Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    If you are not level 80+ you will have a tough time. Saying you cannot complete the 6th node tells me your roster isn't up to snuff yet. Just takes time although it is frustrating.

    There is a point at which GW becomes extremely hard. Really it's just a matter of levelling/gearing/expanding your roster. Everyone hits that wall at some point and everyone who sticks with it passes over that wall and completes it with ease.
    Until an update comes out and throws everything out of whack again.

    What gets me is how long this post is - and no responses from the Dev team.

    As 3PO would say - "How Rude"
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    What do you guys except the devs to say?

    It's meant to be hard.

    You are not meant to be able to complete everyday.

    Build up your roster better.

    Learn how to strategize your roster in order to have an easier time.


    Git gud?
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    GW is back to being way to hard! Why did it need to be updated it was challenging and sometimes I had to do a few restarts to get the right outcome for the battle and used a couple of different teams, but it could be done. Now I am using my entire roster and I am lucky to beat it. Lost on node 9 today!
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    Man I just came back to SW for like a month.. So much cool sheyet! But why would my qgj not get his assist that he asks for? I've played the same thing over and over.. Maybe a bug? I'm reseting the game see what happens..

    Sad we still have this GW problem of over powered nodes..

    'Like come. On!' Devs. CG and EA... Nove your moving on from this problem with more and more complex stuff.. But GW is still a huge issue..

    Come on.. ?!
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    It's not just gw... There at it all over, random op damage happening, skills not working... This update has managed to break pretty much all combat in the game, or its actually intentional and there looking to squeeze players... Oh look a crystal sale...
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    Still haven't lost a gw for the last 9 months

    I even have an alt account lv69, finishing it 50% of the time....

    I still don't know what you're talking about
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    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Still haven't lost a gw for the last 9 months

    I even have an alt account lv69, finishing it 50% of the time....

    I still don't know what you're talking about
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Still haven't lost a gw for the last 9 months

    I even have an alt account lv69, finishing it 50% of the time....

    I still don't know what you're talking about

    Why bother even commenting then? Congratulations your right an it's fine, no reason what's so ever this is the most viewed and commented thread on the site, but no body panic cause it's fine for him... Thanks for the input...
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Moicaliss wrote: »
    Still haven't lost a gw for the last 9 months

    I even have an alt account lv69, finishing it 50% of the time....

    I still don't know what you're talking about

    Yes, it's like poverty. I has moni, so it cannot be true.
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    Mullato wrote: »
    What do you guys except the devs to say?

    It's meant to be hard.

    You are not meant to be able to complete everyday.

    Build up your roster better.

    Learn how to strategize your roster in order to have an easier time.


    Git gud?

    Lol meant to be hard... The difficulty here isnt hard, its "occasionally impossible". GW is disgusting. Im here to bash devs as usual, cant be bothered to open a browser unless I wanna complain.
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    I don't expect the devs to say anything because I have yet to see a Dev that knows what they are doing. They need to hire a real developer and give us the game we deserve.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    If you are struggling with GW then get more healers or strong characters beyond your top 5. Ever since I figured out the retreat option I won over 30 in a row. Had a few rough days around 76 where I got stuck on 11 or 12, but that was it. Currently 79, and not having issues finishing it. Sometimes I have to tinker with things and retreat a few times to find an ideal set up where RNG is in my favor, but that's about it.

    Daka has been extremely helpful for me in particular, and is a very RNG dependent character so retreating and switching things up to change her RNG is helpful. All her stuns and resses can be invaluable and has gotten me through a lot of tough spots.
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    Mzee wrote: »
    If you are struggling with GW then get more healers or strong characters beyond your top 5. Ever since I figured out the retreat option I won over 30 in a row. Had a few rough days around 76 where I got stuck on 11 or 12, but that was it. Currently 79, and not having issues finishing it. Sometimes I have to tinker with things and retreat a few times to find an ideal set up where RNG is in my favor, but that's about it.

    Daka has been extremely helpful for me in particular, and is a very RNG dependent character so retreating and switching things up to change her RNG is helpful. All her stuns and resses can be invaluable and has gotten me through a lot of tough spots.

    So since your not having issues, then everything is hunky dorie. No, for 75% of players it is WAY TO HARD OR IMPOSSIBLE! Your doing nothing in your post except trying to pat yourself on the back.
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited November 2016

    It's fuckingg pointless when you come up against EP led team on the last node.EA want you to spend a fortune to upgrade to beat it but reality is you won't ever win. FUCCKK EA and their greedy asss approach this game is now purely pay to win which is **** shame. Greedy counts.

    You're mad - that's cool, but dude, the language...
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    So @EA_Jesse...we are up to 188 pages on this mega thread. And you guys continue to sit on your hands and do nothing beneficial to your player base. You continually keep tweaking the difficulty on GW to make it near impossible to finish unless you have at least 4 well geared teams. You offer no explanation at all as to why a level 83 is matched to a fully geared, fully modded whale team with toons only accessible by paying.
    You choose to ignore ideas to improve the system, ideas to rotate toons in the GW shop, and ignore ideas to increase rewards for higher levels to alleviate yet another credit crunch.
    I just need to know, outside of releasing patches, is there any attention paid to our feedback for a game tailored to the PLAYERS? Or are we wasting our breath and time posting to these increasingly useless forum topics. It seems if anyone ever proves you or the devs wrong they get suspended from posting or even banned. Your terms of use are disturbingly open allowing absolute authority by your mod team.
    Sorry to say but your team needs to be fired if you won't listen to us. We make this game what it is and if it's feasible for the well being of this game, perhaps you should listen to us. We fund this game. The more you ignore us, the more of us will leave and stop spending money. But keep cash grabbing for the select few and watch this game slowly burn away to nothing. Ships has been a nice relief of the **** that is EA/CG, but your greed will somehow corrupt it like all other aspects of the game.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    So @EA_Jesse...we are up to 188 pages on this mega thread. And you guys continue to sit on your hands and do nothing beneficial to your player base. You continually keep tweaking the difficulty on GW to make it near impossible to finish unless you have at least 4 well geared teams. You offer no explanation at all as to why a level 83 is matched to a fully geared, fully modded whale team with toons only accessible by paying.
    You choose to ignore ideas to improve the system, ideas to rotate toons in the GW shop, and ignore ideas to increase rewards for higher levels to alleviate yet another credit crunch.
    I just need to know, outside of releasing patches, is there any attention paid to our feedback for a game tailored to the PLAYERS? Or are we wasting our breath and time posting to these increasingly useless forum topics. It seems if anyone ever proves you or the devs wrong they get suspended from posting or even banned. Your terms of use are disturbingly open allowing absolute authority by your mod team.
    Sorry to say but your team needs to be fired if you won't listen to us. We make this game what it is and if it's feasible for the well being of this game, perhaps you should listen to us. We fund this game. The more you ignore us, the more of us will leave and stop spending money. But keep cash grabbing for the select few and watch this game slowly burn away to nothing. Ships has been a nice relief of the **** that is EA/CG, but your greed will somehow corrupt it like all other aspects of the game.

    well said and amen! DITTO!
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    Non matter. If they put their initials on the game, it's their fault. They pull the purse strings so they can choose to have it corrected. So no matter what EA games is to blame.

    Well in that case I will blame Disney and Lucasfilm.
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Since when did Galactic War stop automatically resetting?
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    I don't think it's ever been an automatic reset, I know that you have the option of resetting at the reset point (11PM EST I believe).
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    LVTrisha wrote: »

    Normally at midnight, if I've completed GW, it resets, and a new GW appears. Now, it doesn't, and I have to manually restart. I couldn't finish mine last night, and lost a day's worth of GW.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    I have had to restart it since inception.
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    LVTrisha wrote: »
    I have had to restart it since inception.

    Interesting. I've lost a bunch of GW battles because I didn't finish in time.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    LVTrisha wrote: »
    I have had to restart it since inception.

    Interesting. I've lost a bunch of GW battles because I didn't finish in time.

    Interesting... I've had the same GW open for a week on several occasions. Never had it automatically reset. Do you maybe have someone playing your account when your not?
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    LVTrisha wrote: »
    I have had to restart it since inception.

    Interesting. I've lost a bunch of GW battles because I didn't finish in time.

    Interesting... I've had the same GW open for a week on several occasions. Never had it automatically reset. Do you maybe have someone playing your account when your not?

    That's the only thing I can think of unless he has a buggy account?
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    I have 14 Toons 7 * and post the mods update GW had become frustratingly kinda bad. Random difficulty spikes in early stages specifically 6 and 9. I have beaten GW 46 times but most of that was before mods and other patches.

    It'd be nice if it you know gave you an easier run the more you lose it. I may not be a full F2p as I've played since the game came out and put about $20 in but the mode is clearly unbalanced when I have almost 3 full 7* teams plus at least 10+ more 6* Toons and the deepest I get now is the second last or last stage.
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    So my 9th node was level 83 7* phasma led team with Rey, RG, QGJ, and fives. Sounds doable, figured it would just take the right team or switching around of teams. No matter what combo I put in the first 5+ attaches (five was the minimum and I believe 8 was the max) had an enemy assist against my team. And QGJ was healing w/ each turn. Has anyone else ran into that? I didn't think he could do that, maybe a glitch. Also, the enemy team attached at least twice to my one attack from my team even if I used my Jedi team with qgj lead and none of them had any speed mods on.

    Doesn't seem like you can employ much strategy when a phasma led team is assisting about 100% of the time. Especially with Rey, she makes tanks look like little babies. And it's even bad when fives assists and hits you four times as well. Just seems fishy that their team is so much faster and assists so much more (seriously 5 was the minimum assists in a row that's crazy). And with RG stunning 100% of the time as well it was the last node I could get by.
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    I have been purposely battling only teams under 40k in arena in order to keep my gw from getting harder yet it i keep seeing higher and higher powered teams. Is there an official explanation of how matches are made so i know how to make it easier? I dont mind sacrificing arena in order to beat gw but i have to know how it works to do that. It seems the difficulty of gw outpaces me in upgrading my roster despite the fact i have not been battling harder teams in arena.
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    No and everyone tells you to upgrade the toons. Well now to upgrade toons you have to have equipment that you can't get unless you beat the tank raid. And it's unbeatable apparently. My teams been playing it since it started and we're just now 1/2 way through the second quarter. **** EA
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    Not ever one has a hard node 12 I've seen plenty of Screen shots with people way higher up the food chain than me getting 3* teams with green gear on node 12.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    Xeriel wrote: »
    Man I just came back to SW for like a month.. So much cool sheyet! But why would my qgj not get his assist that he asks for? I've played the same thing over and over.. Maybe a bug? I'm reseting the game see what happens..

    Sad we still have this GW problem of over powered nodes..

    'Like come. On!' Devs. CG and EA... Nove your moving on from this problem with more and more complex stuff.. But GW is still a huge issue..

    Come on.. ?!

    There is a post about the QGJ issue under the "Character Feedback" I believe. Others have noticed this issue.

    Apparently stunned team members can be called upon for the assist - hence being stunned they don't do anything.

    The Devs fixed this, now it seems to be back this way again - I do not know why.

    I am seeing this now on all characters that can call for assists, such as Fives, IG86, Biggs etc etc. This is terrible programming and should be returned to team members that are not stunned should assist.

    Having said all that - ya GW is terrible. I finally got around to accepting that I can get to but not beat node 12. Today I got a stupid hard node 6 that all my remaining teams limped their way to node 11. I could not even beat node 11 today - and I run 7 teams (all 7* gear 8-11 all modded and abilities maxed - minus the new zeta thing).

    Challenging is one thing, but GW is now officially ridiculous - we are now at page 189 of this post and the Devs don't seem to care one bit. Very poor.
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