's a thread/post about him under "Feedback character" - he almost seems nerfed since update and rarely gains offence up for the team like he used to pre-update. If anything (if find anyway) 90% of the time he gets a call out against him.

    I fought a Dooku lead team and used resckless assault - no offence for my team, Ani got called out and all Dooku's team evaded granting offence up to the entire opposing team - well that backfired!!!

    I find him very hit or miss since the update, because I am sure this is a way the game will force more gear levelling and get to 85 where he will be working as intended - but now he seems nerfed.

    However, he doesn't seem bad when I auto play my battles - perhaps its an AI thing??
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    Boo wrote: »
    34.5k of Arena power

    Last few days node 12 has been EP, Rey, either RG or CP, Darth Vader, Luminara or Barriss. Fortunately I had 4 or 5 teams to run at it. Saving grace today was JKA. I had removed EP's protection previously, and JKA would power up with each defeat and smack him HARD. 6* EP 81/82 maxed, full health no protection and Annie knocked him down to almost half health in one hit. And My JKA is only 70, 5* g8, NO Omegas. :) Can't wait for him to really be geared.

    I have him at G10 level 82 all omegas - there's a thread/post about him under "Feedback character" - he almost seems nerfed since update and rarely gains offence up for the team like he used to pre-update. If anything (if find anyway) 90% of the time he gets a call out against him.

    I fought a Dooku lead team and used resckless assault - no offence for my team, Ani got called out and all Dooku's team evaded granting offence up to the entire opposing team - well that backfired!!!

    I find him very hit or miss since the update, because I am sure this is a way the game will force more gear levelling and get to 85 where he will be working as intended - but now he seems nerfed.

    However, he doesn't seem bad when I auto play my battles - perhaps its an AI thing??

    The "focus group" must have complained he was too potent. Meh, I like building quirky teams even if they are just support teams for GW. LOL
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    One thing I find funny is that my node 12 has stayed easy even though I am at 45k and I have seen people shoare arena teams with 49-50k in fact someone in my shard has an imagundi/ani/aayla/fives/fisto all g11 lvl 85 50k power, thats more than 110% than my arena power.
    46k still gives easy node 11
    im almost there
  • Akeron
    104 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    tRRRey wrote: »
    @Akeron because sometimes that's all it takes, did you see my recent GW run? :smile:
    Yeah, I saw it. Maybe I should be more like you and throw huddles of money into the game. That'll make it easier indeed.
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    I run my weak loser healers/aoe team through all the easy nodes, my A and B arena teams on the hard ones, and I unleash my Palpatine team on nodes 11 and 12, and clean up any mess with my leftover toons. Galactic War will be even easier once I get my droid, ewok, jawa, and wiggs teams ready. I was going to complain not winning like everyone, but I brushed the dust off my 5* Palapatine and 6* Vader and modded and geared them out while continuing to develop my other teams. That has been the game changer for me.
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    I am so **** **** off right now. I'm stuck on node 9. Again. Why the blue hell aren't the developers changing this crap? The majority of the fan base hates this boring **** repetitive horse ****. Every **** day I spend over a hour getting frustrated at a **** **** game. Change Galactic War or my whale **** is going to find another game. Months of this frustrating **** is long enough.

    ****. How stupid do you have to be EA? Listen to your customers. Change. Galactic. War. Or. Say. Bye. To. My. Money.
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    Ok, so I rarely post, but I found this to be incredible today... I have been doing GW for ever now and rarely fail to complete it. I know it is a time sink, but that is part of grind games. However, today I had the usual 3, 6, 9, and 11 nodes that challenge my toons and eliminate some of them and make it challenging, but then I reached node 12 and I faced a level 85 team (I am level 83 as of yesterday). The team strength was 50407... that is 7000 points higher than my A squad... I was destroyed.... I didn't even eliminate one opponent. This isn't a challenge, it is impossible. Maxed out EP, Vader, B2, RG and a 4 star, Gear 11 shoretrooper. Absolutely crazy.

  • Akeron
    104 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I've been fighting level 85 teams in the last node ever since I got to level 82 (I'm 83 now). That's my everyday GW for you, and that's completely **** It looks like EA wants us to buy practicality. It's ludicrous.
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    Im lvl 69 and there is a single lvl 81 on my last node. I thought it was meant to be hard, not impossible. Honestly @whoever designs this carp, YOU ARE FREAKING FRUSTRATING. Come at me... Pathetic... I love the game and thats about it, not one single thing praise worthy has there ever been about ea so far from my 2 months in swgoh.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Pushed fives and akbar to g11 alongside aayla rg sthan for a longwinded arena win against a counter kedi team. Lets see if i get node 11 easy again
  • Jfradette
    13 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I don't know why EA can't figure out a simple balanced algorithm for GW. Today I am faced with a node 12 team with 50877 power, all level 85 of course. After 11 previous fights and losing a few Toons to get that far how is it even a challenge to end up facing a final team like that? I have been playing this game for months now and GW has been all over the place. Can't EA just apply a simple formula to make each progressive battle a little tougher each step of the way up based on what a players overall power is? Nodes 6 and 9 are typically way over powered as well.
    My very best team is just over 45000 and to go from 45000 up to 50000 is a massive difference in the game.
    This won't be the first time I've not been able to complete GW so I'm not going to lose sleep over but I look forward to the day when GW is designed using old math because this new math they are using isn't working. :)

    P.S. Don't forget to carry the 1.
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    Pre-load every turn meter on toons that you know you are going to use so every node would just be a breeze. I too have been meeting these over 50k squads but with ease so i'd rather give EA/CG my absolute appreciation because GW has been boring these past few months.
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    Id rather fight every node at 2k arena strength. And be all done in minutes. Its a drag. I do 20minutes now. If its not done.i quit. And start the next gw the next day. Its to time consuming for measley rewards.
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    Today was my first GW after update. I know that I don't have enough samples, just 24 battles, but I've got feeling that dodge is much more. it is strange also that my hardest nodes was evasion teams with Lumi and OldBen, but not typical Wiggs. And dodge is not just when I hit - it is total. At node 12, Old Ben Lead, I used 2 teams to kill 3 of toons and for my third there are just OB and Barris left. I use OB as lead too and it is just ridiculous - how can I kill toon when I cannot hit it - they made about 0 damage to me. For all battles I don't have even one time triple hit of Wiggs to hit three times - always at least one dodges. I think that for first time I saw all 3 hits of Leia to dodge...
    Do you have same experience?
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Mm did not easy it out and got a harder node too
    2 teams for that node
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    This is so upsetting. I've been doing my best with GW and trying all the strategies I can find, things posted here and great advise from my guild. I'm lvl 83, with 31 seven star characters, arena between 120-85. I've been playing since February. I'm not new to this game. However, ever since the 85 lvl update things are insane. I'm facing IMPOSSIBLE teams. Those teams could easily are ranked top 5 on my server. Seriously. It's getting frustrating. Specially on Tuesdays GW days. I understand challenge. Really, that's why I still play this game. But spending 1/2 an hour trying to beat a node on a mobile game (and losing), is not fun. I already have to do my daily shore of AAT raid (which BTW tier 6 lasted 18 days on my guild).... I think it's demanding TOOO much time and not fun spent time. If it was fun, I wouldn't be here ranting about it... I would've been playing.
    I hate GW!!!
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    183 pages or ranting I think this qualifies as a social experiment now. Someone let Stanford know.

    I beat GW daily pm me if u want to know some good strategies.
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    Well...they've done it again. GW was back to being somewhat balanced before the update. Post-update theyve completely thrown it out of whack again.

    Truly unbelievable. They are really testing everyone's patience with this game now. They just seem intent on driving away the player base.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm getting the **** opponents again, this is so much fun.

    Let's see, EP lead with 9693 power, Sun Fac with 9918, Fives 10131, Aayla 9839, RG 10388, so in total a little shy of 50k. My top five are 43365 it seems, time to start putting back effort there. Of course I'm still lvl 83 with them, so going to get a few points there eventually.

    Am I enjoying this? Not at all, but it's something that _must be completed_. It's like most of this game, it's something that _must be completed_. If it wasn't Star Wars themed, I'm quite sure majority of the players would have left already.

    Me? I'm a sucker, but I'm not stoopid; not a dime incoming from me.

    Edit: Can't believe there's a filter on that??
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    I'm now seeing "real" battles as opposed to joke / low-gear and low-star enemies on Node 12. Doesn't phase me though, because I have decent tactics and a good roster.
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    Absolute Crocked nonsence by the developers this, it's blatant greed to squeeze the mid level player, fake teams, that don't even act as there moded, it is nothing but a cheap sham now...
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    Naw wrote: »
    I'm getting the **** opponents again, this is so much fun.

    Let's see, EP lead with 9693 power, Sun Fac with 9918, Fives 10131, Aayla 9839, RG 10388, so in total a little shy of 50k. My top five are 43365 it seems, time to start putting back effort there. Of course I'm still lvl 83 with them, so going to get a few points there eventually.

    Am I enjoying this? Not at all, but it's something that _must be completed_. It's like most of this game, it's something that _must be completed_. If it wasn't Star Wars themed, I'm quite sure majority of the players would have left already.

    Me? I'm a sucker, but I'm not stoopid; not a dime incoming from me.

    Edit: Can't believe there's a filter on that??

    Lol yeah man I don't think most people are enjoying this. I'd say the ratio is 30 people to 1 with who is really hating GW and who actually doesn't mind it. And that's all they're trying to do is sucker people into spending money. Not a dime coming from here either.

    I'm not too sure who is running their whole marketing scheme either. Because it's not like you can spend 10 bucks and BOOM you can get past node 11 (that's usually as far as I get). It's more like "hey if you spend $100 there's a chance you may get the characters you need to get past node 11, but then node 12 will bend you over like a prison inmate". I bet if they made it aggravating like it is but $10 got you the appropriate team 8/10 of us would suck it up and actually do it. They could pull that crap every few months and we'd probably all bite.

    All I see here is complaints, myself including in giving them. All my guild does is talk about how awful GW is, anyone else I know who plays this game hates it... it's just trash. And don't worry, when you finally grind your way into having a decent team a few new character will be released to bend that team over backwards as well. EA doesn't care and eventually the allure of this being a Star Wars game will wear off and it'll drop numbers fast.... Between GW and that god awful new raid (seriously I take a 20 minute crap when the tank attacks and he's maybe done when I'm finished) I really am hoping for the best with ships.....

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    Sorry but to players who aren't top 100 and just building a team the GW's are impossible!! I haven't completed one in months and only 4 in total. You build your team but the rounds keep getting harder. Just a thought but shouldn't you have to complete a GW before it gets tougher!! Give us a chance at least...on a good day I don't make it past box 9, today it was box 6!!
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    I don't hate anyone except EA games. They tweak and mess with stuff and it screws some of us over. There Is very little consistency with this game.

    Actually it's CG games, EA obviously went with the lowest bidder. Don't get me wrong, EA has bungled games in the past, but they may have hired a company to make themselves look better
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    djvita wrote: »
    Pushed fives and akbar to g11 alongside aayla rg sthan for a longwinded arena win against a counter kedi team. Lets see if i get node 11 easy again

    Must be nice.

    I'm at level 82 (almost at 83). I have 6 teams with a doable 7th team in reserve.

    I gave up on node 12 weeks ago now, but was getting to node 11 at least everyday - now that is starting to become a stretch.
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    I don't hate anyone except EA games. They tweak and mess with stuff and it screws some of us over. There Is very little consistency with this game.

    Actually it's CG games, EA obviously went with the lowest bidder. Don't get me wrong, EA has bungled games in the past, but they may have hired a company to make themselves look better

    Non matter. If they put their initials on the game, it's their fault. They pull the purse strings so they can choose to have it corrected. So no matter what EA games is to blame.
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    Before this last update I used to finish GW every day. Took almost all I had, and I had to be careful about my strategy to do it (using top teams on the nodes 6, 9, 11 and 12, other teams for the rest). But man, lately it's been nuts. Node nine is a killer, and by the time I beat 11, I have nothing left for 12...which is always a good 10 to 20 percent stronger than mine. Ouch. Not cool.
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    My whole guild is facing teams that wipe out almost half our roster and that is generally node 6, 9, and 12. Can you guys please fix your algorithm for how you match teams up against us? It isn't fair. Our guild is losing people who are leaving the game because you guys are sucking the fun out of it. Please fix this.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    ogre2005 wrote: »
    Before this last update I used to finish GW every day. Took almost all I had, and I had to be careful about my strategy to do it (using top teams on the nodes 6, 9, 11 and 12, other teams for the rest). But man, lately it's been nuts. Node nine is a killer, and by the time I beat 11, I have nothing left for 12...which is always a good 10 to 20 percent stronger than mine. Ouch. Not cool.

    I'm in the exact same boat as you. It's a joke.

    Why the Devs/CG or EA has not seriously addressed this issue is beyond me - to them it's working as intended.

    Ya right!
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