Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    My node 12 today is EP lead, sun fac, RG, Elder, and shoretrooper. How the heck does anyone manage to beat this team? So many taunts to get through, and if you kill one, elder revives him, all in the time that EP is stunning and shocking you.
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    Honestly GW is just not a fun part of the game. If you're f2p and you grind to get a solid team you get rewarded by facing multiple teams past your best teams power making it near impossible to finish. Testing your rosters "depth" is the joke excuse used to try and frustrate players into going from f2p to p2p. Yeah you need depth, but depth means multiple players at max lvls geared out to gets X. If you're trying to gear up you're first team to help your guild in raids this presents a problem. Either focus on one team so you can do well in raids or you try to bring up multiple teams for GW. If you're f2p like I am my recommendation is to just not deal with the aggravation. Just try the tough teams a couple times then wait for tomorrow to restart because EA has no desire to change GW at the current moment. Try to dominate in some raids, gear up your A team then trickle down to the B and C eventually.
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    Cm3Po wrote: »
    My node 12 today is EP lead, sun fac, RG, Elder, and shoretrooper. How the heck does anyone manage to beat this team? So many taunts to get through, and if you kill one, elder revives him, all in the time that EP is stunning and shocking you.

    That's a hard team for sure, but if you have the proper gear to match up compared to them, there are tactics that beat it (there are tactics to beat any set up). That team doesn't have a lot of damage. Stun lock EP, kill EE first, then EP. The other three aren't a threat to kill you. You can control taunts with dispells, buff block (B2), and AOE (like Lando). Protect your squishies with your own taunters. It's plenty doable, as long as you're pre-loading TM and not completely outmatched gear/stats wise.
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    It's fuckingg pointless when you come up against EP led team on the last node.EA want you to spend a fortune to upgrade to beat it but reality is you won't ever win. FUCCKK EA and their greedy asss approach this game is now purely pay to win which is **** shame. Greedy counts.
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    I am just wondering - are all teams real (from Arena)? Sometimes I face a really strange teams...
  • Djbz
    251 posts Member
    pargame wrote: »
    I am just wondering - are all teams real (from Arena)? Sometimes I face a really strange teams...
    Not entirely sure.
    There is a point between the weak last node and the crazy powerful last node where you basically only fight tanks with massive health pools as apparently HP and protection are the highest contributors to "power"
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    Cm3Po wrote: »
    My node 12 today is EP lead, sun fac, RG, Elder, and shoretrooper. How the heck does anyone manage to beat this team? So many taunts to get through, and if you kill one, elder revives him, all in the time that EP is stunning and shocking you.

    That's a hard team for sure, but if you have the proper gear to match up compared to them, there are tactics that beat it (there are tactics to beat any set up). That team doesn't have a lot of damage. Stun lock EP, kill EE first, then EP. The other three aren't a threat to kill you. You can control taunts with dispells, buff block (B2), and AOE (like Lando). Protect your squishies with your own taunters. It's plenty doable, as long as you're pre-loading TM and not completely outmatched gear/stats wise.

    Killing ee first is almost always the wrong move, stun locking ep yea good luck with that unless u get really lucky with b2 buff immunity

    It's actually not that hard to deal with that team once u figure out the mechanics.
    I'll give u a hint, a particular old school deck works especially well on it - with b2
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    Ran against fully geared, maxed out, lvl 85 whale team:

    Palpatine (L)
    Sun Fac
    Stormtrooper Han
    Ewok Elder

    I have played every day since launch. My roster is as good as F2P gets. I blew all my viable characters (~30) and even shuffled around the mods from team to team. Didn't manage to kill even one character. I enjoy challenge, but what's the point of this? Is literally impossible supposed to be fun?
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    Cm3Po wrote: »
    My node 12 today is EP lead, sun fac, RG, Elder, and shoretrooper. How the heck does anyone manage to beat this team? So many taunts to get through, and if you kill one, elder revives him, all in the time that EP is stunning and shocking you.

    @Cm3Po My n12 was almost the same, except I had St Han instead of RG. I brought EP, QGJ, RG, and Wiggs. I dispelled Shore immediately, shocked St Han, took down EE first, and managed to prevail. At the end it was just my half health Palps against Fun Sac with partial protection, head to head. Palpie owned that bug, it was awesome.
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    Ran against fully geared, maxed out, lvl 85 whale team:

    Palpatine (L)
    Sun Fac
    Stormtrooper Han
    Ewok Elder

    I have played every day since launch. My roster is as good as F2P gets. I blew all my viable characters (~30) and even shuffled around the mods from team to team. Didn't manage to kill even one character. I enjoy challenge, but what's the point of this? Is literally impossible supposed to be fun?

    How many GWs have you ever lost?

    Good point. Not too many. Guess that's why it stings that much harder hitting an immovable object like this.
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    Galactic war rewards are not rewarding as f2p players progress through the game. We have credit crunch, gear crunch and even mod crunch. How are we going to improve on our characters when there are so many objectives in game? Sure, you can have it for the p2p players with deep roster, why cant EA make two different tiers for galactic wars, just like raids? at least, we stand a chance to get some war tokens and improve our rosters.
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    Really wish they gave out a a random mod 3* - 5* after completing GW.
  • Akeron
    104 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    It's funny how everytime something goes wrong with one of this game features, some arrogant kid shows up saying "You're playing it wrong. You just have to be more like me and you'll be fine! In the meantime, suck it up and DO NOT COMPLAIN...". Man...
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    Cm3Po wrote: »
    My node 12 today is EP lead, sun fac, RG, Elder, and shoretrooper. How the heck does anyone manage to beat this team? So many taunts to get through, and if you kill one, elder revives him, all in the time that EP is stunning and shocking you.

    B2 sinks their battleship.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Node 12 is one thing but when you're facing lvl83 g11 Wiggs, Lando, Ani, and QGJ on Node 9, that's ridiculous. 20K basic attacks and back to back AoE's wiped out my GW A-team. GW simply is not fun anymore. It's an irritating, frustrating, miserable chore.
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    Increased rewards for harder nodes would be great.
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    No it wouldn't. Once again you giving the top 1% more rewards to grow and leaving the f4p and small guys unable to get needed items to get bigger. This system is backwards in general. The top guys continuously get the gear the bottom guys it takes a month to upgrade 1 toon. ****.
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    This a part of this fabulous game that's getting to me.
    I'm finding it hard to progress.
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    Having said that, I'm probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer so fair enough.
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    pargame wrote: »
    I am just wondering - are all teams real (from Arena)? Sometimes I face a really strange teams...

    I don't think most of the teams are real. I saw a team with shoretrooper before anyone could have him. I also saw tie pilot. And then there's the random teams led by RG or JKG or other fandoms with no leader skill let alone the fact that nobody would ever use them for anything. Haha.
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    I dont play this garbage anymore. EA can keep their 500k credits each day
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    To put things in to perspective, 7 poor souls had their lives taken earlier this week in a tram crash in my home town of Croydon.
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    Yep and we're still getting screwed by EA! They're in a better place. May they haunt EA developers and admin.
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    Same as EventineElessedil's:

    I'm level 82, mostly F2P (spent under 50 bucks until now). But I think that's irrelevant: this squad I'm facing is 50K, and my best Arena squad is 42K. I have quite literally 0 chances of beating this team. I wonder what the devs are planning when they change the game this way.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    FK_ wrote: »
    Same as EventineElessedil's:

    I'm level 82, mostly F2P (spent under 50 bucks until now). But I think that's irrelevant: this squad I'm facing is 50K, and my best Arena squad is 42K. I have quite literally 0 chances of beating this team. I wonder what the devs are planning when they change the game this way.
    I'm afraid, the plan of the devs is, that GW is NOT beatable for everyone, just like not everyone is able to win rank 1 in arena (due to not having the current meta-chars or just to slow mods - i dont count bad luck in rng, since it looks like, everytime we fight an AI controlled player-squad, we all have "bad luck" all the time ;) ).
    And if im right, than this is really a terrible decision by the devs, because credits are so rare and with making gw that hard, it slows player down who try to catch up, while players on the top still progress at "normal" speed.
    IMO they can make gw as hard as it is like now, but then, they have to reduce the credits income trough gw and higher it on any (easy) other place (lightside/darkside battle, cantina battle, daily credit-events, cad bane-challenge, whatever ...)
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    I was gunna spend some money today on game. But no point. Not going to get no where. Gw just getting harded each day. Just cant be botherd. Ill still play game. But i go the slower way. Ha
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    Just got a lvl 80 team on node 12:

    Count Dooku (Leader)
    Genosian soldier
    Poggie the lesser

    All 7*, max gear...

    I´m lvl 66 btw

    EA, please rebalanse this ****, sometimes its just ****...
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Akeron wrote: »
    It's funny how everytime something goes wrong with one of this game features, some arrogant kid shows up saying "You're playing it wrong. You just have to be more like me and you'll be fine! In the meantime, suck it up and DO NOT COMPLAIN...". Man...

    @Akeron because sometimes that's all it takes, did you see my recent GW run? :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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