Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Akeron
    104 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Hey guys, it's me (again), I came here to share some of my recent (bad) experience at GW (again). I don't know why I do it,cause the DEVS don't give a rat's asss about it, but it makes my frustration ease up a little bit when I see that this is not just me. I'm a level 83 for Pete's sake, and I'm struggling so hard to complete the GW in a daily basis that it is totally surreal! This activity has become a pay to win garbage. If you're not a P2P whale you're plainly screwed right in the buttocks.

    Today I've faced the following challenges:
    *a level 83 team right off the bat in the 6th node (Rey, GS team)
    *another 83 team in the 9th node (Wiggs combo)
    *another 84 team in the 11th node (Palpatine team)
    *Finally, a level 85 team in the 12th node. This f..... guy ==>

    I mean, the nerve on these developers to make us go through something like that? How are we supposed to cope with it? How are we supposed to beat all those guys and then take a rank 1 P2P whale at the very last node??? I don't know about you but I have never came under 35th place in the Arena (ever), how am I supposed to take on a rank 1??? This is not a joke, this is plain bull****.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm ok with something difficult, but they have made it nearly impossible. I'm so mad right now I'm thinking about quitting the game after investing so much time in it. This is just not fun anymore. Someone has screwed the algorithm up and should be fired on the spot, and then have his/hers eyes eaten by maggots while listening to that Walking Dead song they've used to torture Daryl.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    @Akeron A little extreme mate - but I do understand your frustrations. I am in the same boat. My goal each day is to make it to node 12 - maybe not beat it, but make it there.

    If I ever get to the point where I cannot buy 2 sets of shards with GW tokens each day - bye bye SWGOH.

    You are right, unless you are P2P, bought the extra energy to get you to level 85 already and purchasing gear left right and centre, GW is impossible.

    It sucks and EA/DEVS/CG should definitely do something about it, instead of stating it is "working as intended" (which it clearly isn't) - it is out of your control. No sense getting upset about something that is out of your control - you aren't supposed to win anymore. Just adjust your thinking on the issue. If you ever manage to beat GW - its a treat!
  • EventineElessedil
    6171 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Okay guys, let's talk about droids. I've been hearing a long time that a droid team will crush the GW table. So I finally (after 11 months of daily SWGOH) got around to building a team and deployed them on the GW to see how they would do.
    CONCLUSION: They do indeed, very much rock the GW table. To be more specific, even my underdeveloped clankers can clear multiple nodes with ease, taking the pressure off my better squads to concentrate on the difficult nodes.

    Want to know more? Read on.

    My squad is the main three plus jawas: HK-47(L), IG-88, IG-86, Chief Nebit, Jawa Engineer
    You can see, gear levels are not that high. 47 & 86 are the only ones at gIX, and 88 is only gVII. They do have mods, but mostly of the unleveled variety.

    My Top5 power level is 44123 with a highest Arena power of 43336, as listed in my guild ranking. I used the droid squad (total power 31344) to beat nodes 1-4, 7&8. They could have beat N5, but I wanted to TM charge another squad to make short work of N6. Hey, I did want to make sure I beat the table!
    N1: 25831, easy all Jedi warm-up, droids took no damage with JE going first Akq1g7K.png N2: 26840, more Jedi with Luke lead z10pGf4.png N3: 30113, another all Jedi team, this one approaching the droid squad power, but still easy d9UNaP6.png N4: 26223, no issues here kdPfFkf.png N5: 26644, still no trouble, but brought in Empire team to load TM in case there were problems later I30NjpB.png N6: 40835, I tried, but my droids were no match for this squad, so Empire cleared this one. RSnBXL4.png N7: 32647. How are my droids doing? JE struggling to survive, but they handled this one as well. Dropped Yoda first TYgRlUs.pngDpOATMK.png N8: 33240. Kylo lead? Okay ... get 'em boys. They did.tT3uOoR.png

    From this point, my droids were outclassed. But almost my entire bench was full power. The downside was my other squads weren't TM loaded, and that could have lead to unnecessary losses later on. The final four nodes were between 37-49.6k, out of reach for this squad.
    N9: 43024, a worthy contender. crwkBvr.png N10: 37007, a full jawa squad! I tried the droids, that didn't work at all. zljNJ0v.png N11: 44755, interesting squad rpAcTib.png N12: 49575, no easy 12 for me today. After 4 retreats, I found a Palpatine squad that worked. Lost everyone but Palps, who ended up going toe-to-toe with Fun Sac. SF had major protection advantage on EP, but Palps owned him with Shock, Stun, and Hate. 7Drchhp.png0cgTfuB.png

    Power levels as a percentage of Top5 power for this GW fell right in the expected range: JeGqSsf.png

    Power levels as a percentage of Arena power (43336) did not match the expected very well: FRTPPWe.png It was interesting to see the recorded node power come in below the expected, hadn't seen that before. My last Arena win was at 42106; using that level would push the actuals way over the expected. Either way, Arena power doesn't fit as well as Top5.

    CONCLUSION: Get droids, make GW easy for yourself.
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    Toons to invest in that destroy the table:

    1.) Droids + jawas

    I don't have a Droid team so I can't say from experience, but from what my guild-mates tell me is a full Droid team with maybe a few subs is all you need to demolish gw daily

    - hk47
    - ig88
    - ig86
    - jawa engineer
    - Chief Nebit
    - b2
    - rg

    2.) Rebels + Dps

    With these toons you'll easily run through the whole thing without breaking a sweat. I use variations of these to get through it with minimal casualties, and little time.

    - wedge
    - biggs
    - lando
    - sth
    - rey
    - Palp
    - gs
    - jka
    - qgj

    >These are what I use everyday.<

    *Wedge, biggs, lando, rey, jka
    *Palp, wedge, biggs, jka, rey
    *Jka, qgj, rey, gs, palp
    *Lando, wedge, biggs, jka, rey
    *Palp, qgj, rey, gs, lando
    ..Etc etc etc...
    *sub in sth for tough nodes*

    3.) jedi

    Jedi aren't seen as top tier in most cases, but teams of these guys can help tons in gw. On tougher nodes a good counter team can open up a path for your arena team to rip through it.

    - igd
    - aayla
    - jka
    - yoda
    - qgj
    - ben
    - Ashoka
    - rg
    - 5s

    There are plenty of other ways you can get through gw, but these are the best ways to my knowledge.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    ive been investing in tie fighter pilot and paired with palp lead they can clear nodes 1-5 7 8 10 on their own
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    I couldn't help but chuckle.


    A first since Lugal Kelim, who was at least beatable, and my first GW loss since I was mid-60's and pitched against an all 70 team on the third node many months ago. I'm not kidding when I say this squad is impossible.

    My top five toons have a combined power of over 45.5k, so I'm going to win an arena match with them before resetting GW tomorrow.

    To be fair, I'd only be short of 70k credits and 400 tokens every day (a non-issue since I've nearly 7*ed RP) but the idea of ending my GW campaigns by merely burning through my roster so I can reset doesn't appeal to me.

    WAI, I presume.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    Direct link to the image on a TinyURL page:
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    About ready to call it quits myself. I've beaten gw once or twice since the new update. And each time I level up (now 83) I'm rewarded with GW multiplying in difficulty. Where's the incentive to level up if it just makes the game harder? And I understand and appreciate people putting in their input about farming droid/jawa teams etc but the bottom line is if you're f2p or even spend a little bit here and there to farm those teams and gear then will take months. Should a player really have to wait months? All the while leveling up actually makes it harder.

    Man I used to like the old format, face some teams - use some strategy and then really plan for those last two tough teams. This new format is garbage, there's multiple complaints daily with no fixes. What a waste.
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    Okay guys, let's talk about droids. I've been hearing a long time that a droid team will crush the GW table. So I finally (after 11 months of daily SWGOH) got around to building a team and deployed them on the GW to see how they would do.
    CONCLUSION: They do indeed, very much rock the GW table. To be more specific, even my underdeveloped clankers can clear multiple nodes with ease, taking the pressure off my better squads to concentrate on the difficult nodes.

    Want to know more? Read on.

    My squad is the main three plus jawas: HK-47(L), IG-88, IG-86, Chief Nebit, Jawa Engineer
    You can see, gear levels are not that high. 47 & 86 are the only ones at gIX, and 88 is only gVII. They do have mods, but mostly of the unleveled variety.

    My Top5 power level is 44123 with a highest Arena power of 43336, as listed in my guild ranking. I used the droid squad (total power 31344) to beat nodes 1-4, 7&8. They could have beat N5, but I wanted to TM charge another squad to make short work of N6. Hey, I did want to make sure I beat the table!
    N1: 25831, easy all Jedi warm-up, droids took no damage with JE going first Akq1g7K.png N2: 26840, more Jedi with Luke lead z10pGf4.png N3: 30113, another all Jedi team, this one approaching the droid squad power, but still easy d9UNaP6.png N4: 26223, no issues here kdPfFkf.png N5: 26644, still no trouble, but brought in Empire team to load TM in case there were problems later I30NjpB.png N6: 40835, I tried, but my droids were no match for this squad, so Empire cleared this one. RSnBXL4.png N7: 32647. How are my droids doing? JE struggling to survive, but they handled this one as well. Dropped Yoda first TYgRlUs.pngDpOATMK.png N8: 33240. Kylo lead? Okay ... get 'em boys. They did.tT3uOoR.png

    From this point, my droids were outclassed. But almost my entire bench was full power. The downside was my other squads weren't TM loaded, and that could have lead to unnecessary losses later on. The final four nodes were between 37-49.6k, out of reach for this squad.
    N9: 43024, a worthy contender. crwkBvr.png N10: 37007, a full jawa squad! I tried the droids, that didn't work at all. zljNJ0v.png N11: 44755, interesting squad rpAcTib.png N12: 49575, no easy 12 for me today. After 4 retreats, I found a Palpatine squad that worked. Lost everyone but Palps, who ended up going toe-to-toe with Fun Sac. SF had major protection advantage on EP, but Palps owned him with Shock, Stun, and Hate. 7Drchhp.png0cgTfuB.png

    Power levels as a percentage of Top5 power for this GW fell right in the expected range: JeGqSsf.png

    Power levels as a percentage of Arena power (43336) did not match the expected very well: FRTPPWe.png It was interesting to see the recorded node power come in below the expected, hadn't seen that before. My last Arena win was at 42106; using that level would push the actuals way over the expected. Either way, Arena power doesn't fit as well as Top5.

    CONCLUSION: Get droids, make GW easy for yourself.

    Just wanted to point out there's two little flaws in that power graph, notably for node 9 and 10.

    node 9 and 10 are definitely above 100% for the simple fact that I have a guildy that gets easy nodes 9 thru 12, which wouldn't be possible if it's below 100%. So 9 and 10 should be above 100% with 9 being slightly higher than 10. (From personal experience since I have an easy node 9 but not 10 currently)

    Just for information sake, my logged arena power under guild tab is 52408, and the guildy who has 4 easy nodes is over 52700 when I checked if I remember correct
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    Well I cant figure out how to post a pic but dealing with a 51-52k power team with a shoretrooper wi 82k health on e last node just plain sucks
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    Akiraine wrote: »
    Okay guys, let's talk about droids. I've been hearing a long time that a droid team will crush the GW table. So I finally (after 11 months of daily SWGOH) got around to building a team and deployed them on the GW to see how they would do.
    CONCLUSION: They do indeed, very much rock the GW table. To be more specific, even my underdeveloped clankers can clear multiple nodes with ease, taking the pressure off my better squads to concentrate on the difficult nodes.

    Want to know more? Read on.

    My squad is the main three plus jawas: HK-47(L), IG-88, IG-86, Chief Nebit, Jawa Engineer
    You can see, gear levels are not that high. 47 & 86 are the only ones at gIX, and 88 is only gVII. They do have mods, but mostly of the unleveled variety.

    My Top5 power level is 44123 with a highest Arena power of 43336, as listed in my guild ranking. I used the droid squad (total power 31344) to beat nodes 1-4, 7&8. They could have beat N5, but I wanted to TM charge another squad to make short work of N6. Hey, I did want to make sure I beat the table!
    N1: 25831, easy all Jedi warm-up, droids took no damage with JE going first Akq1g7K.png N2: 26840, more Jedi with Luke lead z10pGf4.png N3: 30113, another all Jedi team, this one approaching the droid squad power, but still easy d9UNaP6.png N4: 26223, no issues here kdPfFkf.png N5: 26644, still no trouble, but brought in Empire team to load TM in case there were problems later I30NjpB.png N6: 40835, I tried, but my droids were no match for this squad, so Empire cleared this one. RSnBXL4.png N7: 32647. How are my droids doing? JE struggling to survive, but they handled this one as well. Dropped Yoda first TYgRlUs.pngDpOATMK.png N8: 33240. Kylo lead? Okay ... get 'em boys. They did.tT3uOoR.png

    From this point, my droids were outclassed. But almost my entire bench was full power. The downside was my other squads weren't TM loaded, and that could have lead to unnecessary losses later on. The final four nodes were between 37-49.6k, out of reach for this squad.
    N9: 43024, a worthy contender. crwkBvr.png N10: 37007, a full jawa squad! I tried the droids, that didn't work at all. zljNJ0v.png N11: 44755, interesting squad rpAcTib.png N12: 49575, no easy 12 for me today. After 4 retreats, I found a Palpatine squad that worked. Lost everyone but Palps, who ended up going toe-to-toe with Fun Sac. SF had major protection advantage on EP, but Palps owned him with Shock, Stun, and Hate. 7Drchhp.png0cgTfuB.png

    Power levels as a percentage of Top5 power for this GW fell right in the expected range: JeGqSsf.png

    Power levels as a percentage of Arena power (43336) did not match the expected very well: FRTPPWe.png It was interesting to see the recorded node power come in below the expected, hadn't seen that before. My last Arena win was at 42106; using that level would push the actuals way over the expected. Either way, Arena power doesn't fit as well as Top5.

    CONCLUSION: Get droids, make GW easy for yourself.

    Just wanted to point out there's two little flaws in that power graph, notably for node 9 and 10.

    node 9 and 10 are definitely above 100% for the simple fact that I have a guildy that gets easy nodes 9 thru 12, which wouldn't be possible if it's below 100%. So 9 and 10 should be above 100% with 9 being slightly higher than 10. (From personal experience since I have an easy node 9 but not 10 currently)

    Just for information sake, my logged arena power under guild tab is 52408, and the guildy who has 4 easy nodes is over 52700 when I checked if I remember correct

    Those are some amazing power levels. I suggest you don't need GW rewards to advance. Well done!

    At any rate, you're more than welcome to build your own power curve, but at 52k I doubt you can build a curve that would apply to the majority of the player base.
  • ogre2005
    83 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    I don't mind fighting tough teams; it SHOULD be a challenge. But what I do mind is the blatant cheating exhibited by the AI that makes any strategy you choose essentially worthless. Take today as an example.

    Last node. Facing a level 80 gear 11 full team with Phasma lead, Lumi, Rey, Royal Guard, and Leia. Not too bad, you might think. Think again.

    First - and I swear I counted and checked this - the team enjoyed a 100% bonus attack rate with Phasma's lead. At the most, this should be 20%, but it was every attack from every toon. In addition, every attack they launched was a crit, while none of mine were. And not only did I not crit, I didn't proc a single buff for my team that wasn't a guarantee (like Yoda's foresight), nor land a single debuff. No stuns, no exposures, no offense downs...nothing. So, because of the Phasma bonuses and Leia bonuses, the team was doing insane amounts of damage. The worst was a force blast from Lumi that did a whopping 22k points.

    And to top it all off, this happened EVERY TIME I fought that node, with 5 different teams. Granted, by the time I started with team three, they were toast and I knew it, but still; 100% free attacks, 100% crits. With five teams attacking, I didn't kill a single enemy or even seriously damage them.

    I don't care who your team is; you're not beating that. When the AI decides you're done for the day, you're done. Period.
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    ogre2005 wrote: »
    I don't mind fighting tough teams; it SHOULD be a challenge. But what I do mind is the blatant cheating exhibited by the AI that makes any strategy you choose essentially worthless. Take today as an example.

    Last node. Facing a level 80 gear 11 full team with Phasma lead, Lumi, Rey, Royal Guard, and Leia. Not too bad, you might think. Think again.

    First - and I swear I counted and checked this - the team enjoyed a 100% bonus attack rate with Phasma's lead. At the most, this should be 20%, but it was every attack from every toon. In addition, every attack they launched was a crit, while none of mine were. And not only did I not crit, I didn't proc a single buff for my team that wasn't a guarantee (like Yoda's foresight), nor land a single debuff. No stuns, no exposures, no offense downs...nothing. So, because of the Phasma bonuses and Leia bonuses, the team was doing insane amounts of damage. The worst was a force blast from Lumi that did a whopping 22k points.

    And to top it all off, this happened EVERY TIME I fought that node, with 5 different teams. Granted, by the time I started with team three, they were toast and I knew it, but still; 100% free attacks, 100% crits. With five teams attacking, I didn't kill a single enemy or even seriously damage them.

    I don't care who your team is; you're not beating that. When the AI decides you're done for the day, you're done. Period.

    You should have retreated when you first saw it going south, and then tried something a little different. All you did there was make it impossible for your other teams to win since the enemy team had tons of TM...

    (I'm assuming you let you first team get slaughtered instead of retreating, but I could be wrong and you could have retreated a couple of times. If so, just ignore this...)
    F2P - lvl 85 - July Shard - Primary Force Guild Force a Fide Guild -
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    Good advice, but yeah; I retreated and re-shuffled the team multiple times. Didn't matter. I accept that GW "cheats" some, but this was outrageous.
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    Yesterday was a new low, only completing 8 GW nodes. That is, until today when I only completed 5.

    A few months back, I would put it on auto through about node 10 and finish node 12 over 90% of the time. Then GW got a little harder and I had to put some thought into it, but would still run the table about 80% of the time.

    The last couple of weeks have been humbling, though. Are the developers **** about the election or something? Today's Node 6 opponent still had all five characters on green health after I threw my entire roster at them.

    I'll admit I didn't immediately catch on that they had 4 stunners plus Rey, so my Vader just stared up at the sky the whole time. I was waiting for a thought bubble to come out of his helmet.

    With 20/20 hindsight, maybe I could have put in Yoda for tenacity. But if I put in too many utility characters to counter their abilities, I'm giving up DPS slots. I'm just surprised they are pushing me to my limits before the midpoint of GW. Maybe the new normal is to ponder strategies and prepare all day for Node 6.

    I did manage to knock out their Rey, but their Daka brought her back. Their Daka was too strong to knock out before RG taunted. Meanwhile half my team is stunned while Daka heals and Rey is pounding me into the turf.

    Oh, and they had Dooku leading, so they dodged everything. I was thinking my Rey could at least triple hit their RG and knock out his protection. Whiff. Lumi whiff. Leia 1 for 2. Dude was like Mohamed Ali in a red mask. At least they didn't have an EP so I didn't have to hear him laughing at me...
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    I've played that same sort of team, and yeah; it's awful. Node six in recent weeks has gotten noticeably harder than before. And node nine is an absolute killer these days. I used to finish GW every day, often without too much difficult. Bit of planning, bit of retreating/retrying, but I'd finish. Now, though, with the last teams I'm facing it's essentially impossible.
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    Honestly, nowadays i barely try to finish GW anymore... Not because i can't, just the opposite, i can finish it, but the time it takes to do it, the retreats the strategy, changing teams and stuff... Man that's just a sad chore... Node 6 and 9 are simply frustrating. Not even my arena shard (and i'm on the top 10 everyday) is so hard as some of those GW teams... But i just got to the point i won't care losing 70-150k and some tokens per day in order to keep my sanity lol...
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    Is RNG screwing with me? Or WAI?

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    Slow clap for this game deciding they don't need a player base... It's a bold move let's see how it plays out, exsplains why there isn't a global chat service, they don't want players to know that 70% are ready to walk... Just great work all round...
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    Im facing level 85 teams with sun fac and max starred shoretroopers, its an f-ing joke. How boring does this mode really need to be!!!
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    I removed 13 people from my allies list as they have quit the game. CG really doesn't care about you. All the complaints haven't changed a thing so it's best to move on and speak with your wallet.

    I can still complete it but I have 5 geared teams and some days still struggle. When I can't complete it back to back days well that's when I leave and find another game that values it's player base.
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    These have probably already been covered but the head scratchers I run into during a GW match irk me to no end-

    Dodges and Deflects- One match had one opponent dodge/deflect an attack 9 times in a row..9 times... explain that one.
    Toons that revive- this evening, during a match with Boba Fett, he revived 6 times in a row, each time regaining 2 blocks of health until almost fully healed. I know for a fact my BF can't do that....
    Opposing teams who have level 1-2 mods, abilities not maxed out, levels around 70-73 but fight like level 10 mod, maxed abilities, level 85 indestructibles...

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    I had this problem also but it was explained to me that some toons are built to evade like lumi and her lead for example. Also the RNG is tuned to compensate for human V AI.

    Some times you win, my boba revived 6 times in a row V rancor. Rancor got annoyed and ate boba .

    Need to take the wins when you get them and except the losses from bad luck as they come. Cannot expect any game to be perfect. And after all , if the game was tuned so you win every time not many would play. I am not the lone soldier when I say, Its good to have challenges.
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    I'm not asking for an easy game; I'm trying to understand the logic and mechanics behind it. Like 5's countering 3 times with 2 bonus attacks and then attacking or Dooku countering 4 times off of 1 attack and then attacking 2 more times.

    For example, the revive I mentioned before- if it is a 30% percent chance to revive, what is that 30% based upon? Do all the stars amd planets have to align in galaxy 304b, but then it does it 6 times in a row, so the revive percentage isn't 30%, it's 3000%?
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    As soon as you are not able to do gw get out your cc. Spend at least 10K € and you should be safe for 3 days. You don't have the money ? Sell everything. Get your wife and daughters to "work". EA will appreciate it.

    No. Serious. Since i begun GoH i always bought the 21 day crystal pack. 9 days to go and i will not renew it because the gw disaster. Yes. GW is supposed to be hard at the last nodes. But they patched it to impossible for the casual player. If EA thinks they can milk the cow endlessly with patches destroying the fun (Hey, EA, a game is supposed to be fun, isn't it?) then answer with your closed purse. It's just that easy.

    The last weeks GW is more a nasty duty then fun. And that's the point for the majority of players.
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    I know its a dead horse but seriosly. Node 12 every character has maxed mods with at least 3 protection as main mods and 3 secondary protection with over a 1k value each. All my 5 star mods highest secondary protection value is like 580. Does anybody else have a killer protection secondary value
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    I couldn't help but chuckle.


    A first since Lugal Kelim, who was at least beatable, and my first GW loss since I was mid-60's and pitched against an all 70 team on the third node many months ago. I'm not kidding when I say this squad is impossible.

    My top five toons have a combined power of over 45.5k, so I'm going to win an arena match with them before resetting GW tomorrow.

    To be fair, I'd only be short of 70k credits and 400 tokens every day (a non-issue since I've nearly 7*ed RP) but the idea of ending my GW campaigns by merely burning through my roster so I can reset doesn't appeal to me.

    WAI, I presume.

    Pulled this team today but had EE swapped for B2. That was after my A squad got burned up on node 11. I ran one team just to see Shoretrooper in action. After they wasted my B squad, I'm not even going to bother with any others. WAI.
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    Facing a fully modded 52k squad on last node. Not gonna happen
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    I just finished my 10th node, and in the rewards I got 1 shard for RG. Usually after you complete the 12th node you get a random shard for somebody, this is my first time receiving a shard from a GW node other than the last one.
    Has anybody else noticed this?
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    That's happened to me from time to time. Usually 11th node, rarely 10th. It doens't happen often, but I've seen it happen, yes.
    Drop It Like It's xHOTHx
    In Game Name: E Chu Ta
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